Heeling Arm Definition

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Heeling arm definition

This section describes how to define heeling arms and is valid for both the parent heeling arms that can be cross
referenced into the heeling arm criteria, and for the Old heeling arm criteria where the heeling arm is specified for
each criterion separately.

There are several heeling arms that are used for the criteria. They are defined below.
General heeling arm
General heeling arm with gust
General cos+sin heeling arm
Passenger crowding
Lifting heeling
Towing heeling
Areas and levers
Important note: heeling arm criteria dependent on displacement

Also see the next section: Heeling arms for specific criteria - Note on unit conversion section on page 131.
When you are working with the parent heeling arms, make sure you copy them into a custom
heeling arms folder before editing them. Same as for the Parent criteria, the Parent heeling arms
will be reset to their default values each time you start up Hydromax.
General heeling arm
The general form of the heeling arm is given below:
is the heel angle,
is the magnitude of the heeling arm,
describes the shape of the curve.

Typically n=1 is used for passenger crowding and vessel turning since the horizontal lever for the passenger
transverse location reduces with the cosine of the heel angle. For wind n=2 is often used for heeling because both
the projected area as well as the lever decrease with the cosine of the heel angle. However, some criteria, such as
IMO Severe wind and rolling (weather criterion) have a heeling arm of constant magnitude, in this case n=0 should
be used.

Make sure you read Important note: heeling arm criteria dependent on displacement on page 131.
General heeling arm with gust
Some criteria require a Gust Ratio, this is the ratio of the magnitude of the wind heeling arm during a gust to the
magnitude of the wind heeling arm under steady wind.
Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes.

Both the steady and the gust heel arm have the same shape.

is the heel angle,
is the magnitude of the heeling arm,
describes the shape of the curve.

It should be noted, that in this case, the definition of gust ratio is the ratio of the heeling arms. Some criteria specify
the ratio of the wind speeds; if it is assumed that the wind pressure is proportional to the square of the wind seed,
the ratio of the heel arms will be the square of the ratio of the wind speeds.
General cos+sin heeling arm
Some criteria, notably lifting of weights, require a heeling arm with both a sine and cosine component:

It should be noted that provided the indices are both unity, the same heeling arm form may be used for computing
towing heeling arms of the form:
in this case a constant angle (in the case of towing, the angle of the tow above the horizontal) is included.

It may be shown that this is equivalent to:
, , and
Make sure you read Important note: heeling arm criteria dependent on displacement on page 131.
Passenger crowding heeling arm
The magnitude of the heel arm is given by:
is the number of passengers
is the average mass of a single passenger
is the average distance of passengers from the vessel centreline
is the vessel mass (same units as )

The heeling arm parameters are specified as follows:

Option Description Units
number of passengers:
Number of passengers none

passenger mass: M Average mass of one passenger mass
distance from centreline:
Average distance of the passengers from the
cosine power: n Cosine power for curve - defines shape none

Wind heeling arm
In the case of the wind pressure based formulation, the wind heeling arm is given by:
is a constant, theoretically unity
is the windage area at height
is the vessel mass
is the wind pressure
is the vertical centre of hydrodynamic resistance to the wind force

In the case of the wind velocity based formulation, the wind heeling arm is given by:
is now effectively an average drag coefficient for the windage area multiplied by the air density and has units of
is the wind speed.
And the other parameters are described as above.

constant: a Constant which may be used to modify the
magnitude of the heel arm, normally unity
for pressure based formulation or 0.5

for the velocity formulation; where

is the density of air and C
is an
average drag coefficient for the windage
none for pressure
based formulation;
velocity based
wind model Pressure or Velocity (type P or V)

wind pressure or velocity Actual velocity of pressure - depends on
wind model
area centroid height: h Height of user defined total or additional
windage area
total area: A User may specify either a total windage
additional area: A Or, an area to be added to the windage area
computed by Hydromax based on the hull
Option Description Units
height of lateral
resistance: H
There are four options for specifying H (all
options are calculated with the vessel
upright at the loadcase displacement and
User specified
H = mean draft / 2 H is taken as half the mean draft. length
H = vert. centre of
projected lat. u'water area
H is taken as the vertical centre of
underwater lateral projected area.
H = waterline H is taken as the waterline length
cosine power: n Cosine power for curve - defines shape none

Turning heeling arm
The magnitude of the heel arm is derived from the moment created by the centripetal force acting on the vessel
during a high-speed turn and the vertical separation of the centres of gravity and hydrodynamic lateral resistance
to the turn. The heeling arm is obtained by dividing the heeling moment by the vessel weight. The heeling arm is
thus given by:
where (in consistent units):
is a constant, theoretically unity
is the vessel velocity
is the radius of the turn
is the vertical separation of the centres of gravity and lateral resistance

The heeling arm parameters are specified as follows:

Option Description Units
constant: a Constant which may be used to modify the
magnitude of the heel arm, normally unity
vessel speed: v Vessel speed in turn length/time
turn radius: R Turn radius may be specified directly length
turn radius, R, as
percentage of L
Or, as some criteria require, as percentage of
Vertical lever: h There are four options for specifying h (all
options are calculated with the vessel upright
at the loadcase displacement and LCG):
User specified
h = KG h is taken as KG - position of G above
baseline in upright condition
h = KG - mean draft / 2 h is taken as KG less half the mean draft. length
h = KG - vert. centre of
projected lat. u'water area
h is taken as the vertical separation of the
centres of gravity and underwater lateral
projected area.
cosine power: n Cosine power for curve - defines shape none

Lifting heeling arm
This is used to simulate the effect of lifting a weight from its stowage position. The magnitude of the heel arm is
given by:
is the mass of the weight being lifted
is horizontal separation of the centre of gravity of the weight in its stowage position and the suspension position
is vertical separation of the centre of gravity of the weight in its stowage position and the suspension position
is the vessel mass (same units as )

The heeling arm parameters are specified as follows:

Option Description Units
Mass being lifted: M Mass of weight being lifted mass
vertical separation of
suspension from stowage
position: v
Vertical separation of suspension point from
weights original stowage position on the
vessel. This value is positive if the suspension
position is above the original stowage
horizontal separation of
suspension from stowage
position: h
Horizontal separation of suspension point
from weights original stowage position on
the vessel This value is positive if the
horizontal shift of the weight should produce
a positive heeling moment.

Towing heeling arm
The magnitude of the heel arm is given by:
is the tension in the towline or vessel thrust, expressed as a force.
is horizontal offset of the tow attachment position from the vessel centreline
is vertical separation tow attachment position from the vessels vertical centre of thrust
is the vessel mass
is the power index for the cosine term which may be used to change the shape of the heeling arm curve
is the (constant) angle of the towline above the horizontal. It is assumed that the towline is sufficiently long that
this angle remains constant and does not vary as the vessel is heeled.

The heeling arm parameters are specified as follows:

Option Description Units
tension or thrust: T Tension in towline or vessel thrust force
vertical separation of
propeller centre and tow
Vertical separation tow attachment position
from the vessels vertical centre of thrust.
attachment: v This value is positive if the towline is above
the thrust centre.
horizontal offset of tow
attachment: h
Horizontal offset of the tow attachment
position from the vessel centreline. This value
is positive if the offset is in the direction of
the tow.
angle of tow above
horizontal: tau
Angle of tow above the horizontal angle
cosine power: n Cosine power for curve - defines shape none

Areas and levers
Some criteria require the evaluation of above and below water lateral projected areas and their vertical centroids.
The user may also specify additional areas and vertical centroids or the total areas and vertical centroids. In all
cases the vertical centroids are given in the Maxsurf/Hydromax co-ordinate system; i.e.: from the models vertical
datum, positive upwards.

Centroids of area are calculated for the upright vessel (zero trim and heel) at the mean draft. The areas are
calculated from the hydrostatic sections used by Hydromax; thus, increasing the number of sections will increase
the accuracy of the area calculation; further, only Hull surfaces are included in the calculation - Structure
surfaces are ignored.

The vertical position of the keel, K, is assumed to be at the baseline (as set up in the Frame of Reference dialog),
even if the baseline does not correspond to the physical bottom of the vessel.
Important note: heeling arm criteria dependent on displacement
Some heeling arm criteria are dependent on the displacement of the vessel for the calculation of the Heeling Arm.
For example, the value A in:

,is manually calculated from:
, where
M = heeling moment
= displacement.

This means that the heeling arm will vary with the displacement. Hydromax will not take the change in
displacement into account.

When evaluating these criteria that are dependent on displacement, care has to be taken to make sure any change
in displacement is taken into account. For large angle stability this means that every loadcase will have its own set
of criteria. For Limiting KG and Batch analysis, there are two options:

1. Calculate the worst-case lever based on the displacement and VCG that result in the worst lever and see if the
criterion is actually a limiting one for KG.
2. Calculate limiting KG at single displacements and change the heeling arm for each displacement.

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