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Mbeiza explains why Museveni is her friend

Written by By Kibuuka Steven

Tuesday, 24 March 2009 17:42

Margaret Kirisa Mbeiza, woman MP for Kaliro District was appointed by President Yoweri
Museveni to become the state minister for Economic Monitoring. She failed to go through the
vetting process at Parliament and her approval was deferred for further clarification from the
president. She talked to The Independents Kibuuka Steven. Excerpts.

How does it feel like being appointed a minister?

Its very good; in fact very good because everyone will fear you and you will be called titles
like honourable minister which is very fantastic.

What about when parliament refuses to approve your appointment citing many queries
about you?

Its very disgusting because it deprives you a chance to serve your country fully as you
wish. Actually, why I am in Kampala now is because I dont have a job as minister and there
is no business in parliament. I am just here resting because I cannot go anywhere.

So will this stop you from doing your NRM work most especially mobilisation in Busoga
and the whole country?

Certainly not because I am the NRM strong lady in Busoga and the president knows how much
I contributed to kick the opposition out of Busoga. I will continue my mobilisation work for the
NRM and the president because I strongly believe that the country needs him to develop it
further and the NRM.

Has the president ever called you since you were rejected by Parliament?
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Mbeiza explains why Museveni is her friend
Written by By Kibuuka Steven
Tuesday, 24 March 2009 17:42

He called me on Sunday before he left for UK for the Commonwealth meeting and told me that
he would handle my issue when he returned and I know he will.

Talking of the president, there has been talk that you are a special friend to the president
and that your appointment as a minister came because of your closeness to the
president. Is this true and how close are you to the Fountain of Honour of this nation?

The President is my friend, a friend to Busoga where I come from and the whole country. I
think why the president appointed me was because of my great mobilisation of the NRM party
throughout the country. Because of him being the appointing authority, I think he clearly saw
that I was capable of helping him execute his duties properly. I have been to Kamuli, Isingiro,
Ibanda and Sembabule districts campaigning for NRM and I have been using my resources to
do the party work. So I think the president has been getting all these reports and thats why
he appointed me.

There is information that on most occasions you have visited the president he has
treated you like a VIP. For example last year when you visited him at his Rwakitura home
and he had a long private meeting with you, he gave you his escort cars and they booked
you into the presidential suite at Rwenzori Hotel; what important role do you play for the
nation to deserve such privileges?

The president gave me those privileges because I was his special guest that night and he
feared for my life because the journey from Rwakitura to my home is so long and I had left so

There have been allegations challenging your mental stability, are you normal or have
some degree of madness?

I am not mad at all. Those saying that I am are just feeling bad and are jealous of me because I
am young and the president has decided to work with me closely other than them. When I fell
sick, the doctors in Butabika [mental rehabilitation hospital] where my friends had taken me
diagnosed me with acute malaria and high blood pressure and not mental illness as people
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Mbeiza explains why Museveni is her friend
Written by By Kibuuka Steven
Tuesday, 24 March 2009 17:42

Do you have all the information Parliament needs to approve you as a minister?

I have all the information. I am just waiting for the Speaker to come back so that I present to him
the information and clear my image which has been tainted by some people in the media.
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