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ISO 9001 Implementation Task allocation for small educational institutes

ISO 9001
No Role Responsibilities Requirements applicable Clause Documents to be maintained
1 Principal Overall Leadership Decide the scope of work 4.1 List of activities to be coveredunder ISO
Management commitment 5.1 Declare implementation calendar
Customer Focus 5.2 Critical items from Parent/student feedback
Quality Policy 5.3 Policy declaration
Set Objectives 5.4 List of Goals dept wise
Responsibility and Authority 5.5 Organisation Chart
2 Office Manager Training to all Define competences for every one 6.2.2 List of people and competences
Provide training as per plan Training plan
Effectiveness of training Skills upgraded after training
3 Admin Head Infrastructure mgt Maintain the facilities in premises 6.3 List of equipment
Identify resources for all activites 6.1 List of computers.books
Maintenance plan
4 Admin Head Work Environment Set lighting noise and other stds 6.4 Lighting audit results
Addresses, contact numbers of students,
5 Principal Customer communication Definition of who to contact whom 7.2.3 Parents and Guardians
6 Service Delivery Course Plan Goals for the Service Quality 7.1
Defining service Preparation processes
Quality planning for each course
Course plan defintion 7.3
Decveloping course material 7.3
7 Course coordinatorRequirements collection Collect customer requirements 7.2.1 Enquiries file, Brochures
Collect legal requirements Shop act
Set own requirements Policies, guidelines, plans
Consider unstated customer
requirements Discussions with parents,
8 Principal Review of requirements Review of all requirements 7.2.2 Review minutes
9 Office Manager Purchasing materials Supplier evaluation 7.4 Approved Vendor List
Contractual tutors rating Rating sheet and responses
PO raising 7.4.2 PO file
Bought out Quality checking 7.4.3 Stationery, software, hardware
Service contractors agreements
Monitoring outsourced processes
10 Faility In charge Class room lectures Planning the lectures 7.5.1 Time table
Work Instructions Instructions to students
maintenance of machines Prev maintenance sheet
House keeping (identification of matl) Colour code list
Stores upkeep 7.5.3
Safety in use of equipment
Protection of students' personal data 7.5.4
11 Office Manager Verification of Quality Audit of Service 8.2.4 Audit of Courses
Standards for Instructional ambience
List of Qualified people
12 Senior Faculty Examination Conduct of exams 7.5.2
Validation of Quiz
Appointment of raters/checkers
13 Senior Faculty Results of examintations 8.2.3 Proportion of pass/fail
14 Principal Analysis of results Analysis of exam results 8.4 Trends

15 Principal Non Conformity review Discrepancies reported in course material8.3

Discrepancies reported in exam paper
Discrepancies reported in valuation
16 Principal Internal audit of system 8.2.2
Obtaining feedback from parents,
17 Principal Customer feedback students 8.2.1
18 Principal Improvement Process Corrections Immediate attention where possible
Correctiove actions, on dicrepancies 8.5.3 Failures. Errors, delays
Preventive actions on indicators of
potential failures 8.5.3 Reports of absenteeism
19 Principal Management Review Review of all the above 5.6

20 Admin Head Document control Course material 4.2

Students course schedule
Examination papers
Records keeping Assignments
Past students data

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