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Materials List
Quantity Description
2 fat rubber wasers
2 stainless steel wasers
! stainless steel nuts
2 dia"eter # $ long stainless steel bolts
% &oot '(%) *tainless *teel Cable
% $(+ dia"eter # ,.2+ tic- stainless steel tube
% .leated paper water /lter 0Culligan *1% 2 or e3ui4alent5
% 6ater 7ilter Housing 0.ente- %',,8% or e3ui4alent5
% ,.%29 :ic- # ) # %2 *tainless *teel *eet 0;<* =rand
or e3ui4alent5
% can /berglass resin wit ardener
% tube Clear sealant(adesi4e 02C> 9ig tec sealant ?%+!,@
or e3ui4alent5
% 2MA18,,% 2nion >Bcange Me"brane
! &eet D .lastic Hose or :ubing
2 =arb /ttings to attac ose to /lter ousing top
=usings to adapt barb /ttings to /lter ousing top
% roll >lectrical tape
) 2lu"inu" &oil
',, gra"s .otassiu" ydroBide
Most ydrogen generators produce a "iBture o& ydrogen gas and oBygenE
wic is 4ery eBplosi4e. :is unit will produce ydrogen and oBygen
separatelyE allowing te ydrogen to be used as a &uelE or were a ligter
tan air gas is re3uired.
*elect a water /lter ousing tat is clear so tat you can inspect te
align"ent o& te co"ponents during asse"bly and "onitor gas production.
A used a .ente- ? %',,8%. 24oid /lters tat a4e a large sutoF 4al4e on
te topE as it will be diGcult to "odi&y te /lter ousing &or H2 production.
=egin by drilling two oles in te top o& te /lter using a 8($2 bit as sownC
:read a nutE stainless waserE and rubber waser on te electrode bolt.
.ut so"e sealant on te rubber waser. *crew te bolt into te ole. 7ro"
te underside o& te /lter ousing topE tread anoter nut onto te bolt and
use a screwdri4er to i""obiliHe te nut wile you tigten te bolt &ro" te
top using anoter screwdri4er.
2dd a second electrode bolt in te sa"e "anner.
Cut "ost o& te pleated paper "aterial &ro" te /lterE lea4ing about % at
te ends. 6en you cut away te paperE be sure not to cut into te plastic
core o& te /lter. Co4er "ost o& te plastic core o& te /lter wit plastic srin-
wrap "aterialE lea4ing a 2 gap in te center. Ising epoBy or clear
sealant(adesi4eE glue a strip o& anion eBcange "e"brane o4er te gap in
te center o& te core. :e "e"brane sould o4erlap te plastic srin- wrap
sligtly. 2pply glue to te edges o& te "e"brane only. A& you co4er too
"uc o& te "e"brane wit glueE te unit will wor- poorly or not at all. 2
tin sea" o& glue applied were te "e"brane contacts te srin- wrap
sould be enoug. 2pply a tin strip o& glue at te edge were te
"e"brane o4erlaps itsel&E as i& you were sealing an en4elope. Ise wire ties
to old te "e"brane tigtly wile te glue dries. *eal te edges o& te
"e"brane and plastic wit clear sealantE so tat tere are no lea-s between
te plastic /l"E "e"braneE and plastic /lter core. Ise a 3uality waterproo&
sealantE suc as 2C> brand 9Hig :ec *ealant ? %+!,@. :is stuF contains
polyacrylic resinE ByleneE tolueneE and naptaE so be sure to do tis step
outside wit a &an blowing te 4apors away &ro" you.
Co4er te rubber gas-et ends o& te /lter wit alu"inu" &oil and tape in
place. :e &oil will -eep te resin &ro" getting on te ends o& te /lter and
ruining te seal wen te /lter is in te ousing. Co4er te anion eBcange
"e"brane wit &oil to -eep it &ree o& resin. *oa- te pleated ends in
polyester /berglass resin. 2dd enoug M>;. ardener 0"etyl etyl -etone
peroBide5 to te polyester resin so tat it will arden witin 2, "inutes. .ut
a dowel or rod troug te center o& te /lter core and old it oriHontally
wile rotating te /lter core to ensure tat te resin soa-s e4enly into te
pleats. Do tis step outside wit te &an blowing te 4apors away &ro" you.
2llow to dry &or 2! ours. 2pply sealant to te inside o& te /lter coreE
especially were te core "eets te rubber ends o& te /lter. Let te sealant
dry &or 2! ours. .eel te &oil &ro" te gas-et ends o& te /lter. :est /t te
/lter onto te ousing top. Jotice tat te outer electrode bolt will inter&ere
wit te seal. Cut a s"all notc in te gas-et end o& te /lter so tat te
gas-et end o& te /lter will /t snugly against te inside o& te /lter ousing
top. Do not cut too big o& a notcE or te H2 and O2 gas will "iB in te
eadspace o& te /lter ousing. Ke"o4e te &oil &ro" te "e"brane.
Inwind te stainless steel cable into separate pieces. Ke"o4e te plastic
co4ering &ro" te stainless steel seet i& any is present. Cut a @ # $ piece
o& seet and roll into a $ dia"eter cylinder. .unc two oles in te seet.
6rap te electrode cylinder around te /lter core.
:read te stainless cable troug te electrode to old it togeter as
sown. Lou can use a wire nut on te end o& te cable to -eep it &ro"
slipping out o& te cylinder. Ma-e an inner electrode about % in dia"eter in
te sa"e "anner using a $ # $ piece o& stainless seet.. :is electrode
"ust /t inside te core o& te pleated paper /lter.
Cut two 025 lengts o& stainless steel tube. 2 dre"el wit a cutoF weel is
good &or tis. 6ear sa&ety glasses wen using te cutoF weel. 2ttac te
inner electrode to te electrode bolt inside te /lter ousing top by treading
te stainless cable troug te piece o& stainless tubing and pusing it onto
te center electrode bolt.
*lide te /lter on te inner electrode and oo- up te outer electrode to te
outer electrode bolt.
.us te /lter snug against te /lter ousing topE wile cec-ing to see tat
te inner and outer electrodes slide s"ootly along te /lter core.
:e /lter asse"bly is now ready to install into te /lter ousing botto".
Anstall te barb /ttings on te /lter top. Lou "ay need busings to adapt te
barb /ttings to te /lter top openings. :is .ente- /lter ousing as M J.:
/ttings. Hoo- up te oses to te barb /ttings. 2s sown in te potosE A
a4e installed sutoF 4al4es so te electrolyte does not lea- out during
transport. A& you install sutoF 4al4esE ensure tat tey are bot open during
operation o& te cellE oterwise te cell could build up pressure and eBplode.
MiB 2 liters o& distilled water wit %2, gra"s o& pure potassiu" ydroBide.
.otassiu" ydroBide is a4ailable troug te science co"pany in Den4erE
Colorado 0www. sciencecompany .co"5.
Do not use potassiu" ydroBide drain cleaner i& it contains any clorine or
7ill te /lter ousing botto" 2($ &ull wit te potassiu" ydroBide solution.
Anstall te /lter top asse"blyE and screw te top down tigt. 7ill two % 3uart
plastic Oars wit a ',(', "iBture o& cildrenPs bubble solution and water. Put
the hoses from the generator into the soapy water. This prevents
any fame from traveling back up through the tube into the
generator and igniting the gas inside the generator. This ignition
could result in a serious explosion, with caustic potassium
hydroxide showering you! If the lter core has a leak, you could be
producing oxyhydrogen, which is extremely explosive. I have had
some very close calls while experimenting with hydrogen. !perate
outdoors only! "ear safety goggles!
Hoo- up te generator to a %2 4olt car battery cargerE %2 4olt batteryE or
solar panel. 6atc te ydrogen and oBygen bubble troug te bubble fuid.
6rap electrical tape around one o& te clips &ro" te battery carger to
pre4ent te clips &ro" toucing and causing a spar-. 7ill an eyedropper wit
bubble fuid and pu"p it into te gap between te /lter ousing top and
/lter ousing botto". Jotice ow it will seep into te treads. >nsure tat
tere are no bubbles &or"ing inside te gap. :is would be indicati4e o& a
lea- between te /lter ousing top and botto". # leak here could cause
the lter housing to explode if the escaping gas were to be ignited
by the battery charger clips or another source! A& a lea- occursE
disconnect te power source and tigten te ousing. A& te lea- persistsE
you "ay need to replace te O ring inside te /lter ousing botto". Lou will
notice tat te ydrogen will be produced &ro" te part o& te cell wit te
negati4e 015 or blac- lead &ro" te battery cargerE and oBygen &ro" te
positi4e 0Q5 or red lead &ro" te battery carger 0or battery5. Lour de4ice
sould draw about ' to %, a"ps.

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