BSC6900 V900R012C01SPH513 Version Upgrde Guide

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Upgrade Guide
Issue 01
Date 2011-03-28
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Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ./out his 0o!u1ent
A+out This Do!u(e"t
*repared +y 2u 3iang Date 2010-11-22
Appro'ed +y 4u 2uedong# $i -uangfeng# 5u
6in7un# 5ei $ei# 8hang 9a/in#
6iang 3iu:ia
Date 2010-12-2+
Tested +y 6in ;in<ie# 8hang ;in# ;iao
Date 2011-01-30
Issued +y 0ong 3ingyang Date 2011-03-28
Chapter Description
1*eading %efore ,pgrade 0es!ri/es the upgrade re=uire1ents for this >ersion#
!o1pared with the earlier >ersions"
2,pgrade Pro!ess 0es!ri/es the pro!ess of upgrading the earlier >ersion
to this >ersion"
3Preparations for ,pgrade 0es!ri/es the preparations that need to /e 1ade
/efore the upgrade"
?,pgrade @perations 0es!ri/es the pro!edures of upgrade operations"
+Post-,pgrade )erifi!ation 0es!ri/es how to >erify the upgrade"
')ersion *oll/a!7 0es!ri/es the pro!ess of >ersion roll/a!7 in the !ase
of upgrade failure"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide Contents
1 Reading Before Upgrade..............................................................................................1-1
1"1 Choosing an ,pgrade -uide"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1-1
1"2 )ersion *e=uire1ents for ,pgrade"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1-1
1"3 I1pa!ts of the ,pgrade on the A:isting &yste1""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1-2
1"? Botes and Cautions for ,pgrade"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1-2
1"+ er1s""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1-'
2 Upgrade Process...........................................................................................................2-1
3 Preparations for Upgrade.............................................................................................3-1
3"1 Installing the ;2000 .daptation $ayer""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-?
3"2 Perfor1ing the BA Health Che!7""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-?
3"2"1 Creating a as7 for Che!7ing the BA Health"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""3-?
3"2"2 Che!7ing the *eports"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-+
3"3 &tarting the BA ransfer ool""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-'
3"? Preparing 4iles for the ,pgrade""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-'
4 Upgrade Operations......................................................................................................4-1
?"1 &tarting the ,pgrade Client"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ?-1
?"1"1 &tarting the ,pgrade Client hrough the ;2000"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?-2
?"1"2 &tarting the ,pgrade Client hrough the Client"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?-?
?"2 Configuring the %asi! Infor1ation ./out the ,pgrade""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?-+
?"3 Perfor1ing Pre-,pgrade"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ?-(
?"? Perfor1ing ,pgrade""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ?-10
5 Post-Upgrade Verification.............................................................................................5-1
+"1 Post-,pgrade BA Health Che!7""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +-1
+"1"1 Perfor1ing the Post-,grade BA Health Che!7""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+-1
+"1"2 Co1paring the *eport of the Post-,pgrade Health Che!7 with hat of the Pre-,pgrade
Health Che!7"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +-1
+"2 Post-,pgrade &er>i!e )erifi!ation"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +-2
+"2"1 )erifying &er>i!es ;anually""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +-2
+"2"2 )erifying &er>i!es hrough the ;2000""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+-2
6 Version Rollbac............................................................................................................6-1
'"1 Pro!ess of )ersion *oll/a!7""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '-1
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
'"2 Preparing 0ata 4or 0ata *elo!ation %efore the *oll/a!7""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'-1
'"3 *oll/a!7 @perations""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '-2
'"? Post-*oll/a!7 Pro!essing"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '-+
'"?"1 0ata *oll/a!7 on the ;2000 and &er>i!e )erifi!ation"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'-+
'"?"2 5hat to 0o If %oards 4ail to %e $oaded .fter the %&C'(00 Is *olled %a!7 to the %&C'000C
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '-+
! "ppendi#.........................................................................................................................!-1
D"1 ,pgrade *e!ords""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" D-1
D"2 %a!7up 4iles In>ol>ed in the ,pgrade"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" D-1
D"3 Ite1s of the .uto1ati! Che!7""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" D-2
D"? $ist of %&C'(00 @;, Ports that .re Bot Ana/led on the %&C'000 or %&C'810 @;,""""""""""""""D-3
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
1 Reading Before Upgrade
1.1 Choosi"g a" Upgrade Guide
his do!u1ent# a guide for )(00*012C01&PH+13 >ersion upgrade# applies to all the
upgrades to the )(00*012C01&PH+13"
1.2 ,ersio" -e.uire(e"ts /or Upgrade
$able 1.1 )ersion re=uire1ents for upgrade
,ersio" 0e/ore the Upgrade Des!riptio"
)(00*012C01&PC+00 and its pat!h
hey !an /e upgraded to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13 dire!tly"
)(00*012C01&PC200 and its pat!h
)(00*011C00&PCD00 and its pat!h
%&C'810)200*011C00&PC100 and
its pat!h >ersions
%&C'000)(00*008C01%0+1 and its
pat!h >ersions
%&C'000)(00*008C12%1(+ and its
pat!h >ersions
%&C'000)(00*008C1+&PC100 and
its pat!h >ersions
he upgrade fro1 the %&C'000
)(00*008C1+&PC100 to the
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13 is
supported on only !ertain sites" If
other sites re=uire the upgrade#
!onta!t Huawei te!hni!al support"
hey !an /e upgraded to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13 dire!tly through
the /aseline installation pa!7age
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
,ersio" 0e/ore the Upgrade Des!riptio"
%&C'810)200*010C01%0'1 and its
pat!h >ersions
hey !an /e upgraded to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13 dire!tly through
the inter1ediate >ersion
%&C'810)200*011C00&PC100 and the
/aseline installation pa!7age
If no upgrade rule is defined for the upgrade fro1 an earlier >ersion to the target >ersion# then
a )A*&I@B is re=uired for the upgrade" he >ersion /efore the upgrade is upgraded to the
)A*&I@B# and then to the target >ersion" his )A*&I@B is na1ed an Einter1ediate >ersion"E
1.3 I(pa!ts o/ the Upgrade o" the E1isti"g Syste(
'(pacts on )er*ices

In the !ase of upgrade fro1 %&C'810 to )(00*012C01&PH+13 >ersion#

ser>i!es are disrupted for less than se>en 1inutes"

In the !ase of upgrade fro1 %&C'000 to )(00*012C01&PH+13 >ersion#

ser>i!es are disrupted for less than 1' 1inutes"

In the !ase of upgrade fro1 )(00*011C00&PCD00 and its pat!h >ersions#

)(00*012C01&PC200 and its pat!h >ersions# or )(00*012C01&PC+00 to
)(00*012C01&PH+13 >ersion# ser>i!es are disrupted for two to se>en 1inutes"
'(pacts on %et+or ,o((-nications
1.4 %otes and ,a-tions for Upgrade

. large nu1/er of perfor1an!e !ounters in the )(00*012C01&PH+13 differ fro1

those in the %&C'810 )200*010# %&C'810 )200*011# or )(00*011C00 ,@"
.s a result# after the %&C'810 )200*010# %&C'810 )200*011# or
)(00*011C00 ,@ is upgraded to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# so1e perfor1an!e
!ounters on the ;2000 !lient or Perfor1an!e *eport &yste1 (P*&) /e!o1e
unrelia/le" 9ou 1ust sol>e any possi/le pro/le1s !aused /y the !hanges in the
perfor1an!e !ounters one wee7 /efore /eginning to upgrade an BA" 4or
instru!tions# see se!tion ?"2 E,nsol>ed Pro/le1sE in the BSC6900
)(00*012C01&PH+13 Release Notes"

he 1apping /etween the 3o&-differentiated para1eters in>ol>ed in an ;;$

!o11and is opti1iFed in the )(00*012C01 and its pat!h >ersions" hat is# the
para1eter that deter1ines &!heduling Priority Inde: (&PI) !hanges fro1 HP to
HP Class and the upgrade rule of the ;;$ !o11and !annot /e inherited or
repla!ed !onditionally in the !ase of upgrade fro1 %&C'810 )200*010#
%&C'810 )200*011# or )(00*011C00 (e:!ept for -&; 1ode) to
)(00*012C01&PH+13" herefore# !hange the 3o&-differentiated para1eters
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
1anually /y running an ;;$ !o11and after the upgrade is !o1plete" 4or
details# see Ehe 1apping /etween the 3o&-differentiated para1eters in>ol>ed
in the ;;$ !o11and is opti1iFed"E in the BSC6900 V900R012C01SPH513
Release Notes"

he pre-upgrade 1ust /e perfor1ed at least three days /efore the upgrade

e:e!ution /y referring to 3GPreparations for ,pgradeH# and any fault that surfa!es
in the pre-upgrade !he!7 report 1ust /e re!tified /efore the upgrade e:e!ution"

he upgrade tool does not support 022 data upgrade now" If the %&C'000 in
the li>e networ7 is ena/led with 022# log in to .ttp&// and
!hoose )oft+are ,enter 0 Version )oft+are 0 1ireless Prod-ct 2ine 0
)ingleR"% 0 )R"% O34 tools to o/tain the 022 upgrade tool and then
handle with 022 data using the 022 upgrade tool /y referring to the
!orresponding operation guide"

If the %&C'000 is !onne!ted to a %& /y using a trans1ission inter!onne!tion

de>i!e su!h as ti1eslot !o1pression de>i!e or 022 trans1ission de>i!e in the
li>e networ7# upgrade the %& ti1eslot data at the %&C'000 /y using the 022
upgrade assistan!e tool to ensure that the %& ti1eslot data re1ains
un!hanged after the upgrade is !o1plete"

5hen upgrading the %&C'000 to the target >ersion with the trans!oder su/ra!7
(C&) !onfigured re1otely# !he!7 that the !onfiguration of .ter signaling lin7s
follows the following prin!iplesI
: Aa!h C& is !onfigured with at least four .ter signaling lin7s"
: A>ery +12 !ir!uit identifi!ation !odes (CICs) are !onfigured with two '? 7/itJs
.ter signaling lin7s"
If the e:isting !onfiguration of .ter signaling lin7s does not !o1ply with the
prin!iples# add .ter signaling lin7s /ased on the prin!iples"
If the nu1/er of .ter signaling lin7s !al!ulated on the /asis of the se!ond prin!iple is less than
the nu1/er of .ter signaling lin7s !al!ulated on the /asis of the first prin!iple# !onfigure .ter
signaling lin7s /ased on the first prin!iple"

In the !ase of an upgrade fro1 the %&C'810)200*010C01%0'1 or its pat!h

>ersions to !urrent >ersion# please handle with the following pro/le1 a!!ording
to !orresponding a>oidan!e 1easures des!ri/ed in a/le 1"1"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
$able 1.1 Ite1 list of pro/le1 and !orresponding a>oidan!e 1easures /efore upgrade
Avoidance Measures
5hen !o1pared with
earlier >ersions# the
1apping /etween PH%
and 0&CP was updated
fro1 the
>ersion" Che!7 the
1apping /etween the
PH% and 0&CP /efore
perfor1ing the upgrade
(the 1apping /etween
the PH% and 0&CP
>alue in all *;;.P
ta/les 1ust !orrespond
on a one-to-one /asis)"
1" %efore upgrading the %&C'810 )200*010C01%0'1 or
its pat!h >ersions to !urrent >ersion# run the ;;$
!o11and 2)$ 'PP"$5 to !he!7 whether the IP paths of
H3K3@&P.H or $3K3@&P.H e:ist" If they e:ist#
!he!7 the 1apping /etween the PH% and the 0&CP
>alue" If they do not e:ist# s7ip the following steps"
2" %efore the upgrade# ensure that the 1apping /etween
the PH% and the 0&CP is uni=ue" *un the 2)$
$R44"P !o11and to !he!7 whether the transport
resour!e 1apping is set"
If the transport resour!e 1apping is not set# s7ip the
following steps"
If the transport resour!e 1apping is set# run the 2)$
$R44"P and 2)$ 678"U2$$R44"P !o11ands
separately to !he!7 *; 1apping (*;;.P) or default
*; 1apping (0A4.,$*;;.P) /etween the PH%
and the 0&CP" he PH% (>alue rangeI %A# .411-.4?3#
A4) and 0&CP (>alue rangeI 0-'3) should !orrespond
dire!tly and /e !orre!tly 1apped"
If the 0&CP >alue !orresponding to so1e PH%s in so1e
*;;.P ta/les is in!onsistent with >alues
!orresponding to the PH%s in other *;;.P ta/les# run
the ;;$ !o11and 4O6 $R44"P to !hange the 0&CP
>alue a!!ording to the least 1odifi!ation prin!iple" he
least 1odifi!ation prin!iple indi!ates that the data should
/e 1odified as little as possi/le to 1eet the re=uire1ent
for the upgrade" 4or e:a1ple# if the 0&CP >alue
!orresponding to A4 in 1ost *;;.P ta/les is ?' /ut
that in so1e *;;.P ta/les is ?D# !hange the 0&CP
>alue fro1 ?D to ?'"
If the 0&CP >alue !orresponding to so1e PH%s in so1e
0A4.,$*;;.P ta/les is in!onsistent with that
!orresponding to PH%s in other 0A4.,$*;;.P
ta/les# run the ;;$ !o11and )7$ 678"U2$$R44"P
or 4O6 $R44"P to !hange the 0&CP >alue
a!!ordingly" 4or e:a1ple# assu1e that /esides the
0A4.,$*;;;.P# two additional *;;.Ps are
!onfiguredI *;;.P1 and *;;.P2" In *;;.P1#
the 0&CP >alue !orresponding to A4 is ?'# whi!h is the
sa1e as the 0&CP >alue !orresponding to A4 in the
0A4.,$*;;;.P" he 0&CP >alue !orresponding to
A4 in *;;.P2# howe>er# is ?D" In this situation# !hange
the 0&CP >alue !orresponding to A4 in *;;.P2 to ?'"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
Avoidance Measures
5hen !o1pared with
earlier >ersions# the
1apping /etween IP
path and 0&CP was
updated fro1 the
>ersion" Che!7 the
1apping /etween the IP
Path and 0&CP /efore
perfor1ing the upgrade
(ensure that the 0&CP
>alues of IP paths of the
sa1e type are the
1" %efore the upgrade# ensure that the IP path and the
0&CP !orrespond dire!tly and are !orre!tly 1apped" *un
the ;;$ !o11and 2)$ 'PP"$5 to !he!7 the 1apping
/etween the IP path and 0&CP" If the 0&CP >alue
!orresponding to so1e IP paths is in!onsistent with the
0&CP >alues !orresponding to other IP paths of the
sa1e type# run the ;;$ !o11and 4O6 'PP"$5 to
!hange the 0&CP >alue a!!ording to the least
1odifi!ation prin!iple"
2" If the 0&CP >alue !orresponding to the IP path o>er
the Iu/ interfa!e at the *BC is !hanged# run the ;;$
!o11ands R4V 'PP"$5 and "66 'PP"$5 to 1a7e the
!orresponding !hange on Bode%"
4or e:a1ple# there are three IP paths of the 222 type#
IPP.H 1# IPP.H 2# and IPP.H 3" he 0&CP >alue of
IPP.H 1 and IPP.H 2 is ?'# /ut the 0&CP >alue of
IPP.H 3 is ?D" Change the 0&CP >alue fro1 ?D to ?' in
IPP.H 3# and run the ;;$ !o11ands R4V 'PP"$5
and "66 'PP"$5 to 1a7e the !orresponding !hange on
5hen !o1pared with
earlier >ersions# the
/andwidth of ..$2 path
and )P was updated
fro1 the
>ersion" Che!7 that the
/andwidth of ..$2
paths is wider than the
/andwidth of the )P that
/ears the ..$2 path
/efore perfor1ing the
1" *un the ;;$ !o11and 2)$ ""22P"$5 to !he!7
whether there are ..$2 paths in )P /earer 1ode" If there
are .$$2 paths in )P /earer 1ode# go to the ne:t step"
2" 4or the ..$2 path# !he!7 whether the ser>i!e type of
the trans1ission traffi! inde: and re!eption traffi! inde: is
C%*J* )%*JB* )%*" If yes# go to the ne:t step"
3" Co1pare the pea7 rate of the C%*J* )%*JB* )%*
traffi! inde: with the pea7 rate of the )P /andwidth" If the
pea7 rate of the traffi! inde: of the ..$2 path is greater
than the )P /andwidth# go to the ne:t step" If the pea7
rate of the traffi! inde: of the ..$2 path is not greater
than the )P /andwidth# s7ip the following steps"
?" *un the ;;$ !o11and "66 "$4$R8 to add a new
traffi! inde:" he ser>i!e type of the new traffi! inde:
should /e the sa1e as that of the trans1ission traffi!
inde: and re!eption traffi! inde: of the ..$2 path" he
pea7 rate of the traffi! inde: after !on>ersion is e=ual to
the )P /andwidth"
+" *un the ;;$ !o11and 4O6 ""22P"$5 to !hange
the trans1ission traffi! inde: and re!eption traffi! inde: of
the ..$2 path to the new traffi! inde:" his ensures that
the trans1ission traffi! inde: and re!eption traffi! inde:
are not greater than the /andwidth of the )P that /ears
the ..$2 path"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
Avoidance Measures
0uring the *BC
upgrade pro!ess# the
;2000 auto1ati!ally
deletes the A;& IP
address# and fails to add
it" herefore# the A;&
IP address 1ay /e lost
after the upgrade# and
the Bode% 1ay fail to
/e 1aintained on the
;2000 !lient"
o a>oid the possi/le loss of the A;& IP address# do as
1" %efore the upgrade# log in to the *BC through the
$;" *un the ;;$ !o11and 2)$ 74)'P# and re!ord
the displayed A;& IP address"
2" .fter the upgrade is !o1pleted# log in to the *BC
through the $;" *un the ;;$ !o11and 2)$ 74)'P to
=uery whether the A;& IP address e:ists" If the A;& IP
address does not e:ist# run the ;;$ !o11and "66
74)'P to add the re!orded A;& IP address 1anually" If
the A;& IP address e:ists# then there is no need to add
1.5 Ter(s
a/le 1"1 lists the !o11on ter1s used in this guide"
$able 1.1 Co11on ter1s
Ter( Des!riptio" E1a(p#e
Bew )ersion Bu1/er of the >ersion after the
@;,K. .!ti>e @;, /efore the upgrade -
@;,K% &tand/y @;, /efore the
@;,K*ootPath Installation path of the @;, If the upgrade fro1 the
%&C'000)(00*008 to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13 has
/een perfor1ed# the
@;,K*ootPath is
@therwise# if the @;,
operating syste1 is 5indows#
the @;,K*ootPath is
6&:(bscL if the @;,
operating syste1 is $inu:# the
@;,K*ootPath is /(bsc
A:ternal >irtual
IP address
he e:ternal >irtual IP address#
whi!h is set when the @;,
appli!ations are installed# is
used for the !o11uni!ation
/etween the @;, and the $;
or ;2000# and is in!luded in the
e:ternal Athernet adapter tea1
of the a!ti>e @;,"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
Ter( Des!riptio" E1a(p#e
. installation pa!7age is the
software pa!7age
de!o1pressed fro1 the
V;99R912,91)P,599 V7R.rar
or V;99R912,91)P5513
V7R.rar file that is o/tained fro1
)(00*012C01&PC+00 or
arget )ersion
)(00*012C01&PH+13 is the
target >ersion# then the
installation pa!7age is also
na1ed target >ersion installation
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
2 Upgrade Process
4igure 1"1 shows the upgrade pro!ess"
8ig-re 1.1 ,pgrade pro!ess
3 Preparations for Upgrade
his !hapter des!ri/es the preparations to /e 1ade for the upgrade" Prepare
properly in ad>an!e to ensure that the upgrade is !o1pleted on ti1e"
a/le 1"1 lists the ite1s that need to /e !he!7ed /efore the upgrade"
he dire!tory and the data files under the dire!tory /efore the upgrade will not /e deleted in
the upgrade pro!ess" 9ou need not /a!7 up the data 1anually"
$able 1.1 Che!7list /efore upgrade
No. Ite( Des!riptio"
1 Che!7 that all the
%&C'(00 @;,
ports that are not
ena/led on the
%&C'000 or
%&C'810 @;, are

In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the %&C'000 or

%&C'810 to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# the @;,
ports that are added on the %&C'(00 !o1pared
with %&C'000 or %&C'810 need to /e opened"
Ansure that the !usto1er !he!7s if the @;, ports
are shielded with a firewall" If not# s7ip this step" If
yes# as7 the operator to !he!7 that the firewall has
not /lo!7ed the @;, ports" 4or details a/out the
@;, ports that are added on the %&C'(00
!o1pared with %&C'000 or %&C'810# see se!tion
D"?E$ist of %&C'(00 @;, Ports that .re Bot
Ana/led on the %&C'000 or %&C'810 @;,"E

In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the

)(00*011C00&PCD00 or its pat!h >ersions to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13# the @;, ports <43 that is
added on the )(00*012C01&PH+13 !o1pared
with )(00*011C00&PCD00 need to /e opened"
Ansure that the !usto1er !he!7s if the @;, port
<43 is shielded with a firewall" If not# s7ip this step"
If yes# as7 the operator to !he!7 that the firewall has
not /lo!7ed the @;, port <43"
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
No. Ite( Des!riptio"
2 Confir1 that the
firewall has not
/lo!7ed the e:ternal
fi:ed IP addresses
of the a!ti>e and
stand/y @;,s"
BoteI If the >ersion
/efore the upgrade
is %&C'000# s7ip
the ite1"
1" If the >ersion /efore the upgrade is %&C'810# run
the 6)P B"4 !o11and to =uery the e:ternal
fi:ed IP addresses" If the >ersion /efore the
upgrade is %&C'(00# run the 6)P O4U
!o11and to =uery the e:ternal fi:ed IP
2" If the e:ternal fi:ed IP addresses do not e:ist#
s7ip this ite1"
3" If the e:ternal fi:ed IP addresses e:ist# !he!7 if
there is a firewall in the networ7 /etween the
upgrade !lient and the @;," If not# s7ip this step"
If yes# as7 the operator to !he!7 that the firewall
has not /lo!7ed the e:ternal fi:ed IP addresses of
the a!ti>e and stand/y @;,s"
3 ;a7e ready the
se!urity pat!hes
M%(??338 and
M%('0D1? of
;i!rosoft 5indows
2P Professional
&P02 or ;i!rosoft
5indows 2003"
Che!7 if the se!urity pat!hes M%(??338 and
M%('0D1? of ;i!rosoft 5indows 2P Professional
&P02 or ;i!rosoft 5indows 2003 are installed /efore
you log in to the 5e/ $; through an IA /rowser on
the operating syste1" If yes# s7ip this step" If not# >isit
the we/site httpIJJwww"1i!rosoft"!o1Jdownloads to
download se!urity pat!hes M%(??338 and M%('0D1?"
4or details# see the 4.3 EInstalling @& Pat!hesE in
the BSC6900 LMT User Guide"
? Che!7 the >ersion
1apping /etween
related produ!ts in
the e:isting networ7
Che!7 whether the >ersions of the related produ!ts in
the e:isting networ7 1ap )(00*012C01&PH+13" 4or
details on the >ersion 1apping /etween the related
produ!ts# see se!tion 1"3 E*elated Produ!t )ersionsE
in the BSC6900 V900R012C01SPH513 Release
+ @/tain the new
li!ense file
In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the %&C'000J%&C'810#
or )(00*011C00 to the )(00*012C01&PH+13
>ersions# applying for a new li!ense on a lo!al PC is
re=uired" Ansure to apply for the li!ense file /y using
the te1plate that 1at!hes )(00*012C01&PH+13
and that the A&B is !onsistent with the BA to /e
In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the %&C'000J%&C'810#
e:!eptional pro!ess for !o11er!ial li!ense distri/ution is
re=uired (E&!enarioE is spe!ified as Ehe authoriFed wor7
notifi!ationE and E&u/s!enarioE is spe!ified as E,pgrade
>ersion to fi: the /ugE in the ele!troni! wor7flow for e:!eptional
li!ense distri/ution) to apply for e:!eptional li!ense distri/ution"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
No. Ite( Des!riptio"
' Colle!t the
infor1ation a/out
the site
1" @/tain the password for user ad1in and the >irtual
e:ternal IP address rele>ant to ea!h networ7 ele1ent
(BA) to /e upgraded"
2" @/tain the password for user root of the a!ti>e
@;, operating syste1 of the BA to /e upgraded in
the !ase of an upgrade fro1 the %&C'000 to the
D Install the ;2000
adaptation layer
Install the ;2000 adaptation layer /y referring to
3"1EInstalling the ;2000 .daptation $ayerE"
8 Perfor1 the BA
health !he!7 /efore
the upgrade
Perfor1 the health !he!7 on the networ7 /efore
upgrade /y referring to se!tion 3"2EPerfor1ing the BA
Health Che!7E"
9ou do not need to perfor1 the BA health !he!7
during the preparation for the pre-upgrade three days
/efore the upgrade e:e!ution# /ut you 1ust perfor1
the BA health !he!7 during the preparation for the
pre-upgrade the day when the upgrade e:e!ution is
( &tart the BA
transfer tool
In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the %&C'000J%&C'810
to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# start the BA transfer
tool to upgrade the ;2000 data /y referring to se!tion
3"3E&tarting the BA ransfer oolE"
4or the upgrade fro1 %&C'000 or %&C'810 to
)(00*012C01&PH+13I 9ou do not need to start the
BA transfer tool during the preparation for the pre-
upgrade three days /efore the upgrade e:e!ution# /ut
you 1ust start the BA transfer tool during the
preparation for the pre-upgrade the day when the
upgrade e:e!ution is perfor1ed"
10 Prepare files for the
Prepare files for the upgrade /y referring to se!tion
3"? EPreparing 4iles for the ,pgradeE"
11 Perfor1 the pre-
Perfor1 the pre-upgrade /efore the upgrade
e:e!ution to lo!ate and sol>e the pro/le1s that
surfa!e during the pre-upgrade /y referring to
se!tions ?"1E&tarting the ,pgrade ClientE#
?"2EConfiguring the %asi! Infor1ation ./out the
,pgradeE# and ?"3EPerfor1ing Pre-,pgradeE"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
No. Ite( Des!riptio"
12 Che!7 whether the
@;,a or @;,/
/oard dri>er needs
to /e upgraded
If the upgrade !lient pro1pts that the >ersion of the
@;, dri>er is too early# log in to
.ttp&// and !hoose )oft+are
,enter N Version )oft+are N 1ireless Prod-ct
2ine N )ingleR"% N )R"% O34 tools N O4U
6ri*er Upgrade V1.= to o/tain the @;, dri>er
upgrade tool# and then upgrade the @;, dri>er /y
referring to the MU Suse Li!u" 9#3 $erati!%
S&ste' (ri)er U$%rade Guide" @therwise the sta/ility
of operating syste1 will /e affe!ted"
3.1 'nstalling t.e 42999 "daptation 2a>er
Perfor1 the following steps to deter1ine whether the ;2000 adaptation layer needs
to /e installed"
)tep 1 @n the ;2000 !lient# !hoose )oft+are 0 )oft+are Bro+ser" . window is displayed"
@n the na>igation tree of the window# !li!7 the O4, )er*er ta/ and !hoose O4, 0
4ediation" Che!7 whether there is an BA of the target >ersion" If yes# go to &tep 2" If
not# go to &tep 3"
)tep 2 Choose the BA of the target >ersion" In the right pane of the window# !he!7 whether
there is a target >ersion nu1/er in the %7 Version !olu1n" If yes# end this tas7" If
not# go to &tep 3"
)tep 3 *ead through the 5arning for ;ediation Installation Assentials that 1at!hes the
;2000 adaptation layer# !hoose the $eratio! Guide *or Mediatio! +!l& *or M2000
Co''o! Versio! is V200R006 or Later, that 1at!hes the upgrade# and then install
the ;2000 adaptation layer"
3.2 *er/or(i"g the NE Hea#th Che!)
he fun!tion of BA health !he!7 is supported when the !urrent >ersion is )(00*011
or later >ersions"
his se!tion des!ri/es how to perfor1 the health !he!7 on the BA /efore the
upgrade when the traffi! is not /usy so that you !an deter1ine whether the BA !an
/e upgraded /ased on the operating status of the BA and the networ7"
3.2.1 Creati"g a Tas) /or Che!)i"g the NE Hea#th
)tep 1 &tart the ;2000 !lient# and then !hoose 4aintenance N %7 5ealt. ,.ec"
)tep 2 @n the displayed ta/ page# !li!7 %e+ to !onfigure the infor1ation on the !he!7 tas7"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
1" &ele!t Upgrade ,.ec fro1 the )cenario drop-down list"
2" ;2000 auto1ati!ally o/tains one na1e of the tas7 in the %a(e te:t /o:" he
user !an 1odify the na1e"
3" In the displayed BA dialog /o:# sele!t the BA to /e !he!7ed fro1 the
Unselected %7s na>igation tree on the left# and then !li!7 to 1o>e
the BA to the )elected %7s na>igation tree on the right" .lternati>ely# you !an
!li!7 to 1o>e all the BAs fro1 the Unselected %7s na>igation tree on
the left to the )elected %7s na>igation tree on the right"
?" In the $i(e )etting fra1e# sele!t 'nstant"
)tep 3 Cli!7 %e#t"
*etain the default >alue of 5ealt. ,.ec Period"
)tep 4 Cli!7 8inis. to finish !reating the tas7 of the BA health !he!7" 5hen the tas7 of
health !he!7 on the networ7 is finished# it will /e displayed under the 8inis.ed $ass
node in the na>igation tree on the left panel of the %7 5ealt. ,.ec ta/ page"
3.2.2 Che!)i"g the -eports
o !he!7 the BA health reports# do as followsI
)tep 1 ,nder the 8inis.ed $ass node in the na>igation tree# sele!t a tas7# and then
!hoose Vie+ Report fro1 the right-!li!7 short!ut 1enu under 1ain window" he
5ealt. ,.ec Report dialog /o: is displayed"
)tep 2 &ele!t the e:pe!ted report fro1 the report list# and then !li!7 Open to !he!7 whether
all the ite1s are nor1al"
I/... The"...
here are ite1s displayed in red# Che!7 if there is a fault" 9ou are ad>ised to
handle with the fault /y referring the reports
/efore upgrade"
here are no ite1s displayed in
he running BA wor7s properly and you !an
upgrade it i11ediately"
)tep 3 Cli!7 )a*e as @n the displayed )a*e dialog /o:# sele!t a sa>e path for the report"
he report on the health !he!7 is sa>ed as a "Fip file" 9ou !an dou/le-!li!7 the "Fip
file to /rowse the !o1pressed files# and then dou/le-!li!7 the report to open it"
he report on the health !he!7 !an /e sa>ed as an "ht1l file or "do! file"
In the !ase of the health !he!7 is sa>ed as "do! file# de!o1press the Fip file first# and then
open the "do! file" In the !ase of the health !he!7 is sa>ed as "ht1l file# !hoose inde:"ht1l
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
3.3 Starti"g the NE Tra"s/er Too#
In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the %&C'000J%&C'810 to the )(00*012C01&PH+13#
you should start the BA transfer tool /efore the upgrade" 4or details# see se!tion 2"1
of the BSC6900 V900R012C01 (ata Relo-atio! Guide+!l& *or M2000 Co''o!
Versio! is V200R010,#
3.4 *repari"g 2i#es /or the Upgrade
)tep 1 0eter1ine the installation pa!7age for the upgrade a!!ording to the >ersion /efore
the upgrade listed in 1a/le 1"1"
$able 1.1 Installation pa!7age for different upgrade s!enarios
Version Before the Upgrade Required Installation Pacage
)(00*012C01&PC+00 and its pat!h
arget >ersion installation pa!7ageI
)(00*012C01&PC200 and its pat!h
)(00*011C00&PCD00 and its pat!h
%&C'810)200*011C00&PC100 and
its pat!h >ersions
%&C'000)(00*008C01%0+1 and its
pat!h >ersions
%&C'000)(00*008C12%1(+ and its
pat!h >ersions
%&C'000)(00*008C1+&PC100 and
its pat!h >ersions
arget >ersion installation pa!7ageI
%aseline installation pa!7ageI
%&C'810)200*010C01%0'1 and its
pat!h >ersions
arget >ersion installation pa!7ageI
%aseline installation pa!7ageI
Inter1ediate >ersion installation pa!7ageI
he latest pat!h installation pa!7age of
)tep 2 0ownload and prepare the installation pa!7age for the upgrade on the PC"
If the upgrade is perfor1ed through the ;2000# the PC refers to the one where the ;2000
!lient is running"
If the upgrade is perfor1ed through the upgrade !lient# the PC refers to the one where the
upgrade !lient is running"
In order to 1a7e sure the following upgrade !an /e pro!essed nor1ally# the free spa!e of
the PC should /e 1ore than 1 -% /efore upgrade"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations

o o/tain the target >ersion installation pa!7age or /aseline installation pa!7age

1" $og in to httpIJJsupport"huawei"!o1J" Choose )oft+are ,enter N Version
)oft+are N 1ireless Prod-ct 2ine N )ingleR"% N 4B), N B),6;99 to
o/tain the B),6;99 V;99R912,91)P,599 V7R.rar or B),6;99
V;99R912,91)P5513 V7R.rar files"
2" 0e!o1press the files to o/tain the installation pa!7age V;99R912,91)P,599
or V;99R912,91)P5513" 4igure 2"1 shows the dire!tory stru!ture of the
installation pa!7age V;99R912,91)P,599# and 4igure 2"2 shows the dire!tory
stru!ture of the installation pa!7age V;99R912,91)P5513"
8ig-re 2.1 0ire!tory stru!ture of )(00*012C01&PC+00 installation pa!7age
8ig-re 2.2 0ire!tory stru!ture of )(00*012C01&PH+13 installation pa!7age

o o/tain an inter1ediate >ersion installation pa!7age# do as followsI

1" Choose &oftware CenterN )ersion &oftware N 5ireless Produ!t $ine N 5C0;.
*.B N 5C0;. *BC N %&C'810 N H,.5AI %&C'810)200*011C00&PC100
to o/tain the %&C'810)200*011C00&PC100 installation pa!7age" 4igure 1"1
shows the dire!tory stru!ture of %&C'810)200*011C00&PC100"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
8ig-re 1.1 0ire!tory stru!ture of %&C'810)200*011C00&PC100
2" Choose )oft+are ,enter N Version )oft+are N 1ireless Prod-ct 2ine N
1,64" R"% N 1,64" R%, N B),6<19 N B),6<19V299R911 to find the
latest pat!h >ersion" hen# o/tain U$%rade Guide .tta-/'e!t file fro1 the latest
released pat!h >ersion 1apping do!u1entation and de!o1press the file" he
%.sAl and
UP6?RU27?V299R919,91B961?V299R911,99)P,199?,O44O%.#(l files
are e:tra!ted"
he Upgrade B-ide "ttac.(ent and the Upgrade B-ide files are sa>ed in the sa1e
3" Copy the 6ata4an?8OR?7=P?442.e#e and librar>.zip files to
[V200R011C00SPC100C:-pgrade dire!tory as shown in 4igure 1"1 and
o>erwrite the e:isting files" Copy the
UP6?RU27?V299R919,91B961?V299R911,99)P,199?,O44O%.#(l and
%.sAl files to [V200R011C00SPC100C:-pgrader-le:co((on dire!tory as
shown in 4igure 1"1 and o>erwrite the e:isting files"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
4 Upgrade Operations
a/le 1"1 lists the tas7s in>ol>ed in the upgrade pro!ess" %efore you perfor1 the
upgrade operations# ensure that the preparation for the upgrade is !o1plete"
$able 1.1 ,pgrade tas7s
Tas) Duratio" 3(i"4
&tarting the upgrade
If the upgrade !lient is started through the ;2000# this
tas7 ta7es less than ten 1inutes"
If the upgrade !lient is started through the !lient# this
tas7 ta7es less than one 1inute"
Configuring /asi!
infor1ation a/out
If the upgrade !lient is started through the ;2000# this
tas7 ta7es less one 1inute"
If the upgrade !lient is started through the !lient# this
tas7 ta7es less se>en 1inutes"
Perfor1ing the pre-
Perfor1ing the upgrade 20-'0
his guide ta7es the upgrade in dual-@;, 1ode as an e:a1ple" he upgrade in single-
@;, 1ode is si1ilar to that in dual-@;, 1ode"
he duration of uploading the >ersion files >aries a!!ording to the /andwidth of sites"
Asti1ate the duration a!!ording to the /andwidth of the sites"
4or detailed a>oidan!e 1easures of a/nor1ity# see the upgrade !lient on-line 4.3"
4.1 )tarting t.e Upgrade ,lient
his do!u1ent pro>ides two upgrade 1ethodsI through the ;2000 and through the
upgrade !lient" 9ou are ad>ised to perfor1 the upgrade operations through the
;2000" 9ou !an also perfor1 the upgrade operations through the upgrade !lient
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
when the ;2000 does not wor7 nor1ally" he differen!es /etween the two 1ethods
are des!ri/ed as followsI

,sing the ;2000I .dd the BA to /e upgraded and !onfigure the /asi!
infor1ation a/out the upgrade on the ;2000 !lient" hen# start the upgrade

,sing the upgrade !lientI &tart the upgrade !lient" hen# add the BA to /e
upgraded and !onfigure the /asi! infor1ation a/out the upgrade on the upgrade
4.1.1 Starti"g the Upgrade C#ie"t Through the 5$%%%
If upgrade fro1 the %&C'000 to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# start the upgrade
!lient through the ;2000 and then upload the installation pa!7age to the BA
through the upgrade !lient" @therwise# you need to upload the installation
pa!7age to the ;2000 ser>er and download the installation pa!7age fro1 the
;2000 ser>er to the BA /efore starting the upgrade !lient through the ;2000"
he >ersions earlier than the %&C'000)(00*008C01%0+1&P2? do not support
upgrade through the ;2000"
)tep 1 &tart the ;2000 !lient"
)tep 2 In the !ase of upgrade fro1 %&C'810)200*011C00&PC100 or its pat!h# you need
to set the *BC as an 4P ser>er on the ;2000" @therwise s7ip this step and go to
&tep 3"
1" Choose )oft+are N 8ile )er*er )etting" he 8ile )er*er )etting dialog /o: is
displayed# as shown in 4igure 2"1"
2" Cli!7 R%, on the na>igation tree in the left pane# sele!t a designated *BC in the
left pane# and then !hange the na1e under the 8ile )er*er %a(e area to that of
the !urrent *BC"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
8ig-re 2.1 4ile ser>er setting
)tep 3 In the !ase of the BA type to /e upgraded is *BC (%&C'810) or %&C'(00# you need
to upload the installation pa!7age through the ;2000" 4or details on the re=uired
installation pa!7age# see 3"?"1 I&tep 11a/le 1"1" In the !ase of the BA type to /e
upgraded is %&C'000# s7ip this step and go to &tep ?"
1" Choose )oft+are N )oft+are Bro+ser" . window is displayed" &ele!t an BA
type to /e upgraded fro1 the O4, )er*er ta/ on the left na>igation tree"
2" @n the Upgrade )oft+are Pacage ta/ page# !li!7 $ransferD and then !hoose
8ro( O4, ,lient to O4, )er*er" . dialog /o: is displayed# as shown in
4igure 2"1"
;a7e sure that all the installation pa!7ages re=uired in the upgrade are uploaded
under the Upgrade )oft+are Pacage ta/"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
8ig-re 2.1 &ele!ting upgrade software pa!7age
3" Cli!7 )elect" . dialog /o: is displayed" &ele!t the dire!tory
)(00*012C01&PH+13 in the target installation pa!7age to /e uploaded to the
;2000 ser>er and !li!7 O@" If /aseline installation pa!7age
)(00*012C01&PC+00 or inter1ediate >ersion installation pa!7age
)200*011C00&PC100 is re=uired# they !an /e sele!ted at the sa1e ti1e" Cli!7
,onfir( in the dialog /o: shown in 4igure 2"1 to start uploading the installation
pa!7age to the ;2000 ser>er"
?" .fter the installation pa!7ages are uploaded to the ;2000 ser>er# sele!t target
>ersion installation pa!7age )(00*012C01&PH+13 fro1 the list /o: on the
Upgrade )oft+are Pacage ta/ page" Cli!7 $ransfer and sele!t 8ro( O4,
)er*er to %7" . dialog /o: is displayed" &ele!t the BA to /e upgraded and !li!7
O@" he ;2000 auto1ati!ally downloads the installation pa!7age fro1 the
;2000 ser>er to the BA" If /aseline installation pa!7age or inter1ediate >ersion
installation pa!7age need to /e downloaded# repeat this step"
)tep 4 &tart the upgrade !lient" Choose )oft+are N )oft+are Bro+ser" . window is
displayed" &ele!t an BA type to /e upgraded fro1 the O4, )er*er ta/ on the left
na>igation tree" Cli!7 Upgrade )oft+are Pacage in the right pane"
I/... The"...
he %&C'000 is to /e
upgraded to the
Cli!7 Upgrade" &ele!t the BA to /e upgraded in the
displayed dialog /o:# sele!t the dire!tory where the
upgrade !lient progra1 is sa>edI
EV;99R912,91)P5513C:re(oteclient" Cli!7 O@ and
then go to ?"2EConfiguring the %asi! Infor1ation ./out
the ,pgrade"E
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
@ther upgrade s!enario Choose the target >ersion installation pa!7age
V;99R912,91)P5513 and then !li!7 Upgrade" &ele!t
the BA to /e upgraded in the displayed dialog /o:# and
!li!7 O@" he 6o+nload Upgrade $ool dialog /o: is
displayed# showing the download progress" Cli!7 O@
and the upgrade !lient starts auto1ati!ally" Pro!eed with
the operations des!ri/ed in se!tion ?"2EConfiguring the
%asi! Infor1ation ./out the ,pgrade"E
4.1.2 Starti"g the Upgrade C#ie"t Through the C#ie"t
)tep 1 *un Re(ote,lient?eng.e#e in the dire!tory of target >ersion installation pa!7age
V;99R912,91)P5513" . window is displayed"
;a7e sure that the Re(ote,lient?eng.e#e progra1 in the dire!tory of target >ersion
installation pa!7age is e:e!uted" If 1ultiple installation pa!7ages are re=uired for the
upgrade# you 1ust deter1ine the installation pa!7ages of the target >ersion
a!!ording to the installation pa!7ages listed in 3"?"1 I&tep 11a/le 1"1"
)tep 2 *ight-!li!7 %7 2ist on the left pane of the window# and then !hoose "dd %7 fro1 the
short!ut 1enu" . dialog /o: is displayed# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
8ig-re 1.1 .dding an BA
)tep 3 Anter %7 %a(eD 7#ternal Virt-al 'P "ddress of the BA to /e upgraded" If the BA
!annot !o11uni!ate with the !lient dire!tly# an A;& pro:y ser>er is re=uired for the
upgrade" &ele!t 74) Pro#> 'P "ddress# and enter the IP address of the A;& pro:y
ser>er" .n BA is added su!!essfully"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
%7 %a(e is used to identify an BA" It !onsists of only letters# nu1erals# E-E# and EKE
In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the %&C'000 to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# 7#ternal Virt-al
'P "ddress refers to the 7#ternal 'P "ddress"
)tep 4 *epeat fro1 &tep 2 to &tep 3 to add 1ultiple BAs" 9ou are ad>ised not to upgrade
1ore than 10 BAs at the sa1e ti1e"
.fter an BA is added# the rele>ant %7 %a(e# 7#ternal Virt-al 'P "ddress# and 74)
Pro#> 'P "ddress !annot /e 1odified" o 1odify the BA na1e or the IP address of an BA#
delete the BA and then add it again"
If 1ultiple BAs are added# they !an /e upgraded at the sa1e ti1e" 9ou !an dou/le-!li!7 an
BA in the na>igation tree on the left or sele!t an BA in the infor1ation page of the BA to
swit!h /etween BAs" &e!tions ?"2EConfiguring the %asi! Infor1ation ./out the ,pgradeE#
?"3EPerfor1ing Pre-,pgradeE# and ?"?EPerfor1ing ,pgradeE des!ri/e the upgrade of an
he following des!ri/es the pro!edure for upgrading one BA"
4.2 Co"/iguri"g the 0asi! I"/or(atio" A+out the Upgrade
his se!tion des!ri/es how to !onfigure the /asi! infor1ation a/out the upgrade"
)tep 1 0ou/le-!li!7 the BA to /e upgraded in %7 2ist in the left pane" . window is
displayed# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
8ig-re 1.1 Input &tep 1
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
)tep 2 Anter the Pass+ord of "d(in User" &ele!t Upgrade and !li!7 %e#t" he syste1
auto1ati!ally o/tains the >ersion infor1ation# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
If the user .d1in is online# e:it the $; that is !onne!ted to the @;, (you !an run the 2)$
OP !o11and to =uery the IP address of the PC on whi!h the .d1in user log in to the $;)#
and then restart the $;"
8ig-re 1.1 Input &tep 2
)tep 3 (Perfor1 this step only in the !ase of an upgrade fro1 the %&C'000 to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13) Anter the Pass+ord for -ser root of t.e acti*e in &tep
24igure 1"1"
)tep 4 (4or upgrade fro1 the %&C'810)200*010C01%0'1 or its pat!h >ersions to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13 only) &ele!t 'nter(ediate Version and enter
B),6<19V299R911,99)P,199 in &tep 24igure 1"1"
)tep 5 Cli!7 %e#t in &tep 24igure 1"1" . window is displayed# as shown in 4igure 1"1" he
syste1 auto1ati!ally o/tains the infor1ation of @;,"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
8ig-re 1.1 Input &tep 3
)tep 6 5hen upgrading fro1 the %&C'000# %&C'810# )(00*011C00&PCD00 and its pat!h
>ersions to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# upload the new li!ense file in the window
shown in &tep +4igure 1"1&tep +4igure 1"1" &ele!t the %e+ license file !he!7 /o:#
and !li!7 Bro+se license file to sele!t the li!ense file" Cli!7 Open" he upgrade
!lient auto1ati!ally uploads the new li!ense file to the @;,# and the new li!ense is
a!ti>ated auto1ati!ally" In other upgrade s!enarios# s7ip this step"
)tep ! ,pload the installation pa!7age re=uired for the upgrade in the window shown in
&tep +4igure 1"1"
9ou 1ust !hoose to upload installation pa!7ages if the >ersion files are not
downloaded to the BA through the ;2000 and the installation pa!7ages are not
uploaded to the @;, through the upgrade !lient" @therwise# s7ip this step"
1" Cli!7 Upload installation pacage files" he installation pa!7age starts to /e
uploaded auto1ati!ally" If /aseline >ersion installation pa!7age
V;99R912,91)P,599 is re=uired (for details# see 3"?"1 I&tep 11a/le 1"1)#
sele!t the Bro+se *ersion installation pacage and sele!t the dire!tory
V;99R912,91)P,599 to /e uploaded in the displayed dialog /o:" @therwise#
go to 2"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
2" %ut if the upgrade is fro1 the %&C'810)200*010C01%0'1 or its pat!h >ersions
to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# the inter1ediate >ersion installation pa!7age is
re=uired (for details# see 3"?"1 I&tep 11a/le 1"1)" .fter the /aseline >ersion
installation pa!7age is sele!ted# the inter1ediate >ersion installation pa!7age
V299R911,99)P,199 (for details# see 3"?"1 I&tep 2) 1ust /e sele!ted also"
Cli!7 O@ and the upgrade !lient auto1ati!ally uploads the installation pa!7age
to the @;,"
he running upgrade tool is in the dire!tory of target >ersion installation pa!7age
V;99R912,91)P5513" &o the upgrade tool !an auto1ati!ally o/tain the path of target >ersion
installation pa!7age" 0o not sele!t the target >ersion installation pa!7age in &tep +4igure 1"1"
3" .fter the upload is finished# !li!7 Pre--pgrade to pro!eed with the operations
des!ri/ed in se!tion ?"3EPerfor1ing Pre-,pgrade"E
4.3 *er/or(i"g *re6Upgrade
he upgrade tool auto1ati!ally perfor1s pre-upgrade operations after you !li!7 Pre-
upgrade" he pre-upgrade does not affe!t ongoing ser>i!es"
his se!tion des!ri/es the !he!7 /efore the upgrade and the pre-upgrade of the @;,
software and data"
here are three !olors in the upgrade reportI 5hite indi!ates that the upgrade su!!eeds#
and yellow indi!ates a warning# so you !an !ontinue with the upgrade after you !he!7 the
warning# and red indi!ates that the !orresponding pro/le1 1ust /e sol>ed /efore you !an
!ontinue the upgrade"
5hen upgrading 1ultiple BAs# you !an 1onitor the !onne!tions of all BAs through the
1onitoring dialog /o:" If any e:!eption o!!urs# dou/le-!li!7 the 1essage in red to dire!tly
go to the rele>ant BA 1onitoring page for !onfir1ation"
4or details on the /a!7up files# see se!tion D"2E%a!7up 4iles In>ol>ed in the ,pgradeE"
4or details on the upgrade !he!7 ite1s# see se!tion D"3EIte1s of the .uto1ati! Che!7 E"
)tep 1 .fter the pre-upgrade is !o1plete# a window is displayed# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
8ig-re 1.1 Che!7ing report after the pre-upgrade
)tep 2 Cli!7 ,.ec Report to >iew the pre-upgrade result"

If the pre-upgrade fails# !orre!t the erroneous data a!!ording to the pro1pted
1essages" Cli!7 Bac to return to the pre>ious step# and then perfor1 the pre-
upgrade again"

If the pre-upgrade is su!!essful# !li!7 %e#t to pro!eed with the upgrade


If the upgrade e:e!ution is not re=uired at the 1o1ent# !li!7 F-it to end the pre-
upgrade and e:it the upgrade !lient"
4.4 *er/or(i"g Upgrade
his se!tion des!ri/es how to upgrade the @;, to the latest >ersion and restart the host"
he syste1 auto1ati!ally perfor1s the upgrade"
In ,@J-, upgrade 1ode# !ells need to /e /lo!7ed when the /andwidth resour!es of the
!ore networ7 is insuffi!ient" %lo!7 the !ells a!!ording to the 4.3s on the upgrade !lient"
)tep 1 he syste1 auto1ati!ally perfor1s the upgrade" . window is displayed# as7ing you
whether to upgrade the @;, to the latest >ersion# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
8ig-re 1.1 Confir1ation window
)tep 2 Cli!7 O@ in the dialog /o: shown in &tep 14igure 1"1 to upgrade the @;, to the
latest >ersion" . dialog /o: is displayed for !onfir1ation" Cli!7 Ges" In the !ase of
upgrade fro1 the %&C'000J%&C'810 to the )(00*012C01&PH+13# the ;2000
dete!ts that the BA type is !hanged to %&C'(00 and swit!hes to the li1ited 1ode
auto1ati!ally" hen# the ;2000 starts to transfer the BA data auto1ati!ally"
If the ;2000 !lient is !onne!ted during the upgrade pro!ess# a dialog /o: is displayed#
pro1pting that the ;2000 auto1ati!ally swit!hes to the li1ited 1ode" 9ou !an infer that the
;2000 starts to transfer the BA data"
)tep 3 .fter the swapping# the !onfir1ation window displays updated infor1ation# as shown
in 4igure 1"1" Cli!7 O@ to reset the host" . dialog /o: is displayed for your
!onfir1ation" Cli!7 Ges"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
0uring the upgrade fro1 %&C'810)200*010C01%0'1 or its pat!h >ersions to the
)(00*012C01&PH+13# the &C, /oard is reset during the upgrade or roll/a!7
pro!ess" he host# howe>er# delays in sending the 1essage# indi!ating that the
&C, /oard is reset su!!essfully" In this !ase# a 1essage reading G*eset !ontroller
H@& resultI Affe!ti>e 1ode setting failed"H is displayed in the upgrade !lient
indi!ating that the &C, /oard fails to /e reset" Cli!7 Continue"
0uring the upgrade fro1 %&C'(00 )(00*011C00&PCD00 or its pat!h >ersions
(e:!ept the >ersions later than %&C'(00 )(00*011C00&PHD2') to the %&C'(00
)(00*012C01&PH+13# the &C, /oard in the ;P& is a/nor1ally reset
o!!asionally during the upgrade" If this happens# a 1essage reading G*eset
!ontroller H@& resultI Affe!ti>e 1ode setting failed"H is displayed on the upgrade
!lient" 5ait three 1inutes# and !li!7 Retr>"
8ig-re 1.1 Confir1ation window with updated infor1ation
)tep 4 .fter the reset# the !onfir1ation window displays updated infor1ation# as shown in
4igure 1"1" Pro!eed with the ser>i!e >erifi!ation" *e!ord the ti1e when the upgrade
e:e!ution is finished for spe!ifying the Upgrade ti(e in the operation des!ri/ed in
+"2"2 I&tep ?"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
If 1ultiple BAs !ontrolled /y one ;&C are upgraded at the sa1e ti1e# the hosts
of ea!h BA !annot /e reset at the sa1e ti1e" he inter>al /etween the resets of
hosts should /e at least fi>e 1inutes" @therwise# the ;&C 1ay /e !ongested for a
short ti1e"
In /at!h upgrade in C !on>ergen!e networ7# reset the sla>e %&C# and then reset
the 1aster %&C 30 1inutes after the sla>e %&C is reset (the upgrade of the sla>e
%&C is !o1pleted)" 4or details on what C !on>ergen!e networ7 is# see 8"F in
the upgrade tool"
8ig-re 1.1 Confir1ation /o: /efore >erifying the ser>i!es
)tep 5 In the !ase of upgrade fro1 the %&C'000J%&C'810 to the )(00*012C01&PH+13#
!he!7 that the data transfer on the ;2000 side is su!!essful /y referring to se!tion
2"3 E3uerying the &tatuses of ,pgrade as7sE in the BSC6900 V900R012C01 (ata
Relo-atio! Guide+!l& *or M2000 Co''o! Versio! is V200R010,"
If the ;2000 !lient is !onne!ted during the upgrade pro!ess# a dialog /o: is displayed#
pro1pting that the ;2000 swit!hes to the 1ulti-user 1ode auto1ati!ally" 9ou !an infer that the
;2000 has transferred the BA data su!!essfully"
)tep 6 )erify the ser>i!e" 4or the ser>i!e >erifi!ation 1ethods# see se!tion +EPost-,pgrade
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
? ,pgrade @perations
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
I/... The"...
he >erifi!ation is
Cli!7 Ges to pro!eed with the upgrade" . dialog /o: is
displayed for your !onfir1ation" Cli!7 Ges" . dialog /o: is
displayed# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
he >erifi!ation
Cli!7 %o to !he!7 the report# the then !li!7 %e#t to roll /a!7
the >ersion" he roll/a!7 is auto1ati!ally e:e!uted"
8ig-re 1.1 Che!7ing the report
)tep ! Cli!7 ,.ec Report in the dialog /o: to !he!7 the upgrade report" Cli!7 8inis. to
end the upgrade" . dialog /o: is displayed for your !onfir1ation" Cli!7 Ges"
he reports and logs generated /y the upgrade !lient will o>erwrite the e:isting reports and
logs" It is re!o11ended that they /e ar!hi>ed for future use" If you ha>e perfor1ed the
upgrade operations through the ;2000# the reports and logs will /e sa>ed in the dire!tory
Report" If you ha>e perfor1ed the upgrade operations through the upgrade !lient# the
reports and logs will /e sa>ed in the dire!tory
0o not delete the upgrade files sa>ed in O@;,K*ootPathPQ1/s!QupgradeQ on the @;, after
the upgrade"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ? ,pgrade @perations
)tep < If the BA transfer tool is started on the ;2000 side /efore the upgrade# stop the BA
transfer tool after the upgrade is !o1plete" 4or details# see se!tion 2"? E&topping the
*elo!ation oolE in the BSC6900 V900R012C01 (ata Relo-atio! Guide +!l& *or
M2000 Co''o! Versio! is V200R010,"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
5 Post-Upgrade Verification
Post-upgrade >erifi!ation in>ol>es the BA health !he!7 and ser>i!e >erifi!ation" he
BA health !he!7 dete!ts the radio resour!es and operating status of the BA syste1#
and the ser>i!e >erifi!ation !he!7s whether BA ser>i!es are pro>ided properly after
the upgrade"
5.1 *ost6Upgrade NE Hea#th Che!)
he post-upgrade health !he!7 on the networ7 is used to deter1ine whether the
upgrade su!!eeds" he report of the post-upgrade health !he!7 is !o1pared with
that of the pre-upgrade health !he!7 to indi!ate the differen!e /etween the operating
status of the upgraded BA and its original status"
5.1.1 *er/or(i"g the *ost6Ugrade NE Hea#th Che!)
4or details on how to perfor1 the health !he!7 on the networ7 after the upgrade# see
se!tion 3"2EPerfor1ing the BA Health Che!7E"
5.1.2 Co(pari"g the -eport o/ the *ost6Upgrade Hea#th Che!) ith
That o/ the *re6Upgrade Hea#th Che!)
he BA health !he!7 has /een perfor1ed and the report on BA health !he!7 has /een
sa>ed /efore the upgrade /egins" herefore# you !an !o1pare the post-upgrade BA
health !he!7 report with the pre-upgrade BA health !he!7 report"
o !o1pare the post-upgrade BA health !he!7 report with the pre-upgrade BA health
!he!7 report# do as followsI
)tep 1 Choose 4aintenance N %7 5ealt. ,.ec fro1 the 1enu /ar on the ;2000 !lient"
)tep 2 Cli!7 ,o(pare Reports" he ,o(pare Reports dialog /o: is displayed"
)tep 3 In the Report1 /o:# sele!t the tas7 na1e of the BA health !he!7 /efore the upgrade fro1
the $as drop-down list /o:" In the Report2 /o:# sele!t the tas7 na1e of the BA health
!he!7 after the upgrade fro1 the $as drop-down list /o:"
)tep 4 In the Report1 and Report2 /o:es# sele!t Report Beneration $i(e"
)tep 5 Cli!7 ,o(pare to !o1pare the report on BA health !he!7 /efore the upgrade with
that on BA health !he!7 after the upgrade"
' )ersion *oll/a!7
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
)tep 6 .fter the !o1parison is !o1plete# the )a*e dialog /o: is displayed" &ele!t a path for
sa>ing the !o1parison report on the PC" )iew the !o1parison report# and then find
out the differen!es of the BA status /efore and after the upgrade"
5.2 *ost6Upgrade Ser'i!e ,eri/i!atio"
.fter the upgrade is !o1plete# you need to >erify the BA ser>i!es 1anually and
through the ;2000 to deter1ine whether the BA ser>i!es are nor1al" o test the
/asi! !alling pro!edure# you !an >erify the BA ser>i!es 1anually" o !he!7 whether
the traffi! statisti!s are nor1al# you !an >erify the BA ser>i!es through the ;2000"
5.2.1 ,eri/yi"g Ser'i!es 5a"ua##y
)erify the BA ser>i!es 1anually" 4or details# see the .$$e!di" BSC6900
V900R012C01 U$%rade .--e$ta!-e Cases"
5.2.2 ,eri/yi"g Ser'i!es Through the 5$%%%
9ou !an >erify the BA ser>i!es through the ;2000I !o1pare the >alues of the MPIs
reported /y the BA e>ery fi>e 1inutes with the standard >alues and the histori!al
>alues of the MPIs to deter1ine whether the BA ser>i!es are nor1al" he operation
steps are as followsI
)tep 1 @n the ;2000 !lient# !hoose 4aintenance N $as 4anage(ent" . window is
displayed" Cli!7 %e+ at the right hand /otto1 !orner for the new tas7" he %e+ $as
dialog /o: is displayed"
)tep 2 Anter the tas7 na1e in the $as %a(e /o:# sele!t Upgrade ,.ecing in the $as
$>pe /o:# and !li!7 %e#t" . dialog /o: is displayed"
)tep 3 &et the )tart $i(e to R-n "t Once and !li!7 %e#t"
)tep 4 &ele!t the BA whose ser>i!es are to /e upgraded# the ObIect t>pe (9ou !an sele!t
!ounters of different o/<e!t types" &ele!t the o/<e!t type in order# and sele!t all the
!ounters of the o/<e!t type)# as shown in 4igure 1"1" Anter the Upgrade ti(e (whi!h
is used to !al!ulate the history !ounters) that refers to the ti1e re!orded in ?"?"1
I&tep ?"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ' )ersion *oll/a!7
8ig-re 1.1 &ele!ting MPIs
)tep 5 Cli!7 8inis." he $as 4anage(ent window is returned" he ;2000 auto1ati!ally
>erifies the BA ser>i!es a!!ording to the upgrade ti1e"
he ser>i!e >erifi!ation generally ta7es 30 1inutes"
)tep 6 he MPIs with opti1al >alues are displayed on the ;2000 !lient" 9ou !an sele!t the
ObIect t>pe to >iew the MPIs of different 1easure1ent o/<e!ts" he result of the BA
ser>i!e >erifi!ation is displayed in the ,o-nters 'nfo list /o:# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
8ig-re 1.1 3uerying the result of the BA ser>i!e >erifi!ation
)tep ! 0ou/le-!li!7 an ObIect %a(e in the ,o-nters 'nfo /o: result" he 6etail dialog /o:
is displayed" In the 6etail dialog /o:# >iew the detailed result of the BA ser>i!e
>erifi!ation# in!luding the !urrent >alue# the histori!al >alue# the standard >alue# and
the result"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
' )ersion *oll/a!7
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
Current >alueI he result of the !ounter that is reported /y the BA"
Histori!al >alueI he a>erage >alue of the !ounters that are !olle!ted in the sa1e period
se>en days /efore the upgrade" he period starts fro1 one hour /efore the ser>i!e
>erifi!ation starts" 4or e:a1ple# the ser>i!e >erifi!ation starts fro1 12I00 200(-2-11# then
the histori!al >alue is the a>erage >alue of the !ounters that are !olle!ted fro1 12I00 to
13I00 ea!h day fro1 200(-2-? to 200(-2-10"
&tandard >alueI he referen!e >alue a!!ording to whi!h the result of the !ounter is
deter1ined !orre!t or not"
If there is any !ounter that does not 1eet the standard >alue# !onta!t Huawei for te!hni!al
)tep < .fter the BA ser>i!e >erifi!ation is !o1plete# a 1essage reading Eas7 run
su!!essfully" Please sa>e the reportE is displayed in the )-((ar> 'nfo /o:" Cli!7
)a*e 2og to sa>e the result of the ser>i!e >erifi!ation to the lo!al PC for future use"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
6 Version Rollbac
If there are any defe!ts after the upgrade# roll /a!7 the >ersion or pat!h to the original
one /y following the roll/a!7 pro!edure"
6.1 *ro!ess o/ ,ersio" -o##+a!)
a/le 1"1 lists the roll/a!7 pro!ess and ti1e re=uired at ea!h step of the >ersion
roll/a!7 pro!ess"
$able 1.1 i1e re=uired at ea!h step of the >ersion roll/a!7 pro!ess
-o##+a!) Operatio" Ti(e Co"su(ed 3U"it7 (i"4 -e(ar)s
&tart the roll/a!7 R 1 -
Configure the roll/a!7
R 1 -
Perfor1 the roll/a!7 o roll /a!7 to the %&C'000I 1+-'0"
o roll /a!7 to the %&C'810#
)(00*011C00&PCD00 or its pat!h
>ersions# or to roll /a!7 to the
)(00*012C01&PC200 or its pat!h
>ersionsI 10-20"
Pat!h roll/a!7I 10-30"
)erify the upgrade 30-'0 -
6.2 Preparing 6ata 8or 6ata Relocation Before t.e
In the !ase of roll/a!7 fro1 the )(00*012C01&PH+13 to the %&C'000J%&C'810#
you should prepare data /efore the roll/a!7" 4or details# see se!tions 3"2 EPreparing
' )ersion *oll/a!7
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
for the *oll/a!7E and 3"3 E&tarting the ,pgrade&er>erE in th BSC6900
V900R012C01 (ata Relo-atio! Guide+!l& *or M2000 Co''o! Versio! is
6.3 -o##+a!) Operatio"s
If you ha>e perfor1ed pat!h installation and !onfigured data 1anually after the
pat!h installation# pat!h roll/a!7 is a dangerous a!tion /e!ause the additional
!onfiguration data after pat!h upgrade will /e lost" If the pat!h roll/a!7 is re=uired#
!onta!t Huawei !usto1er ser>i!es !enter# and as7 the !usto1er ser>i!e personnel
to !onta!t Huawei head=uarters and to !he!7 whether the pat!h roll/a!7 is
allowed" %a!7 up the 1odified !onfiguration data /y referring to the G%a!7ing up
the &yste1 0ataH in the BSC6900 MU .d'i!istrator Guide /efore perfor1ing
roll/a!7 operations if the roll/a!7 operations are 1andatory" In addition# reset the
%&C 1anually after the roll/a!7 to ensure that the host data is !onsistent with the
%.; data"
In ,@J-, roll/a!7 1ode# !ells need to /e /lo!7ed when the /andwidth resour!es
of the !ore networ7 is insuffi!ient" %lo!7 the !ells /y referring to the 4.3s on the
upgrade !lient"
o perfor1 roll/a!7# do as followsI
)tep 1 &tart the upgrade !lient and add an BA whose >ersion is to /e rolled /a!7"
'f... $.en...
he upgrade !lient is started
using the ;2000#
Perfor1 the operations des!ri/ed in ?"1"1 I&tep ?
BoteI Choose )oft+are N )oft+are Bro+ser" .
window is displayed" 9ou 1ust sele!t an BA type
to /e rolled /a!7 fro1 the O4, )er*er ta/ on the
left na>igation tree"
he upgrade !lient is started
Perfor1 the operations des!ri/ed in G?"1"2&tarting
the ,pgrade Client hrough the Client"H
In the !ase of rolling /a!7 to the %&C'810 or %&C'000# if start of the upgrade tool through the
;2000 fails# !he!7 if there is installation pa!7age under the !urrent BA type" If not# upload the
installation pa!7age of !urrent >ersion to ;2000 ser>er" 4or detailed operation# see se!tion
)tep 2 0ou/le-!li!7 the BA to /e rolled /a!7 in the left pane of the window" he window is
refreshed# as shown in ?"2"1 I&tep 14igure 1"1" Anter the Pass+ord of "d(in and
sele!t an operationI Rollbac" Cli!7 %e#t" he window is refreshed# as shown in
4igure 1"1"
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ' )ersion *oll/a!7
8ig-re 1.1 *oll/a!7 window
)tep 3 he upgrade !lient auto1ati!ally o/tains the ,-rrent Version and $arget Version"
I/... The"...
*oll/a!7 fro1 the
)(00*012C01&PH+13 to the
Anter the password for user root of the a!ti>e
@;, in the Pass+ord for -ser root of t.e
acti*e /o:# and !li!7 %e#t" . window is
displayed# as shown in 4igure 1"1"
@ther roll/a!7 s!enario# Cli!7 %e#t. . window is displayed# as shown in
4igure 1"1"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
' )ersion *oll/a!7
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
8ig-re 1.1 Configuration infor1ation a/out >ersion roll/a!7
)tep 4 Cli!7 7#ec-te" he upgrade tool auto1ati!ally perfor1s the roll/a!7" .fter the
roll/a!7 in the preparation phase is !o1plete# !li!7 ,.ec Report" he result of the
!he!7 report is auto1ati!ally opened and the %e#t /utton is a>aila/le at the sa1e
ti1e" Cli!7 %e#t to pro!eed with the e:e!ution phase" . dialog /o: is displayed for
your !onfir1ation" Cli!7 Ges"
)tep 5 0uring the >ersion roll/a!7# !li!7 O@ if the upgrade tool pro1pts you to swap the
@;, to the latest >ersion or reset the host# as shown in ?"?"1 I&tep 14igure 1"1 and
?"?"1 I&tep 34igure 1"1" . dialog /o: is displayed for your !onfir1ation" Cli!7 Ges"
.fter the roll/a!7# a dialog /o: is displayed# as shown in ?"?"1 I&tep '4igure 1"1"
Che!7 the report and !li!7 8inis. to finish the roll/a!7" . dialog /o: is displayed for
your !onfir1ation" Cli!7 Ges"
I/8 The"8
*oll/a!7 fro1 the
)(00*012C01&PH+13 to the
Perfor1 the post-upgrade pro!essing /y referring
to se!tion '"?EPost-*oll/a!7 Pro!essingE"
@ther roll/a!7 s!enario )erify ser>i!es /y referring to se!tion +"2EPost-
,pgrade &er>i!e )erifi!ation"E
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide ' )ersion *oll/a!7
he reports and logs generated /y the upgrade !lient will o>erwrite the e:isting reports and
logs" It is re!o11ended that they /e ar!hi>ed for future use" If you ha>e perfor1ed the
roll/a!7 operations through the ;2000# the reports and logs will /e sa>ed in the
Report" If you ha>e perfor1ed the roll/a!7 operations through the upgrade !lient# the
reports and logs will /e sa>ed in the dire!tory
0o not delete the upgrade files sa>ed in O@;,K*ootPathPQ1/s!QupgradeQ on the @;, after
the roll/a!7"
6.4 *ost6-o##+a!) *ro!essi"g
6.4.1 6ata Rollbac on t.e 42999 and )er*ice Verification
)tep 1 In the !ase of roll/a!7 fro1 the )(00*012C01&PH+13 to the %&C'000J%&C'810#
roll /a!7 the BA data on the ;2000 side /y referring to !hapter 3"+S3"8 in the
BSC6900 V900R012C01 (ata Relo-atio! Guide +!l& *or M2000 Co''o! Versio!
is V200R010,"
)tep 2 Perfor1 post-upgrade ser>i!e >erifi!ation" 4or details# see se!tion +"2EPost-,pgrade
&er>i!e )erifi!ationE" Ansure that the test !ases are the ones of the >ersion /efore
the upgrade"
6.4.2 to 6o 'f Boards 8ail to Be 2oaded "fter t.e B),6;99
's Rolled Bac to t.e B),6999J
)tep 1 $og in to the %&C'000 $; to display the loading progress /ar" )iew the /oard
loading progress" If the /oard loading progress is not displayed# go to &tep 2" If the
/oard loading progress stays at ?0T for 1ore than fi>e 1inutes and the fault !annot
/e re!tified e>en if the &C, /oards are re1o>ed and then installed# go to &tep 3"
)tep 2 *e1o>e the two &C, /oards fro1 su/ra!7 0# and install the1 one to two 1inutes
)tep 3 $og in to the -@;, or -%.; using the Pu9 software and then run the reboot
!o11and on the Pu9 to reset the -@;, or -%.;" If a!ti>e and stand/y @;,s
are !onfigured# reset the stand/y @;, and then the a!ti>e @;,"
)tep 4 If the fault persists# !onta!t Huawei !usto1er ser>i!e !enter# and re=uest it to !onta!t
Huawei Head=uarters"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
! "ppendi#
!.1 Upgrade -e!ords
4or details# see the .$$e!di" BSC6900 V900R012C01 U$%rade .--e$ta!-e Cases"
!.2 0a!)up 2i#es I"'o#'ed i" the Upgrade
$able 1.1 %a!7up files in>ol>ed in the upgrade
0a!)up Ite( 0a!)up Lo!atio" -e(ar)s
0ata s!ript 0MU1RootPat/23u$%rade30Ne4
5s-60001-*%15a6#dat on the @;,K. in
the !ase of an upgrade fro1 the
%&C'000 to the
Versio!23 7 $os 84i!93u$%rade3
5s-69001-*%15a6#dat on the @;,K. in
the !ase of other upgrades"
/a!7ed up /y the
upgrade tool"
Current running
in!luding the CB
infor1ation# /oard
>ersion infor1ation#
and !ell infor1ation
re'ote-lie!t3Re$ort30N: Na'e23
Pre$aratio!1MMLRe$ort#t"t on the
upgrade !lient"
1" .uto1ati!ally
/a!7ed up /y
the upgrade
2" he upgrade
report displays
the progress"
D .ppendi:
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
0a!)up Ite( 0a!)up Lo!atio" -e(ar)s
Current routing
re'ote-lie!t3Re$ort30N: Na'e23
Pre$aratio!1Route;!*o#t"t on the
upgrade !lient"
1" .uto1ati!ally
/a!7ed up /y
the upgrade
2" he upgrade
report displays
the progress"
Certifi!ate files 0MU1RootPat/23u$%rade30Ne4
Versio!23su$$ort3 -ert on the @;,K."
/a!7ed up /y the
upgrade tool"
!.3 Ite(s o/ the Auto(ati! Che!)
$able 1.1 Ite1s auto1ati!ally !he!7ed during the upgrade
Che!) Ite( Criterio" -e(ar)s
)ersion of the
@;, Athernet
adapter dri>er
If the @;, is installed with the &use
$inu: ("3 operating syste1# intel
e1000 Athernet adapter D"2"D-B.PI
dri>er# and &.& hardware 3"02"'2
dri>er# the upgrade !lient pro1pts
the user to upgrade the @;,
Athernet adapter dri>er"
he default gateway !onfiguration is
Current user
@nly user ad(in or root has the
authority for the @;, operating
na1e of the
he !o1puter na1e of the @;,
!olle!ted /y the upgrade !lient is
!onsistent with that of the @;, in
IP address of
the @;,
he IP address of @;, !olle!ted /y
the upgrade !lient is !onsistent with
the one !urrently /eing used"
$i!ense files If a new li!ense is sele!ted# the new
li!ense file 1ust /e sa>ed to
A:!ept for pat!h
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide D .ppendi:
Che!) Ite( Criterio" -e(ar)s
4ile of data
upgrade rule
he file of rule for upgrading the
!urrent >ersion to the target >ersion
is a>aila/le"
%&C networ7
he internal and e:ternal Athernet
adapters are !onfigured !orre!tly"
1" he e:ternal Athernet port is
/ond1# the @;, internal Athernet
port is /ond0"1# and the -%.;
internal Athernet port is /ond0"
;oreo>er# the e:ternal Athernet port
is !onne!ted to the internal Athernet
port properly"
2" he %&C'000 networ7
!onfiguration file is /a!7ed up"
3" he networ7 !onfiguration file for
the %&C'(00 is generated"
his ite1 should /e
!he!7ed only in the !ase
of upgrade fro1 the
%&C'000 to the
he data syn!hroniFation is nor1al
in dual-@;, 1ode"
his ite1 need not /e
!he!7ed in the !ase of
upgrade fro1 the
%&C'000 to the
status of
Bo /oard is faulty"
If any /oard is faulty# the upgrade
!lient pro1pts the user to re!tify the
his ite1 need not /e
!he!7ed in the !ase of
upgrade fro1 the
%&C'000 to the
0is7 spa!e on
the @;,
he free dis7 spa!e ta7es 1ore than
1+T of the total dis7 spa!e" he free
spa!e of the hard dis7 where the
@;, is installed is not less than 2"+
-%# and the free spa!e of the
syste1 dis7 is not less than 2 -%"
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
D .ppendi:
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide
!.4 $ist of %&C'(00 @;, Ports that .re Bot Ana/led on the
%&C'000 or %&C'810 @;,
$able 1.1 $ist of %&C'(00 @;, ports that are not ena/led on the %&C'000 @;,
Description !et$or
20 4P
Host loadingJuploading and
downloading of software and logs
(in a!ti>e 1ode)
CP 9
Port for lo!al 1aintenan!e and
/rowser !onne!tion
his port is !onne!ted to the $;
for 1aintenan!e"
CP 9
??3 we/l1t Port used to esta/lish an
en!ryption !onne!tion /etween a
/rowser and the $;# therefore
a!hie>ing BA 1aintenan!e
CP 9
8?3 we/l1t Port used for !o11uni!ation
/etween the $; and an BA#
therefore a!hie>ing BA
CP 9
Port for 1aintenan!e (&&$
CP 9
Port for alar1 !onsole (&&$
CP 9
Port for 1aintenan!e (&&$
CP 9
8088 ool for
ool for re1ote upgrade (&&$
CP 9
&yn!hroniFing the @;, data with
the ;2000 data (&&$ en!ryption)
CP 9
8100 e1sKgate .lar1 /o: (&&$ en!ryption) CP 9
11DD+ 1onitor 0ual-@;, ,0P 9
Port through whi!h the
perfor1an!e 1odule reports
notifi!ation 1essages
CP 9
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#
Issue 01 (2011-03-28))
%&C'(00 )(00*012C01&PH+13
,pgrade -uide D .ppendi:
Description !et$or
Port through whi!h the
perfor1an!e 1odule reports
notifi!ation 1essages (&&$
CP 9
Host loadingJuploading and
downloading of software and logs
(in a!ti>e 1ode)
- -
$able 1.2 $ist of %&C'(00 @;, ports that are not ena/led on the %&C'810 @;,
Description !et$or
&&H port for re1otely logging in
to the @;,a /oard
CP 9
80 we/l1t
Port for lo!al 1aintenan!e and
/rowser !onne!tion
his port is !onne!ted to the $;
for 1aintenan!e"
CP 9
??3 we/l1t Port used to esta/lish an
en!ryption !onne!tion /etween a
/rowser and the $;# therefore
a!hie>ing BA 1aintenan!e
CP 9
8?3 we/l1t Port used for !o11uni!ation
/etween the $; and an BA#
therefore a!hie>ing BA
CP 9
ool for
ool for re1ote upgrade (&&$
CP 9
Host loadingJuploading and
downloading of software and logs
(in a!ti>e 1ode)
- -
Issue 01 (2011-03-28)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei e!hnologies Co"#

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