4-6 Korean Cultural Center DC

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Cultural Center
Washington D.C.
2014 April - June
K-Art Gallery Circulation II
Digital Museum K-comics: MANHWA
K-Cinema The Thieves
K-Literature Discussion with Bestselling
Author Min Jin Lee
Dokdo Racer
Taekwondo classes and after-school programs
Embassy Adoption Program
Befriend Korea
After-school Samulnori Classes
Asian-Pacifc American Heritage Month Celebration
Passport DC: Around the World Embassy Tour
Korea-U.S. Jazz Dialogue Concert
Korean Bell Garden Cultural Celebration
Fiesta Asia Street Fair
Samulnori Performance
K-Art Gallery Paper: Korean to American
K-Cinema Very Ordinary Couple
K-POP Video Contest
K-Art K Gallery The Spirit of Peace and Healing:
Out of the Trauma of the 6/25 War
K-Cinema The Neighbors
Petite Music Concert
EuroAsia Shorts 2014
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K-Arts Gallery "C|rcu|anon II"
- ln Seung Lee's lnsLallauon arLwork, deLrlLus and maLerlals dlscovered on Lhe sLreeL
ln everyday llfe are reassembled Lo evoke a sense of Lhe pasL, presenL, and fuLure.
1he arusL sLrlves Lo communlcaLe abouL Lhe changlng naLure of Loday's socleLy and
Lhe envlronmenL, whlch ls ofen overlooked. 1hls relnvenuon of dlscarded ob[ecLs
ls meanL Lo provlde an opporLunlLy Lo share ln a new vlslon of Lhe envlronmenL
and socleLy.
- ArusL: Seung Lee, ulrecLor of llne ArLs and rofessor of ArL, Long lsland unlverslLy
- When: Aprll 11 - 23
- Cpenlng 8ecepuon: lrlday, Aprll 11 [ 6:30 pm
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon u.C.
A 8ri!!ionl 5prinQ of Cu!lure
The K-Arts Gallery at the Korean Cultural Center promotes cultural
exchange between Korea and the United States by presenting Korean art,
bringing East and West together. The space is approximately 1,200
square feet. Divided into two exhibition halls, the gallery accommodates
various types of art, including oriental painting, photography, calligraphy,
sculpture and media art.
Clrculauon ll
Digital Museum K-comics: MANHWA
- Comlcs have long been a popular creauve medlum for sLoryLelllng and vlsual
arusLry. 1hls exhlbluon lnLroduces Manhwa, korean comlcs, as a form of Pallyu
LhaL allows acuve communlcauon wlLh people across Lhe world.
- When: Aprll - !uly
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon u.C.
K-Cinema The Thieves
- Afer successfully knocklng over a gallery, a Leam of professlonal Lhleves
codenamed ople, ?enlcall, Chewlngum and Zampano recelve an oer for a hlghly
lucrauve [ob ln Macau. 1he evaslve Macao ark Lakes Lhe lead, buL doesn'L know
LhaL hls old parLner epsee ls among Lhe usual suspecLs [olnlng ln. Peadlng o Lo
Pong kong, 10 Lhleves musL work LogeLher buL all have Lhelr own agenda.
- Cenre: Acuon
- CasL: ?oon-seok klm, Pye-soo klm, !ung-[ae Lee, !l-hyun !eon
- When: 1hursday, Aprll 10 & Wednesday, Aprll 23 [ 6:30 pm
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon u.C.
K-Cinema at the Korean Cultural Center Washington D.C. presents
top Koiean films to the geneial public. Fiee monthly film scieenings
aie helu eveiy seconu anu fouith Thuisuay at 6:Su p.m. as a means
to showcase Koiean society anu cultuie. Koiean snacks anu mateiials
with cultuial context foi the film aie available at each event.
Thioughout the yeai, Koiean film scieenings anu festivals aie also
co-oiganizeu with paitneis incluuing the Smithsonian Institution anu
Filmfest BC.
1he 1hleves
K-Literature Discussion with Bestselling Author Min Jin Lee
- !oln besLselllng korean Amerlcan auLhor of lree lood for Mllllonalres" Mln !ln
Lee for a k-LlLeraLure Lalk explorlng challenges of Lhe wrlung craf, Lhe Loplc of
korean lmmlgranL experlences ln her work, and her upcomlng wrlung pro[ecLs.
Lee's Lalk, PearL's ueslre: Love and Lhe LaLe 8loomer," wlll Louch on Lhe love of
one's dreams LhaL are dlmculL Lo aualn. 1he evenL wlll lnclude a book slgnlng,
C&A, and llghL recepuon wlLh Lhe auLhor.
- AuLhor: Mln !ln Lee
- When: lrlday, Aprll 2S [ 6 pm
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.
Dokdo Racer
-1he four members of Lhe uokdo 8acers are on Lhelr Lhlrd global advenLure Lo
promoLe korea's beauuful uokdo lslands from March Lo AugusL. 1he uokdo
8acers were launched ln 2009 by a group of unlverslLy sLudenLs lnLeresLed ln
semng Lhe record sLralghL" abouL uokdo. 1he Leam wlll dlscuss Lhelr mlsslon
and experlences, followed by a sLreeL performance of a Lradluonal llon dance
along Lhe Lmbassy 8ow sLreLch of Massachuseus Ave. lncludes lunch served aL
- When: 1uesday, Aprll 8 [ 12 - 2 pm
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.

uokdo 8acer, ulscusslon wlLh 8esLselllng AuLhor Mln !ln Lee
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1aekwondo c|asses and aher-schoo| programs
- 1aekwondo classes and afer-school programs ln Lhe WashlngLon, u.C. area help
promoLe Lness, wellness, and a deeper undersLandlng of korea.
- When: Aprll - May
- Where: aul ubllc CharLer School, Poward unlverslLy Mlddle School, Spark
MaLsunaga LlemenLary School
Lmbassy Adopnon rogram
- 1he korean CulLural CenLer adopLs Lhe fh grade class aL lummer LlemenLary
School ln WashlngLon, u.C. for a semesLer of korean culLural lmmerslon programs,
lncludlng crafs, pop culLure workshops, 1aekwondo, dance, and more!
- When: !anuary - !une
- Where: lummer LlemenLary School
8efr|end korea
- 8efrlend korea presenLauons lnLroduce korea and korean culLure Lo Amerlcan
audlences ln a formaL Lallored Lo varlous age groups and lnLeresLs. LlemenLary
and mlddle school sLudenLs experlence korean culLure Lhrough Lradluonal games
and mulumedla, whlle presenLauons for adulLs explore korean hlsLory, socleLy,
and key culLural properues.
- Croups LhaL would llke Lo vlslL Lhe korean CulLural CenLer for a 8efrlend korea
presenLauon can submlL an appllcauon aL www.koreaCulLure uC.org.
Aher-schoo| Samu|nor| C|asses
- Classes lnLroduce Lhe Lradluonal korean percusslon ensemble known as Samulnorl
Lo sLudenLs aL elemenLary schools ln Lhe WashlngLon, u.C. area.
- Clarksburg LlemenLary School: Wednesdays, March - May
- Colln owell LlemenLary School: 1uesdays, Aprll
- uanlels 8un LlemenLary School: Mondays, Aprll
1aekwondo, 8efrlend korea, Afer-school Samulnorl Classes
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Join the Korean Cultural Center Washington, D.C. in celebrating APA Heritage
Month with a diversity of cultural events throughout our area. This years special
guest is the celebrated Shin Hyun Pill Jazz Band, performing at the KCC and a
special Korea-U.S. jazz collaboration concert with students from the Duke
Ellington School of the Arts. Each year K-Style DC strives to explore the
quintessential coolness that touches all aspects of Hallyu, including K-Drama,
K-Pop, and K-Movies, by highlighting unique and emerging entertainers in a
diverse range of performance arts.
As|an-ac|hc Amer|can ner|tage Month Ce|ebranon
- !oln performers from korea and Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln celebraung AA PerlLage
MonLh aL Ceorge Mason unlverslLy wlLh Lradluonal folk muslc from across
Asla as well as choral and lnsLrumenLal [azz performances.
- When: 1hursday, May 1 [ 7:30 p.m.
- Where: Ceorge Mason unlverslLy CenLer for Lhe ArLs
assport DC: Around the Wor|d Lmbassy 1our
- 8e sure Lo sLop aL Lhe korean CulLural CenLer durlng assporL uC's embassy open
house day, where you wlll nd pop and Lradluonal culLure acuvlues for all ages,
a k-op muslc room, korean snacks, arL exhlbluons, and llve performances
LhroughouL Lhe day.
- When: SaLurday, May 3 from 10 a.m. Lo 4 p.m.
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.
k-Sty|e DC:
Ce|ebranng As|an-ac|hc Amer|can ner|tage Month
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Korea-U.S. Jazz Dialogue Concert
- Commemoraung 40 years slnce Lhe passlng of [azz legend uuke LlllngLon,
Lhls [olnL concerL brlngs LogeLher Lhe acclalmed Shln Pyun lll !azz 8and from
korea and Lhe new WashlngLon !azz Lnsemble from WashlngLon, u.C.'s uuke
LlllngLon School of Lhe ArLs, led by ulrecLor uavey ?arborough. 1he
qulnLessenually Amerlcan muslc genre has galned a robusL followlng ln korea
and ln recenL years has rldden Lhe korean Wave of popular culLure Lhrough
[azz muslclans' collaborauons wlLh korean pop arusLs. 1hls program alms Lo
furLher dlverslfy k-op Lo lnclude oLher forms of popular korean culLure,
lncludlng [azz.
- When: 1uesday, May 6, [ 7:00 p.m.
- Where: LlllngLon 1heaLre, 1he uuke LlllngLon School of Lhe ArLs
(3S00 8 SL. nW WashlngLon uC 20007)
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korean 8e|| Garden Cu|tura| Ce|ebranon
- An array of famlly frlendly culLural acuvlues wlll be oered aL Lhe newly
compleLed korean 8ell Carden ln vlrglnla Lo celebraLe Lhe beauLy of korean
gardens and korean culLural ldenuLy, lncludlng a Lrlal Lolllng ceremony for Lhe
8ell of eace, Panbok drawlng conLesL, performance of korean Lradluonal dance,
1aekwondo uemonsLrauon, and oLher korean culLural experlences.
- When: SaLurday, May 10
- Where: Meadowlark 8oLanlcal Cardens (97S0 Meadowlark Cardens CL,
vlenna, vA 22182)
Fiesta Asia Street Fair
- uon'L mlss Lhe korean CulLural CenLer booLh aL Lhe llesLa Asla SLreeL lalr,
oerlng llve performances, food, and culLural acuvlues LhroughouL Lhe day
from culLures across Asla.
- When: SaLurday, May 17
- Where: ennsylvanla Avenue, nW beLween 3rd & 6Lh SL.
Samulnori Performance
- Lxperlence Lhe vlvaclous energy and rhyLhms of korea's Lradluonal percusslon
quarLeL, known as Samulnorl, aL a speclal culLural evenL hosLed by Lhe clLy of
WashlngLon, u.C. ln celebrauon of AA PerlLage MonLh.
- When: lrlday, May 30
- Where: Llncoln 1heaLre (121S u SL nW, WashlngLon, uC 20009)

Samulnorl erformance
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K-Art Gallery Paper: Korean to American
- ln Lhls exhlbluon, Lwo arusLs explore Lhe dlverslLy of arusuc expresslon posslble
Lhrough korean Lradluonal paper, known as Pan[l. Lee !ongkuk uses humorous
and wluy folk sub[ecLs llke blrds and wlld anlmals deplcLed on Pan[l made from
korean Mulberry Lree bers. rofessor Lee ?ongLaek works wlLh modern,
sensuous colors Lo show Pan[l's lnnlLe conLemporary arusLry.
- ArusLs: ?ongLaek Lee, !ongkuk Lee
- When: May 2 - May 30
- Cpenlng 8ecepuon: lrlday, May 2 [ 6:30 p.m.
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.
aper: korean Lo Amerlcan
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K-Cinema Very Ordinary Couple
- ?oung and uong-Pee are ordlnary coworkers - and secreL lovers. Afer Lhree
years, Lhey declde Lo end Lhelr relauonshlp. When Lhey meeL as mere coworkers
Lhe nexL mornlng, however, everyLhlng seems Lo maglcally sLarL agaln.
- Cenre: 8omance
- CasL: Mlnkl Lee, Mlnhee klm, & Moosung Chol
- When: 1hursdays, May 8 & 22 [ 6:30 p.m.
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.
K-POP Video Contest
- 1he onllne k-op vldeo ConLesL lnvlLes asplrlng slngers and dancers around Lhe
world Lo submlL Lhelr besL k-op covers durlng Lhe monLh of May.
vlslL www.facebook.com/koreaCulLureuC for Lhe upcomlng announcemenL.
K-Art K Gallery The Spirit of Peace and Healing: Out of the Trauma of the 6/25 War
- ArusL Lun Suk Lee's lnnovauve lnsLallauon works on Lhe Lhemes of war, famlly
separauon, Lrauma, and personal heallng were lnuenced by Lhe passlng of her
own faLher amldsL Lhe legacy of a dlvlded korea. 1hrough exhausuve research,
Ms. Lee has found lnsplrauon ln places such as Lhe 8erlln Wall and Lhe uMZ, for
her lnsLallauon work LhaL lncorporaLes Lhreads, bers, and elecLrlclLy. 1hls
exhlbluon follows Lhemes of Lhe korean War, memorles of Amerlcans and u.S.
veLerans, norLh korean defecLors, and Lhe Lrauma and heallng assoclaLed wlLh
- When: !une 13 - !uly 30
- Cpenlng 8ecepuon: lrlday, !une 13 [ 6:30 p.m.
- ArusL: Lun Suk Lee
- CuesL curaLor: !ung-sll Lee
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.

1he SplrlL of eace and Peallng: CuL of 1rauma of 6/2S War
Lyrico! Cu!lure for o 5u!lry 5ummer
K-Cinema The Neighbors
- 8esldenLs of Cangsan Manslon Lremble ln fear when a female hlgh school
sLudenL ln Lhe nelghborhood ls murdered. Susplclons fall on local kang
Seung-hyuck, agalnsL whom all evldence seems Lo polnL. 8uL noL everyLhlng ls as
lL seems among Lhe nelghbors of Lhls communlLy.
- SLarrlng: ?un-[ln klm, Sung-kyun klm, Sae-ron klm, uong-seok Ma
- Cenre: 1hrlller
- When: 1hursdays, !une 12 & 26 [ 6:30 p.m.
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.
1he nelghbors
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ente Mus|c Concert
- 1he kCC welcomes sLa aL forelgn embassles and culLural cenLers on
WashlngLon, u.C.'s Lmbassy 8ow Lo neLwork and soclallze aL a casual sLyle
concerL durlng Lhe mldday lunch break.
- When: 18A
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C.
LuroAs|a Shorts 2014
- 1he WashlngLon, u.C. area's premler embassy shorL lm fesuval reLurns,
presenung lms from nlne counLrles durlng a week of speclal screenlng evenLs
and dlscusslons. Lach evenlng palrs one Luropean and one Aslan counLry for a
clnemauc dlalogue and audlence dlscusslon wlLh guesL speakers. 1hls year's
fesuval Lheme ls 1ravel and !ourneys.
- When: !une 2 - 6
- Where: korean CulLural CenLer WashlngLon, u.C. and oLher locauons
LuroAsla ShorLs 2014
WlLh a focus on pracucal language skllls and culLural conLexL, Lhe klng
Se[ong lnsuLuLe aL Lhe embassy's korean CulLural CenLer oers a range of
classes LhaL bulld skllls ln speaklng, readlng, llsLenlng, and wrlung korean.
All classes are of llmlLed slze and led by nauve korean-speaklng lnsLrucLors
wlLh Leachlng experlence aL u.S. unlverslues or lnsuLuuons. Classes prlmar-
lly Leach language skllls, whlle also lnLroduclng sLudenLs Lo Lhe Lradluonal,
modern, and soclal culLure of korea.
2014 Korean class schedule
Spring: Jan. 27 May 7 / Summer: May 19 Aug. 27 / Fall: Sept. 8 Dec. 17
1uluon for new sLudenLs ls $220 per 12-meeung class (reLurnlng sLudenLs
recelve a dlscounL). All classes lnclude a caLered korean dlnner aL Lhe end
of Lhe sesslon, korean snacks and refreshmenLs durlng every class, parklng,
and addluonal class and korean CulLural CenLer maLerlals. Successful
sLudenLs also recelve a CerucaLe of Compleuon from Lhe dlrecLor of Lhe
korean CulLural CenLer aL Lhe end of Lhe sesslon.
A deLalled schedule of upcomlng beglnner, lnLermedlaLe, and advanced
classes oered wlll be avallable aL www.koreaCulLureuC.org, or emall
program coordlnaLor Adam Wo[clechowlcz aL awo[[koreaembassy.org for
more lnformauon.
Korean Tradlonal Arls Perlormances. Guesl Leclures
Janqsoo Seo. suh_koreaembassy.orq
Homepaqe. Specal Evenls
Seunqdo Lee. sdlee_koreaembassy.orq
Knq Seonq nsllule. Guesl Leclures. Culreach
Adam Wocechowcz. awo_koreaembassy.orq
Exhblons. Desqn
J Younq Yun. younqy_koreaembassy.orq
Faclles Manaqemenl
Bo Hyunq Lee. bolee!984_koreaembassy.orq
Mke m. mkem_koreaembassy.orq.
Perlormnq arls
Jeun Yun. yuneun_koreaembassy.orq
Taekwondo. KCnema. Lbrary
Hunqu Lee. hq!!30_koreaembassy.orq
The Korean Cultural Center Washington D.C. welcomes groups interested in
learning about Korea and Korean culture, including from schools, taekwondo
studios,or other organizations. We can accommodate 20 to 100 people,
however all application forms should be submitted three weeks prior to the
date you wish to visit. For more information and to submit an application,
visit www.KoreaCultureDC.org.

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