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Date : 24t h May 2012

Mr. Vijay Kumar

Dear Sir,

With reference to our discussion and the size of the Home Theater Room, herewith we are furnishin our !est "uote for
the same with #our $%tions&


S&'o (articu)ars *nit (rice +mount

"AMO # $%% (&.1! 'ront (et and ri)*t +,eaker- . /ay 0(o-ed -y-tem1 /ooer
(mm2in!3 4 5 1$6 mm 2 $71 Midran)e (mm2in!3 4 5 &$ mm 2 .81 T9eeter (mm2in!3 46
mm 2 18 #TT1 Po9er (/1 (on)2-*ort term!3 4%%/ 2 .%%/1 :m,e dan0e (O*m!3 ;1
+ide +urround <et = Ri)*t and +urround >a0k <et = Ri)*t +,eaker- . /ay
0(o-ed di,o(e1 /ooer (mm2in!3 1 51$6 mm 2 $71 Midran)e (mm2in!3 4 5 &$ mm 2
.81 T9eeter (mm2in!3 4 5 46 mm 2 181 #TT Po9er (/1 (on)2-*ort term!3 16%/ 2
4%%/1 :m,eda n0e (O*m!3 ;1 +u? /ooer 9it* $6% RM+.
2& D,'$' +-R ..12 +- Recei/er 0&1 with DTS 1 ,S 0&1, Do)!y Diita) ,2, HDM3
in%uts 0 and 2 out%uts, HDM3 *% sca)in, True HD, Do)!y (ro )oic 334
decodin, 5inema ,"ua)izer o%tion& 5onsists of 167 W RMS 8 6 $hms&
.& D,'$' .D 9:* R+; (:+;,R&
<(rofessiona) .D9)u Ray ()ayer and o%erates DTS, Do)!y Diita), D-D,
=(,>,M(., +udio 5D, Di/ 2, 5D ada%ta!i)ity, HDM3?&

4& $(T$M+ HD @0 D:( (roAector #u)) HD
<D:( techno)oy home theater %roAector with 16:B nati/e as%ect& @0000:1 contrast
ratio& 1000 +'S3 :umens, HDM3&?
PA@A+O@:C PT A AE &%%% .# 'u(( H#
(<C# ,ane( 5 .1 @atiBe Re-o(ution 1C4% 5 1%D%1 <umen- >ri)*tne-- 4%%%1 Contra-t
Ratio .%%1%%%311 A-,e0t Ratio @atiBe 1$3C.!

7& 5ur/ed Hih ain #i4ed #rame Screen 16:B format size <BC 4 7C ?
Hi)* )ain 'i5ed 'rame +0reen 1$3C ormat -iEe (11F 5 $F !

6& +(5 1100-+ *(S, . D-+ S er/o Sta!i)izer E (roAector Mount
0& +udio Fuest 22 S%eaGer 5a!)e 16 >uae <100 Mtrs&?
Audio Gue-t 'ore-t H#M: Ca?(e 14 Mtr-. 4 @o-.
Audio Gue-t 'ore-t H#Mi Ca?(e 1.6 Mtr-. 1 @o.
Audio Gue-t 'ore-t H#Mi Ca?(e 1 Mtr. 1 @o.
Hi)* Gua(ity RG> Ca?(e 1 4 Mtr-. 1 @o.
Hi)* Gua(ity Video Ca?(e 14 Mtr-. 1 @o.
Hi)* Gua(ity VGA Ca?(e 1% Mtr-. 1 @o.
#AC H#M: Ca?(e 1% Mtr-. 1 @o. (Pat0* to AV Re0eiBer or <a,to, ,ur,o-e!
PC Audio Ca?(e 1 @o.
VGA 2 H#M: Pat0* P(ate 1 @o.
+u?9ooer Ca?(e 1% Mtr-. 1 @o.
@& 3nterconnect (ins and So)ution

Term- = Condition-
1& Warranty for se)ected S%eaGers wi)) !e as %er manufacturer Cs norms and warranty for ,)ectronics wi)) !e $ne year&
2& Warranty for %roAector wi)) !e $ne year aainst manufacturin defects& Warranty for )am% wi)) !e 700 Hrs or B0 days
which e/er is ear)ier&

.& 5om%any staff wi)) not in/o)/e in car%entry, ca!)e )yin, e)ectrica) and other ci/i) worGs& 5ustomers are re"uested to
maGe their own arranements for them& 5om%any enineers wi)) uide them %ro%er)y& 5om%any wi)) not su%%)y
e)ectrica) items and %i%es for ca!)es&

4& (ayment must !e in 5he"ue H D&D H 5ash of IIIII ad/ance a)on with %urchase order, in fa/or IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

7& (roduct mode)s and %rices mentioned in the "uote are /a)id for )imited %eriod on)y and su!Aect to chane without
further notice& S9T 5or%oration wi)) not taGe res%onsi!i)ity for mode)s u%Jradation, a!so)ution and %rice /ariations&
(rices are inc)usi/e of ta4es and duties&

6& Warranty on e)ectronic is /oid if %ro!)em arises due to %ower f)uctuation&

+uthorized Sinatory

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