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Paid for by CTE Cindy Gamrat

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Cindy is rock solid on her conservative principles and I am condent she
will vote wisely in the State House and represent Allegan County well.
- Representative Bob Genetski
For State Representative
Endorsed by
Right to Life of Michigan PAC
Over 100 Leaders & Activists
Republican Liberty Caucus
Freedoms Defenders
Dave Agema, Republican National Committeeman and Former State Representaive
Fulton Sheen, Former State Representative
Jack Hoogendyk, Former State Representative
Gary Glenn, President of American Family Association of Michigan
Madison Project Michigan
Vote Cindy Gamrat on August 5th
Dear FellowConservative,
We are blessed to live in a nation which has led the world in freedom, prosperity, and generosity. Our conservative principles of limited government, free
markets, and Judeo-Christian values make up the ber of who I am. As the founder and leader of the Plainwell Patriots TEAParty, I have been doing all I can
to protect our freedoms for our children and grandchildren.
I have a wealth of experience and a strong record of defending our liberties at great personal sacrice. I amready and prepared to take on the responsibilities
of State Representative! Tere is a time for each season under heaven, and as Nehemiah 4:14 illustrates, I believe nowis the time to ght for our families and
homes and to stand rm for what we believe in. I amnot running as a career politician or to attend social events. I amrunning to ght for you, your
family, and our freedoms!
In Joshua 1:9 we are called to be STRONG and courageous. I commit to standing STRONG to protect freedomand liberty for our families and our future
generations! I humbly ask for your vote on August 5 to serve you as your next State Representative for the 80th District!
With FirmReliance on Divine Providence,
Cindy Gamrat
Cindys father immigrated through Ellis Island, from Germany to America, after World War 2 as a thirteen year old boy. In America, he nally experienced
freedom after having lived under Hitler and Nazi Socialism. As a young man, he started Bauer Precision Tool and Die where Cindy and her siblings spent
time working while growing up. Her mother was a beautician and she is thankful for the love of liberty, entrepreneurial spirit, and hard work ethic that
her parents passed down to her.
Cindy believes we have a responsibility to protect our freedoms and to be a beacon of light to all those living under tyranny and oppression. She recognizes
that our freedoms at home are being whittled away by government expansion and legislative regulation. Trough her experience as a successful independent
contractor, University of Michigan graduate, Registered Nurse, homeschool mother of three, TEA Party leader, founder of Michigan 4 Conservative Senate,
and wife, she has been uniquely situated to be a STRONGvoice for Allegan County and an inuential leader for us in Lansing.
Cindy is the only candidate who has pledged to sponsor a Life at Conception Act, which will save the lives of about 23,000 babies each year in Michigan.
She is also the only Grassroot candidate, and a leader in both the TEA Party and Republican Party.
Cindy has been tested on the front lines and has a proven track record. She has spent thousands of hours studying and advocating for and against
legislation, talking with federal and state legislators, traveling to the Capitol for votes and committee hearings, and holding monthly public meetings.
She has been in the trenches ghting for Right to Work in Michigan, against Common Core, and against Obamacare. She has also traveled the state as
a featured speaker to address hundreds of grassroots, conservative, and Republican groups and leaders about the issues facing Michigan.
Cindy resides in Gun Plain Township with her family and they attend Gracespring Bible Church. Her husband of 18 years, Joe Gamrat, is a graduate of
Western Michigan University with a degree in Paper Engineering. Tey have three wonderful children, Paige (17), Joey (17), and Meghan (14), whom they
homeschool. Cindys family means the world to her and is the driving force that keeps her STRONG in the battle for freedom!
I have known Cindy for several years now. I believe she is what Lansing needs. She is bright, energetic, astute, and very principled.
Having served in Lansing six years, I have seen first hand how easily new legislators can be jaded or wrongly influenced. This will not
happen to Cindy Gamrat. She will stand firm on her principles, rooted in the Constitution and her abiding faith in God. Michigan will
be a better state with Cindy Gamrat serving her in the legislature.
Jack Hoogendyk, Former State Representative
Licensed Registered Nurse Experienced in Oncology,
Hospice, and Intensive Care
Actively Fighting Obamacare for Over 5 Years
Opposes Medicaid Expansion
Supports Free Market Health Care
Supports Protection of Personal Data
Supports Improving Veteran Services
Protecting Religious Liberty
Teaches Americas Christian Heritage Classes
Will Defend Religious Freedom
Will Defend Traditional Marriage
Will Defend Freedom of Conscience
Life is at the core
of all Liberties.
Cindy Gamrat
University of Michigan School of Nursing Graduate
Taught Economics, Biology, and American Government to High
School Homeschool Co-op Classes
Coached Volleyball for Over 10 years
Opposes Common Core
Opposes High Stakes Testing
Supports Freedom in Education
Supports Local Control of Education
Protecting our Right to Farm
Member of Michigan Farm Bureau
Supports Michigans Right to Farm
I admire and respect the rich heritage of farming
in Allegan County and will work hard to protect the
freedom to farm.
Cindy Gamrat
Protecting our Second Amendment
Proud Gun Owner and CPL Holder
A Rating from Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners
Member of NRA
Member of Gun Owners of America
Member of Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners
Member of National Association for Gun Rights
Former Successful Independent
Daughter of a Small Business Owner
Leader in the Battle for Right to
Work in Michigan
Will Work to Decrease Regulations
and Licensing Requirements
Supports Free Market Solutions
Will Work to Decrease and Simplify
Business Taxes
Prioritize Budget to Fix Roads Without Raising Taxes
Eliminate the MEDC and save taxpayers $300 million
(Mackinac Center for Public Policy, February 2014)
Unleash Private Sector Economy
Small business is the foundation of a STRONG economy for our state
and our communities. I will work hard to do all I can to unleash our
private sector economy so that Michigan is more business friendly.
Cindy Gamrat
I am concerned that approximately 40% of our states
budget is from federal funds. If that is the case, who is really
controlling our state? I will say no to federal government
programs that have strings attached and leave Michigan
taxpayers on the hook for millions of dollars.
Cindy Gamrat
Attends Gracespring Bible Church
Collected Petition Signatures to Prevent Taxpayer
Funding for Abortions
100% Pro-Life Without Exception
Will Sponsor a Life at Conception Act
Member of North Allegan County Right to Life
Member of Right to Life of Michigan
Faith and Family
269.605.0517 |
Anti-Common Core Rally, Lansing, 2013

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