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Throughout history, the gold has caused many kinds of wars, severe natures
damage, and diseases among population. Both artisanal gold extraction and illegal
mining have changed not only the endemic environment, but also Amazons
people health, it has been impossible to count the illegal mining operators and
traders who seek an increase in their wealth or profits. Apart from this, the lack of
clarity about laws which has allowed the growth of such issue without action by
fractions responsible whether governmental or private. The international laws
should be made stricter since they neither protect the nature reserves and
resources, nor peoples health on Amazons rainforest, are finally the purpose of
this essay.
First of all, let us consider both the bad uses of natural resources and the impact
on the people are still growing. According to Amazon Aid Foundation, During the
last years the international price of gold has risen to alarming levels, it increased
over 300% and it is still increasing. Besides, the local miners neither have suitable
technology nor sufficient financial resources for a lawful activity. Brazil, Colombia,
Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Guyana governments must be leaders either to
impose laws or to apply the punishments for prohibiting, in a stricter way, the soil
uses in this important area. However until now, many of their governments and
politicians have allowed the illegal mining, tend to turn a blind eye and in many
situations some of them have received gains or bribes in a veiled way.
Current laws should be reviewed thoroughly and carefully not only by governments
also all those looking for an environmental economic development. With this in
mind, representatives from Peru, Colombia and Ecuador met in Quito last April,
and they in a joint-effort formulated ways to regulate illegal mining and they
explored some projects for reversing the environmental degradation. According to
Amazon Aid Foundation, the Humala administrations imposed deadline for all
miners to formalize their illegal activity and around of 70000 unlicensed miners
have started the formalization process. On the contrary and taking into account
the report made by economist Alvaro Pardo for Colombians government, In our
country the efforts have been poor, of 100 miners who want to legalize their
operation, only three have been approved, due to the large amount of paperwork
to authorities, this means that they prefer continue illegally. The Santos
governments has to seek viable opportunities to this economic line, which
represents to Colombia 2.3% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (1) and this
administration should be consider how improve working conditions in the mine.
Both national and international governments have to identify a clear and urgent set
of rules which to eliminate plenty of social, economic, politic mining troubles. To
begin with the Law 1382 of 2010 which to modified the Mining Code and which
should be operating, but which has proved be a complete failure in a Locomotive
Mining Plan by Santoss administration due to unconstitutional declaration.
Meanwhile and according to National Comptrollers Office, the audit of minings
companies has increased this obtained 94% of total, but quality of these has been
poor and the future projects are low profile. It is imperative to obtain an inflexible
delimitation of those areas by national authorities and they have to deploy several
ways to control not only these restricted places but also the earnings of mining
companies. At last, the next president of our country will be bound to address a
number of recommendations made either by non-governmental organizations or
local estates who will appreciate that this requirements not being treated as
emerging issues and unimportant among national difficulties.
To sum up, the golds illegal mining represents a major headache, which come
raising lower and lower, and to which it not pays due attention; the worst
application of laws and punishments only has served like as a mask used by many
people who do not interested in a right solution but they are obtaining a lot of gains.
Not only the international laws but also the national governments should apply all
measures related with this activity in a stricter way where the audit and control are
stringent for all people interested in all these activities.


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