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Everyone define their own limits, new challenges are always there. Time has come for me to
raise the bar and define new goals for myself.
Professional Experience
Working as a Software Engineer with Saveco Systems PvtLt!, Bangalore from "#V $%%&
to till !ate
Having '$ years of professional experience in Pro!(ction an! Application S(pport
(sing U"I), S*ell Scripting an! #racle.
Experience S(mmary
Having 3.2 years of exerien!e in "2#"3 level of Pro!(ction S(pport.
Extensive Exerien!e in Pro!(ction S(pport+ Maintenance an! En*ancement
Proa!tively an$ in$een$ently working on resolving iss%es &efore they ima!t the
'omm%ni!ate with &%siness regar$ing ima!t of iss%es an$ estimate$ time %ntil s%!h
iss%es are fixe$.
Wisely managing known Errors# (ss%es in a !onsistent manner.
Exertise in U"I) S*ell Scripting
Han$s on exerien!e in #racle
Ex!ellent interersonal skills, !onfi$en!e an$ oise$ in intera!tion with in$ivi$%als at all
Tec*nical S,ills
)erating system : Win$ows family, *%n *olaris, "in%x
+,B-* : *."
*!riting "ang%age : *hell *!rit
/ools : B-' +eme$y, /oa$, 0%tosys +11,P%tty, 'ontrol--, -etri!,2ramework !onsole,
HP )enview
PR#-ECT ./0/%.%&.$%/$ to till !ate1
/itle : #ASIS
'lient : 2an, of A,ron+ "ew 3or,+ USA
)rgani3ation : Saveco Systems PvtLt!, 2angalore
Pro4e!t /ye : Pro$%!tion *%ort 5 -aintainan!e.
/eam si3e : 16
,ata&ase : #racle /%g
*!riting lang%age 4 S*ell scripts
Environment 4 U"I)
/ools 4 2mc reme!y+a(tosys R//+metric+p(tty+5ramewor, console+6P
open view+Toa!
)0*(* 7)r$er an$ *ales (nformation *ystem8 is the glo&al or$er
management system for 9B* War&%rg for e:%ities. )r$ers are entere$ into the system either
man%ally or $ire!t from other systems an$ these are ro%te$ to the tra$er resonsi&le in the
lo!al market. /he tra$er releases the or$er to the market either man%ally or &y an a%tomate$
link an$ the exe!%tions is fe$ &a!k to the !lient or$er as they are $ealt. )n!e !omlete$ the
saleserson a$$s allo!ation $etails for the !lient s%& a!!o%nts an$ the information is
forwar$e$ on for a%tomati! !onfirmation generation.
)0*(* !onsists of two ali!ations ; the )r$er -anagement an$ the
B%siness 0$ministration.
/he )r$er -anagement ali!ation allows the %ser to 'reate, +o%te, /ra$e an$ 0llo!ate
or$ers. /he &%siness a$ministration mo$%le allows the %ser to !hange stati! $ata in the
ali!ation. /he stati! $ata $rives +o%ting "ogi!, 0sset (nformation, Exense#'ommission
!al!%lation an$ 'lient (nformation. /he ali!ation is also the rimary way in whi!h a!!ess to
the vario%s f%n!tions within )0*(* is !ontrolle$. /he &%siness a$ministration !an &e %se$
against E%roean server only from where the information is reli!ate$ to other )0*(*
serversger aears on a :%e%e, it remain in the $ata&ase an$ is viewa&le via the en:%iry
+esonsi&le for rovi$ing the s%ort in "2 level $een$ing on the riority of the iss%es
to meet !lient *"0 <
($entify tasks from /i!ket "ists assigne$ <
-anaging +eleases an$ !hanges in ro$%!tion environment <
Write shell s!rit to a%tomate the man%al 4o&s in 9=(> environment like +%nning ,?/,
9n-,eloyment, 'or&a /imeo%ts et! <
Perform the $aily helth !he!k of the ali!ation on ro$%!tion environment.
(nitiate IT 8ri!ge !alls to resolve the iss%es, whi!h ima!t m%ltile interfa!es <
Have Written *." :%eries as er re:%irement <
-onitoring 5 s!he$%ling 0%tosys @o&s <
Writing an$ mo$ifying *tore ro!e$%re an$ f%n!tion <
Writing 5 Enhan!ing existing *hell *!rits <
-anaging '%stomer Es!alations <
'onstant analysis, system monitoring, reson$ing to !%stomer :%eries an$ reson$ing
to !riti!al#severe &%siness iss%es an$ $oing aroriate es!alation &ase$ on !riti!ality
an$ feasi&ility <
-anaging "og files an$ log information <
Aive the stat%s reort of ti!kets to -anager <
'omm%ni!ation to %sers 5 (/ -anagers, whi!h will involve )%tage !omm%ni!ation.
9$ate r%n &ook, +aising '+, follow-% for arovals an$ erform imlementation
Perform Pres!ri&e$, Pro!ess, *"0 monitoring.
($entifi!ation of re!%rring ro&lems an$ es!alation for ermanent fix.
+eorting the te!hni!al iss%e to the "3 $eveloment team.
'he!king reort generation for $ifferent system on their s!he$%le time.
9n$erstan$ing the &%siness logi! an$ arti!iate in enhan!ement.
Provi$ing s%ort to !lient on 2B#C &asis.
+esolving /i!ket (ss%es
PR#-ECT .$0/&.%/.$%// to %&.%&.$%/$1
/itle : CAS6 MA"A9ER
'lient : 2arclays 2an,
)rgani3ation : Saveco Systems PvtLt!, 2angalore
Pro4e!t /ye : Pro$%!tion *%ort 5 -aintainan!e
/eam si3e : 6D
,ata&ase : #racle /%g
*!riting lang%age 4 S*ell scripts
Environment 4 U"I)
/ools 4 2mc reme!y+contro.M+metric+p(tty+5ramewor, console+6P
open view+Toa!

'ash -anager *ystem is the strategi! settlements engine, whi!h is the
ayment system for the $erivatives &%siness of Bar!lays Bank.,ifferent tyes of tra$es
!at%re$ &y the &anks tra$ers in the front offi!es are ro!esse$, $o!%mente$ at the &a!k
offi!e %sing systems like *9--(/ AB) an$ finally settlements are generate$ an$ sen$ to the
rese!tive !o%nter arties via the 'ash -anager system when the tra$e rea!hes its val%e
$ate./he settlement systems i$entifies the $ifferent tyes of tra$es an$ $een$ing %on the
tye an$ sensitivity the tra$es nee$s to rogress thro%gh vario%s :%e%es where $ifferent
levels of !onfirmation are $one./he ayment a$van!es thro%gh a n%m&er of states as it gets
verifie$, release$, an$ $isat!he$. When a ayment rea!hes the en$ of its life !y!le it $oes
not $isaear from the system altogether. 0ltho%gh it no longer aears on a :%e%e, it
remain in the $ata&ase an$ is viewa&le via the n:%iry s!reens.
0s a Pro$%!tion *%ort engg. the rimary resonsi&ility is !o$e level
(nvestigation of the 4o&s 79=(>, *hell *!riting, )ra!le 16g, *.", P"#*.", Pa!kages,
Pro!e$%res an$ 2%n!tions8.
+eg%larly atten$ 5 resolve the iss%es s%!h as ali!ation o%tage, (ss%e ima!ting
m%ltile %sers, +even%e ima!ting key f%n!tion iss%es in the )ffshore 'risis !alls.
Es!alate to "3 if ne!essary.
,eveloe$ some shell s!rits to make s%ort work easier.
+esonsi&le for rovi$ing the s%ort in "1#"2 level $een$ing on the riority of the
iss%es to meet !lient *"0.
-onitoring 4o&s &y !ontrol--.
-anaging "og files an$ log information.
Aive the stat%s reort of ti!kets to -anager of o%r $eartment.
*%ort )n !alls s%ort in the weeken$.
PR#-ECT .'0$:.//.$%%& to /;.%/.$%//1
/itle : 29=,(=A -0=0AE+ - Alo&al -arketEs ,erivatives
Bar!lays Bank
'lient : 2arclays 2an,
)rgani3ation : Saveco Systems PvtLt!, 2angalore
Pro4e!t /ye : -aintenan!e
/eam si3e : 6C
,ata&ase : #racle /%g
*!riting lang%age 4 S*ell scripts
Environment 4 U"I)
/ools 4 2mc reme!y+control.M+metric+p(tty+5ramewor, console+6P
open view+Toa!
Pro<ect entail4
2%n$ing -anager is a reorting tool, whi!h !al!%lates the exe!te$ !losing &alan!es for ea!h
a!!o%nt for ea!h !%rren!y there is a &ank a!!o%nt.
/here are a large n%m&er of !ash flows &eing ai$ into an$ o%t of these a!!o%nts. /he
f%n$ing tra$ers nee$ to know the !losing &alan!es for ea!h a!!o%nt so that they !an f%n$
a!!or$ingly. (f there is a ositive &alan!e the f%n$ing tra$er wishes to make %se of this !ash
an$ if there is a negative &alan!e then they wish to &orrow !ash at the &est rate ossi&le
from the most s%ita&le so%r!e. /he system han$les f%n$ing ro!ess, whi!h is %se$ to ens%re
that the &est %se is ma$e of the &ankFs !ash at all time
0s a Pro$%!tion *%ort engg the rimary resonsi&ility is !o$e level investigation of
the 4o&s 79=(>, *hell *!riting, )ra!le Gi, *.", P"#*.", Pa!kages, Pro!e$%res an$
2%n!tions, Perl *!rits8.
+esonsi&le for rovi$ing the s%ort in "1#"2 level $een$ing on the riority of the
iss%es to meet !lientEs *"0.
Provi$ing :%i!k $ata fix whi!h involves writing shell an$ P"#*." s!rits.
-onitoring 4o& &y !ontrol--.
-onitoring the ro$%!tion server.
-anaging '%stomer Es!alations.
Proa!tively monitor 5 resolve all the P1#P2#P3 ti!kets in o%r :%e%e.
'on$%!ting ro%tine system health !he!ks, s!rits enhan!ements an$ -aintenan!e of
,ata&ase et!. a!ts a!!or$ingly.
'lient re:%ests !ome as emails, !hats, or thro%gh hones. /he ma4or art of my team
in!l%$e$ 'onstant 0nalysis, system monitoring, reson$ing to !%stomer :%eries an$
reson$ing to !riti!al#severe &%siness ro&lems an$ $oing aroriate es!alation &ase$
on !riti!ality an$ feasi&ility.
Aive the stat%s reort of ti!kets to -anager of o%r $eartment.
*%orts )n !alls s%ort in the weeken$
( $o here&y $e!lare that the a&ove mentione$ statements are tr%e an$ a%thenti!.

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