Despeñaperros: 1 Antique Road

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The Highway of the South (A-4), former calle Highway of A!aluc"a, i# o!e
of #i$ the raial highway# of S%ai!, %art of the Euro%ea! Route E&'( a! the
%ri!ci%al roa li!) *etwee! the ce!ter a! the #outh of the +*eria!
Pe!i!#ula, +t wa# co!#tructe followi!g the traci!g of the !atio!al roa --+.,
which /oi!# the citie# of 0ari, 1oro*a, Se2illa a! 1ai3 *etwee! other#,
+t cro##e# De#%e4a%erro#5# great -ature re#er2e i! the Pro2i!ce of 6ae!,
De#%e4a%erro#5# roc)y a! #i!uou# la!#ca%e ha# alway# etermi!e the
traci!g of the A-4 for the a*o2e me!tio!e %lace, Thi# !ature re#er2e i#
%lace i! the orie!tal e! of Sierra 0ore!a, i!#ie the limit# of the %ro2i!ce
of 6ae!, De#%e4a%erro#5# curre!t relief i# characteri3e *y *ei!g com%o#e
of #late#, #chi#t#, cuarcita# a! gra!ite#, +t %o##e##e# a 2ariety of 7ora,
fau!a *e#ie# im%orta!t water re#ource#, 8hat ha# etermi!e a!y roa
co!#tructio! that ha# *ee! carrie out alo!g the %ar),
1 Antique road.
The 9r#t #tretch of the curre!t #%litti!g of the --+., *etwee! Sa!ta Ele!a a!
:a# 1orreera#, wa# e!e i! ;<=>, The followi!g o!e *etwee! :a#
1orreera# a! .e!ta e 1?re!a#, i! ;<=4, the! for tra@c e#timate of
=&&& 2ehicle# %er ay, +! ;<<> De#%e4a%erro#A# a!gerou# route ma)e
go2er!me!t loo) for a #olutio! for all tho#e cur2e#, The origi!al Pro/ect o!ly
i!clue 0ariA# way #olutio! with /u#t B rail#,
3 Current alteration.
+! Se%tem*er B&&4 the go2er!me!t aware C11 com%a!y the !ew Pro/ect
co!#tructio! to ma)e alteratio!# i! the De#%e4a%erro#A# route with a 9r#t
*uget of D< millio! euro#, The i!itial iea wa# /u#t to *uil the #outh-!orth
irectio! elimi!ati!g the mo#t a!gerou# cur2e# a! co!!ecti!g the mo#t
moer! 3o!e# of the !orth-#outh irectio! that mar) with ate of ;<<B, +!
B&&E, the go2er!me!t ecie !ot to co!ti!ue the re%aratio! u!til a !ew
%ro/ect for *oth route# wa# ela*orate,
The wor)#, which total i!2e#tme!t i# more tha! BBE millio! Euro#,
u!er#ta! the e$ecutio! of a ou*le cau#eway with three rail# %er
irectio!,The alteratio!# la#te E year#, The route wa# reuce to ;4)m a!
almo#t ;& mi!ute# lo!g, A!y #lo%e a! cur2e ha# *ee! elimi!ate,
!owaay# the route i# almo#t #traight, a! the tra@c ca%acity ha# *ee!
u%licate form B4,&&& to almo#t 'D,&&& 2ehicle# %er ay,
The %ro/ectA# glo##ary i# of >,<;> meter# of 2iauct# a! 4,4'E meter# of
tu!!el# for which they ha to e$ca2ate more tha! B,&&&,&&& mB of la! a!
u#e i! all hi# co!#tructio! more of ;&,'&&,&&& )g of #teel,
Proceso de montaje de viaductos. (dovelas
The >,<;> meter# of 2iauct#, co!#tructe of co!#ecuti2ely form alo!g hi#
lo!gitui!al a$i# to a2oi the iFere!ce i! height are i#tri*ute i! ;&
iFere!t 2iauct#, Guilt *y %refa*ricate o2ela# #y#tem, a##em*le 2ai! to
2ai! with out#ie %re#tre##e a! le!gth of ;'E a! '=& metre#,Thi# #y#tem i# u#e
for i#o#tatic %a!el of o2ela# with #%ace# of 4' a! >< meter#, #eccitio! rawer of >
tall a! ;>,E meter# with,
Amo!g other highlight# the S%ri!g 2iauct that 7ie# a ma/or cur2e# i! the
%ath !orth, reachi!g a height of =& meter# a*o2e the 2alley,
La tcnica y gra de montaje de dovelas en viaductos
The o2ela# are rei!force co!crete #tructure# that are ma!ufacture,
(with a le!gth of > meter# a! ;B,B meter# with) i! a factory exclusively *uilt
for the Pro/ect o! the other #ie of Sa!ta Ele!a, from with they are
tra!#%orte o!e *y o!e to the %lace where they are %lace with a com%le$
metallic #tructure li)e a 2aulte cra!e, Stic)i!g together to the other#
*uili!g the #tretche# that are #u%%orte *y the gia!t colum!# %re2iou#ly
The %a!elA# a##em*ly i# o!e with a #elf-ro%%a*le Hcim*raA from witch
ha!g# all the o2ela# from the 2ai! i! it# e9!iti2e %o#itio!, The!, the
out#ie %o#t-tighte! i# a%%lie a! He#cim*raA,
The %a!elA# e9!iti2e #ectio! i# o!e with a! au$iliary formwor) that
com%lete# the with of the %a!el a! the *arrier,
Proceso de excavacin de tneles (metodo austriaco)
The 44;E meter# of tu!!el# are i#tri*ute i! ' tu!!el# each o!e De#er2e#
to highlight the #ectio! corre#%o!i!g to De#%e4a%erro#5# Tu!!el, i2ie i!
two %i%e# of ;,<B' m of le!gth, a! where four gallerie# ha2e *ee! reali3e
for the tra!#it of 2ehicle# of co!!ectio! *etwee! *oth %i%e#, a! a lay-*y i!
hi# ce!tral %art,
To ig the tu!!el# the Pro/ect ecie to u#e the !ew a#truia! metho which
i# characteri3eJ
Cri#tly we ha2e to ig the 9r#t a2a!ce gallery i! the cur*, The! o*#er2e
the #oil we are getti!g through,
Su*#eKue!tly we o%e! a #eco! gallery to recog!i3e i! the )ey#to!e,
The! com%lete the #oilA# o*#er2atio!,
Thirly %ull out the #%are #a! through the lower gallery, Goth gallerie#
will *e commu!icate with #haft e2ery#i!ce B& meter#,
Ci!ally the ga*le e! e$ca2atio! a! the! the tu!!elA# co2eri!g, com%leti!g
the tu!!el with ri!g#,
(Editar las diapositivas con nombres en ingls y
donde se vea paso a paso el mtodo austriaco)
The wor)# fall mo#tly withi! the -atural Par) of De#%e4a%erro#, #o it ha# to
*e e$erci#e cautio! whe! ma)i!g *la#ti!g, a# the !oi#e a! 2i*ratio!
a##ociate with them coul aFect the re%roucti2e cycle of the fau!a,
e#%ecially *ir#, 2ery im%orta!t feature i! thi# #%eci9c e!2iro!me!t,
To reuce the aFectio!# of the mo#t 2alua*le #%ecie# i!ha*iti!g the #tuy
area uri!g %erio# of e#tru#, *reei!g, the wor) of cleari!g, earthmo2i!g,
*la#ti!g a! other !oi#e-ge!erati!g acti2itie# were co!ucte *etwee! the
mo!th# of 6u!e a! -o2em*er, #to%%i!g i! the %erio from -o2em*er to
+! aitio!, there are %ro2ie a lot of mea#ure# to reuce e!2iro!me!tal
im%act a! correctio!,
The amou!t of the#e actio!# re%re#e!t# a! i!2e#tme!t of a%%ro$imately
ELR D,DE millio!, Amo!g the mo#t im%orta!t e!2iro!me!tal actio!# for the
reuctio! a!
e!2iro!me!tal im%act correctio! De#%e4a%erro# -atural Par) areJ
+m%ro2e %ate!cy fau!a to elimi!ate o!e of the e$i#ti!g roa# a! i!crea#e
tra@c area#, (tra!#late that i!crea#e tra@c area# for a!imal# a! the
territorie# are !ot i2ie *y roa#)
The creation of a greenway in the old national IV.
The cleaning of riverbeds and banks and their restoration.
The improvement of habitat conditions rabbit and lynx.
Restocking and selective pruning to prevent fires.
The landscape restoration of disturbed areas.
The landscape integration of the nozzles of the tunnels.
The acoustic comfort and protection of archaeological heritage protection.
Morphological restoration of ancient paths.

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