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Script for Is University Worth It?

Question: What do you study at university?

Interview of university students

More and more future university undergraduates are asking the question Is University
Worth It? as the high cost implications are deterring young people from going into
higher education. It wasnt until Cleggs broken promise and the tripling of fees that the
debate about the value of university started. Many university hopefuls find themselves
stuck between whether going to university or taking other alternatives, such as going
straight into the working world, as they feel the fees and the costs are not worth it.

Perhaps we should consider what the students themselves think? They are, after all, the
ones who matter.

Question: What made you carry on your studies at university?
Interview of university students

Question: What do you think of the cost implications of university?
Interview of university experts
Interview of university students
Interview of future university students

Question: What are the bad things about university?
Interview of university students
Interview of university experts

However, there are major benefits of fighting through the costs and getting a degree at
the end. David Price, the Vice-Provost of University College London, supports this view
as he states: A university education can provide subject expertise, transferable skills
and a competitive advantage in the jobs market. Statistically, graduates have a higher
employability rate and have a higher income, as they can be paid salaries up to 40%
more than those without a higher education. This is due to the increased skills and
knowledge that having a degree can offer which strengthens your CV and makes you
more employable.
Order of Interview Questions
1) What do you study at university?
2) What is life like studying in university on a daily basis?
3) What made you carry on with your studies at university?
4) What are the good things about university?
5) What skills have you gained from university? (Work experience, placements, transferable skills)
6) What are the cost implications of university? (Your opinion)
7) What are the bad things about university?
8) Do you get to meet a variety of people and experience different cultures when at university?
9) Does the university provide any facilities/events so you can experience the different cultures?

Question: What skills have you gained from university?
Interview of university students

Question: What skills are students able to gain at university?
Interview of university experts

Another benefit of university is the ease of meeting different people and experience
different cultures.

Question: Do you get to meet a variety of people and experience different cultures
when at university?
Interview of university students
Interview university experts

Question: Does the university provide any facilities/events so you can experience the
different cultures?
Interview of university experts
Interview of university experts

If youre looking at the short term effects, university may not be for you as you would
have to battle out the costs and the intensity that lecturers expect, however, looking at
the long-term, university can be really beneficial to you as you would have higher career
prospects and you would be able to meet life long friends.

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