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Faith of One (or More) who Impacts Others

Scripture Description
1 1 Kings 17:10 Widow w/ son last meal
2 1 Kings 18:22 Elijah alter !ire
" 1 Kings 18: #2 $ra%er !or rain
# 1 Samuel 1# &onathan attac's $hilistines
( )cts 12: # *hurch $ra%ed $eter released
+ ,oo' o! -uth -uth.s commitment result in marriage to ,oa/in line o! Da0e
7 E1odus 17:8 )aron 2 3ur hold up 4oses hands
8 E1odus ":1 *all o! 4oses
5 E1odus 2:1 4oses placed in 6as'et
10 E1odus "2:5 4oses )s's 7od not to destro% 8srael
11 E1odus "2:5 4oses pleads with 7od not to destro% 8srael
12 7enesis 18: 1# 8s )n%thing to hard !or the 9ord :promise o! son;
1" 7enesis + <oah 6uilds )c'
1# 7enesis 22:1 )6raham to sla% 8saac :multipl% seed;
1( 7enesis 12:1 )6ram lea0es 3aron !or *anaan
1+ 7enesis 17:5 )6raham circumcision
17 7enesis 1(:+ )6ram 6elie0esrighteousness
18 7enesis 1#:1# )6ram rescues 9ot
15 &ohn 2:8 Ser0ants who o6e% &esus
20 &ohn +:8 =oung 6o% has !ish
21 &oshua 2:1 >aith o! -aha6
22 &oshua ":1# $riests step in &ordan -i0er
2" &udges 7 7edeon
2# 9e0 20:1"
2( 9e0iticus 18:22 Do not lie with man as with woman
2+ 9u'e (: 17 $aral%tic healed
27 9u'e 21:10 :or 22:10; 4an has room !or passo0er
28 9u'e 15:28 *olts owner
25 9u'e 5:"7 4an !or son
"0 9u'e 8:#0 &ar0is.s daughter healed
"1 9u'e 7:1 -oman o!!icer !or ser0ant
"2 9u'e (:18 >our men carr% a paral%tic? &esus @seeing their !aith: !orgi0es the sins o!
the manAAAplus heals himA
"" 4ar' 10:1" ,ringing children to &esus
"# 4ar' 11:11 4an who pro0ided Don'e%
"( 4ar' 2:1 >our men carr% a paral%tic
"+ 4ar' (: 21 S%nagogue o!!icial !or daughter
"7 4ar' 5:17 4an 6rings possessed son
"8 4ar' 7:2( Woman !or daughter
"5 4ar' 1#:1" Bwner who had passo0er prepared
#0 4atthew 5:"2 Dum6 man 6rought to &esus
#1 4atthew 2(:1# 3andling o! talents
#2 4atthew 1(:"# Disciples 7 loa0es C 2 !ish !eed #000
#" 4atthew 5:18 S%nagogue o!!icial !or daughter
## 4atthew 1(: "# Disciples 7 lo0es 2 !ew !ishes !eed #000
#( 4atthew 1(:22 *anaanite woman pleads !or daughter
#+ 4atthew 17:8 >ather o! 9unatic Son
#7 4atthew 2+:18 4an who prepared $asso0er !or &esus. disciples
#8 4atthew 5:1 >our men carr% a paral%tic? &esus @seeing their !aith: !orgi0es the sins o!
the manAAAplus heals himA
#5 4atthew 8:( *enturion !or ser0ant
(0 4atthew 2+:+ $er!ume poured on &esus
(1 4atthew 5:27 3ealing ,lind menAAAtell others
(2 4atthew 2+: 1+ $er!ume poured on &esus
(" <um6ers 1#:1" 4oses pleading
(# <um6ers 1+:#1 4oses has )aron run through camp with incense
(( 88 Kings ":1+ 4a'e the 0alle% !ull o! trenches
(+ 88 Kings (:1 9ittle girl recommends <aaman see Elisha

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