21 Genzink Standard 4 2 Safe Healthy Legal and Ethical Use

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2 Safe, Healthy, Legal & Ethical Use

Candidates model and facilitate the safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital information and


The Copyright Assignment was created as a presentation to inform teachers about the copyright and Fair
Use of video. In completing this assignment, I modeled and facilitated the safe, healthy, legal, and ethical
uses of digital information technologies. The Copyright Assignment highlighted three specific scenarios
of video use in the school setting, and asked teachers to determine if the use was justified under Fair Use.
I completed this presentation independently.
Standard 4.2, Safe, Healthy, Legal, & Ethical Use, establishes the expectations for modeling and
facilitating the safe, healthy, legal, and ethical use of digital information technologies. The content of this
artifact demonstrates my ability to model and facilitate the safe, healthy, legal, and ethical use of digital
information technologies. The first two slides give an explanation of copyright and Fair Use. It then lays
out the specific details of Fair Use as related to educational settings. Four factors are listed to determine
the legal and ethical use of technology. The presentation explains the Fair Use requirements that video be
used in a classroom for educational purposes only.
Completing this Copyright Assignment was a great learning experience. Previous to this assignment,
copyright policies were a little blurry to me, and I was never completely confident about ethically using
technology in my classroom. Through the extensive research I conducted for this assignment, I greatly
improved my knowledge and understanding of the safe, healthy, legal, and ethical use of digital
information technologies.
In the future, I would like to create a similar Copyright presentation for other types of digital technology,
such as audio and images. I think this would further improve my knowledge of Fair Use and allow me to
more effectively assist teachers at my school with their safe, healthy, legal, and ethical use of digital
information technologies.
The work that went into creating this artifact directly impacted faculty development. Through this
presentation, I was able to share my knowledge with a couple teachers at my school that were curious
about copyright rules for the classroom. This impact could be assessed through the use of a staff survey
gauging staff knowledge of copyright and Fair Use. In the future, I could also use a pre- and post-survey
to determine the growth of staff members knowledge after viewing my presentation.

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