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Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist

Post Title: Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Contract Type: Fixed Term NO-C, No. 5!"
Duration o !o": #s soon as possi$le, initial %iring o& one 'ear
Purpose o post(
)nder t%e supervision o& t%e *epresentative, responsi$le &or t%e planning, development and implementation
&or t%e integrated monitoring and evaluation strategies in support o& t%e countr' program.
Ma#or $uties:
Contri$utes to+ards t%e preparation o& t%e Situation #nal'sis and its periodic updates. Contri$utes to
)N,CEFs participation in t%e CC-)N.#F preparation and monitoring process. Ensuring ade/uate input on
c%ildren and +omen0s rig%ts. 1repares Countr' 1rogramme integrated monitoring, evaluation and researc%
1articipates in 1rogramme mid-term revie+, annual revie+s, previe+s, meeting. #nal'ses and evaluate data
to ensure ac%ievement o& 1C*-,* and recommends corrective actions, +%en necessar'. 1rovides tec%nical
advice to programme sta&&, government o&&icials and ot%er counterparts on planning and management o&
integrated monitoring and evaluation.
.esigns data collection met%odologies and researc% related to programme interventions( 2Sentinel Site
Surve', *#1, C#1 etc.3. Conducts researc% and data anal'sis. #ssists in t%e introduction o& ne+ approac%es
and met%ods in pro4ect monitoring and evaluation.
#ssesses trends and measures outcomes relating to ac%ieving N1# goals, in context o& countr' programme.
Maintains a data $an5 o& social indicators on t%e situation o& +omen and c%ildren.
1repares t%e Monitoring and Evaluation sectoral documents &or t%e Countr' 1rogramme.
1repares countr' programme recommendations 2C1*3 and plans o& Operations, 1lans o& #ction and Countr'
1rogramme Summar' S%eet 2C1SS3.
1articipates in t%e development o& t%e Monitoring and Evaluation sections +or5plan, ensures compliance to
speci&ic assigned o$4ectives. 1rovides guidance and tec%nical support to sta&& o& countr' o&&ice and
#ssists 6overnment aut%orities to plan and organi7e M&E training programmes. ,denti&ies training needs
&or t%e purpose o& capacit' $uilding in monitoring and evaluation. 8iaises +it% t%e regional M&E O&&icer
and t%e Evaluation and *esearc% O&&ice at )N,CEF 9ead/uarters in t%is regard.
1repares t%e programme status reports re/uired &or management, $oard, donors, $udget, revie+s,
programme anal'sis, annual reports, etc.
1articipates in intersectoral colla$oration +it% t%e ,n&ormation-Communication sta&& in t%e selection and
dissemination o& statistical results &rom t%e Situation #nal'sis to national and local levels.
Meets +it% national and international agencies covering t%e management o& a S:#1 on Statistical
,n&ormation. 1articipates in t%e meeting +it% Ministries responsi$le &or programme revie+, and &ollo+s up
on implementation and recommendations and agreements.
#dvanced universit' degree in social Science, .emograp%', .evelopment, 1lanning, Statistics or a
related tec%nical &ield.
Five 'ears o& progressivel' responsi$le pro&essional +or5 experience at national and international levels
in programme monitoring and evaluation. 1ractical experience in communit'-$ased researc%.
#t least one instance o& exposure to emergenc' programming, including preparedness planning. #ctive
involvement in a %umanitarian crisis response programme pre&erred.
Fluenc' in Englis% and Spanis% ;+ritten and oral- is re/uired.
i. Core /alues
.iversit' and ,nclusion
ii. Core Co0petencies
< Communication
< :or5ing +it% 1eople
< .rive &or *esults
ii. Functional Co0petencies
1lanning and Organi7ing
#ppl'ing Tec%nical Expertise
Formulating Strategies and concept
8eading and Supervising

a. Speciic Tec2nical )no3le$ge & Co0petencies Re4uire$
=no+ledge o& 1ro4ect Evaluation.
1ro&essional tec%nical 5no+ledge-expertise in Evaluation 1rocess Management, Follo+-up on
*ecommendations and .issemination o& M&E results.
Emerging international good practice in monitoring and evaluation partners%ips
Strong anal'tical /uantitative and /ualitative researc% s5ills.
6ood anal'tical, negotiation and communication s5ills.
". Co00on Tec2nical )no3le$ge Re4uire$
1ro&essional tec%nical 5no+ledge-expertise in demograp%', statistic, and data management.
1ro&essional tec%nical 5no+ledge-expertise in met%odolog' o& M&E, including t%eories, standards and
models, /uantitative-/ualitative-mixed met%ods, validit'-relia$ilit' testing o& data, data anal'sis and
interpretation, and statistical in&erence met%ods.
1ro&essional tec%nical 5no+ledge-expertise in #ctivit' Monitoring & Evaluation, Evaluation .esign,
data anal'sis, and reporting.
6ender e/ualit' and diversit' a+areness.
c. Tec2nical )no3le$ge to "e %c4uire$,En2ance$
1ro&essional-tec%nical =no+ledge-expertise in Team Management, Coac%ing & Training.
Master' o& )N,CEFs M&E policies and procedures
8atest programme monitoring and evaluation t%eor', met%odolog', tec%nolog' and tools.
)nderstanding o& )N Mission and s'stem, current 5e' )N topics, and ,nternational Code o& Conduct.
)nderstanding o& )N,CEF Mission Statement and )N,CEF 6uiding 1rinciples.
)N,CEF strategic &rame+or5 &or partners%ips and colla$orative relations%ips.
The United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF is an organization in a non-smoking
environment. Is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workorce! and
encourages "uali#ed emale and male candidates rom all national! religious and ethnic
$ackgrounds! including %ersons living with disa$ilities! to a%%ly to $ecome a %art o our
organization. &I' test is not re"uired and do not tolerate stigma and discrimination on
&I' %ositive status.
#n' person +it% t%e a$ove /uali&ications s%ould provide in Englis%, a C> +it% a one-page cover +it% personal
and pro&essional re&erences to #ai5unice6org
Please sen$ your applications to 4ai?unice&.org 7 $ea$line is 89 !uly 8:;<6

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