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Universal Analytics

Universal Analytics is the evolution of Google Analytics and is a set of technological innovations that
improve the way data is collected and processed in Google Analytics. Until April 1, it was in beta edition,
but now the full functionality is released and available.
Benefits of Universal Analytics
Connect multiple devices and sessions with the User ID.
The User ID is a Universal Analytics feature that you can use to associate multiple session with a unique
ID. All activity is attributed to one user in your reports.
Collect data from any digital device.
Universal Analytics introduces three new versions of the tracking code

analytics.js JavaScript library for websites
Google Analytics SDKs for mobile app tracking
Measurement Protocol for other digital devices (game consoles,information kiosks)
More configuration options.
Universal Analytics gives more configuration options:
Organic search sources
Session and campaign timeout handling
Referral exclusions
Search term exclusions
Custom dimensions & custom metrics
Custom dimensions and custom metrics are like default dimensions and metrics, except you create them
yourself. Use them to collect data that Google Analytics doesnt automatically track.
Stay up to date with new features and updates.
All product updates and new features will only be available to Universal Analytics properties that recieve
data from a Universal Analytics tracking code
Classic properties and properties will not receive any product updates and access to new features.
Current phase
The current phase is phase 3: Universal Analytics out of beta.
All features (including the dc.js JavaScript) are supported in Universal Analytics.
Universal Analytics tracking code (analytics.js) can send DoubleClick beacon for remarketing.
Universal Analytics supports Premium SLA and Premium accounts can transfer properties to
Universal Analytics.
Universal Analytics is the only option for new properties.
New Features:
User ID Override / Cross Device reports.
New IP and User Agent override, allowing users to send data server-to-server via the Measurement
Timezone based processing.

In the next phase, all properties will be upgraded into Universal Analytics and the ga.js library will be

UA tracking code example
< script >
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-YYYYY-XX', '');
ga('send', 'pageview')
< /script >;
Universal Analytics Tracking Cookies
The big difference between Universal Analytics and Classic Analytics is that Universal uses ONE cookie
while the previous version uses four (and sometimes five) cookies, so the websites should be a little bit

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