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The following remarks were delivered at the Republicans for Kansas Values event

by Carol Rupe Linnens:

Im Carol Rupe Linnens. I served on the Wichita School Board for eight and later on the
Kansas State Board of Education for another eight years.

Republicans for Kansas Values was brought together by our shared commitment to our
communities, our fellow Kansans, and our kids. And likewise, our shared concern for the
impact Sam Brownbacks failed policies are having on our state.

The place where many of us see and feel the devastating impact the most is in our public
schools. My own children benefitted so much from our excellent public schools. And I
want the same for my six grandchildren and all Kansas kids not matter where they live.

One of the unique values Kansans share is a strong commitment to our schools and our
top-notch education system. It is clear Sam Brownback does not share this Kansas value.

In his very first legislative session, he made the largest cut to our schools in state history
and had the nerve to call it a victory for our state. And during the next 3 years he
neglected our schools instead putting his own personal political agenda before our kids.

Finally, this year the Kansas Supreme Court ruled the cuts unconstitutional and forced
the governor to address schools. But even then, he pushed through irresponsible partisan
policies that hurt our schools and disrespect our teachers.

Adjusted for inflation our schools are currently making due with 1992 level funding.
That doesnt reflect our Kansas values. We need a Governor who values our schools and
makes them a top priority.

I support Paul Davis and Jill Docking for many reasons, the first of which is their steadfast
support for our public schools. Paul has been a champion of schools for his entire career.
He supported one of the largest investment in our classrooms in state history, proposed
restoring our schools when the economy began to recover from the Great Recession, and
proposed a clean school bill this year.

Jill Docking also has a strong record of supporting our schools from pre-K all the way to
higher education. She served on the Kansas Board of Regents and understands the
importance of higher education from junior colleges to technical schools to our state

I am a proud Republican and I am proud to endorse Paul Davis and Jill Docking for
Governor and Lieutenant Governor.

The following remarks were delivered at the Republicans for Kansas Values event
by Charlie Roth:

Good morning, Im Charlie Roth. I had the privilege of representing the citizens of Salina
in the Kansas House for eight years, 2005-2013. During my tenure I had the opportunity to
work with Paul Davis. Paul served as minority leader the last few years of my legislative
career. Thats when I observed first hand his strength of character and his leadership

Some will try to brand Paul a liberal or an Obama Democrat. But I can assure you that if
he were he wouldnt have the support of almost 100 lifelong Republicans who have
served our state for many years. We know Pauls character and we know he has the right
priorities for Kansas.

I know Paul personally; let me tell you something about my experience with him.

During the last few years I was in office, far-right Republican had the majority of the
majority in the House. And they were able to elect a Speaker. The Speaker was able to
control the agenda and the committee structure. Therefore, passing sensible legislation
was almost impossible.

However, the moderate Republicans-some 25 of us- and the Democrats-some 43 of them-
would often partner to make commonsense policy for Kansas. Paul knew that
cooperative leadership and "working across the aisle" was what was best for Kansas.

During those years, we were able to pass a budget and responsible tax policy in 2010, in
the teeth of the recession. This combination enabled us to save hundreds of jobs in
education, while making surgical cuts to balance a fragile budget.

I worked with Paul and his team in those years as we tried to generate 63 votes. I have
nothing but positive things to say for the quality of his character and the strength of his
leadership. I found him to be thoughtful, smart, and always open to suggestions. He is a
natural leader and will bring Kansans together. He will be a tremendous governor.

For those reason and many more I will vote for Paul Davis and Jill Docking in


The following remarks were delivered at the Republicans for Kansas Values event
by former Senate President Dick Bond:

Good morning. Im Dick Bond. Im a life-long Republican and Ive been in public service
for a very long-time. I served in the Kansas Senate for fourteen years and as Senate
President for four years. I retired in 2001 and went on to serve on the Kansas Board of

The decision to endorse a Democratic candidate for Governor is a big step for all of us
and a major departure from our Republican roots. We do not make this decision lightly.

But this election should not be about electing a Republican or a Democrat as Governor. It
must be about electing a moderate, commonsense Kansan as governor.

The choice is clear to me. We can continue with Sam Brownbacks extreme political
agenda and his real live experiment. Or we can return Kansas to its historic tradition of
moderation and caring values.

For these reasons and many more we endorse Paul Davis, Jill Docking, and their
moderate, commonsense leadership.

Kansans know that Sam Brownback will try to distract and mislead throughout this
campaign. He wants to blame the mess in Kansas on Barrack Obama. From our stalled
economy to his ill-advised tax policy to our struggling schools to the Kansas drought. But
the only person to blame for this mess is Sam Brownback.

He and his allies want to compare Paul Davis to an unpopular President Obama trying
to scare and distract us. But we know better. We know Paul Davis. We know his
character. And we know he is an independent leader focused on whats best for Kansas
families and Kansas businesses. We need a governor committed to service not politics.

Kansas has a proud history of moderate, caring Republican leaders, like Alf Landon,
Dwight Eisenhower, Bob Dole, Nancy Kassebaum, Bill Graves and many more.

We wont stand by and watch Sam Brownback undo the work of these great leaders.
Decades of work making Kansas schools, economy and communities great.

Kansas cannot afford four more years of misguided leadership and hurt to our families. It
is time for us to stand up and say Enough is enough.

I have been a Republican all my life and dont intend to change. But I am proud today to
support Paul Davis and Jill Docking for Kansas sake.


The following remarks were delivered at the Republicans for Kansas Values event
by Wint Winter, Jr.:

Thank you for joining us today for this historic announcement. My name is Wint Winter,
Jr. I am a Republican, a 4
generation Kansan, a businessman and a former state senator
from Douglas County. But today Im proud to represent something that reaches far
beyond the boundaries of my home district. Im here to introduce you to Republicans for
Kansas Values.

RKV is a strong group of more than 100 Kansans. Not everyone could make it here today
in person, but they join in our message and in our work.

We are a diverse group of current and former elected Republican officials. We all have
served Kansas and the Republican Party in public office in some capacityfrom the
federal level, to the Legislature, City and County Commissions, State and local School
Boards, Community College Boards and Republican Party offices.

We have political leaders from across the State and includes:

Our current Insurance Commissioner
1 Member of the US Congress
2 Lieutenant Governors
3 Senate Presidents
3 Speakers of the House of Representatives
5 Senate and House Majority Leaders
1 Republican State Party Chairman
5 Republican National Convention Delegates
and scores of citizen office holders from all corners of the state.
We are proud Republicans. And we came together because of our common love of
Kansas; our commitment to Kansas families; our belief in moderate, commonsense
leadership and our great concern for the future of Kansas.

Today, we announce our opposition to Sam Brownbacks re-election... and to pledge our
voices, our energy and our votes to Paul Davis and Jill Dockingour choice for Governor
and Lieutenant Governor of Kansas.

We are all Republicans. But we will always be Kansans first.

We stand today united in the belief that under the current Republican governor, Kansas
is going the wrong direction. We believe Sam Brownback does not represent the values
that Kansans have long held dear since 1861.

Instead of embracing the Kansas values of working together to find commonsense
solutions, he has forced his real live experiment on the citizens of this state.

His policies have hurt our schools and jeopardized the opportunities of our children.

Recently, I became a grandfather. My grandson, Jack, is a 6
generation Kansan. I want
to ensure that healong with your children and grandchildrenreceive the same quality
education and opportunities as the generations before him. With Sam Brownback as
Governor, we feel that wont happen.

And Governor Brownback simply does not value our schools. When he made the largest
single, one-time cut to public education in state history, he showed his real priorities and
in fact he demonstrated an apparent antagonism to education by calling that cut a
victory for Kansas.
His economic experiment has resulted in financially irresponsible deficit spending that
hurt the Kansas economy, downgraded our credit rating and will ultimately result in
further damage to our schools.

Governor Brownbacks radical style of leadership lacks Kansas common sense. It hurts our
schools, weakens our financial condition and fails to create jobs at the rate of our
neighboring states.

And I must say that any attempt by Sam Brownback to blame the mess he's created on
the President is an effort to avoid responsibility for his record and hide from his policies.

We get nowhere when politicians like Sam Brownback and Barack Obama alike blame
others and put politics and partisanship before doing whats right for Kansas families.

Paul Davis understands that he has a long record of bringing people together. And he'll
go to work every day focusing on the best interests of middle class Kansans.

On the other hand, Sam Brownback has imported a divisive, hyper-partisan style of
leadership from his time inside the belt-way of Washington DC. And that it is hurting our
While we as a part of RKV are all proud Republicans, our message today is not partisan. It
is for all our fellow Kansansregardless of political affiliation. We are deeply concerned
about the direction in which our state is headed with Sam Brownback as Governor.
It is time to get our state back on the right path. A path where we value our schools. One
where we focus on proven approaches to grow the economy. And a path where we work
togetherregardless of political partyto find common sense solutions to our challenges.
We therefore encourage all Kansans to join us in our support of Paul Davis and Jill
Docking as the next Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the great state of Kansas.

Paid for by Paul Davis for Governor, William A. Kassebaum, Treasurer.

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