Bank Asia HRM 410

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Bank Asia Ltd is one of the leading private sector commercial bank in Bangladesh.
Bank Asia Limited is a scheduled commercial bank in the private sector established
under the Banking Company Act 1991 and incorporated in Bangladesh as a public limited
company under the Companies Act 1994 to carry out banking business in Bangladesh.
Bank Asia has been launched by a group of successful entrepreneurs with recognized
standing in the society. he management of the Bank consists of a team led by senior
bankers with decades of e!perience in national and international markets. he senior
management team is ably supported by a group of professionals many of whom have
e!posure in the international market.
Bank Asia is maintaining its competitiveness by leveraging on its "nline Banking
#oftware and modern $ infrastructure. $t is the pioneer amongst the local banks in
introducing innovative products like #%# banking& and under the A% 'etwork the
Stellar "nline Banking software enables direct linking of a client(s account& without the
re)uirement for a separate account. *ith the help of this #oftware each and every types
of posting is being done.
Bank Asia has successfully established a transparent process of recruitment seeking the
best talent. $n its efforts towards continuous development of the human resources of the
Bank& it arranges training programs throughout the year.
Mission Statement
o assist in bringing high )uality service to our customers and to participate in the growth
and e!pansion of our national economy.
o set high standards of integrity and bring total satisfaction to our clients& shareholders and
o become the most sought after bank in the country& rendering technology driven innovative
services by our dedicated team of professionals.
Vision Statement
Bank Asia+s vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in the new
millennium& reflecting the national dream. "ur vision is to build a society where human
dignity and human rights receive the highest consideration along with reduction of poverty.
Corporate Governance
he Bank tries to achieve balance between increasing value of the shareholders(
investments and maintaining high standards of ethics as a socially responsible corporate
entity& within the framework of regulatory norms. Continued improvement in the )uality
of service to the depositors and borrowers remains the link between these ob,ectives.
A successful business is defined by its relationship with its shareholders& customers&
employees& business partners and the community in which it operates. BA- aims to tap
into the synergy of these relationships and create a collectively beneficial business
environment. $ts responsibilities are as follows.
/o safeguard shareholders( investment and to create and add economic value.0
/o satisfy the uni)ue needs of our customers by offering safety to their trust& provide
innovation and fle!ibility in delivered service& that creates value for their business
thereby enhancing their commercial success and& in turn& ours. o take due care and
diligence in ensuring that regulatory norms are not breached in e!tending service to
customers and other constituents.0
/o recognize that employees are our greatest asset and to ensure that they have a safe and
conducive working environment with e)uitable and competitive terms and conditions of
he Bank promotes a culture of trust& and the development and best of human talent and
Business partners
/o cultivate meaningful& mutually beneficial and successful long1term relationship with
our partners& suppliers and contractors based on trust and understanding.0
/o be a responsible corporate citizen and conduct business in a manner that promotes
sustainable development for both BA- and the community it serves. his involves full
compliance with local laws and regulatory authorities& and giving due consideration to
cultural& social and environmental impact in all commercial decisions.0
Branches of Bank Asia Limited
2resently Bank Asia -td has 43 branches in total.
Chapter !" #roducts !
4.1. 5eneral 2roducts
4.1.1. Current 6eposit
4.1.7. #avings 6eposit
4.1.4. #hort erm 6eposit
4.1.4. 8i!ed 6eposit
4.7. Consumer Banking 2roducts
4.7.1. Bank Asia 62# 2lus
4.7.7. Bank Asia %ulti %illionaire
4.7.4. Bank Asia %oney %a!imized
4.7.4. Bank Asia 9arning 2lus
4.7.3. "nline #ervice
4.7.:. Credit Card
4.7.:.1. 8eatures of Bank Asia Credit Card
4.7.:.7. 2roduct type ; Annual fees
$uman %esource Mana&ement of Bank Asia Limited
<uman resource development and management has been proved as one of the most
critical aspects of attaining organizational effectiveness. <uman =esource %anagement
><=%? is concerned with the @people dimension in management(. Bank Asia -imited&
since its inception& has placed e)ual emphasis on all the four key functions of the process
of <=%1ac)uisition& development& motivation and retention. he various programs
undertaken by the Bank Asia to enrich the )uality of human resource are mainly aimed at
increasing professional knowledge and skill levels of employees through training and
development& in order to form a well1e)uipped work force for providing e!cellent
services to the customers.
%oreover& top e!ecutive of the Bank are fre)uently send abroad for enabling them to
know the functions and mechanisms of financial& money and security market of the
developed countries and also to e!ploring business opportunities. Auit a large numbers of
e!ecutives and officers of the Bank have so far been trained at Bangladesh $nstitute of
Bank %anagement >B$B%?& Bangladesh Bank raining Academy >BBA? etc. covering
divers areas of the financial system including commercial banking as carefully selected
are largely concentrated around core banking issues like credit management& international
trade& treasury management& audit and inspection& loan review ; monitoring and pro,ect
'o( %e)uirement Analysis
8or effective recruitment and selection <= personnel of Bank Asia does ,ob re)uirement
analysis at first. $n which post they need how many employee>s?& what should be
)ualification of that employee>s?& in which time they need the employee>s?& for rural
branch or outside of 6haka branches from where they have to recruit employee>s? etc.
*ithout this re)uirement analysis an organization cannot re)uite effectively and
$ierarchy of Bank Asia Executive Level Officer Level
=ecruitment refers to process of finding right people for the right ,ob or function& usually
undertake by <uman =esource 6epartment. Advertising is commonly part of the
recruiting process& and Bank Asia does it through newspapers. %ainly two newspapers
they advertise for 2rothom Alo and 6aily #tar.
6ifferent ,ob re)uired different skills. #o& suitability for a ,ob is typically assessed by
looking for skills& e.g. communication skills& computer skills. 9vidence for skills re)uired
for a ,ob may be provided in the form of )ualifications >educational or professional?&
e!perience in a ,ob re)uiring the relevant skills or the testimony of references.
%ecruitment #rocess
%anagement rainee recruitment process is different than other employee. $n case of
%anagement rainee Bank Asia takes written e!amination. "ther employee(s recruitment
processes are as follows.
After advertising the newspaper the Banking "fficers and rainee "fficers of <uman
=esource 6epartment collect the CBs from reception desk. CBs are posted by hand or by
post. <= employee preliminary screen the CB by matching the post they want for. *ith
the instruction of 8irst Assistant Bice 2resident >8AB2? of <=6 Banking "fficers and
rainee "fficers start to entry the CBs in the software. #oftware is also screen the by
matching the criteria& because software is designed as the criteria set up. $f the criteria
don(t match the software will not allow to entry the CB. After entering the CB in the
software they printout the CB statement in )uiz format& si! CBs are in one page .A
sample CB statement in given in the Appendi! A. *ith the statement the Banking
"fficers go to the <ead of the <=6. he <ead of the <=6& #enior 9!ecutive Bice
2resident >#9B2?& 9!ecutive Bice 2resident >9B2? do an informal discussion and screen
the CB. hen these top level managers give a schedule for interview. 8irst Assistant Bice
2resident >8AB2? of <=6 set the venue for interview and call the top level management
to lead the interview. Banking "fficers call the candidates to attend the interview.
$f the preliminary interview is successful& the candidate will be invited to another
interview. hen the selected candidates have to face the final interview. $t is not set that&
there will be three interviews. $t could be four or more& depends on situation and post. All
interviews are panel interview and the )uestionnaire of the interview could be direct or
After selecting from the recruitment process bank offer the candidate to ,oin the bank.
A sample of "ffer of Appointment -etter is attached in Appendi! 9. $f candidate agree to
,oin the bank then gives himCher appointment letter. $n appointment letter the date of
,oining& which document should be attached& salary parameters are mentioned. *ith the
reference of appointment letter within the ,oining date the candidate have to come in the
<uman =esource 6epartment ><=6? in the Corporate "ffice. he Banking officer of the
<uman =esource 6epartment ><=6? processes the ,oining. he candidate have to fill up
a ,oining form& in which there are personal information& references& nominees name and
percentage of given power of provident fund etc. #Che has to sign the Code of Conduct&
and submit a ,oining letter and a confirmation letter. Banking "fficer verifies hisDher
certificates& and collect nationality and medical certificates. $n terms of some employee
like %anagement rainee& they have to sign bond to ,oin the service. hese all documents
will enclose in hisCher personal file. After collecting all the documents Banking "fficer
creates the candidate(s personal file and go to the <ead of the <=6 and 6%6 to accept
hisCher ,oining. After accepting hisCher ,oining& now the candidate becomes an employee
and <uman =esource 6epartment ><=6? gives himCher a posting order. $n that posting
order the branch and date of ,oining are mentioned. *ith the reference of that posting the
employee have to report the mentioned Branch %anager within the mentioned date.
A personal file contains.
"ffer of Appointment -etter and Appointment -etter
"ffice notice of selected employee >with sign of 8AB2& #9B2& %6?
A copy of Certificates
Eoining 8orm
Confirmation and Eoining -etter
2osting "rder and =eleased "rder
raining $nformation >$f any?
Annual Confidential =eport >AC=?
"ffice notice of interview for Confirmation of #ervice
Confirmation of #ervice -etter
'ew 2ay #cale
2rovident 8und $nformation
-eave 8air Assistant >-8A?
"ffice notice of interview for 2romotion
2romotion -etter >$f any?
-eave $nformation >$f any?
rade Allowance and 6aily Allowance >$f any?
-oan $nformation >$f any?
#ostin& and *ransfer
An employee first ,oins in the <uman =esource 6epartment ><=6? in the Corporate
"ffice. After accept hisCher ,oining sChe is posted to Branch "ffice. Before to get the
posting order employee doesn(t know in which Branch sChe will be posted. All ,obs are
transferable in this Bank Asia. he Competent Authority has the right to transfer
employees of the Bank from one department to anther department or from one branch to
another branch of the Bank. <uman =esource 6epartment keeps one copy of posting in
employee(s personal file and the copy of posting order distribute among employee& the
8B2 and manager of employee(s branch& 6%6 and head of Corporate Affairs and
Administration& %anaging 6irector(s #ecretariat Bank Asia -imited& the 8B2 and
manager of branch where employee will be posted and $ 6epartment.
Annual Confidential %eport +AC%,
Annual Confidential =eport >AC=? is the evaluation report on the work performance and
personal skills. $n a AC= report there will be the basic information like employee(s
personnel information& period of evaluation start to end& remarks >if any?& rater name etc.
his evaluation based on five1liar scale >Below average 1& average 7& good 4& very good 4
and outstanding 3?& we can see an AC= form format from Appendi! 61 to Appendi! 64.
Bank Asia evaluates two factors& one is personal traits and other is performance factors.
$n personal traits evaluation there are ten things.
1. 6iscipline and 2unctuality
7. $nitiative and 6rive
4. eam #pirit
4. $ntelligence& 6iligence and Alertness
3. <onesty& $ntegrity and #incerity
:. $nterpersonal =elationship #kill
F. Creativity and $nnovations
G. 8le!ibility
9. -oyalty and 6evotion
1H. 8itness
And in performance factor there are also ten things.
1. 2rofessional Inowledge
7. $mproving Corporate Culture
4. 6ecision making ability
4. Ability of visualize and plan
3. Ability to act on emergent situation
:. Ability to implement decisions
F. Ability to guide and create team work
G. Communication #kills
9. Customer =elationship
1H. Ac)uaintance with technological improvement
An employee has not any right access to hisCher AC=& but sChe will be informedJ so that
sChe cans correctCimproveCrectify himselfCherself from hisCher weaknesses if sChe has any.
After finishing the Annual Confidential =eport >AC=? in paper <= department enter
those reports in the database. 8igure 71 is the AC= fill up form and from Appendi! 61 to
Appendi! 64 is the sample AC= report of Bank Asia.
Confirmation of Service
*hen an employee ,oins in the service sChe will remain under provision of one year. $f
the employee performs satisfactory in hisCher ,ob sChe will confirm of hisCher service and
that is normally a promotion. 8or e!ample& one employee ,oins as a eller or rainee
"fficer& if hisCher performance is satisfactory then sChe will confirm as Banking "fficer
>B"?. $f the employee(s performance is not satisfactory then the bank can e!tent the
provision or can confirm as eller or rainee "fficer.
Leave -are Assistant +L-A,
-eave 8are Assistant is the fifteen days leave with one month gross salary amount
payment& and this payment will not count in monthly salary. After one year of
confirmation of service every employee will get this facility for every year. 8or mental
and physical recreation of employee Bank Asia provide this facility and this mandatory
for an employee. -eave 8are Assistant is payable to the employees or their nominee>s?
who are not in the payroll of the bank on the date of payment due to retirementCdeath.
*ith the provision that those who have completed one full year of service in the Bank
before the date of payment will receive entire amount of -8A and others not completing
one full year on the date of payment will receive -8A proportionate to hisCher period of
service during the concerned year.
8ollowing kinds of leave allowable to employees of the bank
Earn Leave
"n completion of period of one year of continuous service in the Bank all employees get
earned leave on full pay. he ma!imum amounts of such leave that may be accumulate
four months.
.isa(ility Leave
6isability leave may be granted by the Board to an employee who is disabled by in,ury
inflicted or caused in accident.
Maternity Leave
%aternity leave may be granted by the competent authority to an employee for a
ma!imum three months period at a time.
Casual Leave
Casual leave means a leave of absence for very short period of days& granted to an
employee who may be unable to attend duty due to sudden illness or urgent
privateCfamily affairs.
"n completion of period of three years of continuous service in the Bank employee may
earn study leave without any pay and allowances& for a period not e!ceeding two years
may be granted by the Board to an employee to enable himCher to study considered useful
for hisCher services under the Bank.
#ay and Allo/ance
he scale of pay and other allowances of officers and employees of the bank are
prescribed by the Competent Authority from time to time. he initial pay of an employee
appointed or promoted to the higher post are ordinarily fi!ed at the initial stage of the
scale of pay of the post to which he promoted or appointed.
2resident and %anaging 6irector to Banking "fficer the salary breaks down are Basic
pay& <ouse =ent Ceiling& Conveyance Allowance& %edical Allowance and 9ntertainment
Allowance. <ere <ouse =ent Ceiling is 34K& Conveyance Allowance is 7:K& %edical
Allowance is 1HK and 9ntertainment Allowance is 1HK of basic salary. ellers and
rainee "fficers are got Consolidated #alary only& because they are on provision period.
op level "fficers from 2resident and %anaging 6irector to 8irst Assistant Bice 2resident
>8AB2? got e!tra charges like <ouse %aintenance& Ltilities and Car %aintenance.
6eputy %anaging 6irector >6%6? and #enior 9!ecutive Bice 2resident >#9B2? got
9lectricity& 5as& elephone and 6omestic Aids also.
2resident and %anaging 6irector to 9!ecutive Bice 2resident >9B2? got direct car from
the bank. 8rom #enior Bice 2resident >#B2? to 8irst Assistant Bice 2resident >8AB2? got
Car -oan facility. And 2resident and %anaging 6irector to 8irst Assistant
Bice 2resident >8AB2? got <ouse -oan also. hese loan special for bank staff only& and
the name of these loan are #taff Car -oan& #taff <ouse Building -oan. he bank takes
only FK interest on these loan.
5roup $nsurance facilities will get the entire confirmed employee. his insurance
basically health insurance and will get facilities on only hospitalization. $n this insurance
officers and e!ecutives will get the benefit of one spouse and two children.
0inds of *erminal Benefits
he following kinds of terminal benefits are allowable to a regular and full1time
employee of the bank.
Contributory 2rovident 8und
Benevolent 8und
-estival Bonus
=egular employee will be entitled to 8estival Bonuses payable on the occasion of 9idul1
Azha and 9id1ul18itre. he bonus amount will be the half of hisCher salary.
#erformance Bonus
$f the bank makes profit& the employees will be entitled to 4K of pre1ta! profit as
performance bonus. 8ifty percent of such bonus distributed on the basis of basic pay of an
employee& and balance fifty percent on the basis of performance of individual employees.
2erformance appraisal for the purpose made on the criterion set by the management time
to time.
Cash a/ard
he Competent Authority %ay grand cash reward to any of its employee for performance
of a work which is occasional in character and innovative or research and development
oriented warranting special merit as to ,ustify the payment of the same.
%e/ards for #assin& Bankin& .iploma E1amination
he employee of the bank who will pass Banking 6iploma 2art1$ 9!amination in the first
Chance will get a cash reward of I.73& HHH and those who will pass Banking 6iploma
2art1$$ 9!amination in the first chance will get cash reward of I.3H& HHH. hose who
will pass Banking 6iploma 2art1$ 9!amination in the first chance securing highest mark
will receive an additional cash reward of I.73& HHH and those who will pass Banking
6iploma 2art1$$ 9!amination in the first chance securing highest mark will receive an
additional cash reward of I.3H& HHH.
he cash rewards for Banking 6iploma 2art1$ and 2art1$$ 9!amination in one more than
one setting will be I. 1H&HHH and I. 7H&HHH respectively.
Annual Increment
$f employee(s service records and Annual Confidential =eport >AC=? are satisfactory
then the Competent Authority sanctions the increment on the salary. he percentage of
salary increment is not fi!edJ it varies on Competent Authority decision. $f the service
records and Annual Confidential =eport >AC=? are not satisfactory of an employee then
the Competent Authority put himCher on special report for a period not e!ceeding si!
months and upon receipt of such report may sanction the increment either from
demonstration or from immediate effect or may defer it for the whole year.
$f an employee recognized of hisCher outstanding and meritorious performance then the
Board may decide to give himCher another special increment in one year period of time.
*ravel allo/ance and .aily Allo/ance
*hen bank send any employee for training and call any employee for interview then the
bank will give himCher travel allowance and daily allowance. $n this case the employee
has to claim hisCher allowance with busC trainC plane tickets. <uman =esource
6epartment will verify the claim and pay the employee.
he criteria for promotion to a specified post usually merit1cum1seniority. A person will
be eligible for promotion if he has the satisfactory records of service& meets the criteria
for promotion& and has clear recommendation for promotion in hisCher AC=. $f there is
any departmental proceeding in underway against himCher or any penalty other than
censure or warning has been imposed on himCher within the last three years then the
employee will not be promoted.
$n terms of every promotion the employee has to face interview board. here are number
of years to become eligible for promotion from the ranks mentioned below to the ne!t
higher ranks.
raining is the processes of teaching the employee the skill for their better act upon on
the ,ob. raining is very helpful for the employees for their better performance. here are
many methods of training& but in the banks of Bangladesh two methods are commonly
used& lecture and on1the1,ob training. %any institute and banks like B$B%& $BA& and
*orld Bank& Asian 6evelopment Bank& Bangladesh Bank& Citi Bank etc arrange varies
kind of training. -ots of banks of Bangladesh have their own training institute and other
banks employee can participate in that training. Bank Asia(s employees also participate in
the other banks training also. Bank Asia doesn(t have its own training institute but this
bank arranged many type of training in its corporate office and other banks employees
can contribute these trainings. A number of trainings are specific for specific department
like Awareness of fake money& money laundering& A1cash debit card are compulsory for
cash department employees. "ther trainings are like Customer Credit #cheme and -ease
8inance #cheme& Credit =isk 5rading& Credit risk %anagement& -oan Classification and
2rovisioning& -oan 6ocumentation& -essons -earnt from Credit 8eature& #tructured
finance for -arge 2ro,ects in Bangladesh& 9!change =ate %anagement etc.
9mployee can not participate any in1house training from their own interest& <uman
=esource 6epartment will select the employee to participate the training. <uman
=esource 6epartment sends office notice to those employees to attend the training. After
attending their training the employee have to submit a report on that training to the
<uman =esource 6epartment. #ometimes <uman =esource 6epartment sends the
employee to attend the training outside of the Bangladesh.
*hen an employee wants resignation& he has to apply in <uman =esource 6epartment.
<e should notice <uman =esource 6epartment three months before he resign. $f he fail
to inform three months before then he has to pay three months gross salary amount taka.
After an employee applying for resignation <uman =esource 6epartment will )uery all
the branches that the employee has any transaction with any branch or not. $f the
branches reports are ok then the <ead of <=6 approve hisCher resignation and send to the
employee(s Branch %anager.
Banks are among the most important financial institutions in the economy. hey are the
principal source of loan able funds for millions of individuals& firms and families and also
for many units of government sector. $n order to economic sector development& banking
plays an important role in the rapid growth of any nation. Banks thus play an active role
in the economic development of any country. $t is a great opportunity for me to gain
e!perience from the Bank Asia -td.

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