Continue With Breakthrough!

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02 07 12
19 25
As September comes to its end, the 3rd quarter of 2013 concluded with
moderate improvements in CAMG s business performance. We were
glad to see things getting better gradually, yet we were not able to
surmount the same period of last year or achieve our goal. We are beaten
by various difficulties we encountered rather than by our competitors.
CAMG now needs to come up with more breakthroughs to counterattack!
The idea of counterattack has already been advocated in Canon (China) to
spur people for a prime September. Thanks to everyone s hardworking,
Canon (China) did realize a greater monthly growth versus last year. It s
not terrifying to lose a game or two, as long as we don t lose hope and
keep looking for opportunities to fight back. Let s counterattack the
bleak market environment, the problems existing in our daily work!
The spirit of counterattack could be extended to all Asian regions via
breakthroughs, so that it could encourage us to overcome all obstacles on
our way. Having come into the last quarter of the year, we definitely need
more passion and breaking points to push the last mile, with various
resorts to attract users.
I have noticed some of our NSOs have won some awards, as for our
products, our CSR actions, or Canon as an employer. Sure enough these
awards are all desirable, representing valuable public recognition and
respect that we have earned over ages. Still I would like to remind
everyone that sales growth and profitability is the bread-and-butter issue
for us. Business growth is the ultimate root of our development and also
our obligation as a company.
I do believe in you, every member of CAMG, to bring more strength and
originality to bring breakthroughs to the group. We have together come
through most of such a tough year, let s hold on to the last. Canon s
performance in 2013 is in your hands, Canon s future is all in your hands.
Continue with
Chairman had a
good talk with
first-line employees
The communication luncheon
between the Chairman and first-line
employees organized by HR was held
again on September 25. In addition to
our Chairman Mr. Ozawa, 10 B-level
employees from various departments
throughout the company also joined the
luncheon. Different from previous years,
this communication luncheon was held
in the office area with everyone eating a
set meal. Vice HR general manager Li
Jun said this was a good change for the
event. In the past, it took a long time to
go out and order the food, which was a
waste of the limited communication
time. The new arrangement can
effectively increase the time for
c ommuni c a t i on s o t ha t mor e
information can be shared.
For employees who participated in
the meeting, this was a valuable chance
to communicate with the company's
top management. They di rectl y
communicated with the Chairman
things they were concerned with, and
Mr. Ozawa shared his life experience as
someone who had gong through it all
The activity is carried out regularly
between A-level employees and vice
presidents, and B-level employees and
the Chairman. It plays a critical role in
improving the flat management of
modern enterprises and enhancing
employee care.
Volunteer Club:
Banding together
to do good for
the company
The company believes that good deeds
go beyond cash and product donations;
instead, giving time and being involved
personally is the way to go. This realises the
spirit of kyosei where living and working
together for the common good comes to
l i fe. Apart from the exi sti ng Canon
Photography Exchange programme which
focuses on the intellectually-challenged
The company is looking at another CSR
programmes to do more for the society. Staff
engagement also adds value to life of our
employees by providing a more balanced life
at work.
The Staff Recreation Club (SRC)
t o g e t h e r wi t h t h e C o r p o r a t e
Communications Department held a
welcome tea in early September for more
than 30 staff volunteers from different
divisions who are ready to volunteer their
time to do good for the company.
The forming of the Volunteer Club
aims to have a ready pool of Canon
employees who are ready to give their time
for the less privileged in the society. The
long-term vision is also to have the
volunteers champion and execute new CSR
activities on behalf of the company.
Cover Story
The first event that the Volunteer Club
participated in was an outing for Metta
School for special needs children. Armed
with a photography assignment from their
teacher, 25 students from Metta School aged
15 to 16 years old roamed Gardens by the
Bay on 18th September, hunting down rare
trees, flowers and shrubs all in the spirit to
put their photography skills to practice.
Together with their assigned Canon
staff volunteers, they took three hours to
roam the two indoor domes and the hot
outdoors taking wide and macro shots of
plants such as the African Baobab and the
Ghost Tree.
Cover Story
CMT Health
and Safety
at work
There were 4 teams from different
departments participated in the 1st time
Flash Mob Dance Contest, namely PPP team,
CCD team, Logi sti c & Fi nance and
Accounting team, and ICP ME team. The
winner of Flash Mob Dance Contest was the
ICP ME Team, and they will be shot a VDO
clip to promote and lead all CMT employees
for CMT Flash Mob Dance activity afterward.
The Safety Committee ensured that the
participants not only got to enjoy the fun
activities, but they also gained crucial
knowledge about the importance of health
and safety in the work place.
There were booths supported by our
partners like previous years, including Fire
Engine Imperial Co. ,Ltd. who sought to
educate CMT staff on the proper usage of
fire extinguishers and also an activity booth
from Bangprakok 9 Hospital. Moreover, CMT
sport clubs, i.e., badminton club, football
club and health club also opened for their
new membership subscription on the day.
The highlight of this event was the
Flash Mob Dance Contest to promote healthy
exercise in the office.
The 3-minute Flash Mob Dance
Contest judgment criteria focused on
choreography, usefulness to health, being
able to apply to the company s weekly
Cover Story
On Oc t o b e r 3 , 2 0 1 3 , CMT
Occupational Health & Safety Day, an annual
event, was held for the fourth time to create
more staff awareness of Health and Safety at
work. The 2013 Occupational Health &
Safety Day was held under the concept of
Being Healthy to promote healthiness
and enhance energy at work. This time we
received very positive feedback, and in total
53% of CMT staff at the head office joined.
There were many edutainment and fun
game booths about sport and exercise with
health-related knowledge such as badminton,
basketball, football games where the
employees can earn points by playing games
in booths and redeem for a reward, healthy
food booth, physical check up by traditional
Chinese medicine, and yoka.
Cover Story
San-ji Education
The inception of the San-ji
Education Programme by Corporate
Planning Division with collaborative
efforts from HR Division was
introduced recently. Being the
guiding principle that served the
foundation of Canon s corporate
culture, CMM communicated and
designed programmes to espouse
the virtues of San-ji to enhance
st af f s under st andi ng and
During the morning greeting
session,Melvyn Ho, President &
CEO,collectively with the HODs
conveyedacross the meaning of
San- j i , whi l e di spl ayi ng t he
handmade San-ji posters cards and
donning the San-ji spirit sticker
badge. CMM staff were delighted
to welcome the HODs and were
receptive towards the teachings of

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