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Lesson: Civics and Government


Name: Michelle Angel

Level of Certifcation: Early Childhood and K-6

Grade Level: Second

Objective: Students will be able to understand and e!lain the di"erent

#orms o# governments$ and why !eo!le #orm governments%


&-C'%(%': E!lain why !eo!le #orm governments%

& - C)%(%&: *se eam!les to describe how local government a"ects the
lives o# its citi+ens%

& - C)%(%): ,denti#y services commonly !rovided by local governments

-e%g%$ !olice$ .re de!artments$ schools$ libraries$ !ar/s0%

Time Frame: ' hour%


Large Lined !a!er


Lined !a!er with s!ace #or illustration



Colored !encils
Prior Knoled!e Needed:

'-C'%(%': ,denti#y some reasons #or rules in schools -e%g%$ !rovide order$
!redictability$ and sa#ety0%

'-C'%(%&: Give eam!les o# the use o# !ower with authority in school -e%g%$
!rinci!al$ teacher or bus driver en#orcing rules0%

'-C'%(%): Give eam!les o# the use o# !ower without authority in school

-e%g%$ ty!es o# bullying ta/ing cuts in line0%
1AGE ' 23 6

'-C4%(%': 5escribe some res!onsibilities !eo!le have at home and at

school -e%g%$ ta/ing care o# onesel#$ res!ect #or the rights o# others$
#ollowing rules$ getting along with others0%
"ntici#ator$ Set:

6he teacher will as/ students what laws they /now about and write these
on the large lined !a!er% -buying a license #or your dog$ riding your bi/e
on the right-hand side o# the road$ buc/le your seat belt$ do not throw
trash on the ground$ having a hunting license$ tra7c laws0
%nstructional %n#ut:

6he teacher will as/$ 89hy do we need a government:;

6he teacher will allow time #or res!onses #rom students%

6he teacher will then e!lain to the students$ 8,magine what our school
would be li/e i# no one was in charge% Each class would ma/e its own
rules% 9ho gets to use the gym i# two classes want to use it at the same
time: 9ho would clean the classrooms: 9ho decides i# you learn about
Mars or !lay /ic/ball: 6his is why schools have !eo!le who are in charge$
such as the !rinci!al$ administrators$ teachers$ and sta"% 2ur nation has
!eo!le who are in charge and they ma/e u! the government% 2ur
3ounding 3athers wrote the Constitution% 6he Constitution is a basic
design #or how our government should wor/% 6he Constitution divides the
government into three branches% 6hey are the legislative$ eecutive$ and
<udicial branches%;
%nstructional Modelin!:

6he teacher will say to the students$ 8, want you to imagine that our city
does not have any o# these laws%; -6his could also relate this to school

6he teacher will as/ students what /ind o# !roblems might ha!!en
without laws%

6he teacher will write the word Government on the large lined !a!er or
the board

% 9rite down the & things that governments do as they are discussed%

6he teacher will tell students that governments #orm laws to /ee! !eo!le

6he teacher will as/ students how the laws on the board /ee! them sa#e%
=ave students !ic/ ' and share with their buddy%

6he teacher will as/ volunteers to share their answers with the class%

6he teacher will e!lain to the students that governments also !rovide
1AGE & 23 6

6he teacher will as/ students$ 89hat do you thin/ the word services

-Services are hel!#ul activities that are !rovided to a community%

Services can also hel! /ee! !eo!le sa#e%0

An eam!le o# a service is a .re station%

6he teacher will as/ what other services a government could !rovide #or
its !eo!le% -!olice$ .re de!artments$ schools$ libraries$ !ar/s$ !ost o7ce0

As/ students how a service bene.ts them%

Guided Practice:

6he teacher will write Services on the board

6he teacher will then as/ the students to give eam!les o# services that
the government !rovides and will write them on the board%

2nce the services have been written on the board$ the teacher will go
over each service one by one with the class to e!lain what each service
does in the community%

6he teacher can ma/e some ty!e o# gra!hic organi+er on the board that
may loo/ something li/e this: -can add more services and in#ormation0
1rotection Emergency 3ire.ghting
and >escure
En#orce Laws 3ire 1rotection Sending?=olding Mail
>es!ond to Calls En#orcement >oles in
=otels$ restaurants$
o7ces$ etc%
1ost 27ce @oes

6he teacher will then discuss with the students eam!les o# how rules and
services im!act daily li#e%
%nde#endent Practice:

Students will com!lete an o!en-ended sentence beginning with 81eo!le

#orm governments becauseA; and illustrate their idea%
)i*erentiation of %nstruction:
1AGE ) 23 6

3or more in#ormation$ the teacher can !ull u! local library$ !ost o7ce$ .re
de!artment$ !olice station$ etc%$ websites and show the students

6eacher and students can write a letter to mayor$ .re de!artment$ !olice
de!artment$ !ost o7ce$ and as/ #or them to come in and s!ea/ to the
class to share about what they do #or the community the students live in%

6he teacher can use Smartboard ? Elmo to dis!lay !ictures or construct

chart-s0 #or classroom discussions and Gra!hic 2rgani+ers%

2nce all students have .nished their assignment Binde!endent !racticeC

they will be allowed time to share with a !artner$ or to the rest o# the
class i# they wish to do so%

A#ter students have shared$ the teacher will review with the students the
di"erent #orms o# government$ why !eo!le #orm governments$ describe
how local government a"ects the lives o# its citi+ens$ and identi#y
commonly !rovided by local governments%

6eacher can ma/e co!ies o# gra!hic organi+ers$ i# !ossible$ #or

students and hand them out so they are able to review a#ter lesson to
gain better understanding%

Students will com!lete an o!en-ended sentence beginning D1eo!le #orm

governments because -- D and illustrate their idea% 5iscussions held in
class Bgraded with rubricC%

6his will e!lain why and how local government a"ects the lives o# its

Students will be able to match !eo!le and what services they !rovide%

2bservation o# Student discussions

At end o# unit$ when it has been taught with more etension$ have an
assignment #or students to show how they understand
Co!nitive )emand of Lesson Se,uence

Students will Analy+e why !eo!le #orm governments%

Students will 3ormulate reasons #or why !eo!le #orm governments%

Students will Connect how local government a"ects the lives o# its
1AGE E 23 6

Students will Create gra!hic organi+ers and other evidence to bac/ u!

Peo#le Form Governments -ecause.
Sentences H
Sentences and
paragraphs are
complete, well-
constructed and of
varied structure
All sentences are
complete and well-
constructed !no
fragments, no run-
ons" #aragraphing
is generall$ done
%ost sentences are
complete and well-
needs some wor&
%an$ sentence
fragments or run-on
sentences OR
paragraphing needs
lots of wor&
Grammar H
'riter ma&es no
errors in grammar
or spelling
'riter ma&es (-)
errors in grammar
and*or spelling
'riter ma&es +-,
errors in grammar
and*or spelling
'riter ma&es more
than , errors in
grammar and*or
1AGE 4 23 6
'riter ma&es no
errors in
capitali-ation and
'riter ma&es (-)
errors in
capitali-ation and
'riter ma&es +-,
errors in
capitali-ation and
'riter ma&es more
than , errors in
capitali-ation and
Sentences is t$ped,
clean, not wrin&led,
and is eas$ to read
with no distracting
error corrections .t
was done with
Sentences are
neatl$ hand-written,
clean, not wrin&led,
and is eas$ to read
with no distracting
error corrections .t
was done with care
Sentences are
t$ped and is
crumpled or slightl$
stained .t ma$
have (-) distracting
error corrections .t
was done with
some care
Sentences are
t$ped and loo&s li&e
it had /een shoved
in a poc&et or
loc&er .t ma$ have
several distracting
error corrections .t
loo&s li&e it was
done in a hurr$ or
stored improperl$
Sentences H
Sentences and
paragraphs are
complete, well-
constructed and of
varied structure
All sentences are
complete and well-
constructed !no
fragments, no run-
ons" #aragraphing
is generall$ done
%ost sentences are
complete and well-
needs some wor&
%an$ sentence
fragments or run-on
sentences OR
paragraphing needs
lots of wor&
The sentences
contain at least 0
accurate facts
a/out the topic
The sentences
contain +-,
accurate facts
a/out the topic
The sentences
contain (-)
accurate facts
a/out the topic
The sentences
contain no accurate
facts a/out the
Grade1 22222* ),222
1AGE 6 23 6

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