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Worst Game Ever

(c) 2014 Jeff Siadek

A game for 2 or more players with
everything in it abot gaming that
yo cold hate!
Object: %ave the most tokens left
when any player is eliminated!
&layers take trns drawing cards
and attacking each other ntil
somebody rns ot of tokens! 6he
player with the most tokens left
wins! (n the case of a tie) the first
player to shot *+orst ,ame 'verA-
wins! .es) any player can do this!
/4 cards
a die (not inclded)
1/ tokens per player (not inclded)
Shffle the deck and deal each
player / cards!
'ach player mst provide 1/
tokens! 1on0t se coins becase
anybody who gambles on a game
with the title *+orst ,ame 'ver- is
an idiot!
6he person who has most recently
won a game goes first! &lay
contines clockwise ntil somebody
rns ot of tokens!
Sequence of Play
Ante &ay one token to the kitty!
Draw a card
Attack somebody
1! 4hoose a player to attack and
how many tokens yo want to take
from them!
2! 5oll the die! (f the die roll was
higher than the declared nmber)
take that nmber of tokens!
"therwise) yo get nothing!
About the Cards
6he cards take precedence over
these rles! 4heck the hand limit of
7 cards at the end of each player0s
trn! (f the deck is e8hasted)
shffle the discards to make a new
deck! 4ards can be played at any
time nless they say otherwise on
the card!
4ards marked *S6A.S (9 &:A.-
remain in play in front of yo ntil
something happens to make them
go away sch as a condition on that
card or another card!
T!$!"% !SS&'S
(f two or more players play cards)
resolve last one played first!
6he pot in the middle of the table is
the kitty! 6his is where tokens go
when yo ante them at the start of
yor trn! +hen a card in play with
tokens is discarded) pt the tokens
in the kitty! Any tokens that are left
in the kitty at the end of the game
go to the winner!
(f players are entitled to take more
tokens from the kitty than it has)
deal them ot one token at a time in
player order starting with the active
player ntil the kitty rns ot!
+hen can ! play a card,
Any time it makes sense!
6his game is dedicated to my baby
brother Jason Siadek who deserves
better than *6he +orst ,ame 'ver-!
,o to$
for more cards and fnA

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