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Questions 1 30
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1. The tigress is feeding its _______.
A puppy B calf C cub D kid
2. Flies and _______ are harmful insects.
A cockroaches B ants C butterflies D grasshoppers
. !hales and dolphins are _______.
A. insects B amphibians C mammals D reptiles
". Tortoises and turtles are _______ animals.
A #arm$blooded B cold$blooded C #ild D tame
%. The e#e and its _______ are gra&ing grass.
A foal B kitten C lamb D 'oey
(. A beak) feathers) #ings and a tail are parts of the body of a _______.
A parrot B deer C #olf D snail
*. A stable is a home of a _______.
A duck B horse C rabbit D elephant
+. A _______ has strong legs and spots on its body.
A chimpan&ee B bear C kangaroo D cheetah
,. -.uids and _______ are marine animals.
A orang utans B cobra C crabs D sparro#s
1/. An _______ is the fastest bird that cannot fly.
A o#l B turkey C eagle D ostrich
11. 0abbits and cats are usually kept as _______.
A pets B pests C preys D animals
12. 0eptiles normally has scales on their bodies and _______ eggs.
A hatch B lay C gi1e birth D keep
1. The duck and its _______ are s#imming in the pond.
A chicks B eaglets C o#lets D ducklings
1". A hi1e is a home of a _______.
A beetle B bee C dragonfly D mos.uito
1%. 2ammals _______ birth to their young and do not lay eggs.
A gi1e B put C take D get
1(. Cla#s and fur are parts of the body of a _______.
A frog B deer C bear D seal
1*. A cat meo#s and a hen _______.
A roars B croaks C barks D clucks
1+. A snake _______ and a crocodile cra#ls.
A hops B 'umps C glides D #alks
1,. Anteaters) rhinoceros and _______ are land animals.
A seals B sharks C leopards D starfish
2/. A spider is an insect #ith _______ legs.
A eight B si3 C four D t#o
21. A tortoise carries its _______ on its back.
A skin B scales C head D shell
22. A 'oey is a young of a _______.
A horse B kangaroo C sheep D goat
2. _______ go out at night to hunt for food.
A Bats B !ol1es C 4orillas D Tigers
2". A _______ becomes a butterfly.
A grub B maggot C nymph D caterpillar
2%. Toads and frogs belong to a group of _______.
A mammals B insects C reptiles D amphibians
2(. Turtles are the most_______ species.
A tame B #ild C endangered D dangerous
2*. The male -iamese fighting fish builds a nest by blo#ing _______ under
the surface of the #ater.
A bubbles B balloons C eggs D layer
2+. A hutch is a home of a _______.
A dog B rabbit C goat D co#
2,. 5#ls and eagles are _______.
A #ild B tame C birds D predators
/. A _______ is kno#n as an intelligent animal.
A chimpan&ee B ape C gorilla D monkey
Questions 31 33
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
6t #as a memorable day for Aiman. 7is pet cat) 8itty ga1e birth to
__________ . 7e put the kittens __________ .
91: 92:
8itty __________ her kittens e1ery day.
1 A a group of kittens B a litter of kittens C a pack of kittens
2 A in a basket B in a cage C in a nest
A looks after B gi1es milk C feeds
Questions 34 3
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
;usri likes rearing fish. 7e rears __________ . 7e
keeps his fish __________ . 7e decorates his a.uarium #ith
__________ .
" A goldfish and tadpoles B tadpoles C goldfish and guppies
% A in a bo#l B in an a.uarium C in a bo3
( A #ater plants B #ater lilies C colourful stones
Question 3! 3"
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
;esterday e1ening) -imon found a little bird on his #ay home from
school. 6t had __________ . 7e took __________
9*: 9+:

. 7is mother __________ until it #as healthier.
* A t#o #ings B an in'ured #ing C a broad #ing
+ A it to school B it home C it to other places
, A nursed the bird B took care of the kid C looked after the kitten
Questions 40 4#
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
<ast -unday) Daneng=s father took him to a pet shop in to#n. There)
they sa# a 1ariety of interesting animals such as __________ .
7e #as attracted __________ #hich #as in a cage. 6t #as able
to say __________ and >?ice to meet you=.
"/ A parrots and hamsters B parrots and rabbits C parrots and cats
"1 A to a colourful parrot B to a rabbit C to a cute cat
"2 A >7ello@= B >7ello) ho# are youA= C >7ello and 7i@=
Question 43 4$
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
7o#ard is a shepherd. 7e looks upon __________
e1ery day. There are about __________ . 7e starts
his #ork __________ and returns home at (./ p.m.
9"%: .
" A a flock of sheep B a pack of #ol1es C a litter of kittens
"" A fifty sheep B fifteen sheep C fi1e hundred sheep
"% A at *.// p.m. B at *./ a.m. C at *.// a.m.
Questions 4 4%
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
Cats are lo1ely and furry animals. They are also __________

. They like to be pleased but they __________
#hen they are teased. They #ash their bodies by __________

"( A cute and small B cute and cuddly C cute and short
"* A scratch and spit B meo# all the time C sleep all day long
"+ A bathing themsel1es B purring loudly C licking their fur
Questions 4" $%
-tudy the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer&
", A Cutie is thinking in a basket.
B Cutie is sleeping in a basket.
C Cutie is eating in a basket.
%/ A A crocodile has a long) hard tail.
B A crocodile has a short) hard tail.
C A crocodile has a short) thin tail.
%1 A A parrot has black feathers.
B A parrot has blue feathers.
C A parrot has colourful feathers.
%2 A -nails mo1es fast.
B -nails mo1es .uickly.
C -nails mo1es slo#ly.

% A An elephant is a large fish.
B An elephant is a large reptile.
C An elephant is a large mammal.
%" A 0ats are beautiful.
B 0ats are harmful.
C 0ats are #onderful.
%% A Aedes spread dengue fe1er.
B Aedes spread bacteria and 1irus.
C Aedes spread malaria.
%( A A centipede has si3 legs.
B A centipede has eight legs.
C A centipede has many legs.
%* A The trainer is training the #alrus.
B The seal is training the trainer.
C The trainer is training the seal.
%+ A The giraffe is eating young lea1es.
B The giraffe is eating grass.
C The giraffe is eating lemon grass.
Questions $" !0
<ook at the pictures belo# carefully. Choose the best senten(e to fit the
situation sho#n in the picture.
%, A 2y mother takes a good care of it.
B ?o) it is=nt.
C 6t looks cute.
D 6t looks sleepy.
(/ A !hat are you doingA
B 6 kno# #hy are you crying.
C !hy are you cryingA
D The girl is crying.

(1 A !here ha1e you beenA
B ;our monkey is there.
C 6 think this is the monkey.
D !here are you goingA
(2 A 6t=s great@
B There are lots of butterflies.
C 6 like butterflies.
D <et=s catch butterflies.
6t looks healthy.

6 lost my puppy.
6=m chasing the monkey.
6t is running a#ay.
5kay. 6=m going to take
A net and a container.
( A ;es) it is kind.
B ;es) it is my birthday present.
C ?o) it is not cute.
D ?o) it is not mine.
(" A !hat is thisA
B 6 need it no#.
C Are these caterpillarsA
D These are caterpillars.

(% A 6t fertili&es the soil.
B 6t harms the soil.
C 6t destroys itself.
D 6 think it is better.
(( A ?o) it is not.
B ;es) it helps carrying goods.
C 6 don=t think so.
D ;es) of course 6 agree.
6t is cute. 6s this
your ne# petA
!hat are theseA
6t is good for
the plant.
6t is a useful animal
in the desert.

(* A Don=t #orry) mother.
B 6s it badA
C Don=t #orry. 6=ll be fine.
D 6=m sorry to hear that.
(+ A ;ou can feed them.
B 6 #ant to feed them
C Can you feed themA
D 6t is not allo#ed here.
(, A Can you see itA
B 6t is spinning its silk to make a #eb.
C -piders are insects.
D 6t is cra#ling to#ards us.
*/ A !hat is the story aboutA
B Can 6 borro# thisA
C 6t must be an interesting story.
D 6 kno# the story.

$ T7B B?D $
6 heard you=1e been
stung by a bee.
Can 6 feed themA
!hat is it doingA
6t is about a
golden lion #ith
magic po#ers.

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