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Australian Maritime Digest

ISSN 2201-7003
The Australian Maritime Digest is compiled b the Australian Association !or Maritime A!!airs
" ###$aama$asn$au - and published monthl !or the bene!it o! the Australian maritime communit$
1 July 2014 No. 236
Outcome of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the AAMA on 5 June 2014..............................................................................................................................3
urther contact on AAMA or Au!tralian Maritime "ige!t matter!...................................................................................................................................................3
#e$ e%mail addre!! to !u&mit 'a'er! for the Au!tralian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affair! (AJMOA)..................................................................................3
Corporate Supporters...............................................................................................................................4
Maritime Au!tralia *imited...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Au!trala!ian +ydrogra'hic ,ociety.................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Au!tralian Maritime ,afety Authority (AM,A).................................................................................................................................................................................4
Au!tralian Marine En-ironment .rotection A!!ociation (A/,ME.A).............................................................................................................................................4
0ommon$ealth i!herie! A!!ociation (0A).................................................................................................................................................................................4
G1 Marine 0on!ultant! .ty *td......................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Au!tralian Maritime 0ollege............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Maritime Defence, Customs & Border Protection..................................................................................5
A2,3 !ee4! !'eciali!t !er-ice! for M+350 !earch........................................................................................................................................................................5
.utting the Air 1arfare "e!troyer 'rogram &ac4 on trac4..............................................................................................................................................................5
3oo!ting Au!tralia6! maritime ca'a&ilitie!.......................................................................................................................................................................................5
#a-y achie-e! 1hite 7i&&on $or4'lace accreditation for demon!trating a culture of 8ero tolerance of men6! -iolence again!t $omen....................................9
/'date % Allegation! of unacce'ta&le &eha-iour in +MA, 3allarat...............................................................................................................................................9
0ommander Au!tralian leet changeo-er......................................................................................................................................................................................9
+agel order! /, aircraft carrier to .er!ian Gulf.............................................................................................................................................................................9
Maritime !ecurity !trengthened through ne$ .acific .atrol 3oat .rogram....................................................................................................................................9
/'date on M+350 ,earch..............................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Mini!terial ,tatement on 7e'ort on A&u!e at +MA, *eeu$in.......................................................................................................................................................9
:ndian na-al commander! to di!cu!! $ay! to !trengthen tie! $ith :ndian Ocean region nation!.................................................................................................9
Ad-i!er! a''ointed for Air 1arfare "e!troyer .rogram 7eform ,trategy......................................................................................................................................5
#e$ -e!!el to hel' 'rotect Au!tralia;! &order!...............................................................................................................................................................................5
2imor%*e!te ,ecretary of ,tate for "efence -i!it ha! maritime a!'ect!........................................................................................................................................5
Au!tralian com'any $in! *+" !u!tainment contract.....................................................................................................................................................................5
#e$ high 'riority M+350 !earch area announced.........................................................................................................................................................................5
#a-y charge! 'er!onnel for ina''ro'riate &eha-iour.....................................................................................................................................................................5
+MA, Arunta return! to !ea a! 'art of the Anti%,hi' Mi!!ile "efence /'grade .rogramme.......................................................................................................5
Au!tralian "efence orce to &e te!ted &y air< land and !ea in .acific 7im exerci!e.....................................................................................................................5
E-ol-ed ,ea!'arro$ mi!!ile u'grade.............................................................................................................................................................................................5
+MA, .arramatta com'lete! a -i!it to #oumea ahead of O'eration ,O*A#:A...........................................................................................................................5
0hina ,ea! "e-elo'ment! = June.................................................................................................................................................................................................>
O'eration ,o-ereign 3order! u'date! = May?June........................................................................................................................................................................>
Shipping, Shipuilding & Ports...............................................................................................................!
Marine Order @1 (Marine 'ollution 're-ention A oil) 2014............................................................................................................................................................>
Marine Order @3 (Marine 'ollution 're-ention A noxiou! liBuid !u&!tance!) 2014.......................................................................................................................>
:nternational Marina ,cholar!hi' 1inner!......................................................................................................................................................................................>
#e$ regional !tructure for counter%'iracy code im'lementation....................................................................................................................................................>
Cueen!land .ort! ,trategy.............................................................................................................................................................................................................>
3oo!ting Au!tralia6! maritime ca'a&ilitie!.......................................................................................................................................................................................@
*ooming ,eafarer ,hortage 1ill 0hallenge 0arrier .rofita&ility.....................................................................................................................................................@
:ndia loo4! to attract more !hi''ing com'anie! to it! coa!tal trade...............................................................................................................................................@
"ar$in at the 0entre of #orthern "e-elo'ment.............................................................................................................................................................................@
Maritime !ecurity !trengthened through ne$ .acific .atrol 3oat .rogram....................................................................................................................................@
#,1 Go-ernment announce! D10 million u'grade to .ort of Eden..............................................................................................................................................@
1orld !hi''ing .3 #et$or4 merger $ill not &e im'lemented.........................................................................................................................................................@
:nfra!tructure Au!tralia Get! the ree 7ein :t #eed!......................................................................................................................................................................@
0re$ mem&er fatality on &oard< 2oucan Arro$< .ortland< Eic. on 5 Octo&er 2013.....................................................................................................................10
.rotection of the ,ea (,hi''ing *e-y) 7egulation 2014...............................................................................................................................................................10
#e$ #autical :n!titute .re!ident challenge! mem&er! and &ranche!.........................................................................................................................................10
"alrym'le 3ay 0oal 2erminal ,torage "am< +ay .oint< Cld = E.30 Act referral......................................................................................................................10
,hi''ing !y!tem need! radical rethin4 $arn climate ex'ert!.......................................................................................................................................................10
:M3 $arning to !mall tan4er! to maintain !trict anti%'iracy mea!ure! in the ,outh 0hina ,ea...................................................................................................10
1A .ort! merger delay &lamed on o'erational difference!.........................................................................................................................................................10
Ad-i!er! a''ointed for Air 1arfare "e!troyer .rogram 7eform ,trategy....................................................................................................................................10
A000 reduce! regulation at Graincor';! #e$ca!tle .ort 2erminal.............................................................................................................................................10
Mandatory 0ode of 0onduct for Grain Ex'ort 2erminal! (3ul4 1heat Ex'ort!) = 7egulation :m'act ,tatement for con!ultation.............................................10
Al&any .ort Maintenance "redging % E.30 Act referral..............................................................................................................................................................10
Au!tralian Go-ernment $elcome! /#E,0O deci!ion on the Great 3arrier 7eef.......................................................................................................................10
0ancellation of "eclaration for "udgeon .oint< C*"< 0oal 2erminal! .roFect............................................................................................................................11
0om'etition 'olicy and 'ort! 'ri-ati!ation....................................................................................................................................................................................11
Marine Order 42 (0argo< !to$age and !ecuring) 2014................................................................................................................................................................11
.roducti-ity 0ommi!!ion 7e'ort on 2a!manian ,hi''ing and reight........................................................................................................................................11
+armoni!ed E/ re'orting 'rocedure! for -e!!el!........................................................................................................................................................................11
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
Au!tralian com'any $in! *+" !u!tainment contract...................................................................................................................................................................11
A000 i!!ue! draft deci!ion to a''ro-e 03+ long term 'ort acce!! arrangement! in 1A.........................................................................................................11
Marine Order 505 (0ertificate! of com'etency A national la$) Amendment 2014 (#o. 1).........................................................................................................11
,hi' &rea4ing = international im'lication!....................................................................................................................................................................................11
0ontainer 1eight "eclaration guide.............................................................................................................................................................................................12
#C3. announce! a''ointment of ,te-e *e$i! a! it! ne$ 0EO..................................................................................................................................................12
1hite .a'er on the 7eform of the ederation..............................................................................................................................................................................12
7e!cheduling agreement for Gim ,hi''ing...................................................................................................................................................................................12
7e'ort on container! lo!t at !ea...................................................................................................................................................................................................12
1orld ,hi''ing Outloo4 = June....................................................................................................................................................................................................12
/#< /, H E/ ,anction! on :ranian !hi''ing = June de-elo'ment!............................................................................................................................................12
Mem&er! !ought for the #orthern .ra$n i!hery 7e!ource A!!e!!ment Grou' (#.7AG)........................................................................................................12
#ational ABuaculture ,tatement launched...................................................................................................................................................................................12
2a!manian Giant 0ra& i!hery en-ironmental a!!e!!ment.........................................................................................................................................................12
oreign factory%free8er tra$ler a''lication...................................................................................................................................................................................13
1e!tern Au!tralian A&alone Managed i!hery en-ironmental a!!e!!ment................................................................................................................................13
/, to create marine 're!er-e in .acific Ocean............................................................................................................................................................................13
,enate inBuiry into the current reBuirement! for la&elling of !eafood and !eafood 'roduct!......................................................................................................13
#e$ AMA commi!!ioner! announced........................................................................................................................................................................................13
1hite .a'er on the 7eform of the ederation..............................................................................................................................................................................13
,outh African ex'eriment to trac4 tra$ler!; foot'rint....................................................................................................................................................................13
%esource E&ploration & De'elopment .................................................................................................#3
.erth com'any !ecure! 3altic Ga! EE" contract a$ard...........................................................................................................................................................13
1hite .a'er on the 7eform of the ederation..............................................................................................................................................................................13
Eictorian 1e!t ,eahor!e off!hore oil 'roFect gain! federal M. !u''ort....................................................................................................................................14
Marine Science & En'ironment.............................................................................................................#4
Marine Order @1 (Marine 'ollution 're-ention A oil) 2014..........................................................................................................................................................14
Marine Order @3 (Marine 'ollution 're-ention A noxiou! liBuid !u&!tance!) 2014.....................................................................................................................14
:ncrea!ed freBuency of extreme :ndian Ocean "i'ole e-ent! due to greenhou!e $arming........................................................................................................14
#ational ABuaculture ,tatement launched...................................................................................................................................................................................14
"alrym'le 3ay 0oal 2erminal ,torage "am< +ay .oint< Cld = E.30 Act referral......................................................................................................................14
2a!manian Giant 0ra& i!hery en-ironmental a!!e!!ment.........................................................................................................................................................14
:m'ro-ed health and increa!ed funding for Great 3arrier 7eef....................................................................................................................................................14
D500<000 &oo!t for dol'hin re!earch............................................................................................................................................................................................14
/, to create marine 're!er-e in .acific Ocean............................................................................................................................................................................14
,hi''ing !y!tem need! radical rethin4 $arn climate ex'ert!.......................................................................................................................................................14
Al&any .ort Maintenance "redging % E.30 Act referral..............................................................................................................................................................15
Au!tralian Go-ernment $elcome! /#E,0O deci!ion on the Great 3arrier 7eef.......................................................................................................................15
1e!tern Au!tralian A&alone Managed i!hery en-ironmental a!!e!!ment................................................................................................................................15
7e%e-aluating Antarctica6! 'rotected area !y!tem.......................................................................................................................................................................15
Andre$ Jac4!on a$arded Antarctic medal for a lifetime of international 'olicy $or4..................................................................................................................15
2han4 Ancient Ocean 0urrent! 1e;re #ot :n An :ce Age 7ight #o$...........................................................................................................................................15
,hi' &rea4ing = international im'lication!....................................................................................................................................................................................15
1hite .a'er on the 7eform of the ederation..............................................................................................................................................................................15
,outh African ex'eriment to trac4 tra$ler!; foot'rint....................................................................................................................................................................15
7e'ort on container! lo!t at !ea...................................................................................................................................................................................................15
(etters to the Editor................................................................................................................................#)
0u!tom! % Authori!ed Economic O'erator (AEO) 7e!earch .roFect...........................................................................................................................................19
Conferences & seminars........................................................................................................................#!
5%11 July 2014 % Au!tralian Marine ,cience! A!!ociation 0onference = 0an&erra.....................................................................................................................1>
2@%30 July 2014 % "efence and :ndu!try 0onference % Adelaide .................................................................................................................................................1>
10%14 Augu!t 2014 % :ntermediate Marina Management 0our!e = Gold 0oa!t< C*".................................................................................................................1>
12%14 Augu!t 2014 % IEnhancing Maritime 7e!ource ,ecurityJ A 0ro!!%!ectoral "ialogue for the Gulf of 2hailandK % ,inga'ore.............................................1>
29%25 Augu!t 2014 % "redging and 7eclamation A#G conference = 3ri!&ane............................................................................................................................1>
15%1> ,e'tem&er 2014 % 10th 3alla!t 1ater Management ,ummit = ,inga'ore........................................................................................................................1>
22%29 ,e'tem&er 2014 % ,trategic Off!hore ,tructure EngineeringJ "e!ign< 0on!truction< :n!tallation< :n!'ection and Maintenance = Luala *um'ur...........1>
24%25 ,e'tem&er 2014 = #,1 2ran!'ort :nfra!tructure 0onference = ,ydney..........................................................................................................................1>
13%14 Octo&er 2014 = :ntermanager AGM 2014 to run along!ide !hi' management conference = ,inga'ore..........................................................................1>
19%1> Octo&er 2014 % 3rd Annual 1orld 0ongre!! of Ocean H :n-e!tment and 2rade air%2014 = "alian< 0hina....................................................................1>
22%23 Octo&er 2014 = ,hi' 7ecycling ,ummit = ,inga'ore........................................................................................................................................................1>
2@%30 Octo&er 2014 % 11th 3alla!t 1ater Management ,ummit = +am&urg...............................................................................................................................1>
25%31 Octo&er 2014 = Eurona-al = .ari! *e 3ourget< rance.....................................................................................................................................................1>
11%14 #o-em&er 2014 = 23rd #,1 0oa!tal 0onference = /lladulla #,1.................................................................................................................................1>
1@%20 #o-em&er 2014 % A0:6! @th Ee!!el Efficiency H uel Management ,ummit = ,inga'ore................................................................................................1@
1@%20 #o-em&er 2014 % O,E ,inga'ore 2014.............................................................................................................................................................................1@
3%5 May 2015 = Marine15 recreational marine &u!ine!! and !afety conference = Gold 0oa!t..................................................................................................1@
9%> Octo&er 2015 % .acific :nternational Maritime Ex'o!ition and .A0::0 2015 = ,ydney Exhi&ition 0entre< Gle&e :!land....................................................1@
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
*ustralian *ssociation for Maritime *ffairs
+he o,ecti'es of the *ustralian *ssociation for Maritime *ffairs are to generate greater pulic a-areness of
maritime affairs, and to encourage -ell.informed decision ma/ing on maritime issues.
Outcome of the Etraor!inary "eneral Meeting of the AAMA on # June 2014
As presaged) the meeting appro*ed the motion to close the Australian Association !or Maritime A!!airs !rom 30 +une 201,) and donate
the balance o! an remaining !unds to a li-e organisation) the Australian Marine %n*ironment .rotection Association /A0SM%.A1$ The
meeting o! the AAMA 2oard that !ollo#ed immediatel a!ter the %3M also agreed4
a$ to assign an !uture copright roalties !lo#ing !rom past editions o! the Australian Maritime Digest to A0SM%.A5
b$ the sale o! the Australian Journal of Ocean and Maritime Affairs /A+M&A1 to Talor and 6rancis on !a*ourable terms
that !oster A+M&A7s longer term !uture$
As readers should be a#are) the AAMA had pre*iousl elected to partner #ith Talor 8 6rancis !rom 1 +anuar 201, !or the publication
o! the Australian Journal of Ocean and Maritime Affairs /A+M&A1$ That partnership decision #as made b the AAMA 2oard a!ter a
thorough re*ie# process and #ith one o! the main goals being to enhance the 9ualit and international pro!ile o! A+M&A$
The 2oard7s e:perience in #or-ing #ith Talor 8 6rancis o*er the last si: months ga*e the AAMA 2oard con!idence that the sale) as
#ell as the publication arrangements alread in place !or A+M&A) #ill ensure that it #ill carr !or#ard the AAMA;s ob<ecti*es =to
generate greater public a#areness o! maritime a!!airs) and to encourage #ell-in!ormed decision ma-ing on maritime issues$= The 2oard
re9uests AAMA Members to support those ob<ecti*es b continuing to subscribe to A+M&A$
This) ho#e*er) is the !inal edition o! the Australian Maritime Digest$ >omments !rom se*eral readers indicate that the Digest has
per!ormed a use!ul and uni9ue !unction but) #ithout a #ider subscription base) it has not been sel!-sustaining #ithout e:tensi*e
sponsorship) and sponsorship o! an media carries #ith it other challenges !or #hich the AAMA is not structured to deal$
$urther contact on AAMA or Australian Maritime Digest matters
?ith the closure o! the AAMA #ebsite and domain name " ###$aama$asn$au " soon a!ter 30 +une 201,) an correspondence relating to
either AAMA or Australian Maritime Digest matters should be e-mailed to the Digest %ditor " 3ri!!iths'D@gmail$com

Ne% e&mail a!!ress to su'mit (a(ers for the Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs )AJMOA*
As indicated) the current e-mail address !or submitting papers !or publication in A+M&A - admin@aama$asn$au - #ill become
inoperati*e !rom 30 +une 201, #hen the domain name registration lapses$ %!!ecti*e immediatel) papers !or publication in A+M&A
should be submitted directl to the A+M&A %ditor) .ro!$ Marcus Aa#ard) at M$3$Aa#ard@utas$edu$au
?ould readers please ad*ise their colleagues o! this changeB
Eie$! ex're!!ed in the Australian Maritime Digest
do not nece!!arily reflect tho!e of the
Au!tralian A!!ociation for Maritime Affair! = $$$.aama.a!
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
+O,-O,A.E /0--O,.E,/
Maritime Au!tralia *imited
.O 3ox 40@5< Geelong< E:0 3220
1e& !iteJ $$$.'
Au!trala!ian +ydrogra'hic ,ociety
@3 A!h$orth A-enue< 3elro!e #,1 20>5
1e& !iteJ $$$.ah!.a!
Au!tralian Maritime ,afety Authority (AM,A)
G.O 3ox 21>1< 0an&erra A02 2901
1e& !iteJ $$$.am!
Au!tralian Marine En-ironment .rotection A!!ociation
.O 3ox 5122< ,i''y "o$n! C*" 4555
1e& !iteJ $$$.au!me'
0ommon$ealth i!herie! A!!ociation (0A)
.O 3ox @022< "ea4in A02 2900
1e& !iteJ $$$.comfi!
G1 Marine 0on!ultant! .ty *td
/nit 5< 13 1heatley ,treet< Go!nell! 1A 9110
1e& !iteJ $$$.g$
Au!tralian Maritime 0ollege
#e$nham "ri-e< #e$nham 2A, 524>
1e& !iteJ $$$
.he 1oar! of the Australian Association for Maritime Affairs than2s its cor(orate su((orters.
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
MA'ITIM% D%6%N>%) >0ST&MS 8 2&'D%' .'&T%>TI&N
A./1 see2s s(ecialist ser3ices for M4350 search
The Australian Transport Sa!et 2ureau /ATS21 announced CThe ATS2 toda D, +uneE released a re9uest !or tender to ac9uire the ser*ices
o! a specialist compan capable o! conducting a deep-#ater search under ATS2 direction !or missing Malasia Airlines 6light MA370$
%ngaged as a prime contractor) the compan #ill pro*ide the e:pertise) e9uipment and *essel/s1 necessar to underta-e an intensi!ied
under#ater search !or the missing 2oeing 777 aircra!t in the de!ined Fone in the southern Indian &cean$G
-utting the Air 6arfare Destroyer (rogram 'ac2 on trac2
In a <oint statement) the Minister !or De!ence) Senator +ohnston) and the Minister !or 6inance) Senator >ormann) announced CToda D,
+uneE #e are announcing the #a !or#ard !or the HI$J billion Air ?ar!are Destroer program) dealing #ith a range o! unresol*ed
structural and sstemic issues that ha*e remained unaddressed !or too long$G and CThe 'e!orm Strateg #ill4
K Impro*e shipbuilding producti*it at the Air ?ar!are Destroer shipbuilder AS> and its subcontractors 2A% Sstems) 6orgacs
and Na*antia5
K Include the urgent insertion o! an e:perienced shipbuilding management team into AS>5 and
K A!ter augmented shipbuilding capacit has been put in place) pursue the reallocation o! bloc-s bet#een shipards to ma-e the
Air ?ar!are Destroer program more sustainable$G
The Minister !or De!ence then announced that the Air ?ar!are Destroer /A?D1 .ro<ect #ill be placed on the .ro<ects o! >oncern /.o>1
1oosting Australia7s maritime ca(a'ilities
The Minister !or De!ence) Senator +ohnston) announced CIn light o! the urgent need to !orestall a capabilit gap in this crucial area
Dreplenishment *esselsE5 the current lo# producti*it o! shipbuilders in*ol*ed in the A?D program5 and *alue !or mone considerations) the
3o*ernment has gi*en 6irst .ass appro*al !or De!ence to conduct a limited competiti*e tender process bet#een Na*antia o! Spain and
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
Dae#oo Shipbuilding and Marine %ngineering /DSM%1 o! South Morea !or the construction o! t#o replacement replenishment *essels
based on e:isting designs$G and CNa* is in urgent need o! large support *essels that #e assess are beond the capacit o! Australia to
produce competiti*el at this stage$ In this instance it #ould not ser*e anone i! #e #ere to pro*ide a challenge to industr that #as
beond its capabilities$G
The Minister also announced CThe 3o*ernment has also agreed to bring !or#ard preliminar design #or- to ensure Australia maintains
the necessar capabilities to retain the option o! building the !uture !rigate in Australia$ This #or- #ill !ocus on continued production o!
the current A?D hull) suitabl adapted and utilising capabilities !rom the cutting-edge Australian companies >%A Technologies
Australia and SAA2 >ombat Sstems$ 6urther decisions on the !uture !rigate #ill be ta-en in the conte:t o! the 201J De!ence ?hite
.aper$G and CThe 3o*ernment has brought !or#ard an open competition #ith Australian industr to construct more than 20 replacement
.aci!ic .atrol 2oats$G
Na3y achie3es 6hite ,i''on %or2(lace accre!itation for !emonstrating a culture of 8ero tolerance of
men7s 3iolence against %omen
De!ence announced CThe 'oal Australian Na* has become the largest organisation to recei*e ?hite 'ibbon ?or-place Accreditation
!or demonstrating a culture o! Fero tolerance o! men;s *iolence against #omen$The >%& o! ?hite 'ibbon Australia) (ibb Da*ies) toda
D11 +uneE presented a certi!icate o! accreditation to the >hie! o! Na*) Nice Admiral 'a 3riggs) A&) >S>) 'AN$ Na* has) !or some
time) been committed to the ?hite 'ibbon campaign O a male-led mo*ement to end *iolence against #omen$ (ast ear NADM 3riggs
committed Na* to a pilot program !or organisations to become a ?hite 'ibbon Accredited ?or-place$G
0(!ate & Allegations of unacce(ta'le 'eha3iour in 4MA/ Ballarat
De!ence announced CThe 'oal Australian Na* has initiated administrati*e action against eight members) as part o! the ongoing process
associated #ith the Administrati*e In9uir into allegations o! unacceptable beha*iour in AMAS Ballarat !irst reported b Na* in
No*ember last ear$ .roposed actions range !rom termination !rom the Na* to !ormal #arnings$ The eight personnel no# ha*e an
opportunit to submit a response to Notices to Sho# >ause in coming #ee-s$G
+omman!er Australian $leet changeo3er
De!ence announced C'oal Australian Na* personnel !rom 6leet Aead9uarters and ships based at 3arden Island) !are#elled outgoing
>ommander Australian 6leet) 'ear Admiral Tim 2arrett at a ceremon in Sdne toda$ 6leet Aead9uarters sta!! paid their respects as
'ADM 2arrett;s !lag #as lo#ered and 'ear Admiral Stuart Maer;s !lag #as raised !or the !irst time) at the change o! command
4agel or!ers 0/ aircraft carrier to -ersian "ulf
As i! to demonstrate the !le:ibilit o! seapo#er) the 0S Navy Times reported CDe!ense Secretar >huc- Aagel has ordered an aircra!t
carrier O the 0SS 3eorge A$?$ 2ush O to mo*e !rom the northern Arabian Sea to the .ersian 3ul! as .resident &bama considers
possible militar options !or Ira9$ Aagel7s press secretar) 'ear Adm$ +ohn Mirb) sas the order #ill gi*e the president added !le:ibilit
i! militar action is re9uired to protect American li*es) citiFens and interests in Ira9$G #hile another article reported on an alternati*e
response C0$S$ air po#er options in Ira9 are limited no#) because the closest aircra!t that could #age a bombing campaign against
Islamist militants #ho ha*e captured se*eral o! the nation7s largest cities are at least I00 miles a#a) a top de!ense o!!icial told 0SA
Toda 6rida D13 +uneE$G
Maritime security strengthene! through ne% -acific -atrol 1oat -rogram
De!ence announced CA ne# H2 billion .aci!ic .atrol 2oat /..21 .rogram un*eiled toda D17 +uneE b 6oreign Minister +ulie 2ishop and
De!ence Minister Da*id +ohnston aims to signi!icantl strengthen securit in our region$G and CThe .aci!ic .atrol 2oat .rogram is an
important pillar o! the Australian 3o*ernment;s commitment to #or-ing #ith our regional partners to enable cohesi*e securit
cooperation on maritime sur*eillance) including in !isheries protection and transnational crime)G Minister 2ishop said$ CDe!ence #ill
replace the current !leet o! patrol boats !or all current ..2 members #ith the addition o! a ne# member) Timor-(este /%ast Timor1)
#hich has been in*ited to <oin the program) e*idence o! Australia;s gro#ing de!ence cooperation program #ith that countr)G said
Senator +ohnston$G
0(!ate on M4350 /earch
The Australian Transport Sa!et 2ureau /ATS21 announced CThe Australian contracted sur*e *essel Fugro Equator has commenced
operations in a de!ined search area) <oining >hinese .(A-Na* ship Zhu e!hen in underta-ing sur*e acti*ities$ 0nder the direction o!
the Australian Transport Sa!et 2ureau /ATS21) the t#o *essels are conducting the bathmetric sur*eOor mapping o! the sea !loorO
#hich is crucial to carring out the deep #ater search !or MA370 that is scheduled to commence in August$G
Ministerial /tatement on ,e(ort on A'use at 4MA/ Leeuwin
The Minister !or De!ence) Senator +ohnston) made a statement to the .arliament on the "e#ort on A$use at %MA& 'eeu(in b the
De!ence Abuse 'esponse Tas-!orce /DA'T1 saing) inter alia) CThe 'eport is a record o! allegations o! #idespread serious and
institutionalised abuse e:perienced b more than 200 +unior 'ecruits) oung men) no " I #ould sa children " aged bet#een 1J and 17
ears old) #ho trained at AMAS (eeu#in !rom the 1PQ0s to the earl 1PI0s$G
9n!ian na3al comman!ers to !iscuss %ays to strengthen ties %ith 9n!ian Ocean region nations
The Times of )ndia reported CThe na*al top brass #ill congregate here DNe# DelhiE ne:t #ee- to discuss measures to !urther bolster militar
cooperation #ith countries in the Indian &cean region /I&'1 in the bac-drop o! >hina7s e:panding strategic !ootprint in the region$G
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
A!3isers a((ointe! for Air 6arfare Destroyer -rogram ,eform /trategy
The Minister !or 6inance) Senator >ormann) and the Minister !or De!ence) Senator +ohnston) announced CThe 3o*ernment has ta-en the
ne:t step to put the Air ?ar!are Destroer .rogram bac- on trac- #ith the appointment o! -e e:pert ad*isers to assist #ith the
implementation o! the 'e!orm Strateg$ ?e ha*e toda D1P +uneE appointed 3reenhill 8 >o Australia .t (td as >ommercial Ad*iser and
Ashurst Australia as (egal Ad*iser$ These appointments !ollo#ed a competiti*e procurement process$G
Ne% 3essel to hel( (rotect Australia:s 'or!ers
The Minister !or Immigration and 2order .rotection) Mr Morrison) announced he had attended the o!!icial naming ceremon o! the
Australian >ustoms and 2order .rotection Nessel /A>N1 Thaiya* #hich #ill help secure Australia7s borders$
.imor&;este /ecretary of /tate for Defence 3isit has maritime as(ects
De!ence announced CMaritime securit and regional stabilit #ere -e points o! discussion #hen Minister !or De!ence Da*id +ohnston
and the Timor-(este Secretar o! State !or De!ence) Dr +Rlio TomSs .into met in >anberra$G and CAe DSenator +ohnstonE also #elcomed
Timor-(este;s e!!orts to build its maritime capabilit and its intent to contribute to maritime securit) particularl through its in*ol*ement
in multilateral !ora such as the Indian &cean Na*al Smposium) and its participation in the obser*er program o! maritime securit
acti*ities including %:ercise Ma-adu$G
Australian com(any %ins ;4D sustainment contract
Minister !or De!ence Senator Da*id +ohnston announced an Australian compan had been a#arded a multi-million dollar contract to
sustain Australia;s ne# (anding Aelicopter Doc- /(AD1 ships$ Mellogg) 2ro#n 8 'oot .t (td /M2'1 has been a#arded the -e
contract to pro*ide >apabilit Support >oordinator />S>1 ser*ices !or the (ADs o*er the ne:t !i*e ears$ Dhttp4TT###$-br$com an Australian
companB - %ditorE
Ne% high (riority M4350 search area announce!
Deput .rime Minister Mr Truss announced a ne# high priorit under#ater search area !or missing Malasia Airlines 6light MA370$
The ne# search area o! up to Q0)000 s9uare -ilometres is located in the Southern Indian &cean and) li-e pre*ious searches) is located
along the se*enth arc " a thin but long line that mar-s #here the missing aircra!t last communicated #ith a satellite$
Na3y charges (ersonnel for ina((ro(riate 'eha3iour
De!ence announced CThe 'oal Australian Na* has charged !our o! its members !ollo#ing an in*estigation into allegations o!
inappropriate beha*iour in 2011$ The alleged incident #as brought to the attention o! the >hie! o! Na* a!ter he had encouraged
personnel to come !or#ard and report an instances o! inappropriate beha*iour !ollo#ing reporting on incidents aboard AMAS Ballarat$G
4MA/ Arunta returns to sea as (art of the Anti&/hi( Missile Defence 0(gra!e -rogramme
De!ence announced CA signi!icant milestone has been achie*ed in the Anti-Ship Missile De!ence /ASMD1 0pgrade .rogramme #ith
AMAS Arunta setting sail !or her sea acceptance trials this #ee-$G
Australian Defence $orce to 'e teste! 'y air< lan! an! sea in -acific ,im eercise
De!ence announced CThe Australian De!ence 6orce /AD61 is plaing a -e role in the #orld;s largest maritime e:ercise ta-ing place in
and around the islands o! Aa#aii$ Aosted b the 0nited States .aci!ic 6leet) %:ercise 'im o! the .aci!ic 201, /'IM.A> 1,1 #ill see 23
nations) ,I ships) si: submarines) more than 200 aircra!t and 2J)000 personnel " #ith appro:imatel P70 AD6 members !rom all three
Ser*ices " ta-ing part$G DThis press statement doesn7t mention an 'AN units that are in*ol*ed5 readers need to clic- here to see such minor details " %ditorE
Mean#hile) &tars and &tri#es reported C.earl Aarbor o!!icials are #arning residents in the area that their remotel operated garage door
openers ma be temporaril a!!ected b increased radar acti*it !rom #arships participating in the 'im o! the .aci!ic e:ercise that begins
Thursda D2Q +uneE$G
E3ol3e! /eas(arro% missile u(gra!e
The Minister !or De!ence) Senator Da*id +ohnston) announced CAustralia has elected to continue its participation in the NAT&
Seasparro# >onsortium %*ol*ed Seasparro# Missile /%SSM1 program that commenced in 1PP0$G and C$$$ the 6irst .ass Appro*al !or the
upgraded U2loc- 2; *ersion o! the %*ol*ed Seasparro# missile #ould lead to a signi!icant boost in Australia;s abilit to de!end its !leet
against the ne:t generation o! anti-ship missile threats b deli*ering a more sophisticated ship sel!-de!ence missile to the Na*$ The
2loc- 2 upgrade #ill primaril !ocus on de*eloping impro*ements to the missile;s guidance sstem$G
4MA/ -arramatta com(letes a 3isit to Noumea ahea! of O(eration /O;AN9A
De!ence reported CAMAS +arramatta has completed its *isit to Noumea) Ne# >aledonia) be!ore commencing a patrol as part o!
&peration S&(ANIA$ The ANVA> >lass 6rigate le!t Noumea toda D30 +uneE a!ter spending three das strengthening relationships #ith
the 6rench Armed 6orces Ne# >aledonia /6AN>1 and promoting multilateral securit cooperation$G and C6ollo#ing the *isit)
+arramatta #ill commence an &peration S&(ANIA patrol) continuing the Australian De!ence 6orce;s enduring role in the South-?est
.aci!ic$ &peration S&(ANIA is a continuing maritime sur*eillance operation #hich supports .aci!ic island states in their en!orcement o!
!isheries la# #ithin their %:clusi*e %conomic VonesG
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
+hina /eas De3elo(ments = June
AsiaNe(s DItalE reported CThe escalation o! tension in the South >hina Sea sho#s no sign o! abating$ Westerda D31 MaE 100 >hinese
patrol boats) !our ships and about ,0 militar *essels /at least in appearance1 surrounded Nietnamese coastguard and !ishing *essels near
an oil rig that >hina has placed in Nietnamese territorial #aters$ In addition) some >hinese !ighter <ets *iolated Nietnamese airspace to
de!end the plat!orm $G
,ant-hinaTimes DTai#anE reported CThe .eople7s (iberation Arm Na* is set to deplo at least one o! its Tpe P03A comprehensi*e
suppl ships to the disputed South >hina Sea to strengthen its !orce pro<ection capabilit in the area) reports >hina7s nationalistic 3lobal
Times tabloid$G
The -hosunil$o DSouth MoreaE reported C>hina and Nietnam) #hich are in*ol*ed in a tense stando!! in the South >hina Sea) are pleading
their case to 0N Secretar 3eneral 2an Mi-moon$G DIt #ill be interesting to see #hether Mr 2an chooses to get in*ol*ed in #hat #ould normall be either an
International >ourt o! +ustice or a 0N Securit >ouncil matter " %ditorE
Defense Ne(s D0SAE reported C>hina appears to be constructing an airstrip and sea port on 6ier >ross 'ee! in the South >hina Sea)
according to regional media reports) in a mo*e that loo-s li-e the ne:t step in its e!!orts to claim the entiret o! a #ater area roughl the
siFe o! India$G
'euters reported C>hina has sent !our more oil rigs into the South >hina Sea in a sign that 2ei<ing is stepping up its e:ploration !or oil
and gas in the tense region) less than t#o months a!ter it positioned a giant drilling plat!orm in #aters claimed b Nietnam$G
The +hili##ine &tar reported CSingapore7s prime minister said Tuesda D2, +uneE international la# should determine ho# territorial
disputes in the South >hina Sea are resol*ed) rather than the notion that =might is right$=G DThis #as reported similarl b other media " %ditor$E
Business )nsider DAustraliaE 9uoted 'euters to report C>hina has un*eiled a ne# o!!icial map o! the countr gi*ing greater pla to its claims
on the South >hina Sea) state media said on ?ednesda D2J +uneE) ma-ing the disputed #aters and its numerous islets and ree!s more
clearl seem li-e national territor$G
O(eration /o3ereign 1or!ers u(!ates = May>June
The Minister !or Immigration and 2order .rotection released these updates4 30 Ma) Q +une) 13 +une) 20 +une D0nsurprisingl) no !ormal
update !or 27 +une had been released b c$o$b$ on 30 +une - %ditorE
SAI..IN3) SAI.20I(DIN3 8 .&'TS
Marine Order 91 (Marine pollution prevention oil) !1"
The Australian Maritime Sa!et Authorit /AMSA1 made this &rder) #hich gi*es e!!ect to Anne: I o! MA'.&( #hich deals #ith
pre*ention o! marine pollution b oil !rom ships$ It prescribes matters !or .art II /.re*ention o! pollution b oil1 o! the .ollution
.re*ention Act$ It also pro*ides !or matters !or >hapter , /.re*ention o! pollution1 o! the Navigation Act$
Marine Order 9# (Marine pollution prevention no$ious li%uid su&stances) !1"
The Australian Maritime Sa!et Authorit /AMSA1 made this &rder) #hich addresses similar matters to the abo*e and Creplaces Marine
Order ./ 0Marine #ollution #revention 1 no2ious liquid su$stances3 4556 !ollo#ing a re*ie# o! the &rder as part o! AMSA;s ongoing
re*ie# o! instruments$ The structure o! the &rder has been changed and current legislati*e dra!ting stle applied$ ?hen the &rder
commences) schedule 3P o! Marine Order 7 0Transitional Modifications3 458/ #ill cease to ha*e e!!ect because that schedule modi!ies
the pre*ious issue o! this &rder9G
9nternational Marina /cholarshi( 6inners
The 3lobal Marina Institute /3MI1 announced the #inners o! t#o international scholarships to attend Ad*anced Marina Management
/AMM1 courses in Australia and the 0M at the I>&MIA ?orld Marinas con!erence in Tur-e 2-, +une$ Alistair >lar-e) Marina
Manager at ?emouth Marina) 0M) #ill tra*el to Australia to participate in the Marina Industries Association /MIA1 AMM course in
Sdne 1, " 1P September$ Da*id &smond) d7Albora Marinas .I%' 3J and Nictoria Aarbour) #ill tra*el to the 0M to participate in the
AMM course 2Q " 31 &ctober on the South >oast o! %ngland$
Ne% regional structure for counter&(iracy co!e im(lementation
The International Maritime &rganisation /IM&1 announced CMinisters !rom participating States in the >ode o! >onduct concerning the
'epression o! .irac and Armed 'obber against Ships in the ?estern Indian &cean and the 3ul! o! Aden /the D<ibouti >ode o!
>onduct1 ha*e recogniFed the need to de*elop a mechanism !or the region to run its o#n counter-pirac agenda) !ollo#ing the success!ul
implementation b IM& o! numerous pro<ects aimed at impro*ing regional capacit to counter pirac b de*eloping enhanced regional
cooperation and coordination$G
?ueenslan! -orts /trategy
The Xueensland 3o*ernment released its .orts Strateg) saing C$$$$ the Xueensland .orts Strateg sets the direction !or ho# !uture port
de*elopments #ill occur in Xueensland$ Through ma<or re!orm to port planning) go*ernance) en*ironmental management and suppl
chain connections) Xueensland #ill lead the #a #ith an e!!icient port net#or- that supports economic gro#th and e!!ecti*el manages
en*ironmental ob<ecti*es$G and CThe Xueensland .orts Strateg outlines 1I actions !or the planning) de*elopment and management o!
Xueensland;s port net#or-$ The -e actions include4
the establishment o! !i*e .riorit .ort De*elopment Areas /..DAs1 at the long-established ma<or ports o! Abbot .oint5
2risbane5 3ladstone5 Aa .oint and Mac-a5 and To#ns*ille
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
the prohibition o! dredging #ithin and ad<oining the 3reat 2arrier 'ee! ?orld Aeritage Area) !or the de*elopment o!
ne#) or the e:pansion o! e:isting port !acilities outside ..DAs) !or the ne:t ten ears
introduction o! a statutor guideline !or port master planning
introduction o! the .orts 2ill to .arliament$G
1oosting Australia7s maritime ca(a'ilities
The Minister !or De!ence) Senator +ohnston) announced CIn light o! the urgent need to !orestall a capabilit gap in this crucial area
Dreplenishment *esselsE5 the current lo# producti*it o! shipbuilders in*ol*ed in the A?D program5 and *alue !or mone considerations) the
3o*ernment has gi*en 6irst .ass appro*al !or De!ence to conduct a limited competiti*e tender process bet#een Na*antia o! Spain and
Dae#oo Shipbuilding and Marine %ngineering /DSM%1 o! South Morea !or the construction o! t#o replacement replenishment *essels
based on e:isting designs$G and CNa* is in urgent need o! large support *essels that #e assess are beond the capacit o! Australia to
produce competiti*el at this stage$ In this instance it #ould not ser*e anone i! #e #ere to pro*ide a challenge to industr that #as
beond its capabilities$G
The Minister also announced CThe 3o*ernment has also agreed to bring !or#ard preliminar design #or- to ensure Australia maintains
the necessar capabilities to retain the option o! building the !uture !rigate in Australia$ This #or- #ill !ocus on continued production o!
the current A?D hull) suitabl adapted and utilising capabilities !rom the cutting-edge Australian companies >%A Technologies
Australia and SAA2 >ombat Sstems$ 6urther decisions on the !uture !rigate #ill be ta-en in the conte:t o! the 201J De!ence ?hite
.aper$G and CThe 3o*ernment has brought !or#ard an open competition #ith Australian industr to construct more than 20 replacement
.aci!ic .atrol 2oats$G DThe transcript is here$E
;ooming /eafarer /hortage 6ill +hallenge +arrier -rofita'ility
Maritime -onnector reported CThe current shortage o! o!!icer corps sea!arers is !orecast to #orsen and ris-s impacting carrier
pro!itabilit) according to Dre#r;s recentl published Manning 201, Annual 'eport$G
9n!ia loo2s to attract more shi((ing com(anies to its coastal tra!e
The Ara$ian &u##ly -hain reported CThe Indian go*ernment is loo-ing to boost the mo*ement o! cargo along its coastline b introducing
ne# polic$ According to the 2usiness Standard) the 0nion go*ernment is planning to rela: cabotage norms at ma<or ports !or empt
containers) to allo# !oreign-!lagged *essels carring empt containers mo*e on India7s coastline #ithout restriction$G
Dar%in at the +entre of Northern De3elo(ment
The Minister !or 'egional De*elopment and In!rastructure) Mr Truss) said CDar#in is shaping as Australia7s gate#a to AsiaOone o! the
!astest gro#ing regions in the #orld) #hich #ill soon be home to hal! o! the #orld7s middle-class b 2020$ In terms o! northern
Australia7s de*elopment) Dar#in is the linchpin)G and CThis 3reen .aper reminds us that the northern Australia is *ital to our national
econom) #ith JJY /or H121 billion1 o! Australia7s e:ports shipped !rom our northern ports$G
D'eaders #ill) o! course) be *er a#are that a 3reen .aper is a dra!t !or an e*entual ?hite .aper) #hich should become the basis o! polic discussions bet#een the *arious
parties /in this case State) Territor and >ommon#ealth 3o*ernments1 #hich) in turn) become the basis o! an agreed di*isions o! responsibilities) #hich then !orm the
bases o! budget !unding bids #hich might) in due course) become the bases o! !unded pro<ects and) e*entuall) see mone spent$ The realit) in this as in man polic areas)
is that some sort o! crisis " militar) economic or #eather-related " #ill probabl inter*ene and re9uire snap decisions long be!ore there is an outcome !rom the ponderous
!ormal polic processes initiated b this :reen +a#er on Develo#ing Norther Australia$ 'eall un-ind readers might e*en thin- that this is all <ust a #a o! mar-ing time to
a*oid spending moneZ" %ditorE
Maritime security strengthene! through ne% -acific -atrol 1oat -rogram
De!ence announced CA ne# H2 billion .aci!ic .atrol 2oat /..21 .rogram un*eiled toda b 6oreign Minister +ulie 2ishop and De!ence
Minister Da*id +ohnston aims to signi!icantl strengthen securit in our region$G CThe .aci!ic .atrol 2oat .rogram is an important pillar
o! the Australian 3o*ernment;s commitment to #or-ing #ith our regional partners to enable cohesi*e securit cooperation on maritime
sur*eillance) including in !isheries protection and transnational crime)G Minister 2ishop said$ CDe!ence #ill replace the current !leet o!
patrol boats !or all current ..2 members #ith the addition o! a ne# member) Timor-(este /%ast Timor1) #hich has been in*ited to <oin
the program) e*idence o! Australia;s gro#ing de!ence cooperation program #ith that countr)G said Senator +ohnston$G
N/6 "o3ernment announces A10 million u(gra!e to -ort of E!en
NS? Treasurer and Member !or 2ega Andre# >onstance and Minister !or 'oads and 6reight Duncan 3a announced a H10 million
upgrade to the .ort o! %den$
6orl! shi((ing -3 Net%or2 merger %ill not 'e im(lemente!
Maers- announced CToda D17 +uneE) the >hinese Ministr o! >ommerce /M&6>&M1 announced that the ha*e not appro*ed the .3
Net#or- /.31$ .3 #as a long-term operational *essel sharing agreement proposed b MS>) >MA >3M) and Maers- (ine$ The
M&6>&M;s decision !ollo#s a re*ie# under >hina7s merger control rules$ The .3 partners ta-e note o! and respect M&6>&M;s
decision$ Subse9uentl) the partners ha*e agreed to stop the preparator #or- on the .3 Net#or- and the .3 Net#or- as initiall planned
#ill not come into e:istence$G
9nfrastructure Australia "ets the $ree ,ein 9t Nee!s
The Minister !or In!rastructure and 'egional De*elopment) Mr Truss) announced CAmendments to the Australian 3o*ernment7s
)nfrastructure Australia Amendment Bill 458/ /the 2ill1 ha*e toda D1I +uneE been introduced in the Senate$G and CThe go*ernment has
mo*ed to clear up ambiguities in the 2ill) #hich led to a misunderstanding o! the go*ernment7s re!orms to ma-e In!rastructure Australia
more independent)G
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
+re% mem'er fatality on 'oar!< 'oucan Arrow< -ortlan!< Cic. on 5 Octo'er 2013
The Australian Transport Sa!et 2ureau /ATS21 released its report on this incident$ The ATS2 !ound that the cre# member did not
compl #ith the ship;s sa!e #or-ing procedures and did not ensure that the crane dri*er #as ad*ised and that the gantr crane;s electrical
po#er suppl #as isolated be!ore he began #or-ing in the *icinit o! the crane$ The in*estigation also !ound that the audible and *isual
crane in motion #arning de*ices #ere not !ull operational and e!!ecti*e$
(rotection of t)e *ea (*)ipping Lev+) ,egulation !1"
The 3o*ernor-3eneral made this 'egulation) #hich replaces the 1PI2 'egulations in order to decrease the 9uarterl le* !rom 1,$2J
cents to 11$2J cents per ton on all ships to #hich the Act applies) e!!ecti*e !rom 1 +ul 201,$
Ne% Nautical 9nstitute -resi!ent challenges mem'ers an! 'ranches
In his inaugural address at the Institute;s Annual 3eneral Meeting held in Sdne) Australia) >aptain 'obert Mc>abe pointed out change
and continuous impro*ement at the Institute meant that the building bloc-s o! N3& status at IM&) re*ised membership criteria and the
ne# go*ernance structure #ere in place !or preparation o! the Institute;s Strategic .lan !or 201Q-2020$
Dalrym(le 1ay +oal .erminal /torage Dam< 4ay -oint< ?l! = E-1+ Act referral
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced an in*itation !or public comment under the Environment +rotection and Biodiversity
-onservation Act !or this proposal$
/hi((ing system nee!s ra!ical rethin2 %arn climate e(erts
'esearchers at The 0ni*ersit o! Manchester said CA*oiding dangerous le*els o! climate change re9uires a radical rethin- o! the shipping
sstem) according to a ne# report UAigh Seas4 Aigh Sta-es; released toda b scientists at the Tndall >entre !or >limate >hange
'esearch based at The 0ni*ersit o! Manchester$ I! global shipping is to ma-e its !air contribution to a*oiding the 2[> o! #arming
associated #ith dangerous climate change) >&
emissions need to be cut #ithin the ne:t decade and !all b at least I0Y b 20J0
compared to 1PP0 le*els) sa the authors$G
9M1 %arning to small tan2ers to maintain strict anti&(iracy measures in the /outh +hina /ea
The International Maritime 2ureau /IM21 said CAt least si: -no#n cases o! coastal tan-ers being hi<ac-ed !or their cargoes o! diesel or
gas oil ha*e been reported since April this ear) spar-ing !ears o! a ne# trend in pirate attac-s in the area$ 0p until then) the ma<orit o!
attac-s in the region #ere *essels boarded !or pett the!t$G
6A -orts merger !elay 'lame! on o(erational !ifferences
The A2> reported CD?AE Transport Minister Dean Nalder has blamed delas in amalgamating regional ports in ?A7s south on
operational di!!erences bet#een local port authorities$G
A!3isers a((ointe! for Air 6arfare Destroyer -rogram ,eform /trategy
The Minister !or 6inance) Senator >ormann) and the Minister !or De!ence) Senator +ohnston) announced CThe 3o*ernment has ta-en the
ne:t step to put the Air ?ar!are Destroer .rogram bac- on trac- #ith the appointment o! -e e:pert ad*isers to assist #ith the
implementation o! the 'e!orm Strateg$ ?e ha*e toda D1P +uneE appointed 3reenhill 8 >o Australia .t (td as >ommercial Ad*iser and
Ashurst Australia as (egal Ad*iser$ These appointments !ollo#ed a competiti*e procurement process$G
A+++ re!uces regulation at "raincor(:s Ne%castle -ort .erminal
The Australian >ompetition and >onsumer >ommission said it has accepted 3rain>orp;s application to *ar its .ort Terminal Ser*ices
Access 0nderta-ing at its Ne#castle bul- grain !acilit$ CThe A>>> considers that a more competiti*e mar-et !or the e:port o! bul-
#heat is in the best interests o! !armers$ The *ariation #ill pro*ide 3rain>orp #ith greater !le:ibilit to compete against the t#o bul-
#heat e:port operations at the .ort o! Ne#castle)G A>>> >ommissioner >ristina >i!uentes said$
Man!atory +o!e of +on!uct for "rain E(ort .erminals )1ul2 6heat E(orts* = ,egulation 9m(act
/tatement for consultation
&n 1P +une) the &!!ice o! 2est .ractice 'egulation said C&n 3 +une 201,) the Minister !or Agriculture released !or consultation an
e:posure dra!t man!atory (ort access co!e of con!uct for 'ul2 %heat e(orts and an associated 'egulation Impact Statement /'IS1$
The 'IS e:amines options !or impro*ing access to port terminals !or bul- #heat e:porters$ &ne option is the introduction o! a mandator
code o! conduct !or all port terminal ser*ice pro*iders$ The code is aimed at standardising access arrangements and impro*ing the
transparenc o! bul- #heat e:ports$ I! implemented b 30 September 201,) the code #ould replace the ?heat %:port Mar-eting Act
200I$G and CSubmissions on the dra!t code and 'IS close at Jpm on 6rida 2, +une 201,$G
Al'any -ort Maintenance Dre!ging & E-1+ Act referral
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced an in*itation !or public comment under the Environment +rotection and Biodiversity
-onservation Act !or this proposal$
Australian "o3ernment %elcomes 0NE/+O !ecision on the "reat 1arrier ,eef
The Minister !or the %n*ironment) Mr Aunt) announced CThe 0N%S>& ?orld Aeritage >ommittee has recognised the signi!icant #or-
and progress being made b the Australian and Xueensland go*ernments in managing and protecting the 3reat 2arrier 'ee!$ 0N%S>&
started the consideration o! the ree!7s health under the pre*ious (abor go*ernment in +une 2011$ Since that time the ha*e no# !ormall
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
recognised signi!icant #or- and progress in ree! protection$ I am there!ore pleased the >ommittee did not list the ree! as a ?orld
Aeritage site 7in danger7 and ac-no#ledged the signi!icant #or- and progress$G
+ancellation of Declaration for Du!geon -oint< ?;D< +oal .erminals -roDect
North Xueensland 2ul- .orts >orporation /NX2.1 announced that it has made a re9uest to the Xueensland >oordinator-3eneral to
cancel the declaration o! the Dudgeon .oint >oal Terminals .ro<ect as a coordinated pro<ect) saing C(egislation re9uires the %IS to be
submitted #ithin t#o ears o! the publication o! the Terms o! 'e!erence) #hich in the case o! the Dudgeon .oint >oal Terminals .ro<ect
is b 21 +une 201, and this #ill not be achie*ed because o! the pausing o! the pro<ect$G
+om(etition (olicy an! (orts (ri3atisation
In a speech to >%DA) the >hair o! the Australian >ompetition and >onsumer >ommission) Mr Sims) said CSome go*ernments are
pri*atising ports #ithout appropriate open access regimes) nor controls on pricing$ ?e shouldn;t be surprised #hen buers pa a high
price to ac9uire monopol po#er) #ith the e:pectation that the #ill be able to recoup that e:penditure b increasing prices$ I #ill shortl
be #riting to all go*ernments to point out that the trend to#ards selling monopol or near monopol assets #ith the primar aim o!
ma:imising proceeds) #ithout due consideration o! the competition implications) is e!!ecti*el a ta: on !uture generations$G
Marine Order " (-argo. stowage and securing) !1"
The Australian Maritime Sa!et Authorit /AMSA1 made this &rder) #hich gi*es e!!ect to regulations 2 />argo in!ormation1) J /Sto#age
and securing1 and J-2 /2lending o! li9uid bul- cargoes1 o! >hapter NI o! S&(AS$ The %:planator Statement sas CThis ne# issue o!
Marine &rder ,2 updates the re!erence to the >ode o! Sa!e .ractice !or Ships >arring Timber Dec- >argoes) 2011) #hich replaces the
1PP1 >ode mentioned in the pre*ious issue$ The scope o! the &rder is e:tended to include cargo matters co*ered b >hapter NI o!
S&(AS$ 'e!erences to particular positions in AMSA are remo*ed) and the &rder has been re#ritten in a clearer stle$G
-ro!ucti3ity +ommission ,e(ort on .asmanian /hi((ing an! $reight
The .roducti*it >ommission released its report into issues a!!ecting the competiti*eness o! Tasmanian business as the relate to
shipping) port) road) and rail in!rastructure and ser*ices$ The !undamental recommendation appears to be CTasmania !aces broader
economic and social challenges and the Australian 3o*ernment should put less emphasis on !reight subsid schemes in !a*our o! re!orms
that ha*e national and Tasmanian bene!its /such as coastal shipping re!orm1 and those that directl enhance the competiti*eness and
producti*it o! the Tasmanian econom$G
Apparentl ignoring much o! the >ommission7s 9uestioning o! the e!!ecti*eness o! the *arious !reight subsid schemes) #hich had
an#a been remo*ed !rom the in9uir7s T&') the Minister !or In!rastructure and 'egional De*elopment) Mr Truss) said CMeeping
prices a!!ordable !or shippers and passengers) re!orming maritime regulation and strengthening the maritime industr #ill help to put
Tasmania on a more le*el plaing !ield compared #ith mainland operators$G
The Australian Shipo#ners Association /ASA1 urged the Abbott 3o*ernment to be care!ul in its consideration o! the .roducti*it
>ommission 'eport into Tasmanian shipping and !reight$
4armonise! E0 re(orting (roce!ures for 3essels
The %uropean >ommission announced CThe %uropean >ommission toda D2J +uneE adopted the report on the !unctioning o! the reporting
!ormalities directi*e /Directi*e 2010TQJ1$ The Directi*e aims to ensure that b +une 201J *essels entering or departing %0 ports #ill
pro*ide re9uired in!ormation electronicall *ia one single entr point " the National Single ?indo#$G
Australian com(any %ins ;4D sustainment contract
Minister !or De!ence Senator Da*id +ohnston announced an Australian compan had been a#arded a multi-million dollar contract to
sustain Australia;s ne# (anding Aelicopter Doc- /(AD1 ships$ Mellogg) 2ro#n 8 'oot .t (td /M2'1 has been a#arded the -e
contract to pro*ide >apabilit Support >oordinator />S>1 ser*ices !or the (ADs o*er the ne:t !i*e ears$ Dhttp4TT###$-br$com an
Australian companB - %ditorE
A+++ issues !raft !ecision to a((ro3e +14 long term (ort access arrangements in 6A
The Australian >ompetition and >onsumer >ommission said it has issued a dra!t decision to accept >o-&perati*e 2ul- Aandling
(imited;s />2A1 proposed 201, .ort Terminal Ser*ices Access 0nderta-ing) sub<ect to dra!ting amendments$ The underta-ing #ould
go*ern access b third part e:porters to >2A;s port terminal ser*ices !or bul- #heat e:port at >2A;s !our port terminals in ?estern
Marine Order /!/ (-ertificates of competenc+ national law) Amendment !1" (0o1 1)
The Australian Maritime Sa!et Authorit /AMSA1 made this &rder$The %:planator Statement sas CDue to an o*ersight M&J0J does
not currentl pro*ide !or periods o! suspension o! certi!icates o! competenc$ This ma ha*e the e!!ect that a certi!icate o! competenc
cannot be suspended$ It is important that the National 'egulator has the po#er to suspend a certi!icate in circumstances #here sa!et ma
be <eopardised$ This amendment remedies this situation and also clari!ies ho# long a suspension ma be in !orce$G
/hi( 'rea2ing = international im(lications
In an e*ent #ith international la#) en*ironmental and shipping implications) The Maritime E2ecutive reported C2elgian authorities ha*e
released the +apanese o#ned car-carrier that has been sitting in detention at the port o! Ant#erp !or nearl a month$ A!ter ha*ing been
alerted b the N3& Shipbrea-ing .lat!orm) a coalition o! en*ironmental) human rights and labor organiFations) that the ship had been
sold !or scrapping in India) the 6lemish %n*ironment Ministr seiFed the end-o!-li!e car carrier :lo$al &#irit$ The ship #as allo#ed to
lea*e the port o! Ant#erp !or reccling in Tur-e) a destination allo#ed under %uropean #aste la#$G
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
+ontainer 6eight Declaration gui!e
The .ort o! 6remantle announced CA :uide to -ontainer ,eight Declarations !or the sea !reight container suppl chain has been
produced b 6remantle .orts and the ?A .ort &perations Tas- 6orce$ Incorrectl declared container #eights in road !reight transport are
a serious issue #hich can lead to accidents) !atalities and road damage$ DNot to mention ships brea-ing in t#o - %ditorE The industr guide sets out
suggested practices to meet the ne# obligations under ne# >hain o! 'esponsibilit legislation e:pected to be introduced soon in ?estern
N?1- announces a((ointment of /te3e ;e%is as its ne% +EO
North Xueensland 2ul- .orts >orporation /NX2.1 announced the appointment o! Ste*e (e#is as the ne# >hie! %:ecuti*e &!!icer
/>%&1 !or the Xueensland bul- port authorit$ Mr (e#is #ill ta-e o*er !rom 2rad 6ish #ho has held the position o! >%& !or the past 13
6hite -a(er on the ,eform of the $e!eration
The .rime Minister) Mr Abbott) released the Terms o! 'e!erence !or the ?hite .aper on the 'e!orm o! the 6ederation) saing C?e need
to reduce and) i! possible) end duplication and ma-e interacting #ith go*ernment simpler$ ?e need to clari! roles and responsibilities !or
States and Territories so that the are) as !ar as possible) so*ereign in their o#n sphere$
The >ommon#ealth #ill continue to ta-e a leadership role on issues o! genuine national and strategic importance) but there should be
less >ommon#ealth inter*ention in areas #here States ha*e primar responsibilit$G
DThis #ill ob*iousl ha*e implications in the maritime sphere) !or shipping) ports) !ishing) resource de*elopment) marine science and the en*ironment) but readers might
#onder #hether Mr Abbott has considered that) in a nation o! onl 22 million people) one #a to Cend duplicationG and C clari! roles and responsibilitiesG might be to
eliminate the State and Territor le*el o! go*ernment altogetherB The !irst !e# paragraphs o! the T&' seem to suggest that logic #as leading the dra!ters that #a " %ditor$E
,esche!uling agreement for Eim /hi((ing
%aaret! DIsraelE reported CIsrael >orporation shareholders on 6rida D27 +uneE appro*ed the largest debt rescheduling agreement in Israel;s
histor !or the holding compan;s Vim Integrated Shipping Ser*ices subsidiar$G
,e(ort on containers lost at sea
In its annual sur*e report) the ?orld Shipping >ouncil said CThe sur*e o! the ears 2011) 2012 and 2013 estimates that there #ere
appro:imatel 733 containers lost at sea on a*erage !or each o! these three ears) not counting catastrophic e*ents$G
6orl! /hi((ing Outloo2 = June
As a re!erence point !or man o! the !ollo#ing reports on the #orld shipping outloo-) here is the 2altic Dr Inde:$
&hi##ing %erald reported C.anama: shipo#ners are reportedl idling their ships as a lac- o! cargoes puts !urther pressure on rates)
mar-et sources said Thursda D12 +uneE$G
The .ort o! (os Angeles reported CIn Ma 201,) o*erall *olumes increased I$2 percent compared to Ma 2013$ Total cargo !or Ma #as
QIP)1,1 T#ent-6oot %9ui*alent 0nits /T%0s1$>ontainer imports rose 7$7J percent) !rom 32Q)11, T%0s in Ma 2013 to 3J1),03 T%0s
in Ma 201,$ %:ports rose 2$3 percent) !rom 1J,)P0, T%0s in Ma 2013 to 1JI),73 T%0s in Ma 201,$G
0N< 0/ F E0 /anctions on 9ranian shi((ing = June !e3elo(ments
6A'S Ne#sagenc DIranE reported CDeput Aead o! the National .etrochemical >ompan /N.>1 Mohammad Aassan .e*andi
in!ormed that Iran is resol*ed to boost its share in suppling the international mar-ets #ith 9ualit petrochemicals) saing Iranian ports
on the rims o! the Sea o! &man #ill host a ne# petrochemical hub in the region$G
Trend DAFerbai<anE reported CIran to launch shipping route !rom (engeh .ort to DohaG DThis is a headline onl5 the article is behind Trend;s pa-#all -
The %indu;s 2usinessline reported CIndia has decided to e:tend b si: months the special permission granted to ships #ith Iranian
insurance to call at the countr;s ports) a go*ernment o!!icial said$ This #ill enable Ne# Delhi to get continued suppl o! oil !rom Iran)
albeit reduced *olume) despite the 0S sanctions against the ?est-Asian nation$G
Mem'ers sought for the Northern -ra%n $ishery ,esource Assessment "rou( )N-,A"*
The Australian 6isheries Management Authorit /A6MA1 said it is see-ing applications !or member positions on the Northern .ra#n
6isher 'esource Assessment 3roup /N.'A31 !or its ne:t three ear term /1 +ul 201, to 30 +une 20171
National AGuaculture /tatement launche!
The .arliamentar Secretar to the Minister !or Agriculture) Senator >olbec-) launched the National A9uaculture Statement) saing
=This statement is the !irst step in !ul!illing the >oalition7s commitment to #or- #ith industr to de*elop a national a9uaculture strateg)=
and CThe Department o! Agriculture #ill e:amine the e:isting marine pest biosecurit arrangements) assess the cost e!!ecti*eness o!
pre*enting and eradicating marine pests and see- e:pert recommendations to impro*e the current monitoring !rame#or-$G
.asmanian "iant +ra' $ishery en3ironmental assessment
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced CThe current e:port appro*al !or the Tasmanian 3iant >rab 6isher is *alid until 22 +ul
201, and the !isher is no# due !or assessment !or ongoing e:port accreditation$ The Department o! the %n*ironment recei*ed an
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
application) A##lication to the De#artment of Environment on the Tasmanian :iant -ra$ Fishery) !rom the Tasmanian Department o!
.rimar Industries) .ar-s) ?ater and %n*ironment in +une 201,$G
$oreign factory&free8er tra%ler a((lication
The Australian 6isheries Management Authorit /A6MA1 posted a number o! statements on its #ebsite regarding its 10 +une appro*al o!
the application o! .etuna-Sea(ord Deep#ater 6ishing .t (td to ha*e the 6N Meridian 1 declared an Australian boat to !ish using
mid#ater tra#l method in the Southern and %astern Scale!ish and Shar- 6isher$ Se*eral o! those posts seem to ha*e been remo*ed
subse9uentl$ As o! the date o! #riting this item D13 +uneE) the one remaining post could be read here$
6estern Australian A'alone Manage! $ishery en3ironmental assessment
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced CThe current e:port appro*al !or the ?estern Australian Abalone Managed 6isher is
*alid until 10 September 201, and the !isher is no# due !or assessment !or ongoing e:port accreditation$ The Department o! the
%n*ironment recei*ed an application) A##lication to the De#artment of the Environment on the ,estern Australian A$alone Managed
Fishery) !rom the ?estern Australian Department o! 6isheries in +une 201,$G
0/ to create marine (reser3e in -acific Ocean
The Boston :lo$e reported CAs part o! the con!erence Da t#o-da C&ur &ceanG con!erence) attended b #orld leaders and others !rom more than I0 countriesE)
.resident &bama announced e:ecuti*e actions Tuesda D17 +uneE that the administration is ta-ing to tr to protect the oceans$ The most
!ar-reaching #ill e:pand protection o! the central .aci!ic &cean) ma-ing nearl 7I2)000 s9uare miles o!!-limits !rom !ishing) energ
e:ploration) and other acti*ities$G
/enate inGuiry into the current reGuirements for la'elling of seafoo! an! seafoo! (ro!ucts
&n 23 +une 201, the Senate re!erred the current re9uirements !or labelling o! sea!ood and sea!ood products to the Senate 'ural and
'egional A!!airs and Transport 'e!erences >ommittee !or in9uir and report$ Submissions should be recei*ed b1 August 201,$ The
reporting date is 27 &ctober 201,$
Ne% A$MA commissioners announce!
The Australian 6isheries Management Authorit /A6MA1 pro*ided details o! its ne# A6MA >ommissioners) ie !rom 1 +ul 201,$
6hite -a(er on the ,eform of the $e!eration
The .rime Minister) Mr Abbott) released the Terms o! 'e!erence !or the ?hite .aper on the 'e!orm o! the 6ederation) saing C?e need
to reduce and) i! possible) end duplication and ma-e interacting #ith go*ernment simpler$ ?e need to clari! roles and responsibilities !or
States and Territories so that the are) as !ar as possible) so*ereign in their o#n sphere$
The >ommon#ealth #ill continue to ta-e a leadership role on issues o! genuine national and strategic importance) but there should be
less >ommon#ealth inter*ention in areas #here States ha*e primar responsibilit$G
DThis #ill ob*iousl ha*e implications in the maritime sphere) !or shipping) ports) !ishing) resource de*elopment) marine science and the en*ironment) but readers might
#onder #hether Mr Abbott has considered that) in a nation o! onl 22 million people) one #a to Cend duplicationG and C clari! roles and responsibilitiesG might be to
eliminate the State and Territor le*el o! go*ernment altogetherB The !irst !e# paragraphs o! the T&' seem to suggest that logic #as leading the dra!ters that #a " %ditor$E
/outh African e(eriment to trac2 tra%lers: foot(rint
&outhAfrica9com reported CA pioneering e:periment being conducted in the Atlantic &cean 100 nautical miles o!! the #est coast o! South
A!rica #ill tell marine researchers !rom the 0ni*ersit o! >ape To#n /0>T1 ho# long the seabed and its ecosstem ta-es to reco*er a!ter
ha-e tra#ling operations$=
'%S&0'>% %\.(&'ATI&N 8 D%N%(&.M%NT
-erth com(any secures 1altic "as $EED contract a%ar!
.erth based Subsea %ngineering Associates .t (td /CS%AG1 has secured a contract #orth A0D H1$3 million to deli*er a ma<or part o! the
6ront %nd %ngineering Design /C6%%DG1 !or the 2altic 3as .ro<ect in the .olish sector o! the 2altic Sea !or 2altic 3as$ The scope o!
#or- consists o! !ront end engineering o! subsea pipelines including shore approach) trenching) risers and tie-ins$ The #or- #ill be
e:ecuted !rom S%A;s .erth o!!ice #ith assistance o! .olish subcontractors$
6hite -a(er on the ,eform of the $e!eration
The .rime Minister) Mr Abbott) released the Terms o! 'e!erence !or the ?hite .aper on the 'e!orm o! the 6ederation) saing C?e need
to reduce and) i! possible) end duplication and ma-e interacting #ith go*ernment simpler$ ?e need to clari! roles and responsibilities !or
States and Territories so that the are) as !ar as possible) so*ereign in their o#n sphere$
The >ommon#ealth #ill continue to ta-e a leadership role on issues o! genuine national and strategic importance) but there should be
less >ommon#ealth inter*ention in areas #here States ha*e primar responsibilit$G
DThis #ill ob*iousl ha*e implications in the maritime sphere) !or shipping) ports) !ishing) resource de*elopment) marine science and the en*ironment) but readers might
#onder #hether Mr Abbott has considered that) in a nation o! onl 22 million people) one #a to Cend duplicationG and C clari! roles and responsibilitiesG might be to
eliminate the State and Territor le*el o! go*ernment altogetherB The !irst !e# paragraphs o! the T&' seem to suggest that logic #as leading the dra!ters that #a " %ditor$E
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
Cictorian 6est /eahorse offshore oil (roDect gains fe!eral M-$ su((ort
The Minister !or In!rastructure and 'egional De*elopment) Mr Truss) announced CTA% ?%ST S%AA&'S% pro<ect has been granted
access to 6ederal 3o*ernment Ma<or .ro<ect 6acilitation /M.61 ser*ices) recognising the pro<ect;s national strategic signi!icance$G and
C$$$$ >arnar*on Aibiscus #ill no# ha*e access to M.6 ser*ices to help ad*ance the pro<ect$G
MA'IN% S>I%N>% 8 %NNI'&NM%NT
Marine Order 91 (Marine pollution prevention oil) !1"
The Australian Maritime Sa!et Authorit /AMSA1 made this &rder) #hich gi*es e!!ect to Anne: I o! MA'.&( #hich deals #ith
pre*ention o! marine pollution b oil !rom ships$ It prescribes matters !or .art II /.re*ention o! pollution b oil1 o! the .ollution
.re*ention Act$ It also pro*ides !or matters !or >hapter , /.re*ention o! pollution1 o! the Navigation Act$
Marine Order 9# (Marine pollution prevention no$ious li%uid su&stances) !1"
The Australian Maritime Sa!et Authorit /AMSA1 made this &rder) #hich addresses similar matters to the abo*e and Creplaces Marine
Order ./ 0Marine #ollution #revention 1 no2ious liquid su$stances3 4556 !ollo#ing a re*ie# o! the &rder as part o! AMSA;s ongoing
re*ie# o! instruments$ The structure o! the &rder has been changed and current legislati*e dra!ting stle applied$ ?hen the &rder
commences) schedule 3P o! Marine Order 7 0Transitional Modifications3 458/ #ill cease to ha*e e!!ect because that schedule modi!ies
the pre*ious issue o! this &rder9G
9ncrease! freGuency of etreme 9n!ian Ocean Di(ole e3ents !ue to greenhouse %arming
The <ournal Nature published details o! a stud #hich !ound C$$$ using an ensemble o! climate models !orced b a scenario o! high
greenhouse gas emissions /'epresentati*e >oncentration .ath#a I$J1) #e pro<ect that the !re9uenc o! e:treme pI&D e*ents #ill
increase b almost a !actor o! three) !rom one e*ent e*er 17$3] ears o*er the t#entieth centur to one e*ent e*er Q$3] ears o*er the
t#ent-!irst centur$G
National AGuaculture /tatement launche!
The .arliamentar Secretar to the Minister !or Agriculture) Senator >olbec-) launched the National A9uaculture Statement) saing
=This statement is the !irst step in !ul!illing the >oalition7s commitment to #or- #ith industr to de*elop a national a9uaculture strateg)=
and CThe Department o! Agriculture #ill e:amine the e:isting marine pest biosecurit arrangements) assess the cost e!!ecti*eness o!
pre*enting and eradicating marine pests and see- e:pert recommendations to impro*e the current monitoring !rame#or-$G
Dalrym(le 1ay +oal .erminal /torage Dam< 4ay -oint< ?l! = E-1+ Act referral
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced an in*itation !or public comment under the Environment +rotection and Biodiversity
-onservation Act !or this proposal$
.asmanian "iant +ra' $ishery en3ironmental assessment
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced CThe current e:port appro*al !or the Tasmanian 3iant >rab 6isher is *alid until 22 +ul
201, and the !isher is no# due !or assessment !or ongoing e:port accreditation$ The Department o! the %n*ironment recei*ed an
application) A##lication to the De#artment of Environment on the Tasmanian :iant -ra$ Fishery) !rom the Tasmanian Department o!
.rimar Industries) .ar-s) ?ater and %n*ironment in +une 201,$G
9m(ro3e! health an! increase! fun!ing for "reat 1arrier ,eef
The 3reat 2arrier 'ee! 'eport >ard 2012 and 2013 #as released b 6ederal Minister !or the %n*ironment 3reg Aunt M. and
Xueensland Minister !or the %n*ironment and Aeritage .rotection Andre# .o#ell M.$ The said it sho#s the e!!orts o! !armers and
graFiers ha*e made a real di!!erence$
A#00<000 'oost for !ol(hin research
The Minister !or the %n*ironment) Mr Aunt) announced CThe Australian 3o*ernment is deli*ering on a -e election commitment to
pro*ide H2J0)000 to both Sea ?orld and Nictoria7s Dolphin 'esearch Institute !or research into threats !acing dolphins so that #e can
better manage these iconic species$G DSome cnical readers might !eel that the mone is more !or buing !a*ourable publicit than supporting dolphin research "
0/ to create marine (reser3e in -acific Ocean
The Boston :lo$e reported CAs part o! the con!erence Da t#o-da C&ur &ceanG con!erence) attended b #orld leaders and others !rom more than I0 countriesE)
.resident &bama announced e:ecuti*e actions Tuesda D17 +uneE that the administration is ta-ing to tr to protect the oceans$ The most
!ar-reaching #ill e:pand protection o! the central .aci!ic &cean) ma-ing nearl 7I2)000 s9uare miles o!!-limits !rom !ishing) energ
e:ploration) and other acti*ities$G
/hi((ing system nee!s ra!ical rethin2 %arn climate e(erts
'esearchers at The 0ni*ersit o! Manchester said CA*oiding dangerous le*els o! climate change re9uires a radical rethin- o! the shipping
sstem) according to a ne# report UAigh Seas4 Aigh Sta-es; released toda b scientists at the Tndall >entre !or >limate >hange
'esearch based at The 0ni*ersit o! Manchester$ I! global shipping is to ma-e its !air contribution to a*oiding the 2[> o! #arming
associated #ith dangerous climate change) >&
emissions need to be cut #ithin the ne:t decade and !all b at least I0Y b 20J0
compared to 1PP0 le*els) sa the authors$G
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
Al'any -ort Maintenance Dre!ging & E-1+ Act referral
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced an in*itation !or public comment under the Environment +rotection and Biodiversity
-onservation Act !or this proposal$
Australian "o3ernment %elcomes 0NE/+O !ecision on the "reat 1arrier ,eef
The Minister !or the %n*ironment) Mr Aunt) announced CThe 0N%S>& ?orld Aeritage >ommittee has recognised the signi!icant #or-
and progress being made b the Australian and Xueensland go*ernments in managing and protecting the 3reat 2arrier 'ee!$ 0N%S>&
started the consideration o! the ree!7s health under the pre*ious (abor go*ernment in +une 2011$ Since that time the ha*e no# !ormall
recognised signi!icant #or- and progress in ree! protection$ I am there!ore pleased the >ommittee did not list the ree! as a ?orld
Aeritage site 7in danger7 and ac-no#ledged the signi!icant #or- and progress$G
6estern Australian A'alone Manage! $ishery en3ironmental assessment
The Department o! the %n*ironment announced CThe current e:port appro*al !or the ?estern Australian Abalone Managed 6isher is
*alid until 10 September 201, and the !isher is no# due !or assessment !or ongoing e:port accreditation$ The Department o! the
%n*ironment recei*ed an application) A##lication to the De#artment of the Environment on the ,estern Australian A$alone Managed
Fishery) !rom the ?estern Australian Department o! 6isheries in +une 201,$G
,e&e3aluating Antarctica7s (rotecte! area system
The Australian Antarctic Di*ision announced CAntarctica;s suite o! protected areas should be e:panded to ensure it sa!eguards the
continent;s uni9ue biodi*ersit) according to ne# Australian research$ The research) published toda D1I +uneE in +'O& Biology) !ound that
onl 1$JY o! Antarctica;s ice-!ree areas are !ormall designated as Antarctic Speciall .rotected Areas /AS.As1$ It also !ound that the
biodi*ersit protected b these AS.As is at increased ris- !rom introduced species) due to the pro:imit o! human acti*it$G
An!re% Jac2son a%ar!e! Antarctic me!al for a lifetime of international (olicy %or2
The Australian Antarctic Di*ision announced CAn e:pert in Australian Antarctic polic has been a#arded the 201, Australian National
Antarctic 'esearch %:pedition;s /ANA'%1 .hillip (a# Medal$ Andre# +ac-son recei*ed the a#ard !or his outstanding contribution to
Antarctic a!!airs and the Antarctic communit) particularl !or his leadership and achie*ement in the !ield o! international Antarctic
.han2 Ancient Ocean +urrents 6e:re Not 9n An 9ce Age ,ight No%.
&cience 495 reported CI! our glass is hal! !ull) ou recogniFe that in recent geological histor) P0)000 o! e*er 100)000 ears ha*e been
ice ages) and it7s been 12)000 ears since the last one$ In that light) global #arming might be a good thing$ 2ut #h 100)000 ear cclesB
It #asn7t al#as the case$ Ice-age ccles uses to happen about e*er ,1)000 ears but then the became longer and more intense about
P00)000 ears ago$ 'esearchers !ound that the deep ocean currents that mo*e heat around the globe stalled or e*en stopped then) possibl
due to e:panding ice co*er in the north$G
/hi( 'rea2ing = international im(lications
In an e*ent #ith international la#) en*ironmental and shipping implications) The Maritime E2ecutive reported C2elgian authorities ha*e
released the +apanese o#ned car-carrier that has been sitting in detention at the port o! Ant#erp !or nearl a month$ A!ter ha*ing been
alerted b the N3& Shipbrea-ing .lat!orm) a coalition o! en*ironmental) human rights and labor organiFations) that the ship had been
sold !or scrapping in India) the 6lemish %n*ironment Ministr seiFed the end-o!-li!e car carrier :lo$al &#irit$ The ship #as allo#ed to
lea*e the port o! Ant#erp !or reccling in Tur-e) a destination allo#ed under %uropean #aste la#$G
6hite -a(er on the ,eform of the $e!eration
The .rime Minister) Mr Abbott) released the Terms o! 'e!erence !or the ?hite .aper on the 'e!orm o! the 6ederation) saing C?e need
to reduce and) i! possible) end duplication and ma-e interacting #ith go*ernment simpler$ ?e need to clari! roles and responsibilities !or
States and Territories so that the are) as !ar as possible) so*ereign in their o#n sphere$
The >ommon#ealth #ill continue to ta-e a leadership role on issues o! genuine national and strategic importance) but there should be
less >ommon#ealth inter*ention in areas #here States ha*e primar responsibilit$G
DThis #ill ob*iousl ha*e implications in the maritime sphere) !or shipping) ports) !ishing) resource de*elopment) marine science and the en*ironment) but readers might
#onder #hether Mr Abbott has considered that) in a nation o! onl 22 million people) one #a to Cend duplicationG and C clari! roles and responsibilitiesG might be to
eliminate the State and Territor le*el o! go*ernment altogetherB The !irst !e# paragraphs o! the T&' seem to suggest that logic #as leading the dra!ters that #a " %ditor$E
/outh African e(eriment to trac2 tra%lers: foot(rint
&outhAfrica9com reported CA pioneering e:periment being conducted in the Atlantic &cean 100 nautical miles o!! the #est coast o! South
A!rica #ill tell marine researchers !rom the 0ni*ersit o! >ape To#n /0>T1 ho# long the seabed and its ecosstem ta-es to reco*er a!ter
ha-e tra#ling operations$=
,e(ort on containers lost at sea
In its annual sur*e report) the ?orld Shipping >ouncil said CThe sur*e o! the ears 2011) 2012 and 2013 estimates that there #ere
appro:imatel 733 containers lost at sea on a*erage !or each o! these three ears) not counting catastrophic e*ents$G
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
(%TT%'S T& TA% %DIT&'
+ustoms & Authorise! Economic O(erator )AEO* ,esearch -roDect
Dear Sir)
6irst) let me sa that it is #ith regret that I hear about the closure o! the Australian Association !or Maritime A!!airs /AAMA1$ I ha*e
been a member and supporter o! AAMA since 200J) so it is reall sad to see the closure o! the Association$
I #ould li-e to than- ou !or all our e!!orts and !or our signi!icant personal contribution to AAMA) especiall a!ter ta-ing the position
o! >hairman o! AAMA$ I also #ould li-e to e:press m compliments and those o! m colleagues here at the >entre !or >ustoms and
%:cise Studies />>%S1) >harles Sturt 0ni*ersit) to the AAMA 2oard and the %ditorial 2oard o! the Australian +ournal o! Maritime and
&cean A!!airs /A+M&A1 !or their #or- and !or the decision to -eep A+M&A ali*e$
I also #ould li-e to ta-e this opportunit to update ou and the readers o! the Digest on the outcomes o! the Authorised %conomic
&perator /A%&1 'esearch .ro<ect underta-en b >>%S$ Wou #ill recall that last ear I #rote a (etter to the %ditor about this pro<ect)
#hich #as subse9uentl published in the August 2013 issue o! the Digest$
The pro<ect #as designed to de*elop an industr position !or presentation to 3o*ernment on the *arious !orms o! A%& schemes that are
in place) under de*elopment) or being considered b Australian agencies) including recommendations on ho# the ma be progressed
#ithin Australia in order to guard against an possible erosion o! the industr;s competiti*e position in the global mar-etplace$ The
research pro<ect #as completed in April 201,$ A cop o! the 6inal 'eport is a*ailable at4
T#o signi!icant e*ents impacted on the research pro<ect during the period o! the stud$ 6irst) the release o! the U2lueprint !or 'e!orm
2013-201I; b the Australian >ustoms and 2order .rotection Ser*ice /A>2.S1 and subse9uent announcements b the A>2.S e:ecuti*e
signalled the proposed introduction o! some !orm o! UTrusted Trader; /A%&-li-e1 program in Australia$ Second) a momentous Trade
6acilitation Agreement) #hich includes speci!ic re!erence to trade !acilitation measures !or UAuthoriFed &perators;) #as settled b the
members o! the ?orld Trade &rganiFation /?T&1 at its Ninth Ministerial >on!erence in 2ali in December 2013$
>>%S #ould li-e to than- those #ho pro*ided assistance in completing the pro<ect) including representati*es o! the Australian
International Trade and Transport Industr De*elopment 6und) the >ustoms 2ro-ers and 6or#arders >ouncil o! Australia Inc$) the
%:port >ouncil o! Australia) the Australian 6ederation o! International 6or#arders) the >on!erence o! Asia .aci!ic %:press >arriers)
Shipping Australia (imited) the Australian >hamber o! >ommerce and Industr) the >ustoms Trade Ad*isor 3roup) the Australian
>ustoms and 2order .rotection Ser*ice) the Department o! In!rastructure and 'egional De*elopment) the Department o! Agriculture) the
Department o! 6oreign A!!airs and Trade) the ?orld >ustoms &rganiFation) the International >i*il A*iation &rganiFation) the
International Maritime &rganiFation) I2M Australia (imited) Shooters ?holesale ?arehouse .t (td) Inland Trading >o /Aust1 .t (td)
Aspen Medical .t (td) Sanger Australia .t (td) and all others #ho assisted #ith this stud including those #ho participated in the
industr !ocus groups and sur*es$
Dr Mi-hail Mashubs-
Senior (ecturer
>entre !or >ustoms and %:cise Studies
>harles Sturt 0ni*ersit
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
>&N6%'%N>%S 8 S%MINA'S
5&11 July 2014 & Australian Marine /ciences Association +onference = +an'erra
The con!erence theme is )nvestigating our Marine Nation #ith sub-themes o!4 Marine Aabitat Mapping) The (and - Sea 2oundar)
Marine Management and .olic) Marine 3lobal >hange) and Marine &utreach and >ommunication
2B&30 July 2014 & Defence an! 9n!ustry +onference & A!elai!e
The con!erence #ill bring together De!ence o!!icials and representati*es o! De!ence Industr !rom across the countr and around the
#orld$ To ma:imise a!!ordabilit o! the con!erence) a trade sho# #ill not be held in con<unction #ith the D^I >on!erence in 201,$ 6or
press release) clic- here
10&14 August 2014 & 9nterme!iate Marina Management +ourse = "ol! +oast< ?;D
This !our-da course is accredited b the 3lobal Marina Institute /3MI1 and is designed to pro*ide marina personnel in a leadership
position #ith !ast-trac- training in the critical issues o! marinas$ It is also an essential course in a career path leading to the globall
recognised >erti!ied Marina Manager) >erti!ied Marina &perator and >erti!ied Marina .ro!essional 9uali!ications$ 6or details) e-mail
12&14 August 2014 & HEnhancing Maritime ,esource /ecurityI A +ross&sectoral Dialogue for the "ulf of .hailan!J & /inga(ore
The ?orld &cean >ouncil and the Asia-.aci!ic >enter !or Securit Studies /A.>SS1 are con*ening a #or-shop to enhance
understanding and cooperation bet#een industr) the coast guards) and related marine resource agencies !rom Thailand) Nietnam)
>ambodia) and Malasia$ 6or details) clic- here$
26&25 August 2014 & Dre!ging an! ,eclamation ANE conference = 1ris'ane
This ear;s Dredging 8 'eclamation >on!erence #ill sho#case a range o! best practice case studies !rom ma<or ports and port
authorities) local councils) resources companies and consulting engineers #ith the aim o! pro*iding ou #ith the ta-e a#a strategies to
o*ercome the challenges ou !ace$
15&1@ /e(tem'er 2014 & 10
1allast 6ater Management /ummit = /inga(ore
The 201, e*ent #ill pro*ide ou #ith real case studies o! ho# shipo#ners ha*e gone through the process o! selection and integration o!
ballast #ater sstems$ 6or details) clic- here
22&26 /e(tem'er 2014 & /trategic Offshore /tructure EngineeringI Design< +onstruction< 9nstallation< 9ns(ection an!
Maintenance = Kuala ;um(ur
>o*ering4 up-to-date methods !or per!orming a structural li!eccle analsis5 implement maintenance plans !or topsides abd <ac-ets) using
non-destructi*e testing$ 6or details) e-mail stella@!-asia$com
24&2# /e(tem'er 2014 = N/6 .rans(ort 9nfrastructure +onference = /y!ney
The con!erence #ill co*er4 &pportunities and >hallenges #ithin NS?;sTransport In!rastructure De*elopment .lans5 0pdate on Ao#
Ma<or Transport .ro<ects are &ptimising %conomic 3ro#th5 and Attracting In*estment and &*ercoming 2arriers to 6unding Transport
.ro<ects$ 6or details) clic- here
13&14 Octo'er 2014 = 9ntermanager A"M 2014 to run alongsi!e shi( management conference = /inga(ore
The A3M #ill be held on Monda &ctober 13 !ollo#ed b an e*ening reception !or all participants$ Then on Tuesda &ctober 1,
members #ill ha*e the chance to attend the International Ship &#ning and Ship Management Summit !or a discounted rate$ 6or initial
details) clic- here
16&1@ Octo'er 2014 & 3
Annual 6orl! +ongress of Ocean F 9n3estment an! .ra!e $air&2014 = Dalian< +hina
To be held in the Dalian International >on!erence >enter #ith the theme o! C2lue %conom) Smart De*elopmentG 6or details) clic- here
22&23 Octo'er 2014 = /hi( ,ecycling /ummit = /inga(ore
A>I;s Ship 'eccling Summit #ill allo# the -e sta-eholders4 shipo#ners) bro-ers) cash buers) steel merchants and ship brea-ing ards
to come together in an in!ormal setting to discuss the challenges that the each !ace in meeting the Aong Mong con*ention re9uirements
and the challenges brought about b ne# %0 regulation$
2B&30 Octo'er 2014 & 11
1allast 6ater Management /ummit = 4am'urg
A>I;s 11th 2allast ?ater Management Summit #ill !ocus on helping the shipping industr understand the state o! pla #ith the
compulsor introduction o! e:pensi*e and comple: 2allast ?ater Management Sstems on Nessels.
25&31 Octo'er 2014 = Eurona3al = -aris ;e 1ourget< $rance
%urona*al claims to be the #orld;s leading trade sho# !or na*al de!ence and maritime securit and sa!et$ 6or details) clic- here$
11&14 No3em'er 2014 = 23
N/6 +oastal +onference = 0lla!ulla N/6
The con!erence #ill consider the #ide range o! bene!its the coast o!!ers in underpinning social) economic) cultural and en*ironmental
*alues !or e*erone including Aboriginal communities) coastal communities) tourists) businesses) oster !armers etc$ There #ill be
particular !ocus on lin-ing research to management and on communit participation in managing a sustainable coastline$ >all !or
abstracts is no# open$ 6or details) clic- here
Australian Maritime Digest 1 July 2014
1B&20 No3em'er 2014 & A+97s Bth Cessel Efficiency F $uel Management /ummit = /inga(ore
The con!erence #ill e:amine the per!ormance enhancing options a*ailable to ship o#ners and ship managers !or e!!icienc ma:imisation
and increased pro!itabilit$ Special !ocus #ill be put on ho# to increase the !leet;s !uel optimisation rate) pro*iding pro*en techni9ues as
sho#cased b real case studies$ 6or details) clic- here
1B&20 No3em'er 2014 & O/C /inga(ore 2014
&#ners and operators o! &!!shore Support Nessels in South %ast Asia are !acing man challenges$ Some are region-speci!ic and some
are uni*ersal$ The bul- o! the agenda #ill !ocus on achie*ing operational e:cellence) #ith topics including regulator compliance) ris-
management) cre# management and implementing ne# technologies$ 6or details) clic- here
3&# May 201# = Marine1# recreational marine 'usiness an! safety conference = "ol! +oast
The con!erence program #ill again be structured #ith the three streams o! boating business) boating sa!et and marinas$ .ress statement
6&@ Octo'er 201# & -acific 9nternational Maritime E(osition an! -A+9$9+ 201# = /y!ney Ehi'ition +entre< "le'e 9slan!
The ne:t .aci!ic International Maritime %:position and .A>I6I> 201J ha*e been brought !or#ard !rom the pre*iousl scheduled date o!
6ebruar 201Q and #ill be held in Sdne) Australia) on Q-I &ctober 201J to coincide #ith Na* ?ee-$ The *enue #ill be the Sdne
%:hibition >entre @ 3lebe Island$ 6or details) clic- here$

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