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string ora_error ( resource cursor_or_connection )
Retorna uma mensagem de erro no formato XXX-NNNNN onde XXX onde ocorreu o erro e
NNNNN identifica a mensagem de erro.
Nota: Suporte para conexo ids foi adicionado na verso 3.0.4.
Em verses !"#$ do %rac&e' voc( pode procurar deta&)es so*re uma mensagem de erro
como essa+ $ oerr ora 00001 00001, 00000, "unique constraint (%s.%s) violated"
// *Cause: An update or insert statement attempted to insert a duplicate
e! // "or #rusted $%AC&' con(i)ured in *+,- ,AC mode, !ou ma! see //
messa)e i( a duplicate entr! e/ists at a di((erent level. // *Action: '
remove t.e unique restriction or do not insert t.e e!
ORA-00904: string: invalid identifier
Cause: The column name entered is either missing or invalid.
Action: Enter a valid column name. A valid column name must begin with a letter, be less than or equal to 30 characters, and
consist of only alphanumeric characters and the special characters , !, and ". #f it contains other characters, then it must
be enclosed in double quotation mar$s. #t may not be a reserved word.
ORA-00001: unique constraint violated
,)en inserting or updating data' t)e fo&&o-ing error is returned+
$%A000001: unique constraint violated (1sc.ema2.1constraint2)
.)is error means t)at an attempt )as *een made to insert a record
-it) a dup&icate (uni/ue) 0e1. .)is error -i&& a&so *e generated if an
existing record is updated to generate a dup&icate (uni/ue) 0e1.
.1pica&&1 t)is is a dup&icate primar1 0e1' *ut it need not *e t)e
primar1 0e1.
%n&1 one of t)e fo&&o-ing -i&& *e appropriate+
o Remove t)e uni/ue restriction.
o 2)ange t)e restriction to a&&o- dup&icate 0e1s. 3n index cou&d
*e c)anged to *e a non-uni/ue index' *ut remem*er t)at t)e
primar1 0e1 must a&-a1s *e uni/ue.
o 4o not insert t)e dup&icate 0e1.
!sua&&1 t)is error indicates an app&ication error or error on t)e part of
t)e user.
.)e error gives t)e name of t)e constraint t)at )as *een vio&ated' *ut
not t)e name of t)e ta*&e. .o identif1 t)e ta*&e and find out a&& t)e
re&evant information a*out t)e index it is norma&&1 easiest to use
%rac&e Sc)ema 5anager - t)e name of t)e constraint given in t)e
error -i&& matc) -it) t)e name of t)e corresponding index.
3&ternate&1' to identif1 t)e name of t)e ta*&e use+
select ta3le4name (rom all4inde/es 5.ere inde/4name671inde/0name278
t)is vie- (6all4inde/es6) a&so contains some ot)er information a*out
t)e index' suc) as its uni/ueness.
and to identif1 t)e fi&es t)at toget)er constitute t)e index+
select * (rom all4ind4columns 5.ere inde/4name671inde/0name278

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