Google Drive Spreadsheet Teacher Guide 07 14 2014

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Google Drive: Spreadsheet


Students will be able to:
Understand how to access Google Drive as part of their email (Gmail) account.
Understand how to use Google Drive on multiple devices (cloud storage)
Create a spreadsheet
Navigate a spreadsheet
nput and change loo! of te"t and numbers
Create a chart
Use #uto sum function
S$% & and above' N(S ntermediate
)stimated time: *+, hours
-eam Computer %iterac.
#s of /01&01* 2 $age 1
Google Drive: Spreadsheet
o )mail accounts through Google
o Completion of or familiarit. with unit + Google Drive Document
-as! 1 2 Ss onl. need to consider the 3 4uestions when loo!ing at Drive. t5s important
the. also contemplate the difference between spreadsheets and documents
6ocabular.: -eacher should become familiar with vocabular. in unit and how best to e"plain them.
Discussion: 7elow is an e"ample of how the discussion can be led.
-: 8hat is something .ou spend mone. on regularl.9
o )licit some e"amples
-: need .our help. Give e"ample: go out for lunch more often than should: I think. 7ut
don5t !now e"actl. how much spend. s there a wa. can find out9
o Ss ma. suggest !eeping trac!
-: 8hat specificall. can do9
-: 5m terrible with paper. lose paper all the time. 8hat could do9
Since Ss alread. !now document: spreadsheet is a document with a calculator
-as! ; 2 <. %uc! with <=<s is best when used with individual pac!ets of <=<s
o t5s easiest when Ss tall. up their <=< 4uantities before the. start putting them in.
-as! 3 2 t5s important that students notice the annual cost of addiction: potential health
conse4uences: changes - could ma!e to life to address this addiction
-eam Computer %iterac.
#s of /01&01* 2 $age ;
Google Drive: Spreadsheet
)"ercise 1: 6ocabular. 2 #nswer >e.
7elow are some 4uestions that can be put on e"it tic!ets
-eam Computer %iterac.
#s of /01&01* 2 $age 3
Google Drive: Spreadsheet
Choose onl. 3+* 4uestions to put on .our e"it tic!et and reserve 1? minutes at the end of
class for this e"ercise.
-here are different t.pes of 4uestions that can be used on e"it tic!ets. Some 4uestions can
be assessment 4uestions (who got it and who needs more help): reflection 4uestions
(personal thoughts on the lesson): and some can be connection 4uestions (connecting
lesson to real life)
o @ow do .ou plan to use Google Drive Spreadsheet9
o @ow are AspreadsheetsB different from AdocumentsB9
o 8hat are ; elements of a spreadsheet9
o 8hat did .ou li!e best about the lesson toda.9
o 8hat do .ou want to !now more about9
o 8h. is it important to Asign outB9
-eam Computer %iterac.
#s of /01&01* 2 $age *

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