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Definition of TDMS

Due to the limitations of available tools, most companies simply create a complete copy of the productive
system, including the entire data repository and all administrative settings whether or not this information is
required for testing purposes. This method duplicates the productive environment, so its both time-consuming
and expensive in terms of infrastructure resources. Your nonproduction environments like development, testing,
and training require specific data. SAP Test Data Migration Server addresses this need by allowing you to select
just the amount of data you need.

SAP Test Data Migration Server uses rules to create an extract of your data that is approximately 30% the size of
the complete data set, but still contains exactly the data that is necessary to keep the business objects and
processes consistent. You can reduce data sets in several ways. You can create a system shell that contains
only cross-client data and client-specific user and address data, but nothing else. You can set up a system that
contains only master data and customizing information. Or you can create a nonproduction system that contains
master data, customizing information,
and application data starting with a defined from date. In this last scenario, some essential data may fall outside
of the defined time period, but the nonproduction system still requires it. To handle this situation, SAP Test Data
Migration Server, configured and implemented on systems running the SAP ERP application, includes rules that
logically link data, ensuring that all relevant information is transferred and that the consistency of the involved
business processes and data is maintained even beyond the defined time period. You can also reduce data sets
based on organizational structure,
such as company code or plant. And with the workbench, you can create completely new ways to reduce data
sets or custom scrambling routines for sensitive data.

With SAP TDMS you can:
Reduce data volume
Simulate production environment
Automate system refreshes
Selectively refresh individual clients
Extract data based on business objects or organizational units/timeslice
Scramble sensitive data

Contents of Document

The contents of the document explains in full how to tranfer data from source to target system using TDMS with
time reduction data.

Time Slice Using TDMS 4.0

Logon to the central system and execute transaction TDMS

You need to create a New Project which will be used for the time slice

Assign a name to the Project along with a Description

Click on the newly created project

Assign a portfolio to the project this is used to assign the requirements like TIME BASED REDUCTION

Activities that are executed within the process are expected to have a large impact on the work in the receiver
client. Therefore we recommend that you define a system downtime by locking users who are not directly
participating in the current conversion (that is, who are not registered for the current conversion).

Feedback will be appreciated

Best Regards

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