Chemical Store Awareness

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1 8 0 0 4 B E S A F E ( 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 7 2 3 3 )

Saf et y Meet i ng Mi nut es
Use wi th WAC 296- 800- 130 Safety Commi ttees and Safety Meeti ngs
h t t p : / / w w w . l n i . w a . g o v /
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

A. Company Policy
(N am e of em ployer)
is com m itted to the prevention of exposures that result in injury
and/or illness; and to com ply w ith all applicable state health and safety rules. To m ake
sure that all affected em ployees know about inform ation concerning the dangers
of all hazardous chem icals used by
(N am e of em ployer)
, the follow ing hazardous
inform ation program has been established.
A ll w ork units of
(N am e of em ployer)
w ill participate in the hazard com m unication
program . This w ritten program w ill be available in
(Specify the location)
for review by any
interested em ployee.
B. Container Labeling

(N am e of person and position)
is responsible for container labeling procedures, review ing, and
updating. The labeling system used at
(N am e of em ployer)
is as follow s:
(Descri be the l abel i ng system, i ncl udi ng the l abel s or other forms of warni ng used, and wri tten al ternati ves to l abel i ng, i f any.)
The procedures for proper labeling of all containers, and review ing and updating label
w arnings are as follow s:
(Al so i ncl ude a descri pti on of the procedures for l abel i ng of secondary contai ners used, i ncl udi ng maki ng sure that they have the appropri ate
i denti fi cati on and hazard warni ng, etc.; descri pti on of procedures for revi ewi ng and updati ng l abel warni ngs, how often the revi ew i s conducted,
and the name of the person and posi ti on who i s responsi bl e for revi ewi ng and updati ng l abel warni ngs.)
It is the policy of
(N am e of em ployer)
that no container w ill be released for use until
the above procedures are follow ed.
1 8 0 0 4 B E S A F E ( 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 7 2 3 3 )
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

h t t p : / / w w w . l n i . w a . g o v /
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

C. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

(N am e of person and position)
is responsible to establish and m onitor the em ployers M SD S
program . This person w ill m ake sure procedures are developed to obtain the
necessary M SD Ss and w ill review incom ing M SD Ss for new or significant health and
safety inform ation. This person w ill see that any new inform ation is passed on to
affected em ployees.
The procedures to obtain M SD Ss and review incom ing M SD Ss for new or significant
health and safety inform ation are as follow s:
(Incl ude procedures on how to make sure copi es are current and updated, how any new i nformati on i s passed on to affected empl oyees, and the
procedures for empl oyee access i n work areas.)
C opies of M SD Ss for all hazardous chem icals in use w ill be kept in
(Specify the location)

M SD Ss w ill be available to all em ployees during each w ork shift. If an M SD S is not
available or a new chem ical in use does not have an M SD S, im m ediately contact

(The person and position)

If an alternative to printed M aterial Safety D ata Sheets is used (such as
com puter data), provide a description of the form at.
D. Employee Information and Training

(N am e of person and position)
is responsible for the em ployer/em ployee training program .
The procedures for how em ployees w ill be inform ed and trained are as follow s:
(Incl ude the methods used for general and si te- speci fi c trai ni ng, and how empl oyees wi l l be i nformed when non- routi ne tasks ari se. If your
empl oyees work at other empl oyers j ob si tes, then speci fy where and how these empl oyees wi l l have access to MSDSs and l abel s, and how they
wi l l be i nformed of precauti onary measures to take duri ng normal or emergency operati ons, i f any.)
(N am e of person and position)
w ill m ake sure that before starting w ork, each new
em ployee of
(N am e of em ployer)
w ill attend a health and safety orientation that
includes inform ation and training on the follow ing:
1 8 0 0 4 B E S A F E ( 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 7 2 3 3 )
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

h t t p : / / w w w . l n i . w a . g o v /
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

A n overview of the requirem ents contained in the H azard C om m unication
H azardous chem icals present at his or her w ork places.
Physical and health risks of the hazardous chem ical.
The sym ptom s of overexposure.
H ow to determ ine the presence or release of hazardous chem icals in his or her
w ork area.
H ow to reduce or prevent exposure to hazardous chem icals through use of
control procedures, w ork practices, and personal protective equipm ent.
Steps the em ployer has taken to reduce or prevent exposure to hazardous
chem icals.
Procedures to follow if em ployees are overexposed to hazardous chem icals.
H ow to read labels and review M SD Ss to obtain hazard inform ation.
Location of the M SD S file and w ritten hazard com m unication program .
B efore introducing a new chem ical hazard into any section of this em ployer, each
em ployee in that section w ill be given inform ation and training as outlined above for
the new chem ical.
E. Hazardous non-routine tasks
Periodically, em ployees are required to perform hazardous non-routine tasks. (Som e
exam ples of non-routine tasks are confined space entry, tank cleaning, and painting
reactor vessels.) N on-routine tasks that are perform ed at
(N am e of em ployer)
Prior to starting w ork on such projects, each affected em ployee w ill be given
inform ation by
(N am e of person and position)
about the hazardous chem icals he or
she m ay encounter during these activities:
(For each acti vi ty, l i st the speci fi c chemi cal hazards, protecti ve and safety measures the empl oyee can use, and the steps the empl oyer has taken to
reduce the hazards, i ncl udi ng venti l ati on, respi rators, presence of another empl oyee, and emergency procedures.)
1 8 0 0 4 B E S A F E ( 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 7 2 3 3 )
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

h t t p : / / w w w . l n i . w a . g o v /
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

F. Multi employer work places
It is the responsibility of
(N am e of person and position)
to provide em ployers of any other
em ployees at the w ork site w ith the follow ing inform ation:
C opies of M SD Ss (or m ake them available at a central location) for any
hazardous chem icals that the other em ployer(s)em ployee m ay be exposed to
w hile w orking.
Inform other em ployers of any precautionary m easures that need to be
taken to protect em ployees during norm al operating conditions or in
foreseeable em ergencies.
Provide other em ployers w ith an explanation of the labeling system that is used
at the w ork site.
It is also the responsibility of
(N am e of person and position)
to identify and obtain M SD Ss for
the chem icals the contractor is bringing into the w ork place.
G. List of hazardous chemicals
The follow ing is a list of all know n hazardous chem icals used by our em ployees.
Further inform ation on each chem ical m ay be obtained by review ing M SD Ss located at

(Specify the location)
MSDS identity:
(H ere is w here you put the chem ical list developed during the inventory. A rrange this
list so that you are able to cross-reference it w ith your M SD S file and the labels on your
The criteria (e.g., label w arnings, M SD S inform ation, etc.) used to evaluate the
chem icals are:
(Incl ude a descri pti on of a pl an for how you wi l l update the l i st.)
Chemical Name Manufacturer Location Used
1 8 0 0 4 B E S A F E ( 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 7 2 3 3 )
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

h t t p : / / w w w . l n i . w a . g o v /
Sampl e Hazardous Chemi cal
Communi cat i on Program

The sam ple labels on the follow ing page show the type of inform ation you m ust list on
containers of hazardous chem icals. You can copy and use these labels or you can
m ake your ow n.
B e sure your labels contain the follow ing inform ation:
N am e of C hem ical
Physical H azards
H ealth H azards, Target O rgans or System s
O ptional inform ation, such as Personal Protective Equipm ent or Safe H andling
A fter youve finished typing or w riting in your inform ation, print the labels. Then, cut out
the individual labels and apply them to your hazardous chem ical containers.
1 8 0 0 4 B E S A F E ( 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 7 2 3 3 )
h t t p : / / w w w . l n i . w a . g o v /
Sampl e Label s f or
Hazardous Chemi cal Cont ai ners
Use wi th WAC 296- 800- 170 Empl oyer Chemi cal Hazard Communi cati on
1 8 0 0 4 B E S A F E ( 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 7 2 3 3 )
h t t p : / / w w w . l n i . w a . g o v /
Sampl e Label s f or
Hazardous Chemi cal Cont ai ners
Use wi th WAC 296- 800- 170 Empl oyer Chemi cal Hazard Communi cati on
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Name of Chemical or Common Name Name of Chemical or Common Name
__________________________________ __________________________________
Physical Hazards Physical Hazards
__________________________________ __________________________________
Health Hazards, Target Organs or Systems Health Hazards, Target Organs or Systems
__________________________________ __________________________________
Optional Information, such as Personal Optional Information, such as Personal
Protective Equipment or Safe Handling Protective Equipment or Safe Handling
__________________________________ __________________________________
Name of Chemical or Common Name Name of Chemical or Common Name
__________________________________ __________________________________
Physical Hazards Physical Hazards
__________________________________ __________________________________
Health Hazards, Target Organs or Systems Health Hazards, Target Organs or Systems
__________________________________ __________________________________
Optional Information, such as Personal Optional Information, such as Personal
Protective Equipment or Safe Handling Protective Equipment or Safe Handling
__________________________________ __________________________________
Name of Chemical or Common Name Name of Chemical or Common Name
__________________________________ __________________________________
Physical Hazards Physical Hazards
__________________________________ __________________________________
Health Hazards, Target Organs or Systems Health Hazards, Target Organs or Systems
__________________________________ __________________________________
Optional Information, such as Personal Optional Information, such as Personal
Protective Equipment or Safe Handling Protective Equipment or Safe Handling

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