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Since ancient medical science, medical, and pharmacy have been united.

Starts in: India, Mesopotamia, Egypt and China.
In India were botany had a prominent role and SOMA and KUSA were created. The remedies
were sweet (aconite, ginger, flax).
In Mesopotamia, in the Babylonian-Assyrian culture are the first signs of drug use, based
ointments used haoma a sacred plant, belladonna drink. The Sumerians held the first
pharmaceutical operations (drying, grinding, pressing, etc..) And proposed dosage forms
such as creams, lotions, poultices, enemas, infusions, poultices.
In Egypt the codices describe the symptoms and prescribing for a disease, the active
principles of plants, animals, and minerals, and foods containing the formulation and
preparation of medicines.
In Greece and Rome the Galenic pharmacy appears. Galen techniques for the preparation of
major pharmaceutical forms and the first auxiliary of medicine known: and "terra sigillata" is
discovered, Dioscorides called father of pharmacology and who consolidates the separation
of pharmacy and medicine in the Middle East, the Arabs being responsible for this

MIDDLE AGES (476-1453)
In 1221 there is evidence of the first pharmacy in Europe, created by the friars in the convent
of Santa Maria Novella in Florence (Italy). These plants grow herbs and medicines and
elaborated nursing convent.

RENAISSANCE (1453-1600)
Modern science begins, invents new drug forms evolve pharmacies and apothecaries and
new drugs are discovered.
BAROQUE (1600-1740)

Stresses the birth of modern philosophy. Various pharmacopoeias appear and pharmacy is
no longer an art.
Romanticism (1800-1848)

Birth of experimental pharmacology, modern chemistry.
Positivism (1848 and 1914)

Pathogens causing diseases and their eradication by vaccination are identified. Appear

The origins of historiography pharmaceutical back to the first third of the nineteenth century
which is when the first historiographies appear, that while not touching all aspects of
pharmaceutical history is the starting point for the final start of this science.
Until the birth of pharmacy as an independent science, there is a historical evolution from
antiquity to the present day that marks the course of this science, always related to medicine.
India, Mesopotamia, Egypt and China: In the third millennium BC in the simultaneous
development starts. Among the drugs that were used are: rhubarb, opium and ephedrine
In the case of India were influenced by the Vedic philosophy, so that botany had a prominent
role and SOMA and KU-SA were created. According to Buddhist philosophy, remedies were
sweet (aconite, ginger, flax ...).
Pedanio Dioscrides in Mesopotamia there is evidence of drug use and preparation of more
than four thousand years. In fact in the Babylonian-Assyrian culture are the first signs of drug
use and the danger detected and dosage of the substances administrndoselas slaves.
Based ointments used haoma a sacred plant, belladonna drink against spasms or human
waste as curative. The Sumerians held the first pharmaceutical operations (drying, grinding,
milling, pressing, filtration, decantation, etc.) and proposed dosage forms such as creams,
lotions, poultices, enemas, herbal teas, wines, plasters ...
In Egypt the codices describe the symptoms and prescribing for a disease, as well as the
active principles of plants, animals and minerals, foods containing them (milk, wine, honey ...)
and the formulation and preparation of medicines. In addition, established patterns of drug
administration, namely internal use (teas, decoctions, maceration, pills ...) and external use
(poultices, ointments, plasters, eye drops, ointments, inhalations ...).
The most common diseases were the eye, and parasitic diseases underbelly that were
treated with suppositories, enemas or laxatives. The thoracic procedures were treated with
inhalations and skin diseases ointments. As working tools used hand mills, mortars, sieves
made of papyrus, scales, and conservation: clay pots, glass, alabaster and serpentine, and
wooden boxes.
Subject Medica in Greece and Rome (from the fourth century BC. 476 a year. C) rational
Alcmaeon of Crotona medicine starts to rear medicine of Galen. This period is noted religious
influence, there was the figure of the pharmacist as such, but appears Galnica pharmacy.
Galen gives the technical basis for the preparation of major pharmaceutical forms and the
first auxiliary of medicine known: Rizotomos, Farmacopolos, the picmentarios and Ointment.
They are distinguished as in Egypt the drugs for external use (ointments, plasters, ointments
...) and internal use (infusions, decoctions, fermentations ...) and "terra sigillata" which allows
you to create pills prepared discovered with the base of a white clay, bolus alba, and pasted
with blood hoisting according writings of Dioscorides, his work "De Materia Medica" reached
a wide spread and became the main manual pharmacopoeia throughout the Middle Ages and
the Renaissance.
Dioscorides is called the father of pharmacology and who consolidates the separation of
pharmacy and medicine in the Middle East, the Arabs being responsible for this separation.
Moreover, some pharmaceutical forms to administer drugs: sachets, tablets, syrups, powder,
ointments, aromatic baths,
oils, dyes, medicinal drops, laxatives, enemas, etc..
Rebirth (1453-1600) In a top Byzantium preserved Greco-Roman phase of infertility science,
while Arab civilization preserved Greek science, but making contributions and transmitting it
to the West. We have the first evidence of the existence of Pharmacy as a physical place
where drugs are dispensed in this period. It is in 1221 when it transpires the first pharmacy in
Europe, created by the Dominican friars in the convent of Santa Maria Novella in Florence
These friars cultivated herbs and plants and elaborated medicines and ointments for nursing
convent, but would not sell to the public until four centuries later, when in 1658 following the
success of working as Water della Regina, Olio or Aqua di da bagno lavender, decide to
open establishing that fact today remains in the same place and open, although after 1866
state property. But really the first open to the public establishment is located in Tallinn
(Estonia), that from the moment that the laboratory is created, decides to publicly available
processed products ie in 1422, whose two centuries the friars running Florence, but had not
yet opened to the public.
Baroque (1600-1740) birth of modern science, thanks to the contributions of Bacon,
Descartes and Galileo Galilei. In medicine emphasizes the birth of modern philosophy and
the rise of therapeutic yatroqumica (use of chemistry to make drugs). Various
pharmacopoeias appear and pharmacy is no longer an art.
Illustration (1740-1800) called encyclopedic movement, which advocated the dissemination
of knowledge to the people and we all learn is produced in France. It was also the first steps
of the industrial revolution and preventive medicine starts by introducing the vaccine.
Romanticism (1800-1848)
Pasteur gives new concept of disease: medical microbiology. Public health and social
medicine develops. The result was the experimental pharmacology, modern chemistry that
develops the study of gases.
Positivism (1848 and 1914)
It continues to develop experimental medicine, disease-causing pathogens and eradication
through vaccination are identified. Synthetic therapeutic chemotherapy develops. Appear
injectables, A. Wood invented the hypodermic needle; Parvas syringe; Limousin glass bulbs,
cachets, drip bags and oxygen; Denouel and fluid extracts, tablets and capsules.

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