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Installation Procedure For Spine Payroll Access

1) From CD run the SpinePayroll-Install.exe !y dou!le-clic" on the #ile. $%

&ou can do'nload the same #ile #rom the !elo' (i)en lin".
&ou 'ill (et the #ollo'in( screen.
Clic" on *ext !utton
Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. 1
Clic" $n +*ext,
Installation Procedure For Spine Payroll Access
.) $nce you clic" on *ext !utton in a!o)e screen #ollo'in( screen appears.
In A!o)e 'indo' select option +I a(ree 'ith a!o)e terms and conditions, / clic" on
0) $nce clic" on *ext it is display #ollo'in( screen.

Select the path 'here Spine Payroll System should !e installed and clic" on +*ext,.
Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. 2
Clic" $n +I a(ree 'ith the
a!o)e terms and
Clic" on +*ext,
Select dri)e o# your PC #or
Installation o# Spine Payroll
Clic" on +*ext,
Installation Procedure For Spine Payroll Access
1) $nce you clic" on *ext !utton in a!o)e screen #ollo'in( screen appears.
It 'ill say that 2he destination directory doesn,t exist. Do you 'ant it to !e
created3 Clic" on &es !utton.
4) $nce you clic" on yes #ollo'in( 'indo' 'ill appear.
At this instance you are ready to start 'ith the Installation Acti)ity5 Clic" on
Start !utton and so#t'are 'ill !e installed in the selected path.
Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. 3
Clic" on +&es,
Clic" on +Start,
!utton to processed
'ith installation o#
Installation Procedure For Spine Payroll Access
6) A#ter the Installation process is completed #ollo'in( screen 'ill appear
Clic" on *ext !utton in the a!o)e 'indo'
7) $nce the Installation is completed #ollo'in( screen appears
Clic" on +8xit, !utton on a!o)e screen.
Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. 4
Clic" on +*ext,
Clic" on
Installation Procedure For Spine Payroll Access
9) &ou 'ill (et #ollo'in( #olders in ..:SpinePayroll Folder. Create some additional
#olders 'ith name 2ext5 Photo and Document in ;:SpinePayroll #older.
<) Installation o# Spine=id.exe >tility?
a) In the Installation CD 'e ha)e pro)ided 'ith utility #or (eneratin( the "ey #rom
the system.
!) Install the utility !y runnin( the utility spine=id.exe.
c) @et the utility Spine=id.exe installed on the pc 'here the so#t'are is installed.
d) $nce the utility is installed dou!le-clic" on shortcut Spine-Product id #rom
des"top5 this 'ill (enerate the "ey #or your PC.
e) Copy this "ey in notepad !y selectin( it properly and email it to us on
#) Also 8mail us the Screen Shot ta"en #or the "ey (enerated.
1B) $nce 'e recei)e the "ey 'e 'ill email the necessary acti)ation "ey.
11) $nce you recei)e the acti)ation "ey CPay<<data.Dip) #rom us5 re(ister it as per
!elo' procedure.
a) Do'nload5 8xtract and o)er'rite the same in your E...:SpinePayroll:DllsE #older.
!) %e(ister the Pay<<data.dll !y #ollo'in( command in Start FG %un 'indo'
regsvr32<space> ...\SpinePayroll\Dlls\Pay99data.dll
1.) $nce the Acti)ation "ey is re(istered.
Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. 5
Installation Procedure For Spine Payroll Access
a) Start the so#t'are !y dou!le clic" on short cut created on des"top.
!) @o to option 2ools5 this 'ill open the 'indo' Application Settin(s
In Application Settin(s 'indo'5 select the proper path #or the #ollo'in(
Data!ase Path ? 8nter Data!ase #ile path.
%eport Path? Select the %eport Path #rom SpinePayroll Folder
2ext File Path? Select the 2ext Folder path created in SpinePayroll Folder
Photo Path? Select the Photo Folder path created in SpinePayroll Folder
Document Path? Select the Document Folder path created in SpinePayroll Folder
$nce the necessary selection are done clic" on Apply.
Start the so#t'are and chec" the 'or"in(.
Spine Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. 6

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