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Mechelle To
Professor Rachel Lofgren
July 13, 2014
Nanorobots in Medicine
Imagine going to your physician because you have flu-like symptoms. Your doctor usually
writes you a prescription for antivirals but instead this time he refers you to a special team that
implants something called a nanorobot into your body. The doctor claims it can detect the
cause and dispense medication you need to fight the flu. Is that possible? Nanotechnology has
paved the way in many fields of science but is substantially assisting the advancements in the
medical field. To further understand nanorobot technology we need to learn how nanorobots
work, what the technology is capable of, and why is it so beneficial to the human body.
Nanorobots have proven to be intricate little machines that are capable of detecting
abnormalities in the human body. Nanorobots use a large variety of technology that many other
industries in the world use today. The technology used for nanorobots in the medical field can be
found in a variety of fields from the computer to automotive industry (Cavalcanti et al. 2932-
2958). The technology is based on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)
(Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958). CMOS is an on-board semiconductor chip powered by a CMOS
battery inside computers that stores information such as the system time and date and the system
hardware settings for your computer. ("What is CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide
Semiconductor)?"). Electromagnetic radio waves are also used in conjunction with CMOS based
technology to command and detect nanorobots, which enables them to send and receive data
(Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958).
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This developing technology will change the way clients are diagnosed, how drugs will be
administered, and can also help with the way we look and understand the human body
(Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958). Nanorobots can be used to detect diseases and/or abnormalities or
fluctuations in certain levels of the body (Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958). Send signals to help aid
in the analysis and diagnostic of a patient (Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958). It can also be used to
disperse drugs at regular intervals. With the help of nanotechnology drug dispersal can also be
made to target specific areas of the body to accelerate and/or achieve the outcome desired
(Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958).
Even though this technology is new, it has proved to be more efficient than traditional
methods being used in the medical industry. Nanotechnology has proven to be very beneficial for
a client undergoing chemotherapy, it has shown to alleviate some of the side effects of
chemotherapy (Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958). Nanorobots help alleviate the patients worries,
concerns, discomfort, and pain (Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958). Physicians and doctors can
properly diagnose a patient with the data the nanorobots are able to extract. Although testing and
scans can show all the same records the nanorobots collect, the nanorobots can do it more
efficiently and accelerate the diagnostic process for the patient.
Nanotechnology may still be very new to the medical field but the technology is growing and
has proven to be very helpful in many different ways. The advancement of nanorobots have
further assisted in the detection, diagnostics, and improved medical procedures and medicine
dispersal (Cavalcanti et al. 2932-2958). Wouldnt it be nice to be able to walk into an exam room
without the need to describe your symptoms to a doctor just for them to tell you it could be a
number of things? With nanorobot technology that can be possible.

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Works Cited
Cavalcanti, Adriano, Bijan Shirinzadeh, Mingjun Zhang, and Luiz C. Kretly. "Nanorobot
Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense." Sensors 8.5 (2008): 2932-2958. Sensors.
Web. 14 July 2014.
"What is CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)?." What is CMOS
(Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)?. Computer Hope, n.d. Web. 14 July
2014. <>.

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