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The term Viking is associated to the terms as explorers, traders, and warriors of
Norsemen, their origen may be from Scandinavia, they attacked the coasts of the
British Isles, France and other parts of Europe the term viking It may also be used to
define the entire populations of the Viking Age in Scandinavia and their settlements
elsewhere. However, the Vikings as such were not of one nationality, but rather
different tribes of different origins living in Scandinavia.
Famed for their shipbuilding and navigational skills, the Vikings for three centuries
towards the end of the first millennium founded settlements along the coasts and rivers
of mainland Europe, Ireland, Normandy, the Shetland Islands, the Orkney Islands, as
well as the Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, and Russia, their
influence reaching as far south as to North Africa.

Viking Apocalypse
Are the Norwegians behind 2famous.TV holding out on us? Whats all this I hear about
a Viking apocalypse? (Also, its pronounced Wiking, because even though Norwegians
dont use the letter W, they think our V is a W even though their V is a V. And really, I
think its a bit cruel to use a W when spelling of the countrys name in English, no? Its

According to experts of Norse mythology, the Vikings believed that the end of the world
is February, 22, 2014! Thats less than 2 months away! Is this true? Why did I have to
read about this on the interwebs, boys?

A new year, a new apocalypse conspiracy: What I Know

On November 14, 2013 an ancient Viking horn was sounded to mark 100 days until the
pending Viking apocalypse, also known as Ragnark, or the Doom of the Gods (I
researched this, and there are about as many interpretations of Ragnark as there are
ways of me pronouncing Ragnark). Some translations include final destiny of the
Gods, when the Gods die, renewal of the divine powers and so on, but I chose the
most dramaticwere trying to sells internet papers here!)

No wonder you died. Who holds a sword like that?
No wonder you died. Who holds a sword like that and wins?

One minor detail tells me this might be bogus; the Norse God Heimdallr was supposed
to blow the horn, but no one could find him so they just got a random guy dressed as
Heimdallr to do it. The sound of the horn is meant to call Odin to the battlefield (what
kind of God takes 100 days to arrive to the battlefield), where he will be killed by the
wolf Fenrir. This is where the story begins.

What To Expect

The sea and sky will be poisoned. Oh, no.

Ragnarok is said the be preceded by 3 continuous winters. Its been mild winter in Oslo
this year. Oh, yay!

When Odin finally dies, the Earth will sink into the sea and well all die too. Oh, no.

But, a new Utopia will emerge. Oh, yay!

But, the Earth will be re-populated by two people. Oh, no and eww.

The man might be bearded. Seriously, one article I read about the Viking apocalypse
referred to a 2010 study on how bearded men were more trustworthy. Thats it, thats
the reference to what kind of man might survive. So, oh, yay?

Why This Might Be Legit

According to mythology, the first to notice shall be man, brother will fight brother and
all the boundaries that exist shall crumble.
Evidence: Middle East, yo! All of it. Or, the internet. Ive seen some comment section
arguments that had me wondering about an imminent doomsday.

A serpent is supposed to free itself from its tail and rise up from the Ocean.
Evidence: That freakish fish that swam up on the shores in California.

Oarfish or Prophetic Serpent?
Regular Oarfish or Prophetic Serpent

Why This Is Probably Bullshit

Experts say that a vast winter will precede the apocalypse. This year was my first shot
at a white Christmas, and Norway blew it. Home to reindeer and the North pole and not
a snowflake in sight. In one article, Danielle Daglan from the Norvik Viking Center tried
to argue that we are entering a small ice-age because of solar flare activity.
Counter-evidence: That is not going to happen by February, so no, Danielleyoure
reaching a bit.

To quote one article: While not a scientific conclusion, experts claim that Vikings
loved to feast and wouldnt want to miss this event. For this reason, they argue that
Vikings would believe the world would end in 100 days.
Counter-evidence: Um, what?

If Tila Tequila hasnt talked about it, its probably bogus. She knows everything about
the secrets of the world. She told me so.

You're adorable and have the secrets of the Illuminati?
Illuminati, Apocalypsewhats the difference?

So, really I dont know what to make of this. The Mayan apocalypse went viral and that
was a bust. But, why is everyone, especially the Norwegians, keeping this information
from us? Its the stuff conspiracy theories are made of.


The Vikings shocked the world with his explorations, but also impacted the way people
killed or how they made them their slaves. The Vikings were successful in the pursuit of
wealth and get weapons. At the end the Vikings vanished, only small colonies were
centuries after pooled and settled in countries such as Finland.
Eran excelentes navegantes
Sus barcos no eran los ms fciles de manejar, por su tamao y peso, y sin embargo se las arreglaron
para cruzar el Ocano Atlntico numerosas veces. Con sus capacidades de orientacin y conocimiento de
los lugares, pudieron llevar sus grandes embarcaciones a destino. De esta manera llegaron a Groenlandia
e Islandia, e incluso a Canad, 500 aos antes que Cristbal Coln llegara a Amrica.

Usaban relojes de sol
A diferencia de otros navegantes, los vikingos viajaban en mar abierto y no cerca de la
costa. Incluso cuando deban adentrarse en el Crculo rtico, usaban relojes de sol para
orientarse, debido a que en el verano el sol nunca se esconde. Las estrellas no podan ser
de ayuda, y de esta manera poda saber dnde estaban ubicados. Cuando el da estaba
nublado utilizaban Cristales mgicos, unas rocas que polarizan la luz solar permitiendo la

Usaban relojes de sol
A diferencia de otros navegantes, los vikingos viajaban en mar abierto y no cerca de la
costa. Incluso cuando deban adentrarse en el Crculo rtico, usaban relojes de solpara
orientarse, debido a que en el verano el sol nunca se esconde. Las estrellas no podan ser
de ayuda, y de esta manera poda saber dnde estaban ubicados. Cuando el da estaba
nublado utilizaban Cristales mgicos, unas rocas que polarizan la luz solar permitiendo la
Comerciantes exitosos
La imagen ms difundida de los vikingos es la de guerreros sangrientos y crueles, sin embargo, una de
sus principales actividades era el comercio. En un comienzo distribuan marfil de morsa y piel de oso polar
de Groenlandia, sedas y especias de Constantinopla. Cuando la poblacin creci demasiado, debieron
salir a buscar esclavos y botines de guerra en otras tierras, extendiendo su reputacin.
Cascos simplificados
Cuando en las pelculas o animaciones nos muestran a un vikingo, casi siempre usa un
casco con alas o cuernos, algo totalmente alejado de la realidad. Los verdaderos cascos
de vikingos eran una pieza de metal muy simple que cubra toda la cabeza, con una
pequea visera y un metal que protega la nariz. Por otro lado, las mujeres se vestan
provocativamente con largas capas de colores fuertes y una pieza de metal sobre el pecho
que dejaba ver su figura.

los vikingos eran paganos al comienzo
En un comienzo, todos los vikingos eran paganos y crean en varios dioses, entre ellos
Odn, Thor y Freya. Estas divinidades vivan en Asgard, un lugar que se encontraba conectado con la
Tierra. Adems, consideraban que el fin del mundo se dara a travs de una batalla llamada Ragnarok.
Entre los siglos VIII y XI, los vikingos atacaron varias iglesias y monasterios cristianos en la costa
europea, pero para el siglo XII la mayora haban sido convertidos al cristianismo.

Segn una profeca vikinga dice que el dios Heimdallir -guardin de Asgard- soplar el
Gjallarhorn (,el toque del cuerno de Gjallarhorn - aconteci el 15 de noviembre del
2013 y que inicia una cuenta regresiva de cien das hasta llegar al da final, el acabose
apocalptico y definitivo.)para anunciar el Ragnark (apocalipsis vikingo) para reunir
a los hijos de Odn (Thor, Balder, Vidar y Vli) en el campo de batalla para el ltimo
combate. La leyenda dice que el Sol ser devorado por un lobo llamado Skoll, y la
Luna por su hermano, un lobo llamado Hati, hundiendo as al planeta en la ms
obscura de las noches.
Odn, morir en las fauces del lobo gigante esto sucederia -el 22 de febrero de 2014.

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