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Dear Customer,
This survey is an important part of our efforts to improve performance as a world class retailer. We
would appreciate your inputs in this survey. Thank you for your participation in this effort.
Section A
1.How often do you shop at Max Phoenix Market City?
Once in a week Twice a month Once in a month occasionally
Any others (specify)_____________________________________________
2.Are you a member of the inner circle?
Yes No
3. How do you rate your experience at Max phoenix Market City? On the scale of 1- 5, (where
5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3= Average, 2=Below Average and 1=Poor) ________________
4. Have you ever met with any issues at Max phoenix Market City? Yes No
If yes, please mention _________________________________
5. How do you rate the overall customer service at Max phoenix Market City?
On the scale of 1- 5, (where 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3= Average, 2=Below Average and

6. Kindly rate the stores performance on the following factors. On the scale of 1- 6, On the scale
of 1- 5, (where 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3= Average, 2=Below Average and 1=Poor)
Max Phoenix
Market City
Reliance Trends Pantaloons Big Bazaar
Variety of merchandise
Availability of brands

Value(Price v/s Quality)

Display of merchandise

Delivering new styles

Fashion element

7. On the scale of 1- 6, On the scale of 1- 5, (where 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3= Average, 2=Below
Average and 1=Poor), rank the visibility of max in the mall
8. How easy do you find to navigate through the floor?
Very Easy Easy Confusing Tedious
9. Kindly mark the areas which you find difficult to locate.
Cash counter
Alteration desk
Exchange counter
Trial room
Others ______________________________

Suggestions, if any:

Section B
Personal Details:
1. Name: __________________________
2. Age: 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45 & above
3. Location (Current) __________________
4. Gender: Male Female
5. Marital Status: Married Single
6. Occupation: Employed Student Others
7. Contact no:

******* (Thanking you for your sincere cooperation, Varun Vasudevan) *******

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