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Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich,
by promising to protect each from the other.
Oscar Ameringer
The LogoPhere (almost never)Weekly
| Takin the BS outa the BlogoSphere Every Week . . .or whenever }
Vol. I, Wk. 53 July 14, 2014 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Vancouver, B.C. 10 , cheap
The CHP beating of Marlene Pinnock
A LogoPhere Online Investigative Report
Three things are really starting to bugger my goat on this
Marlene Pinnock case, and Im going to let rip. But before I do,
it might be a good idea to get you organized to see exactly what
happened, including the punch-by-punch.
Fire up your GoogleEarth and point it toward Interstate 10
about 5 miles due south of Hollywood 3402'02.69" N
11820'54.38" W precisely. The other source of information
youll need is a copy of David Diazs Jul01.2012 video of the
beating. Here is the YouTube, and here is an
mp4 version
that would be very helpful if you have a good video player that
allows you to stop action, back up, etc.
The Players
Marlene Pinnock
We now know that the lady at the receiving end of the brutal
CHP beating is named Marlene Pinnock. She is 51 yo, black,
and a great-grandmother. Im not sure what the great-
grandmother part tells us, but it seems to be the fact about
her that is most often repeated. Personally, what I find more
amazing than a 51 yo great-grandmother, is that her
daughter, Maisha Allums, could be as smokin hot as she is
and be a grandmother. At any rate, Ms. Pinnocks age,
gender, and race are the only pertinent facts I see. Oh yes,
and her mental health at the time of the beating is also a
factor. Im sure her mental health has deteriorated since her
beating mine certainly has and I was 1200 miles away sitting
safely in my office when it happened. Im still having
nightmares about bull cops sitting on top of me pounding my
face and then charging me with resisting arrest because I held
a pink dress in front of my face to block the blows. More on
the pink dress later.
Joe Farrow
After almost two weeks, the California Highway Patrol top
dude, Joe Farrow, has resolutely refused to identify the officer
who committed brutal battery on Ms. Pinnock, and that is the
first thing thats putting a twist in my knickers. And the reason
it does is because I know exactly what the CHP and the DA
are doing. They know that eventually they will have to tell the
public who this roid rooster is, but they are waiting for the
story to cool off before they do. Its the exact opposite of what
they do with a civilian perp. In those cases they get the guys
name and picture in front of the public as soon as possible
while everybody is still seething red over whatever the crime
was. They know that there is a future jury out there
somewhere and they want to piss off as many of them as they
The present GE image for this area is dated Apr17.2013 and the
StreetView is dated October.2012, and those are the versions that
all of the GE images below come from.
can. But when the perp is a cop, the tactic is to hold off
naming him until things cool down.
What these cops are too dull to work out for themselves is that
in high profile cop-brutality cases like this one, particularly
white-on-black, refusing to name the perp just turns the heat
up even more. Farrow claims he is prohibited by the Peace
Officers Bill of Rights from telling us this cops name. But as I
explained in my Jul11 post, that is bunk. Also, Farrow has
told the Sacramento Bee that a lack of training is the
problem here. Also bunk. In my opinioin what that video
shows is not a poorly trained cop; its a psychopath with a
badge. An anonymous psychopath at this point.
But the larger question is not why Farrow hasnt named the
uniformed prix with the black gloves, but why Farrow hasnt
busted him. If you or I had pounded a cop the way this guy
pounded Ms. Pinnock, they would have arrested us first,
indicted us second, and then figured out what actually
happened weeks later. Farrow is a disgrace. Compare him to
Jimmy Jones, sheriff of Knox County, Tennessee. When a
video of one of Jones violent pigs, Deputy Sheriff Frankie
Powell, went viral last April, Frankie was not only publicly
identified within 24 hours, he was fired within 24 hours. Screw
the cops union, do the right thing.
CHP Officer Dum Bass
But as I was saying, we still dont know this CHP losers name,
so, according to the universally accepted rules of the
blogosphere, we are permitted to pick any temporary name we
want. John Doe seems so DoJ, and Officer X seems too
algebraic. I think Officer Dum Bass is about as appropriate
to this situation as we can get, so Ill go with that.
What we can guess with reasonable certainty about Officer
Bass is that 1) he leads with his right hand; 2) he has figured
out, probably with help, which end of a steroid syringe to put
the needle on; 3) he has no qualms about beating the piss out
of women half his size and twice his age all of which suggests
to me that his brain is smaller than a midget lemurs. Now
given that we dont even know who the prix is, we cant
consider these to be facts. They are merely deductions that,
IMO, are not unreasonable given what we see in the video.
Once we know Officer Basss real identity we will be able to
revisit those deductions and make adjustments, if necessary.
Maybe its not lemur; maybe its dormouse.
The Scene
The scene of this crime is easy enough to find on GE. Ive
given you the coordinates above. Let me walk you through
how I know thats the place. The exact location becomes
important to this analysis.
The cloverleaf
The intersection of S. La Brea Ave. and I-10 in LA has been
identified repeatedly as where this beating went down. The I-
10 is known locally as the Santa Monica Freeway because LA
has a cruel practice of giving their interstates city names in
order to utterly confuse anyone who is not a local.
That type of intersection at La Brea and I-10 is relatively rare
in the US its called a cloverleaf. Cloverleaf interchanges
are ones in which all of the left turns are 270 degree loops
the four leafs. These interchanges are rare and getting rarer
because they take up a lot of space, they are relatively
expensive to build, and they cause problems with big-rigs,
which tend to roll-over as they navigate the left turn loops.
Many of the cloverleaf interchanges built in the 1950's and
1960's have been converted to diamond interchanges or other
less hazardous types. You can tell you are on a bona fide 4-
leafer if you can make a complete circuit without leaving the
intersection you can take as many laps as you have gas and
you will keep coming back to the same starting point. What
Im trying to say is that they are perfect for late night racing, for
instance if you went to high school somewhere in the corn-belt
and you had one near by, say I-270 x Rt 161 in Ohio.
In addition to the conspicuous leafs, cloverleaf interchanges
have stems, which are the parts of the intersection you dont
dive on if youre chasing your buddies around the leafs. The
stems are the way the right hand turns are made; they
connect the intersecting roads directly and run adjacent to the
loops. And the reason I say it is because David Diaz was on a
stem of the La Brea interchange when he filmed this crime. He
was on the ramp connecting northbound La Brea to eastbound
I-10. Here:
Fig 1. The bulls-eye marks the spot where Ms. Pinnick
got pounded. 3402'02.69" N 11820'54.38" W North is

Living feral in LA
While were looking at this image, the second thing I would
point out to you, particularly those of you not familiar with
Southern California, is the vegetation in the interchange. This
is very characteristic of intersections around LA and San
Diego. That vegetation is a low, very dense tree, manzanita,
my sister tells me. And the reason Im telling you this is that I
know from hitchhiking through this area that the vegetation in
the freeway interchanges provides very good cover for sleeping
at night for those of us too cheap and/or too poor to get a
room. I have slept in these intersections at least a dozen times,
and I had a pretty good nights sleep each time. The trees
produce a soft detritus carpet that is very comfortable.
This is of interest here because these LA intersections are full
of homeless people and we know that Ms. Pinnock is homeless.
When I lived in Southern California, I habitually scanned
those freeway vegetation areas closely when passing them,
looking for signs of feral people and the signs, or the people,
were almost always there.
But heres the thing, if youre going to use an intersection like
this for your motel room, you dont want to check in after dark.
The problem is that snakes could ruin your nights sleep, both
the two-legged types and the ones with rattles. Ideally, you
find a place just before dusk so you can check under the trees
to be sure youve got the place to yourself. If youre a woman,
this is doubly important. OTOH, if you check in too early, you
can be spotted by cops who might cause you problems. So you
have a window of an hour or so before dusk when you head for
your Motel Sticks. We can see from Mr. Diazs video that Ms.
Pinnock was accosted by Officer Bass just about dusk. That
tells us something.
I am trying to build a case here that will answer the persistent
question we keep hearing: What on Earth was Ms. Pinnock
doing walking along the interstate at rush hour? I know
exactly what she was doing: she was headed to bed in the
bushes. We can see that she wasnt carrying a sleeping bag, but
she likely had one stuffed in a green garbage bag and pushed
into one of those trees that served as her bedroom.
Judging from where she was tackled by Officer Bass and the
fact that she was heading westbound when he grabbed her, I
think she was likely not sleeping in the vegetation inside the
loop, but in that thicket to the east of the loop. She would
have entered the freeway area from the south instead of
walking along the entrance ramp because the objective is to
stay off the roadway and out of sight to the greatest extent
possible to avoid some bull-cop coming along and throwing you
to the ground and beating your face.
If you check out GE, youll see that a street named West View
St. dead ends at the freeway close to where the beating took
place. Going to StreetView you can see that the freeway fence
at the end of West View St. would not have been difficult to
get over. (Image below.) Even if the gate was locked, using
the gate to hop the fence is easy. Also, there is a sturdy black
fence to the left that would make it easy to jump the freeway

Fig 2. This is where West View St. dead ends at the south side
of I-10.
~ ~ ~
But all of this chatter begs the question of how I know this is
the precise point the CHP beating took place. Let me run
through that.
To do this analysis yourself, youll want to activate StreetView
right where I have the bulls-eye on that eastbound on-ramp.
There are two eastbound on-ramps running parallel to each
other; you can plant the StreetView icon on either one.
Rotating the view from the east to the north, you will see that
everything on StreetView lines up perfectly with Mr. Diazs
video. Here are a couple of side-by-sides.
Fig. 3. The image on the left is from the Diaz vid, at 0:44. The image on the right is the
StreetView of the same area taken about 20 months earlier.
In the left panel of Fig. 3., for instance, that tree just left of the
merge sign matches perfectly the distant tree in the middle of
the right panel, and the clusters of palm trees match upon
close inspection. As Mr. Diazs camera turned to the north it
picked up numerous landmarks that are easily identified in
StreetView in spite of the fact that both the vertical and
horizontal angles differ in the two views. Ive noted a number
of these landmarks with the black arrows in Fig. 4. The
vegetation on the far left behind the News logo is identical.
The contour of the background mountains is identical. The
dark vegetation or building right of center matches, and the
lone palm tree on the far right stands out in both images like a
brass-plated pole in a 2-bit strip joint. But the white high-rise
is the most conspicuous landmark because tall buildings really
stick out in LA. By following a bearing north on GE from the
place Mr. Diaz was, you can find that building its about two
miles away, the address is 5932 Wilshire Blvd.
Fig. 4. Identifying the crime scene. Left image from Diaz video at 0:28 . Right image StreetView.
~ ~ ~
The point here is that there is absolutely no doubt that we
have the precise spot where the beating took place. The only
possibly confounding point is that when the GE images were
taken in 2012 and 2013, there was no guard rail between the
two, parallel eastbound on ramps, but a guard rail is seen in the
Diaz video. It must have been installed between April.2013
and July.2014.
The Events
The barefoot black lady in the pink dress
Before I speculate on what went down that evening on
Jul01.2014 alongside I-10 at the La Brea-Santa Monica
interchange, let me tell you one thing that didnt go down, and
this is the second thing that is really cranking my nanny goat.
Over and over and over I have read that Ms. Pinnock was
walking around on the freeway barefoot, which, of course,
would suggest that she was loony-toones, which, of course,
would work, in some peoples opinion, as at least a partial
excuse for Officer Basss brutality. But one need not look at
any more than about 20 seconds of the Diaz video to see that
she was not barefoot she was wearing very conspicuous black
boots or shoes. What is the problem with these reporters??
This is a classical no-shit-Sherlock situation. You dont have
to have a big pipe or a PhD in forensics to deduce this you
just have to look at the Diaz video.

Fig. 5. Barefoot, my tush.

And so by reporting that Ms. Pinnock was barefoot, what
these reporters are admitting is that they didnt even take 20
seconds to look at the video. If you Google Marlene Pinnock
barefoot, youll get over 900 hits representing over 900
incompetent journalists and bloggers and Im talkin about:
Scott Gold, Joe Serna & Kate Mather of the LAT (Jul07) ~
atana of the Daily KOS (Jul06) ~ Will Payne of the Daily
Mail (Jul08) ~ Jason Kandel & Beverly White of NBC
(Jul11) ~ Scott Neuman of npr ~ Jon Ortiz of the
Sacramento Bee. Most police-spin is difficult to disprove
because the cops control the evidence, but not this example.
These reporters were simply lazy, or gullible, or both.
So where did this barefoot BS come from? It might have come
from the 911 recordings that Kandel & White claim the cops
released on Wednesday, Jul09 more than a week after the
video smacked the CHP between the eyes. And yet, as noted
above, the barefoot BS was being spread as early as Jul06.
Consequently, the 911-release by the cops on Jul09 was not the
source of the original misinformation. The cops had to have
planted this lie before they released the 911 recordings.
However, those recordings may give us a clue as to what is
going on here and how devious the CHP is being. You can
access these 911 calls via a Jul11 LAT article by Mather &
Serna. If you listen to all the of these calls, they are all about a
black woman on eastbound I-10. Some of them say she is
barefoot. Some of them say she is wearing a pink dress and
carrying a black bag. Some say its a white bag. One woman
says repeatedly that the woman is on the east side of the Santa
Monica Freeway on ramp at South Fairfax Avenue and she
makes that point at least twice. There is no doubt in her mind
where the freeway lady is, and it aint La Brea. The Farifax
interchange is more than a mile west of the La Brea
interchange where Ms. Pinnock got pounded. And then a man
says the black woman in the pink dress is at the Crenshaw Ave.
interchange. That is a mile in the other direction east of
where Ms. Pinnock got beat. Some of the callers say she is at
the La Brea interchange.
And so we have 911 calls placing a woman in a pink dress at
three different I-10 interchanges spread out over two miles, but
we dont have time-stamps for these calls. They could have
been made on different days, or different months, or different
years. The operators are clearly not the same person, and,
clearly, Ms. Pinnock could not be at the Fairfax interchange,
the La Brea interchange, and the Crenshaw interchange
On Jul01 she was at the La Brea interchange; I have already
proven beyond doubt that that was where she was beaten.
And she certainly was not barefoot in the Diaz video. But she
also was not wearing a pink dress she was wearing a cream
tank-top, black pants, and black boots or shoes.

Fig. 6. Ms. Pinnocks cream tank-top
circled. Diaz video at 0:44.

Fig. 7. Pink dress??? Diaz video at 0:12 and 0:14.
See also Fig. 5.
~ ~ ~
But heres the thing: when Officer Bass tackled her, it looks
like she pulls a bright pink dress out of her white bag and uses
it to try and muffle the blows. She holds onto that pink cloth
for the remainder of the beating.
So, it looks to me like all of the 911 calls released were actually
about Ms. Pinnock, but from different times and different
places. The Jul07 LAT article says Ms. Pinnock had been
arrested at least a dozen times since 2008 and that she was
known to live at a nearby encampment. So it is almost
certain that over the years there were many 911 calls about her
made from that area of the I-10 between Fairfax and Crenshaw
and probably many calls about a lot of other people living in
those bushes. This might make you wonder whether there
might have been some history between Officer Bass and Ms.
Pinnock. Maybe he reached his breaking point with chasing
her around on the I-10, and just snapped.
But as for all those 911 calls the CHP released without time-
stamps, my guess is that the CHP aggregated calls about Ms.
Pinnock that were made over a number of years, and then
released them to the press on Jul10 to make it appear that: 1)
all of the calls came in the day Ms. Pinnock was beaten, 2) that
she was barefoot (thereby implying she was off her meds, as
they say), and 3) she was causing a big ruckus, when, in fact, it
might be that none of those calls were made on Jul01.
Alternatively, the calls might have been about two or three
different black women in two or three different places, one of
whom was barefoot and wearing a pink dress and one of whom
was recorded by Mr. Diaz being beaten by a white cop like she
was a incorrigible mule in the middle of a tobacco row.
So let me summarize my point. This is not an impressive piece
of reporting by any of these reporters. A rational person would
not consider it indicative of competent journalism the way
these people, and hundreds of others like them, blindly bought
into a police allegation that Ms. Pinnock was barefoot and
then reported that fact in spite of a video of her that clearly
shows that she was not barefoot. It is hardly competent for
them to report 911 calls provided to them by the cops without
listening to the calls, in which case they would have
immediately seen serious discrepancies. That is not competent
journalism; that is brain-ded journalism.
And then there is Joe Farrow and the question of his honesty.
If these calls were collected over months and years and
aggregated to make it look like they all came in just before Ms.
Pinnock was beaten, then it might appear to a reasonable
person that this was likely a subterfuge coordinated between
the top people at the CHP and whatever lawyers are advising
the CHP, like the DAs office. One would hope that a federal
investigation will sort this out, although that is about as likely
as a Brazilian soccer goal.
What did go down?
First, let me take a paragraph or two to tell you about the third
thing that grabs my goat. There are reporters who think they
are doing the public a service and being objective by saying,
sometimes repeatedly, that the video doesnt tell the whole
story and we have to wait to get the cops version before
forming any conclusions. And in the absence of any comment
from Officer Bass, these reporters or their editors feel that they
have to interview ex-cops who have almost certainly beaten
the piss out of many people themselves as some sort of
experts on not jumping to conclusions based on police brutality
Horse manure, in spades. Some videos and this is one of
them are so clear and so damning that you dont have to wait
for weeks or months for the cops to release the name of the
perp with a badge in order to come to the conclusion that a
violent and brutal event took place and that the cop was
responsible. For instance, you dont need that Knoxville cop
Frankie Powell, or his lawyers, or the cop-unions lawyers to
walk you through, step-by-step, the video of Powell choking a
UT student into unconsciousness in order to conclude that
Powell is one of those violent prix that have no business
wearing a badge. Psychopathology in action is something that
is unmistakable to most normal people. You dont have to
know the whole history. These sorts of videos provide visual
truths that, in the words of Jefferson, are self-evident.
I dont care if Ms. Pinnock spit in the guys face or pissed on his
pant leg, in my opinion someone who is capable of that level of
brutality especially against a woman should not be on the
public payroll. Period. Unfortunately, strong police unions
favor bad cops, and so good cops are getting as rare as
cloverleaf interchanges. Even the ones that dont do the
brutality themselves protect the thugs with a wall of silence,
and Joe Farrow is making that point for us. But my point is
that the way the cards are stacked against the victims of police
brutality, we dont need the press taking sides with the brutal
cops who are doing more to threaten the justice system and
civil society than anyone else is.
Having said that, let me close with my best guess of what
happened on I-10 that evening two weeks ago.
It was getting dark and Ms. Pinnock was anxious to get to her
sleeping spot. It would have been easiest for her to sleep in the
wooded area within the loop forming the southeast part of the
cloverleaf. She could have gotten in there from the sidewalk
without climbing fences or walking along the roadway. But
being easier for her to access means it would be easier for
anybody to access, and therefore was not as safe as the copse
farther to the east.
So she likely hopped the freeway fence somewhere at the foot
of West View St. or further east. She climbed up to the on-
ramp roadway and was walking back to the west along the
south edge of the on-ramp when Officer Dum Bass spotted her.
From where he parked his car along the on-ramp that was
adjacent to the one Ms. Pinnock was on, we can guess that he
likely had been heading eastbound on I-10 and moved into the
far right access lane, or he had just come out of the loop that
connects southbound La Brea to eastbound 1-10, and was
heading eastbound on that parallel on-ramp.
He stopped his black and white and activated the lights you
can just barely see the car at 0:07 of the Diaz vid. He must
have gotten out and crossed the on-ramp to have a word with
Ms. Pinnock and decided to take her in or at least get her off of
the freeway in his car. As noted above, this was likely not their
first rendevous on the round-about, so to speak. When the
video starts, it looks like Officer Bass had stopped the on-ramp
traffic so Ms. Pinnock could cross the on-ramp to where his car
was parked. She did that and just kept walking. She does not
run in the video although there is a point at which you cant
what shes doing because she is behind a dark SUV that was
stopped by Officer Bass. For the rest of the video, it is very
clear who was where and who got their face pummeled.
As Ms Pinnock walked west into the setting sun, Officer Bass
came up behind her, grabbed her by the shoulders with both
hands, and spun her around. She had just reached the eastern
end of the new guard rail on the median that separates the two
on ramps, and when she hit the ground she was a good 10 feet
to the east of the end of the guard rail. I think this maneuver is
called the ole Santa Monica misogynists take-down in the
lingo of pay-per-view UFC, where Officer Bass may well be
looking for employment soon.
Using all of his CHP advanced self-defense training, Officer
Bass was able to get into what is known in the CHP as the
play-ground-bully, butt-to-bellybutton position straddling Ms.
Pinnock, who was still, at this point, 51 years old and a great-
grandmother, and now looking up at 250 pounds of pure roid
rage in black gloves. Pitifully, Ms. Pinnock holds the pink cloth
in front of her face as if that would protect her. Some people
counted a dozen, some counted nine, I counted 10 punches
all right handed, all solid, full punches from the shoulder. I
mean, this really was UFC-quality work.
Were it not for Mr. Diaz and his video, Ms. Pinnock would still
be in lock up awaiting trial for resisting arrest, or battery on a
cop, or one of the multitude of other fake charges the cops use
in these situations every day in this country. As it is, shell be
getting a million dollar payout. Lets hope she can get some
help, too.
This story has been compared to the Rodney King story. Lets
hope not because as I recall the Rodney King story didnt end
all that well even though the jury gave him $3.8m. He tried to
stiff his lawyers out of their fee, which was awarded separately
from his judgment. He was busted multiple times after he
became a millionaire, including for hitting his wife with the car
and running his car into a house while trying to escape the
cops. He was a junkie and a prix right to the end, which came
at the bottom of a swimming pool with cocaine and alcohol in
his system but at least he wasnt sleeping on a freeway.
BTW, if you are that guy in the white tee-shirt in the Kala
Professional Restoration Services truck eastbound on the I-10
at about 5:00pm on Jul01.2014 who stopped to watch the last
few punches of Officer Basss fist festival Ms. Pinnocks
lawyers would love to have a chat with you.
~ ~ ~
Denis OBrien, PhD/Esq aka The Gutter Grunt
This report is dedicated to David Diaz. Good man; well done.

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