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Endocarditis and associated complications

Steven J. Lester, MD, FACC, FRCPC; Susan Wilansky, MD, FACC, FRCPC

Echocardiography is a most useful bedside tool to help in the diagnosis and management of infective endocarditis. (Crit Care Med
diagnosis and subsequent management of patients with infective 2007; 35[Suppl.]:S384–S391)
endocarditis. Transesophageal echocardiography provides comple- KEY WORDS: endocarditis; transesophageal echocardiography;
mentary and often incremental information necessary in making a transthoracic echocardiography; M-mode echocardiography; sur-
diagnosis, and in identifying associated intracardiac complications. gical complications
This chapter will focus on the role of echocardiography in the

n infection of the endocardium There are two fundamental predispos- prosthetic heart valve or new dysfunction
or lining layer of the heart is ing factors for the development of infec- in a prosthetic heart valve warrants an
called infective endocarditis. tive endocarditis: a susceptible cardiac or evaluation for endocarditis.
Although most commonly as- vascular substrate (endothelial injury) In the absence of a “definite” patho-
sociated with a process involving the and a microbiological source. Endothelial logic diagnosis made at the time of open-
valve leaflets, it also may affect the chor- injury is influenced by aberrant intracar- heart surgery or autopsy, the diagnosis of
dae, chamber walls, paraprosthetic tissue, diac flow, where either a high-velocity jet infective endocarditis primarily involves
implanted shunts, conduits, and fistulas. directly impacts the endothelial surface the integration of clinical, microbiologi-
This condition was first described by Sir or there is increased shear stress second- cal, and echocardiographic data. In 1994,
William Osler during his Gulstonian lec- ary flow across a narrowed orifice or from Dr. Durack and colleagues (6) from Duke
tures delivered at the Royal College of a high- to a low-pressure chamber. As a University proposed a schema (The Duke
Physicians in March of 1885 at a time consequence of the Venturi effect, micro- Criteria) with which to stratify patients
when it was considered universally fatal biological deposits are maximal at the with suspected endocarditis into one of
(1). In 1906, Dr. Libman (2) addressed low-pressure sink, immediately beyond three categories— definite, possible, and
the medical society of The Johns Hopkins an orifice, or at the site where the jet rejected— using old (nonechocardio-
Hospital on his experience with a new stream directly strikes the surface. Sur- graphic) and new (echocardiographic)
process of blood cultures: “The most in- gery, dental procedures, or instruments criteria. The American Heart Association
teresting condition connected with the becoming involved with mucosal surfaces scientific statement on infective endocar-
subject of bacteriemias is endocarditis. or contaminated tissues may provide the ditis supports minor modifications to the
The study of these cases by means of microbiological source that incites the Duke Criteria proposed by Li and col-
blood cultures makes very definite disease process of infective endocarditis. leagues (7, 8) (Table 1).
Leube’s view that the acute endocarditis It should be noted that 10% to 20% of
is secondary to infection.” The realization adults who develop endocarditis may Blood Cultures
that this condition is secondary to an have no pre-existing heart disease (3).
infectious process, the availability of di- A detailed account of the microbiology
agnostic blood-culture techniques, the Diagnosis of endocarditis is beyond the scope of this
discovery of antibiotics, the development review; however, it is noted that staphy-
of surgical interventions for valvular and The clinical diagnosis requires the lococci and streptococci account for the
perivalvular complications, and the ability physician to maintain an index of suspi- majority of the cases with notable trends
to characterize the anatomical and hemo- cion, because the symptoms often are toward a rising prevalence of staphylo-
dynamic manifestations of this disease with only constitutional and many of the Os- coccal skin flora caused by iatrogenic
echocardiography have significantly im- lerian manifestations (4) absent, except nosocomial infection, Staphylococcus
proved treatment of this disease. for subacute or chronic forms of the dis- aureus affecting intravenous drug users,
ease. The diagnosis should be considered and Streptococcus bovis in the elderly
in individuals with a fever and embolic often associated with an underlying gas-
phenomenon, a predisposing endocardial trointestinal neoplasm. Culture negative
From the Mayo Clinic Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ. lesion, or bacteremia. Fever may be min- infective endocarditis may be noted in up
For information regarding this article, E-mail: imal or absent in the elderly or those with to one-third of cases (9). This most com-
Dr. Wilansky has not disclosed any potential con- congestive heart failure or chronic renal monly is a consequence of prior antibi-
flict of interest. failure; occasionally, fever also is minimal otic use, but an increasingly common
Copyright © 2007 by the Society of Critical Care or absent when associated with coagulase scenario is infection by fastidious organ-
Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins negative staphylococci (5). The mere isms with limited proliferation under
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000270275.89478.5F presence of a fever in an individual with a conventional culture conditions (10).

S384 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 8 (Suppl.)

Table 1A. Definition of infective endocarditis (IE) according to the modified Duke criteria blood culture for S. aureus, regardless of
whether community-acquired or not; a
Definite infective endocarditis
single positive blood culture for Coxiella
Pathological criteria
Microorganisms demonstrated by culture or histological examination of a vegetation, a burnetii; and a surrogate for positive
vegetation that has embolized, or an intracardiac abscess specimen; or blood cultures (antiphase 1 IgG antibody
Pathological lesions; vegetation or intracardiac abscess confirmed by histological examination titre ⬎1:800) helpful in establishing the
showing active endocarditis diagnosis when blood cultures may be
Clinical criteria negative (culture-negative endocarditis)
2 major criteria; or
1 major criterion and 3 minor criteria; or (7). If the clinical suspicion for the diag-
5 minor criteria nosis of infective endocarditis remains,
Possible IE despite sterile blood cultures after 48 hrs
1 major criterion and 1 minor criterion; or to 72 hrs of incubation, one may request
3 minor criteria
that the laboratory intensify efforts to re-
Firm alternative diagnosis explaining evidence of IE; or cover fastidious organisms and initiate a
Resolution of IE syndrome with antibiotic therapy for ⬍4 days; or serologic assessment for possible cause.
No pathological evidence of IE at surgery or autopsy, with antibiotic therapy for ⬍4 days; or
Does not meet criteria for possible IE as above
The ability to detect and characterize
Table 1B. Definition of terms used in the modified Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective
the hemodynamic and pathologic conse-
endocarditis (IE) quences of infective endocarditis has es-
tablished the requirement of an echocar-
Major criteria diographic evaluation in individuals with
Blood culture positive for IE suspected disease. M-mode echocardiog-
Typical microorganisms consistent with IE from 2 separate blood cultures: Viridans raphy has relinquished its role to 2-di-
streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, HACEK group, Staphylococcus aureus; or community-
mensional transthoracic (TTE) and trans-
acquired enterococci in the absence of a primary focus; or
Microorganisms consistent with IE from persistently positive blood cultures defined as follows: esophageal (TEE) imaging techniques as
At least 2 positive cultures of blood samples drawn ⬎12 h apart; or all of 3 or a majority of the ultrasound-imaging modalities most
ⱖ4 separate cultures of blood (with first and last sample drawn at least 1 h apart) commonly employed in the evaluation of
Single positive blood culture for Coxiella burnetii or anti-phase 1 IgG antibody titer >1:800 individuals with suspected endocarditis.
Evidence of endocardial involvement Although limited, M-mode echocardiog-
Echocardiogram positive for IE (TEE recommended for patients with prosthetic valves, rated
raphy still has a role in the evaluation of
at least “possible IE” by clinical criteria, or complicated IE [paravalvular abscess]; TTE as
first test in other patients) defined as follows: oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or
patients with suspected endocarditis. Its
supporting structures, in the path of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the superior temporal resolution permits de-
absence of an alternative anatomic explanation; or abscess; or new partial dehiscence of tection of vibratory oscillations of a veg-
prosthetic valve; new valvular regurgitation (worsening or changing or preexisting murmur etation or associated disrupted cardiac
not sufficient) structures uncharacterized by standard
Minor criteria TTE- and TEE-imaging techniques. Dia-
Predisposition, predisposing heart condition, or IDU stolic vibrations of the aortic valve, or
Fever, temperature ⬎38°C
Vascular phenomena, major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, systolic vibrations noted during M-mode
intracranial hemorrhage, conjunctival hemorrhages, and Janeway’s lesions interrogation of the mitral valve, are not
Immunologic phenomena: glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes, Roth’s spots, and rheumatoid normal and represent a sensitive finding
factor for a vegetation, torn leaflet, or ruptured
Microbiological evidence: positive blood culture but does not meet a major criterion as noted chordae.
abovea or serological evidence of active infection with organism consistent with IE
Echocardiographic minor criteria eliminated
Transthoracic and
TEE, transesophageal echocardiography; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; IDU, intravenous Transesophageal
drug user. Echocardiography
Excludes single positive cultures for coagulase-negative staphylococci and organisms that do not
cause endocarditis. Modifications are shown in boldface. Reprinted with permission from Li et al (7). Visualization of the endocardial lesion
is the central objective of the echocardio-
graphic examination in its role as a diag-
Such organisms include Coxiella, Bar- hrs. If obtained before antibiotic admin- nostic technique. Echocardiography
tonella, Legionella, Tropheryma whip- istration, the initial sets of blood cultures clearly does not provide histologic diag-
plea, fungi, and the HACEK group of bac- will generally be positive in individuals noses; however, there are image charac-
teria (Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, with bacterial endocarditis within a 48-hr teristics that support the designation of a
Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, and Kin- to 72-hr period, obviating the need to valve mass to a vegetation. These include
gella). continuously collect blood cultures be- a) location that is in the path of a high-
Three to five sets of blood cultures, yond this point (11). The “microbiologi- velocity jet or the upstream side of the
each from a separate venipuncture, incu- cal adaptations” to the Duke criteria sup- valve when it regurgitates; b) motion that
bated in both aerobic and anaerobic at- ported by the American Heart Association is chaotic and independent of the valve
mospheres, should be obtained over 24 include the mere presence of a positive with fine vibrations; c) shape that is

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 8 (Suppl.) S385

even more pronounced in the evaluation
of individuals with valve prostheses. In
the setting of prosthetic-valve endocardi-
tis, the sensitivity of TTE is generally
reported to be below 50% while that of
TEE remains between 82% and 90% (15,
19, 20).
A negative TEE has a negative predic-
tive value of over 90%, but does not elim-
inate the possibility, requiring as always
interpretation to be integrated with good
clinical judgment (21, 22). A false-negative
echocardiographic evaluation may result
from vegetations that are smaller than
the image resolution, previous emboliza-
tion, or simply recognizing that there are
“blind spots” with TEE and TTE. If the
clinical suspicion for infective endocardi-
tis remains following an initial negative
TTE or TEE examination, serial echocar-
diographic evaluations may provide in-
cremental diagnostic value (23). In addi-
tion, integration of TTE with TEE images
may be necessary, because views ob-
structed in one imaging modality may
not be obstructed in the other.
Whether to begin the evaluation with
a TTE or directly proceed to a TEE is an
issue of considerable intellectual and eco-
nomic debate. Greaves and colleagues
(24) noted that in the absence of clinical
criteria that are significant independent
predictors for endocarditis (vasculitic/
embolic phenomena, central venous ac-
cess or pacing wire, recent injected drug
use, a prosthetic valve or a positive blood
Figure 1. Top, dehiscence of mitral-valve prosthesis; bottom, color Doppler illustrates perivalvular culture) there was a zero probability that
regurgitation in the area of dehiscence.
a TTE would show any evidence of infec-
tive endocarditis. Bayer and colleagues
(25) propose a pragmatic approach to the
amorphous; d) texture that is gray scale a vegetation are influenced by technical
echocardiographic evaluation of patients
and reflectance in relation to the myocar- factors, by the experience of the imager
with suspected infective endocarditis,
dium with calcification; and e) associated and image interpreter, and by the pre-test
which we also support (Fig. 2).
abnormalities such as abscess, fistula, likelihood of either having or not having
Individuals with a history of endocar-
new valve regurgitation for prosthetic the disease. With that said, the literature
ditis are at increased risk for future in-
valves, dehiscence, perivalvular leaks, and generally reports a sensitivity of 60% to
fection. Following completion of therapy,
(rarely) obstruction (Fig. 1). Likely rep- 65% for TTE and 85% to 95% for TEE.
resenting a degenerative process, small The specificity for both imaging tech- a TTE examination to establish a new
“stinglike” mobile strands with narrow niques is very good at 90% to 98% (12– baseline for valvular and ventricular mor-
attachment often are noted on valves. 17). Significant innovations to TTE im- phology and function is very important.
Similar finding are noted around the sew- aging have occurred since many of the In individuals with poor acoustic win-
ing ring of valve prostheses, which too studies with which the test characteris- dows or in whom there is complex anat-
may represent a degenerative process or tics reported above were performed. In- omy, a TEE may be required to establish
on occasion may represent a suture end. novations such as harmonic imaging, a new baseline.
Redundant chordae or a pronounced faster scanning and higher line densities,
Chiari’s network may too at times be mis- the use of higher-frequency transducers, Cardiac Complications
taken for a pathologic finding. However, and higher-resolution monitors—although
these masses, by virtue of their shape and having salutary effects on overall image Valvular Dysfunction. Valvular struc-
high reflectance, can generally be differ- quality— have not significantly influenced tural and functional integrity may be de-
entiated from pathologic vegetation. the sensitivity of TTE in the diagnostic eval- stroyed by the proliferation of an infec-
The test characteristics of an echocar- uation for infective endocarditis (18). The tious organism within its tissue. The loss
diographic evaluation for the detection of superior sensitivity of TEE over TTE is of function primarily results in regurgi-

S386 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 8 (Suppl.)

Figure 2. Approach to diagnostic use of echocardiography. Reprinted with permission of Bayer et al (25). TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; TEE,
transesophageal echocardiography; IE, infective endocarditis.

tation; however, large bulk vegetations creased pressure from an expanding space- 33, 36 –39). The tendency is for the infec-
may result in flow obstruction. Valve re- occupying lesion—may rupture, creating tion to extend into the weakest portion of
gurgitation may progressively worsen fistulous communications commonly from the paravalvular structure, and in the
with ineffective medical management of the aorta to left atrium or left ventricle to case of the aortic valve this is the mem-
the underlying infectious organism, or right atrium. In individuals with aortic valve branous septal area, which contains the
may present acutely as a result of leaflet endocarditis and associated aortic regurgi- conducting tissue and hence the associa-
perforation or destruction of the valvular tation, the “infected” regurgitant jet may tion with new conduction abnormalities
supporting structures. Echocardiography cause local spread of infection as it strikes (40).
is the tool that best allows us to identify subaortic structures. Such complications Although a number of proposed clini-
such complications. Careful evaluation is can include aneurysm or perforation of cal parameters associated with periannu-
required when one is questioning the di- the anterior mitral-valve leaflet, or if the lar extension are listed above, the pres-
agnosis of a prolapsing or flail-valve leaf- jet impinges the mitral-aortic intervalvu- ence of new atrioventricular block is
let segment to ensure the appropriate dif- lar fibrosa, an abscess or aneurysm may likely the most reliable (35). The finding
ferentiation from highly mobile and form in that location (29 –31)(Fig. 5). of atrioventricular block on the electrocar-
prolapsing vegetations, because each may Periannular complications are more diogram has a reasonably positive predic-
have similar visual tissue characteristics commonly encountered in prosthetic tive valve (88%); however, the sensitivity of
and motion patterns (Fig. 3). Objective (56 –100%) than native (10 – 40%) valve this finding to detect a periannular ab-
quantification of the extent of either ste- endocarditis, because in the latter the scess is low (45%) (35). The increased
nosis or obstruction is required, with a annulus, rather than the leaflet, is gener- patient mortality associated with perian-
detailed description of such methods be- ally the primary site of the infection (32– nular extension necessitates prompt eval-
yond the scope of this discussion. 35). There are a number clinical parameters uation of patients at risk. TEE is the mo-
Periannular Extension. Periannular felt to be associated with an increased risk for dality of choice in the evaluation for
extension of the infection into the adja- periannular extension, including those with a potential periannular extension. The re-
cent myocardium is a serious complica- fulminant presentation, persistent fever, ported sensitivity, specificity, and positive
tion associated with increased patient pericarditis, a history of intravenous drug and negative predictive values are 76% to
mortality (26 –28). Tissue necrosis and use, involvement of a prosthetic valve, 100%, 95%, 87%, and 89%, respectively
pyogenesis may result in the formation of and (importantly) electrical-conduction (12, 31, 41, 42). Spectral and color Dopp-
an abscess cavity (Fig. 4). The weakened, disturbance such as atrioventricular ler is used to characterize the flow pat-
necrotic myocardial tissue— under in- block or new bundle-branch block (32, terns of fistulous communications.

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 8 (Suppl.) S387

most frequently found at arterial branch
points and result from spread of infection
through the arterial wall (arteritis) as a re-
sult of septic embolization directly to the in-
traluminal surface or into the vasa vasorum.
A persistent focal headache, focal neu-
rologic findings, septic meningitis, or
neurologic deterioration raises the suspi-
cion for an intracranial mycotic aneu-
rysm before rupture and prompts further
evaluation (conventional, computed to-
mography, or magnetic-resonance an-
giography). The sensitivity and specificity
of either a computed-tomographic or
magnetic-resonance angiography to de-
tect an intracranial mycotic aneurysm is
90% to 95%. However, if suspicion re-
mains despite negative tests, then con-
ventional angiography is warranted (51,
52). Extracranial mycotic aneurysms
generally are detected only when they
begin to leak or rupture with associated
clinical findings depending on the loca-
tion of the involved vessel.
Whether or not the mere presence of a
mycotic aneurysm mandates surgical or
endovascular treatment is controversial
and influenced by individual patient char-
acteristics, because some may resolve
during antimicrobial therapy (25). My-
cotic aneurysms that leak, expand during
therapy, or persist after therapy require
Splenic Abscess. A splenic abscess may
develop as a result of septic embolization
or direct seeding into a previously in-
Figure 3. Top, patient with mitral valve prolapse, torn chordae, and flail segment; bottom, patient with farcted area. They are found in up to 5%
infective endocarditis and vegetation. of patients with infective endocarditis
(53). The index of suspicion is increased
in the presence of abdominal pain, pleu-
Extracardiac Complications mon and may been seen in approximately ritic or shoulder pain as of diaphragmatic
50% of patients with right-sided vegeta- irritation, or persistent fever. Although
Embolization. Systemic embolization tions (43, 44, 47). detectable by abdominal ultrasound,
adversely influences survival, and is a computed tomography and magnetic res-
Controversy exists as to the predictive
complication occurring in approximately onance imaging appear to be the imaging
value of various echocardiographic char-
one-third of patients with infective endo- modalities of choice, with sensitivities
acteristics of a vegetation prone to embo-
carditis, most commonly within the first and specificities of 90% to 95% (25, 54).
lize. Vegetation size, consistency, extent,
2 wks to 4 wks of antimicrobial therapy Imaging may not be able to differentiate
(43– 47). The incidence of systemic em- and mobility all have to be considered splenic infarction from abscess. Persis-
bolic complications is highest when there useful characteristics with which to pre- tent fever and enlargement of a noted
is left-sided valve involvement and when dict risk for embolization (13, 43, 44, lesion suggest abscess, which can be con-
the microbial pathogen is S. aureus, Can- 48 –50). Less mired in controversy is the firmed by needle aspiration. The presence
dida, Abiotrophia, or a HACEK organism. fact that patients with large (⬎10 mm) of multiple abscesses or those not ame-
More than 50% of embolic events involve and highly mobile vegetations are at nable to percutaneous drainage are indi-
the central nervous system, with ⬎90% highest risk (44). Continued growth or cations for splenectomy (25). If patient
of central-nervous-system emboli affect- failure of a vegetation to diminish in size management requires cardiac surgery,
ing the middle-cerebral-artery distribu- despite antimicrobial therapy also is pre- splenic abscesses should be effectively
tion (45). Vegetations on right-sided dictive of embolic events. treated first and, if not, then splenectomy
heart valves are most frequently caused Mycotic Aneurysm. Either intra- or ex- should be performed as soon after cardiac
by an S. aureus infection, and thus it’s tracranial, mycotic aneurysms are an un- surgery as risk permits (25).
not surprising that embolization into the common but potentially lethal complica- Aspirin and Anticoagulation. Neither
pulmonary vascular distribution is com- tion of infective endocarditis. They are aspirin nor anticoagulation is indicated

S388 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 8 (Suppl.)

as prophylactic therapy against potential
embolic complications. Such prophylaxis
is ineffective and likely associated with an
increased risk for bleeding (55, 56). In
general however, anticoagulation re-
quired for other proven indications such
as valve prostheses should be continued
unless neurologic complications occur,
in which case the anticoagulation should
be immediately reversed. Continuation
of anticoagulation should be with hep-
arin, and warfarin anticoagulation dis-

Indications for Cardiac Surgery

The cornerstone of management is to
sterilize the infected cardiac tissue with
antimicrobial therapy targeted to the in-
fectious etiology. A detailed account of
the antimicrobial treatment of organisms
commonly associated with endocarditis is
beyond the scope of this review. Often ap-
propriate antimicrobial therapy is all that is
Figure 4. Top, aortic-valve vegetation causing complete disruption of the valve leaflet; bottom left,
needed; however, in some instances surgi-
short-axis image of the vegetation; bottom right, periannular extension with abscess formation.
cal management is required too.
In general, the presence of severe con-
gestive heart failure resulting from valvu-
lar heart disease that is amenable to sur-
gery is an indication for immediate
surgical therapy (class 1, level of evidence
B) (57). This is a general recommenda-
tion, independent of the etiology of the
valve dysfunction. The presence of endo-
carditis should not result in a delay of
surgical therapy, because the risk of re-
infection of a newly implanted valve is far
less (⬃ 3%) than the quoted morbidity
and mortality (50%) associated with sur-
gical neglect (58, 59). Certainly these
comments are tempered when comor-
bidities preclude a reasonable chance for
When the microbiological etiology of
the infection is either fungal or one
highly resistant to antibiotic therapy,
surgical intervention is indicated (class 1,
level of evidence B) (57). Periannular ex-
tensions of the infection (abscess, fistula,
dehiscence of valve prostheses) are indi-
cations for surgery (class 1, level of evi-
dence B) (57). Progressively more austere
valve dysfunction—whether regurgita-
tion or obstruction, the latter more com-
monly seen with valve prostheses—
resulting in hemodynamic evidence for
elevated left-ventricular end-diastolic or
Figure 5. Long-axis section of a necropsy heart showing the relations of the aortic valve (AV), annulus, left-atrial pressure generally indicates
and root (AO) to the subaortic structures, which include the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa surgical disease (class 1, level of evidence
(MAIVF), anterior mitral leaflet (aml), chordae tendineae, and the left atrium (LA). The anterior leaflet B) (57). However, if the cardiac function
becomes contiguous with the posterior aortic root behind the left and posterior aortic cusps through is well compensated, surgery may be de-
the zone of MAIVF. LV, left ventricle; pml, posterior mitral leaflet; RV, right ventricle. layed until the completion of antimicro-

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 8 (Suppl.) S389

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