Sharekhan Praposal

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Dear Sir/Mam,

Sharekhan is the retail broking firm, an organization with more than 80 years of trust and
credibility in stock market. In the AsiaMoney brokers !oll sharekhan"SSKI) won the India's best
broking house for #00$ award.

In #00% a research was conducted by &' (ielsen)*+, M&+, for Awaaz in the -Stock .roking/
category Sharekhan won the Awaaz award as India's most preferred stock broker.
0e at ha1e been !ro1iding in1estors a !owerful online trading !latform, the latest
news, research and other knowledge)based tools for o1er % years now.
0e ha1e dedicated teams for fundamental and technical research so that you get all the information you
need to take the right in1estment decisions.
0ith branches and outlets across the country, our ground network is one of the biggest in India2
0e ha1e a talent !ool of e3!erienced !rofessionals s!ecially designated guide you when you need
assistance, which is why in1esting with us is bond to be hassle)free e3!erience for you.

0e are glad to gi1e you details about the ser1ices !ro1ided by the with On
!ine "rading Account.
Sharekhan un1eiled an all)new, world)class online in1esting facility from the con1enience at your
home/office, you could in1est in the e4uity market with e3!ert ad1ice.
Sharekhan !ro1ides &D5I'6, 6D7'&8I*(, 8**9S &(D 6:6'78I*( ser1ices for in1estors.
8hese ser1ices are accessible through our centers across the country "*1er #%0 locations in ;#< cities=,
o1er the internet "through the website as well as o1er the 5oice 8ool.
>ou can call our Dial)n)8rade number ";800##?%00= to get in1estment ad1ice and e3ecute your
transactions. 0e ha1e a dedicated call)center to !ro1ide this ser1ice 1ia a toll)free number from
anywhere in India.
F Secure *rder by 5oice 8ool Dial)n)8rade.
F &utomated @ortfolio to kee! track of the 1alue of your actual !urchases.
F #$3? 5oice 8ool access to your trading account .
F @ersonalized @rice and &ccount &lerts deli1ered instantly to your 'ell @hone A 6)mail address.
F S!ecial @ersonal Inbo3 for order and trade confirmations.
F *n)line 'ustomer Ser1ice 1ia 0eb 'hat.
F &nytime *rdering.
&e offer you the fo!!owing products'
"(A)* "I+*(
8+&D6 8I,6+ is an internet)based software a!!lication, that enables you to buy and sell in an
It is ideal for acti1e traders and Bobbers who transact fre4uently during dayCs session to
ca!italize on intra)day !rice mo1ement.
F Instant order 63ecution and 'onfirmation.
F Single screen trading terminal."(S6=
F +eal)time streaming 4uotes, tic)by)tic charts.
F Market summary "'ost traded scri!, highest calue etc.=
F Dot keys similar to brokers terminal.
F &lerts and reminders.
F .ack)u! facility to !lace trades on Direct @hone lines.
&!art from online trading the '9&SSI' and 8rade 8iger also gi1es you our Dial)n)8rade
ser1ices. 0ith this ser1ice, all you ha1e to do is to dial our dedicated !hone lines ;800##?%00
I/O On!ine
>ou can also in1est in all forthcoming I@* online through
Proposal :
Trade Tiger A/c
Special rate of
Account Opening
Trading A/C Charge Rs. NIL
Rate of
** Taxes as per govt.
Depository Charges
Account Opening Charges Rs. !"
Annual #aintenance Charges Rs. !" first year
Rs. $%% Per annu& fro& second year
1. Equity- customer can trade in listed companies share.
2.Currency-customer can trade in foreign currency.
3.Commodity-customer can trade in base metals like,gold,nickel,siler etc.
Docu&ents Re(uired
As per KY g!ide lines "e need yo!r #$oto ID and Address proo%. T$e re&!ired do'!(ents
are (entioned )elo"*-
!hoto "# !roof $esidence !roof
#an ard
-oter.s ID
Driving Li'ense+valid,
/an0 1tate(ent+latest,
Telep$one /ill+latest,
2le'tri'ity /ill+latest,
Ration ard
3lat 4aintenan'e /ill+latest,
Ins!ran'e #oli'y+latest,
) Photographs
%argin money cheques in name of as per mention segments.
2&!ity 5 !rren'y - 1$are0$an Ltd
o((odity- 1$are0$an 'o((odities pvt ltd
*or #o+ile,
6,- 1$are(o)ile + Android,
2,- 1$are0$an (ini

Account opening process is also -ery si&ple. All you need to do is to gi-e &e a call
./%0$123/// or 4,#ail &e at ankur.& and rest 'ill +e
taken care +y us.

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