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Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831

ISSN 2051-6940
18th July - 1st August 2014
The Most Popular FREEBIE in North Norfolk.
Available at All the Best Places Between Cromer
Nth Walsham, Mundesley, Sheringham & Aylsham.
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For Only
For Office or HomeVisits
Call : 01263 579 327
Danum House, Overstrand, Norfolk
Continued On Page Six
You Did Not Have To Be A Future
.... to enjoy this exhibition of bridal wear
and was well worth the trip to Marshams
All Saints Church on Saturday 5th July.
I make no claim of knowing much about
wedding dresses, but Lis and I were really
impressed by the collection
on display around the church.
www.norfolk-cleaning-group. tel: 01692 407 690
The workmanship involved in creating these
dresses was quite simply amazing.
The dress (pictured right) was made in 1913
and would have been worn by a bride no
more that 4 foot 10 inches tall, if that.
Every dress on display included information
about the dress and the wedding date, often
with photos taken on the day, many of them
were at least ffty years ago.
Picturered below with her
wedding dress is Jacquie
Wathen, who organised
the exhibition
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
Lizzies Fruit & Veg Shop
Cut Flowers & Plants.
Local Stalham Tomatoes.
7 West Street, Cromer. tel: 01263 519 039
Open Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm.
Any Small Jobs To Complete Rewiring Undertaken
All Work Fully Guaranteed & to Latest Standards
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Telephone Harry on 01263 833 362
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GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS - call 01362 690 290
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Tel/fax: 01692 409 008
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New installations & full
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Tel: 01263 833 779 Proprietor: 0. Dixon
Your Local fencing and landscaping contractor
01263 726 955 / 07780 853 221
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
I have to say how much we enjoyed
visiting the exhibition of wedding
dresses in All Saints Churtch in
Marsham on Saturday July 5th.
You really have to admire the work
and design involved in producing
these dresses. (Front & page 6)
Having been married now for 23 yrs.
in a 2nd marriage, I still remember
my frst wife selecting her wedding
dress and the process involved.
I have to say that my 2nd wedding
was a great deal easier as dear Lis
simply found a dress in a charity
shop in Stamford where we were
living at the time.
If I remember correctly we spent a
total of about 16 on our wedding
clothes between us.
I must apologise for being unable to
download any of the photos that
I took of the Mundesley Summer
Fete on June 28th, digital cameras
who invented them?
We did enjoy the event, particlarly
the Bar-B-Que, the delicious cake
and listening to the Jazz Band.
How we both won a cuddly soft toy
each from the Womens RBL stall
I do not know. One day they will
become a present for someones
small child.
I would like to thank Bob White, of
the Mundesley Coastwatch for his
letter about their forthcoming Fun
Day (See Page 4) what a great line
up of prizes you can win on August
23rd! (The day before my Birthday)
As you will see from his letter, the
raffe tickets are now on sale in
numerous places.
I must hand it to Karen & her team
of jolly souls at the Cromer N&P
for spending ALL day cycling
to raise money for Marie Curie.
(see Page 8)
I would like to thank very much
Cindy Johnson for her reveiw of
the show on the Pier of Viva la
Drag and I am glad she enjoyed
it so much. (See Page 12)
Enjoy Your Crab Tales
Philip Keddell
01263 726 831

Benefits Agency...........01603 248 248
C.A.B.............................08000 855 889
(Holt)...........................01263 713 849
(Nth Walsham)............01692 402 570
Coast Guard..................01493 851 338
Council (County)...........01603 222 222
(District)...........01263 513 811
Dentist...........................01263 515 229
Doctors: Aldborough ...01263 768 602
Aylsham.........01263 733 331
Cromer .........01263 513 148
Mundesley.....01263 724 500
Sheringham...01263 822 066
N.H.S contact number..................1 1 1
Hospital (Cromer) .........01263 513 571
Job Centre (Cromer).......08456 043 719
Mundesley Visitor Centre...01263 721 070
Opticians.......................01263 512 345
Aylsham ..............01263 732 320
Cromer ................01263 512 850
Nth Walsham.......01692 402 482
Mundesley...........01263 720 702
Sheringham.........01263 822 874
R.S.P.C.A.......................0870 555 5999
Tourist Info-Cromer......01263 512 497
Travel Enquiries............08712 002 233
National Express...........08705 808 080
Rail Enquiries................08457 484 950
Veterinary Surgeon.......01263 822 293
Victim Support..............08453 030 900
POLICE..........................0845 456 4567
* Cromer Police Station Staffed Mon 8am - 3.30pm,
Tues & Weds 8am - 4pm*
Letters to the Editor Send to 30 West St. Cromer NR27 9DS
e-mail to:
OR Drop off at: K Hardware, Church Street, CROMER
Letter continued on Page 4
From The Editor
All material is strictly copyright. The views expressed in the CRAB TALES are
not necessarily those of the publishers or the Editor. Material including letters may
be edited. Layout & Design by Lis Keddell. Published by The CRAB TALES.
Refreshments will be served after the Service.
We do not have a meeting in August, but our
next will be at Northrepps Country Cottage
Hotel at 7.30pm on the 1st September, and
if you are thinking about joining the Royal
British Legion, do come along when a
warm welcome awaits you.
For more information, please contact our
Secretary Lorna on 01263 579 633.
Dear Philip,
Northrepps Poppyland Branch of the RBL has
had a busy start to the summer, accepting the kind
invitation of the Cromer Branch to take our stand
& standard to Armed Forces Day on 28th June,
and would like to extend a huge thank you for
not only their excellent hospitality, but also that
of the Cromer Womens Section, this event is so
valuable for a small Branch like ours to take
part in, and we are off to Northrepps Church
Fete at Northrepps Hall on Saturday 26th July,
2014, and look forward to meeting old and
new friends there.
World War 1 Commemoration -
On Sunday 3rd August, in St. Marys Church,
Northrepps, 10am - 3.30pm. an invitation is
extended to everyone to come to our Service
and Exhibition in honour of the very brave
men who left their families, friends, work,
and our village, never to return.
We welcome pupils of Oak Class Northrepps
Primary School, exhibiting their art, poetry
& prayer, local singer/songwriter Jack Daniel
who will perform a song he has written about
war & confict, and also Mr. John Needham,
Cromer Branch Chairman who is that well
known local Military Collector, together
with village history.
This will be an opportunity for the very young
and elderly to unite on the eve of the outbreak
of the war that changed the world.
Dear Philip,
At the 2013 County Council elections the Tories
lost control of the Council and a Labour/Lib
Dem coalition took control of the Council
supported by UKIP and Green councillors.
The incoming Cabinet under the leadership of
George Nobbs inherited a number of major
problems from the Tories, not least failing
Childrens services, issues concerning Adult
Social Care and a contract for an incinerator
which was not wanted by a large proportion
of the residents but which would cost millions
of pouns to cancel.
The Council was also, as a result of the Tory
governments policies required to make large
savings to its budget.
The Council launched a consultation on the
budget Norfolk Putting People First and
we held a successful consultation meeting at
which members had the opportunity to express
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
Letter Continued From Page 3
Tel: 01263 711 593
Mob: 07880 658 866
For a warm, friendly
atmosphere, come &
visit our Showroom
in Holt.
We have several
different styles & makes,
trade and public
Dear Philip,
I just want to tell your readers about the
absolutely amazing donation we have
received from Mundesley Holiday
Village to swell our funds!
The holiday village hold lots of raffes and we
were lucky enough to be chosen as one of three
charities to receive a donation ... And what a
Thank you so much Cheryl Cook, the general
manager and Shirley Beattie, the bar and
restaurant manager whose idea it was!
Laura Stango
Secretary and Treasurer Mundesley and
Villages Ambulance First Responders
Dear Philip,
Please include this in the Crab Tales -
Very soon I will be moving to Somerset from
the beautiful village of Mundesley and I would
like to say thank you to all my good friends here.
I will miss you all very much, but I take with
me lovely memories of my time here.
So, ladies, thank you very much for all the
kindness, friendship and support you have
given me over the years.
All best wishes, Ann
Thank you,
Ann Furneaux
Dear Philip,
I felt I had to write to tell your readers about the
overwhelming generosity that I as treasurer of
Mundesley Coastwatch have encountered
since moving to Mundesley 2 & half years ago.
Firstly, being a foreigner (Northampton via
London) I was amazed at what a friendly village
Mundesley is, people actually talk to each other
here. I digress.
Late last year Coastwatch decided to hold a
fund raising day, trying to make it family
orientated, thus our Family Fun-Day came about
and we decided that a Big raffe with Big prizes
would be a good attraction, and a well known
person to draw the raffe and have been very
lucky to secure the company of Becky Jago
one of ITVs presenters to fll this role.
Prizes in our raffe include a 39 Colour T.V.
a 100 Drinks hamper, a Food hamper, Meals
for 2, a Broads tour, Tickets to the Zoo, North
Norfolk railway trip, Theatre tickets and many
smaller but just as worthwhile prizes.
Raffe tickets are available from: The Ship Inn,
Mundesley Gallery, The Haig Club, Country
Pickings and the Lighthouse Inn in Walcott
and also from myself at: 31, Cowper Close,
Mundesley. Telephone: 01263 726 859
Other attractions include a Bouncy Castle,
Gladiator, Bar-B-Q, Tombolas, Craft stalls,
Skittles, Hoopla, Face-Painting, Fairground
Organs and much more.
The people of Mundesley have been brilliant in
supporting us & I would like to thank everyone
who has helped us in bringing our Fun-Day on
Saturday 23rd August to fruition.
Kind Regards
Bob White, Treasurer,
Mundesley Coastwatch.
Dear Philip,
Firstly, thank you for publishing my original
letter regarding my attempt to compete in the
Brownlee Brothers Petworth House triathlon.
As you will recall, I was trying to raise funds
for the Cure Parkinsons Trust following a
friends diagnosis of the illness at age 38.
I am pleased to inform that I completed the task
on Sunday June 15th in 1 hour & 58 minutes.
As part of my preparations I also held an acoustic
concert and subjected myself to an upper body
wax at the Vernon Arms in Southrepps in order
to boost the coffers and as a result of the night,
my Just Giving page, sponsorship form at the
Corner stores in Trunch and people literally
just handing me money, I am pleased to tell
you that I raised a staggering 2,072.06.
I can honestly say that Im overwhelmed by this
fgure as Id originally hoped to raise a couple
of hundred pounds and I would like to take
this opportunity to say a few thank yous.
Firstly to my friends, family and everyone
who has donated and offered much needed
encouragement and support along the way.
Then to you Philip for publicising my
endeavours in the Crab Tales.
Thanks to Jenny and Chris at Trunch Corner
Stores for holding my sponsorship form and
donation box.
upon elected Councillors what were seen to be
services which should be prioritised for spending.
The budget which was fnally approved by the
Full County Council although making larger
cuts than we would have wished,
largely refected our priorities.
At the end of a diffcult year the Leader of the
County Council produced a report to Full Council.
As it documents the challenges faced by and
achievements of a minority Labour led admin-
istration it should be of interest to party members.
It can be found by following this link to the
County Council website:
Best wishes
Alan Pawsey
Secretary, Norfolk Local Campaign Forum
Thanks to Paul & Debbie Briggs, their staff and
generous patrons at the Vernon Arms, and to
Kerry at Caribou in Bank Loke, Nth Walsham
for performing the waxing & fnally to Tom Cox
at Design Signs, again in Nth Walsham, for
producing the posters for my events.
This has been a great journey and I hope Ive
inspired people to go the extra mile.
Thank you and kind regards.
Ade Cockburn
Letters Continued on Page 10
Nth. Walsham: 01692 405 504
Mob: 07774 501 174
Cromer: 01263 512 761
Mob: 07990 516 154
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
01263 515 503
32 MOT fee or 25 off your Annual Service. Valid to Sept 30th 2014
Every Saturday
Car Wash Service ~ Priced from 7.50
Middlebrook Way
Holt Road, Cromer
Interior Painting & Decorating
also Available
Greg thanks all his existing customers & welcomes
all those New Citroen owners.
I am here to help you as a Citroen Specialist.
Medical Negligence
Richard Barr experienced clinical negligence solicitor
based in North Norfolk. Free preliminary consultation without
obligation (at your own home if you wish) Cases may be
taken on no win no fee
For more information and a fact sheet contact me on:
Scott-Moncrieff & Associates Ltd.
Senior Citizen Services
For All The Odd Jobs You Hate
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Fencing & Shed Repairs
All Odd Jobs Large & Small
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01263 515 250 07836 227 490
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Andrew Benn 01263 761 133
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A J B Builders
All types of Building work undertaken.
Plastering, Roofng, Brickwork, Installations,
Damp Proofng & Timber Protection work.
35 years experience.
Phone: 01263 649 347 or 07887 671 141
43 Compit Hills, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9LL
T: 01263 512 322
M: 07709 269 155
Julian C Palmer
Certifed Bookkeeper
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
Continued From Front Page
(Pictured Below with her dress)
One of the ladies helping at this
event was Brenda Watson (Nee
Jones) who has lived in the same
house in Marsham for 46 years.
She was born, christened, confrmed
& also married in this chuch in 1968.
As well as samples of wedding photographs
there were displays from wedding cars and
other wedding suppliers.
Everyone I spoke to at the exhibition really
enjoyed seeing all the dresses.
One of the wedding dresses, worn in 1972,
was made of red material and looked great
as it also did in the photo taken on the day.
(See below)
On Left:
Jacquie Dudgeon in the
dress that lost its sleeve
at her wedding in 1966
to Roderick Wathen.
This successful weekend
was organised by Jacquie
with lots of help from many
others and Jean George
had the idea to stage the
exhibition which raised
funds in the region of
800 for the Church.

The One
Lis and I enjoyed looking around the exhibition
and seeing what the brides had worn on their very

special day. Pictured Right is Lis favourite.
The One Armed Wedding Dress
Front page & Below Far Right
Among the wedding dresses on display was
the one belonging to Jacquie Wathen which
was missing an arm.
Here is how it got lost.
Although the wedding took place in London,
Jacquies parents were at the time living in
the USA and Jacquie & Rod were in Uganda.
Everyone gathered in London for the wedding,
but directly after it Jacquies parents returned
to the US and a dear Aunt was left in charge
of the wedding dress and decided to give Js
parents a lovely surprise with a studio photo
of J in her dress, in colour (the offcial
photographer used black and white).
When Jacquie and Roderick returned from their
honeymoon the photos were taken, then they
were off back to Uganda.
The arm of the dress was removed so that the
colour in the photo could be made an exact
match - and it was never seen again!
The studio photos were given to Js parents but
sadly they did not like them: Jacquies hair had
not been done the same way; she had a large
spot on her face (too much good food on the
honeymoon!); and the tiara was missing as it
had been returned to Jacquies Granny.
In addition, Js parents were presented with a
large bill from the photo studio. They were
defnitely not happy and only after several
years, after they returned from the USA, did
they discover the dress only had one arm.
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
On behalf of the Mundesley First
Responders I would like to thank
all those who gave up their time
to take part.
Also a big thanks to Terry and
Nicki from The Manor Hotel for
giving us the freedom of their
gorgeous hotel, to Pat Nearney
our local comedian for having
us all in hysterics.
Many thanks also to Mike Oliver
and VJs Disco for brilliant music,
the stall holders and, of course, to
our amazing local traders, friends
& families for the wonderful
raffe prizes.
Mundesley Rocks!!
Thanks very much to Laura Stango, Secretary
and Treasurer Mundesley Ambulance First
Responders for this report and the photos.
Fashion At The
Manor Hotel
Susie Beighton and her staff from Rock Paper
Scissors held a fashion show at The Manor
Hotel and raised 1045 for our funds.
She enlisted the help of 3 local fashion outlets,
Jupe in Mundesley, Lily B of Cromer and
Maisie May of North Walsham.
The shops provided gorgeous clothes and the
equally gorgeous models.
Kellie, Susie and Leane from Rock Paper
Scissors, styled the models hair and
Kellie & Maddy did their make up.
A local punk group were in the vicinity and
gatecrashed the wedding scenes........ it was
chaos but the brides survived!
7 Beach Road, Mundesley. NR11 8BG
tel: 01263 720 309
Saturday 19th July
Casino Fun Night
Please Book Early - Limited Spaces
Short & Long Stay
Daily Specials
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
Doing Their Bit
For Marie Curie
On Friday June 27th, along with numerous
other customers, I got roped into doing a
stint of cycling in the N & P Building
Society, in Cromer.
Branch Manager, Karen Chastney (Above)
encouraged any & everyone to get on their
bike to cycle for this worthy charity.
Tina Youngman frmly assured me that she had
already done her bit on the bike (Top on Right)
while a new member of staff, Robert French
(Far right above) was doing his bit towards
this worthy charity.
I am in no doubt that this branch of the N&P
will have happily achieved the 120 miles they
planned to cover on the day and managed to
raise over 150.00 in doing so.
Karen Chastney, is one of those people who
you cannot be like and admire for her energy
in getting any and everything done.
Yes, I too did my bit for the branch fund
raising for but not for very many minutes
I am afraid. (On Left)
FREE IT Classes
in Cromer
Merchants` Place in conjunction with Learning
for Everyone in Church St. Cromer is once
again offering free IT classes throughout
the summer starting in July & August.
Beginners Computers
Step Up Computing
Creative computing
iPad Training Beginners & Follow on
The classes cover a wide range of subjects
from basic computing to spreadsheets,
creating word documents, internet & email,
designing posters & greeting cards.
The iPad training is open to everyone
however to qualify for the Beginners,
Step Up & Creative computing classes
learners will need to be over 19,
unemployed, retired or working
under 16 hours per week.
These classes are suitable for learners
wishing to learn skills for work
or for pleasure.
For more information call 01263 519 454
call in weekdays between 9 5pm.
Today with the temperature low and the wind
high, one does have to wonder when our
summer will start, if at all.
Thursday July 10th is a long way off being
a warm and jolly day in Norfolk and I guess
anywhere in the UK or if youve seen the
Tour De France on the telly, it is along
way from being warm there, either.
We have all learnt about the dangers of global
warming going on and how we should consider
this serious matter by protecting ourselves.
Be assured I will, when it starts!
In the meantime, while walking the dog along
the coast, I have seen several fellow natives
taking a dip in the North Sea, but I have yet
to envy or join them
in their behaviour, by
ripping off my gear
and taking a dip
with them.
When the wind is not
ripping along I do try
to go sailing on the
Broads with a picnic
and thermos of hot
coffee once or twice
a week, but have not
been out for over
a week or so.
I really enjoy living
in Norfolk and sailing
when I can but so far
this year, the climate
seems to be working
against me and I guess
many others.
Thankfully the Wimbledon Centre Court now
has a rolling roof to keep the players dry and
happy but having a roll over roof over all the
Broads is asking rather too much and what
would happen to the wind?
You have to consider this, as well.
Let us all hope that by the time this issue out
we will be look for and applying the factor 30
plus suntan lotion all over our tender bodies
and enjoying the summer type weather and if
the sun does come out again, check out the
article on Page 14 about how to cope with it.
Who ever said that I would complain?

Summer, Where
Are You ??
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
If you are reading this,
so too are your future clients.
To advertise in the
Crab Tales
phone Philip on:
01263 726 831
The Battle Of...
..Trafalgar Updated
Nelson: Order the signal, Hardy.
Hardy: Aye, aye sir.
Nelson: Hold on, this isnt what I dictated to
Flags. Whats the meaning of this ?
Hardy: Sorry sir ?
Nelson (reading aloud): England expects every
person to do his or her duty, regardless of race,
gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion
or disability. - What gobbledegook is this for
Gods sake ?
Hardy: Admiralty policy, Im afraid, sir. Were
an equal opportunities employer now. We had
the devils own job getting England past the
censors, lest it be considered racist.
Nelson: Gadzooks, Hardy. Hand me my pipe
and tobacco.
Hardy: Sorry sir. All naval vessels have now been
designated smoke-free working environments.
Nelson: In that case, break open the rum ration.
Let us splice the mainbrace to steel the men
before battle.
Hardy: The rum ration has been abolished,
Admiral. Its part of the Governments policy
on binge drinking.
Nelson: Good heavens, Hardy. I suppose wed
better get on with it ........... full speed ahead.
Hardy: I think youll fnd that theres a 4
knot speed limit in this stretch of water.
Nelson: Damn it man ! We are on the eve of
the greatest sea battle in history. We must
advance with all dispatch. Report from
the crows nest please.
Hardy: That wont be possible, sir.
Nelson: What ?
Hardy: Health & Safety have closed the crows
nest, sir. No harness; and they said that rope
ladders dont meet regulations. They wont let
anyone up there until a proper scaffolding can
be erected.
Nelson: Then get me the ships carpenter
without delay, Hardy.
Hardy: Hes busy knocking up a wheelchair
access to the foredeck Admiral.
Nelson: Wheelchair access? Ive never heard
anything so absurd.
Hardy: Health & safety again, sir. We have
to provide a barrier-free environment for the
differently abled.
Nelson: Differently abled? Ive only one arm
& one eye and I refuse even to hear mention of
the word. I didnt rise to the rank of admiral by
playing the disability card.
Hardy: Actually, sir, you did. The Royal Navy
is under represented in the areas of visual
impairment and limb defciency.
Nelson: Whatever next ? Give me full sail.
The salt spray beckons.
Hardy: A couple of problems there too, sir.
Health & safety wont let the crew up the
rigging without hard hats. And they dont
want anyone breathing in too much salt -
havent you seen the adverts ?
Nelson: Ive never heard such infamy. Break
out the cannon and tell the men to stand by to
engage the enemy.
Hardy: The men are a bit worried about
shooting at anyone, Admiral.
Nelson: What ? This is mutiny !
Hardy: Its not that, sir. Its just that theyre
afraid of being charged with murder if they
actually kill anyone. Theres a couple of
legal-aid lawyers on board, watching
everyone like hawks.
Nelson: Then how are we to sink the
Frenchies and the Spanish ?
Hardy: Actually, sir, were not.
Nelson: Were not ?
Hardy: No, sir. The French and the Spanish
are our European partners now. According to
the Common Fisheries Policy, we shouldnt
even be in this stretch of water. We could get
hit with a claim for compensation.
Nelson: But you must hate a Frenchman as
you hate the devil.
Hardy: I wouldnt let the ships diversity
co-ordinator hear you saying that sir.
Youll be up on disciplinary report.
Nelson: You must consider every man an
enemy, who speaks ill of your King.
Hardy: Not any more, sir. We must be inclusive
in this multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar
vest; its the rules. It could save your life
Nelson: Dont tell me - health & safety.
Whatever happened to rum, sodomy
and the lash ?
Hardy: As I explained, sir, rum is off the menu!
And theres a ban on corporal punishment.
Nelson: What about sodomy?
Hardy: I believe that is now legal, sir.
Nelson: In that case..........
............. kiss me, Hardy.
Thanks to Micky Peters for this
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
Letters continued from Page 4
Dear Philip,
I have been asked by the Trimingham Village
Hall Fund Raising Committee to write to
thank you for the page advert in the Crab
Tales which you published for us at a very
competitive price, for the Trimingham
Festival in June.
It was very much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Dot Bradley
Dear Philip,
Umbrellas of Love
Vince Laws is a local poet, artist & campaigner.
Over the last few weeks he has been spraying
and painting 100 white umbrellas. Why?.
to highlight and protest against homophobia
throughout the Commonwealth during the
Games in Glasgow from July 23-August 3.
There are 53 nations in the Commonwealth; 41
of these advocate discrimination against Gay,
Lesbian, & Bi-sexual & Trans-gender (LGBT)
people. Seven of these countries stipulate life
imprisonment, 2 have the maximum penalty
of execution (
Vince now has 100 umbrellas ready to go to
Glasgow where they will be carried in Pride
Glasgow on 19th July & the Commonwealth
Games launch on 23rd July.
After that they will be carried at Norwich Pride
on 26th July & Brighton Pride on 2nd August.
Each umbrella has been spray painted with the
name of each offending country plus Love is a
Human Right, No Human is Illegal, and
We All Bleed Red.
Michelle de Oude (Chair of Hate Free Norfolk)
said The Hate Free Norfolk Network supports
Umbrellas of Love, because our Pledge includes
a commitment to stand up for the right of Norfolk
LGBT people to live free from Hate.
For more information on the campaign
please contact:
From Bee
Dear Editor,
On August 4th the country will come together
to commemorate the day when 100 years ago,
Great Britain entered a war with Germany that
would become known as the Great War.
Cromer Parish Church, the Royal British Legion
and Cromer Town Council have been working
together to mark the day accordingly.
Starting at 11am on the day, people are invited
to gather at the War Memorial near the Cromer
Parish Church for a service to acknowledge those
who gave their lives from the town of Cromer.
The service will be led by the Rt Revd Jonathan
Meyrick, the Bishop of Lynn and the Rev Peter
Herbert, Curate at Cromer Parish Church.
Local military organisations & other groups will
participate for the roll-call of those who died in
World War One. Following two minutes silence,
a candle of remembrance will be lit by Bishop
Jonathan in the church and for the following 8
hours, a single guard of honour, changing each
hour, will stand over the lit candle.
Later in the day at 7:30pm, a Centenary Concert
will take place in the Parish Church with music
by the Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band and
the internationally renowned Broadland Youth
Choir will be singing a selection of songs.
Baroness Shephard of Northwold will read some
well-known poems from the WW1 period.
The concert will end at 10pm and it is hoped
that a young descendant of one of the World
War One men named on the War Memorial
will come forward over the next few weeks
to extinguish the Memorial Candle.
This is the time that across the nation it is hoped
that candles will be lit in homes to mark the hour
when in 1914 Sir Edward Grey famously said
The lamps are going out all over Europe.
Tickets for the concert are are available at 5
from Cromer Town Council, North Lodge,
Overstrand Rd. Cromer : 01263 512 254.
Email is
Proceeds from the concert will go towards
the War Memorial Restoration Fund.
Artists Against Fraud
Be warned: a number of free advertising publica-
tions are targeting artists and craftspeople.
From a cold call, you can fnd you have spent
hundreds of pounds. Highly pressurising sales-
persons phone, offering to do a feature on your
work with promises of huge returns.
When it turns out to have a fnancial implication
(unmentioned at frst) they manage to get you to
spend far more than you want to or can afford
if possible through 4 issues of their magazine:
1. The 1st approach may be - We are producing
a special issue on the arts and wed like you to
be the one painter/ potter/weaver/printmaker
that we feature; you are special.
2. Everyone in the offce is raving about your
work. Wed really like to put you on the cover
of the next issue. You deserve no less
3. Amazing news! Our annual meeting has
awarded you this years prize for (painting/
pottery/ weaving etc.) That entitles you to a
big prizewinners piece in the next issue
you cant refuse the prize.
4. Now we have to have a follow-up picture
of you holding the prize, dont we? You must
agree, so as not to let the others down
Each stage costs you money. If youre running
out of money, its: I tell you what I can do: I
have a special budget and can put 300 of my
own money towards this, to halve the price.
If you ask for time to think about it, its:
Sorry, no time, the deadline for the issue is
this afternoon, we must have a decision now.
Before you can change your mind youve spent
Following this, other operators may send you
unsolicited leafets into which your details
and copyrighted imagery have been pirated,
accompanied by an invoice, both illegal.
Pressuring phone calls, legal threats and letters
from alleged debt collectors may follow.
The chief players we have encountered appear
to be separate companies, the sales techniques
of some are identical.
Dear Editor,
Over the past 3 months I have been repeatedly
targeted by a number of free publications
pressing me to advertise with them with
promises of huge returns.
My artist husband (always sceptical) was even
persuaded, just to get rid of them and Im not
easily conned but in this case I succumbed
against my better judgement.
The experience and loss of money have been so
distressing that we decided to email twenty seven
randomly chosen artists from these publications
to ask what their experiences were.
All but one (husband very ill, couldnt respond)
matched ours; thats just 26 of the hundreds of
artists persuaded to advertise in these papers
over time.
Those artists we had contacted agreed we should
take the matter further to try to put a stop to the
practice or at least warn other fellow artists.
We contacted the Police, Action Fraud, You &
Yours, Jeremy Vine, RA magazine, The Jackdaw,
Artist & Illustrator and whatever artist groups
or associations anyone has contact with.
We do hope You and Yours will take this up -
a change from the usual problems!
Below is the Press Release that we sent out.
No artist we have contacted has had any
response to their advertisements.
Some of the publications are well designed and
reproduce the artwork well. But no one, bruised
by their encounter, would want the experience
again, so in effect they slash and burn clients
as they go. Others are murkily printed on poor
newsprint, but you dont know this when you
are approached. Local services, tree surgeons
and holiday lets are the proper clients for
these papers, not artists.
Be cautious if approached by these publications:
they are perfectly legal but can be very over-
persuasive and the ads do not appear to bring
any recorded results.
Some appear to pick up artists details from the
legal publications and send an unsolicited, fait
accompli alleged Community Magazine, an
invoice and then threats if you refuse to pay;
phone calls include playing back an alleged
recording of you agreeing to the terms, but
the recording is so crackly that your denials
cannot be categorical even though you
know you never spoke to them before.
The debt collectors demands come from the
same address, Communications House, 290
Moston Lane, Manchester M40 9WB
Lifestyles in Birmingham have phoned in such
a way as to make the victim think they are the
BB&O Guardian or another publication you
have been in touch with, saying they have
lost your credit card details (etc)
These Are Scams. If approached by them or
anyone similar, do not respond but report
the incident to the National Fraud Intelligence
Bureau at:
The affable & enthusiastic salespeople at the
legal papers set out to make friends with you.
They trade on your working in isolation with no
point of comparison, on your being pathetically
grateful for anyone liking your work, on liking
it so very, very much, on your small vanities
and then on your shame at having been fast-
talked into advertising with them so you are
too embarrassed to tell anyone.
You say its my fault, I should have been more
savvy but that is to condone their right to con
you. It may not be criminal, but it is merciless
and it leaves a trail of misery.
It is indefensible.
Thanks to Juliet Wood for sending this.
From Petes Pen
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
Contact us:
01263 837 728
07557 117 050
On Bond Street, Cromer
Opening Times
Monday to Saturday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Our aim is to serve good quality home cooked
food using locally sourced produce where possible
with a warm friendly service.
Choice of Full, Light & Veggie Breakfasts.
Specials Board for Lunches of the day.
Jacket Potatoes with fllings of your choice,
Salad Garnish & Homemade Coleslaw.
Sandwiches, Toasties & Baguettes.
Bagels include Vegetarian & Vegan fllings.
A Choice of Salads, all served with Fresh mixed
Salad, Coleslaw & New Potatoes.
Ploughmans with Salad Garnish, Pickles
& Fresh Crusty White or Granary Bread.
Childrens Portions at Half Price.
Soup of the Day served with Crusty White
or Granary Bread or a Crusty Roll.
Daily Lunches include Vegetarian.
Cream Tea.
Afternoon Tea includes a selection of Sandwiches,
Scones & Cakes. served from 2.30pm.
01263 512 320
A Taste Of The Musicals
Above L-R: Zaira Palumbo, Karen Temple, Paul Reynolds, Victoria Ing,
Paul Nursey, Louise Stevens & Antony Loftus @ Front Joe Annison
Tracey Loftus (Above) is heading up
a Musical show in Mundesley that
should be enjoyed by everyone.
I do like the Loftus family, who just
happen to live just behind our house
in the village, as all three members
of the family are real doers of
numerouse local events.
I must say that the photograph of
the cast by Nigel Holmes prooves
that the cast is looking very smart
for this musical show.
As well as Tracey there is Vicki
Feetham working as the other
Choreographer, along with a
number of children doing
their bit to get this
show to work.
Alongside the members of
the Mundesley Players who
are usually involved in the
shows, there are a number
of new faces that have put
themselves forward for
this performance.
The Show runs from 29th
July to the 2nd of August
and your 10 ticket will
include a buffet supper
which you can enjoy
while the show is
running along.
Please note:
This is a Bring Your Own
wine or alcoholic drinks
Tickets are available at
JUPE in Mundesley or
phone 0750 3297 602
I wish all the cast and the
team an enjoyable couple
of days pulling this off as
the Players have a great
track record for their
frst rate shows.
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
ALBY Service Station, Alby Horse Shoes Inn
ALDBOROUGH Spar Shop AYLMERTON Service Station
AYLSHAM Aylsham Garden Centre, Budgens, Somerfield,
Tourist Info Centre
BACTON Bacton Fish & Chip Shop.
BANNINGHAM The Crown Pub / Post Office
BEESTON REGIS Metal Mend, Mini Market
BODHAM Post Office
CROMER Budgens, Council Offices, Country Club, Library,
Rainbow, Crossways,Tourist Info Centre, Food Fare,
Icarus Hines, K Hardware, Mill Rd Post Office, Morrisons,
Mary Janes Fishn Chips, Morrisons, N & P, Spar shop,
Cliff Rd, White Horse + 1,000 delivered in Town Centre.
EAST RUNTON East Runton Cafe, East Runton Stores.
GRESHAM @ John Stibbons, Langdale
ITTERINGHAM Village Shop/ Withers Gallery
KNAPTON Elephant Playbarn, Church Porch & MADRA
MUNDESLEY Crayford & Abbs, Country Pickings, Mace,
Manor House, Rushes Newsagents,Tourist Info Centre
The Spar Shop & The Library.
NORTH WALSHAM Sainsburys, Waitrose
OVERSTRAND Post Office,Central Stores,
Overstrand Garden Centre
ROUGHTON Jet / Post Office & Groveland
SHERINGHAM Budgens, CAS Travel, Crown Inn, Library,
Whistlestops, Poppy Line Railway Station, Tyneside Club.
SIDESTRAND Mrs Taylor, Rocket Cottage
SOUTHREPPS Mace Shop, Vernon Arms
SUSTEAD from Mrs Jubb, Pear Tree Cottage
TRIMINGHAM Woodlands Park & Church Porch
TRUNCH Corner Shop
WEST BECKHAM Wheatsheaf Public House
on August
Viva la Drag-
Viva La Fab
Destination Pier Theatre,
Cromer on the East Coast, welcomed the West
End of Londons Viva la Drag.... and wow
what a ritzy glitzy visual theatrical delight
these beautiful boys were.
The show opened with the voice of Boy George
giving us the intro and on stage were four
glittery glamorous boy babes singing: Im
every women! - and saying Lets get this
pier rocking
They certainly did just that, with the tallest wigs
- the highest heels - the longest eye lashes and
many delicious costume changes.
Such colourful characters, a riot of personable
provocative peacocks, they created something
intriguing, they stirred hormonies and had a
chic elegance with a fresh feel.
Viva la Drag......... three small words
making a big impact.
Our compere Sheila was a sweetie, we had
a perfect pole-dancer, whos attire was
now UC it - now U dont. Brilliant.
Volunteer Richard from the audence
was morphed into Storm giving drag
a new meaning!!
Those naughty amusing Gals gave us a really
outstanding production - a night to remember.
Hello to John - from St Lucia - in the audence,
a friend & fan of the Boy Babes.
The evening bought back fond memories
of fun and glamour hours spent at the
Vauxhall Bridge Tavern (in London)
many yesterdays ago.
Loved Vall- great joy -
Gimme - Gimme - Gimme.
The Editor would like to thank very much
Cindy Johnson for writing this review.
Two Apprentices.. the NNDCs Council Tax section have
been rewarded for their efforts by being
granted full time posts with the team.
Brianne Neale & Kristian Cubitt both started
an apprenticeship with NNDC in July 2013.
The government-supported scheme aimed to
provide them with an NVQ level 2 & Technical
Certifcate in Business Administration from
Easton & Otley College as well as providing
mentoring and experience in the work-place.
Both are now reaching the end of their training
and in recognition of how successful they have
been, both have been offered full-time positions
within the council-based team; Kristian as a
permanent Revenue Offcer, while Brianne has
accepted a fxed term contract to March 2015.
Brianne, 18, from Sheringham, decided A levels
were not for her as she wanted a qualifcation
more closely related to the work-place.
Kristian, 23, from Cromer, left school with no
idea of what he was going to do and worked as
a labourer and in local cafes and restaurants.
Sean Knight, NNDC Revenues Manager, said:
In the past we have been unable to fnd suitably
skilled revenue offcers and had to take on agency
staff, which is expensive and can only ever be
short-term. I am really pleased that weve been
able to offer jobs to Brianne and Kristian, its
no more than they both deserve.
Cllr. Russell Wright from the Business Enterprise
& Economic Development, said: The council
has promoted the benefts of apprenticeships to
the local business community and I am pleased
that we have been putting our money where our
mouth is and offering apprenticeships ourselves,
and even more pleased that this latest pair of
apprentices have been so successful.
The apprenticeship scheme is not only excellent
for the young people involved, but also in terms
of building their long-term commitment to working
locally, and in building the skills capabilities of
the wider north Norfolk community as a whole.
This month Cromer will host the Carnival Tug
of War competition and the teams will battle it
out to win the title of champions on Cromers
east beach at the bottom of The Gangway.
For organisations & groups across the area from
pubs to community groups & local businesses,
The Tug of War is open to teams of 8 people
and entrants can register on the day.
Saturday 20th July at 1pm.
Come along and enter a team or watch the
spectacle to see who will take the title from
reigning champions The Welly, Cromer.
The full programme of events for this years
45th Cromer Carnival is now available online
Photos & Text by Kate Royall
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
Motorcycle MOT Testing
Motor Engineers
MOT - Cars and Vans
Service and Repairs
Body Repairs and Welding
Tyres, Batteries etc.
10 Cromer Road
NR27 0NX
Tel 01263 579 253
Strictly Norfolk.. the White Horse Overstrand
A celebration of Norfolk food, Real Ales and
Musical Talent, Featuring Katriona Taylor
and Chris Wilson.
White Horse head chef is passionate about using
local produce and dealing a much as possible with
Norfolk suppliers so when White Horse landlord
Darren Walsgrove suggested a Strictly Norfolk
week Nathan and his team jumped at the chance.
Darren then set about organising the real ale side
of the vent contacting Norfolk based breweries
to come up with a list of beers that would refect
a full range of favours and strengths.
The result is impressive ten Norfolk brewers
offering a selection of 20 very different real
ales racked and served from the barrel.
In the meantime Nathan and his team set about
preparing a Norfolk menu which of course had
to feature Cromer Crab and local Lobster.
The week-long event has many different foods
Monday 21st is Norfolk Pork Night offering a
range of specially prepared dishes.
Weds 23rd is Norfolk Tapas Night offering both
individual servings or a superb Sharer Tapas
for two to enjoy.
Thurs 24th is Lobster Grill Night with a range
of dishes including a Steak and Lobster dish,
a Whole Lobster Thermidor and of course a
Cromer Crab dish featuring Brown Shrimps
and sea vegetables.
Friday & Saturday evening menus bring a
collection of dishes featuring local cheeses,
Samphire, meats and in season vegetables.
The dessert Menu is equally creative from a
Cucumber Jelly to Norfolk Strawberry Ice
Cream and White Chocolate Cheese Cake.
Music nights are Friday and Sunday in the
bar from 8.30pm. Friday night will feature
Chris Wilson from Stalham performing a
blend of rock & blues featuring the songs
of Buddy Holly & Palo Nutini creating a
rich musical treat with songs from the 50s
to today. A former member of the Booze
Brothers Chris has performed across the
county including the Worstead Festival.
On Sunday night the bar will be flled with
the superb sound of Katriona Taylor, a
singer /songwriter whose music is
soulful and evocative, with strong
melodies and tender lyrics.
Katriona who cites Nina
Simone, Diana Krall,
Astrud Gilberto and
Carole King as her
infuences, excels in
high quality entertain-
ment that appeals to
a wide range of
She performs jazz
standards, latin, funk,
soul and her original
songs as well as creative
re-workings of classic
standards & pop songs.
As an arranger, Katriona
has a remarkable knack
for making old classics
sound like new ones,
without losing the
essence of the songs.
Her strength lies in her
versatility & distinctive
vocals allow her to sing
different genres side
by side and do them
equal justice. With her
established reputation
for live performance
she regularly sells out
top London Live venues
such as Pizza Express
Jazz Club in Dean St.,
The Bulls Head Jazz
Club, Pizza on the
Park Jazz Club.
Katriona (On Left)
also performs at the
prestigious UK Music
Festivals such as
The Edinburgh
Fringe, Henley
Festival and
the Chelsea
In 2006 she opened for George Benson
on the Portugal leg of his world tour
to an audience of thousands.
Her confdence and talent have established
Katrionas solid reputation internationally,
on the UK Jazz scene and as a songwriter/
Bruce Stratton
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
23 Church Street, Cromer
01603 736 238
Back & sciatic pain
Neck & shoulder pain
Trapped nerves
Sports injuries
Babies to adults treated
Arm, leg & hand pain
Hip, knee & foot pain
Barbara Shearing
BSc (hons) Ost
Jeanette Robson
GOC Registered
Fully Insured
Fully qualified, registered Advanced Bowen Therapist
Providing a gentle, effective hands-on therapy, ideal for :
Back Pain | Sciatica | Hamstrings | Sport injuries
Knees | Pelvis | Hip restrictions | Neck | Shoulders
Tennis elbow | Migraines Headaches | Sleep disorders
M.E. | TMJ Jaw pain | Stress &Anxiety
Respiratory, Stroke & Parkinsons care.
Cornelis van der Does BTAA BA(UK)
Advanced Practitioner | Member NHS Register of CAM
01263 825 438 or 01263 711 712
Aldborough Doctors Surgery | Aylsham - Randells Footcare
21 Mount St, Cromer | Consulting Rooms, Holt | Beauty Box, Sheringham
Home visits by arrangement
The Dangers of
Sun Exposure
We are of course very lucky living on the North
Norfolk coast to be near the sea. However this
does increase our risk of problems due to sun
exposure. Overdoing sun exposure can lead to
a range of skin problems; the most serious of
which is skin cancer. Other skin problems
include sunburn, photosensitivity rashes and
prickly heat. These conditions can also be
made worse while on certain medication.
Although a lot of people would regard having a
tan as being healthy, a tan is actually a sign that
the skin has been harmed by UV radiation and
is the bodys response to try and defend itself
against further damage.
Melanin is a constituent of the skin. It is a pigment
molecule which absorbs a proportion of UV
radiation. People with a darker complexion have
more naturally occurring sun protection, so fair
skinned individuals & particularly people with
red hair have very little natural melanin and
therefore are at a higher risk. The very young
are also at very high risk and so extra
protection needs to be given.
More than 100,000 new cases of skin cancer are
diagnosed annually in the UK. Extensive sun
exposure is thought to be responsible for the vast
majority of cases. In more than 4 out of 5 cases,
skin cancer is a preventable disease.
The main safety tips to prevent sun over-
exposure are as follows:
1. Protect the skin with clothing, including a
hat, preferably with a wide brim, T- shirt and
wraparound sunglasses.
2. Spend time in the shade between 11am & 3pm
when it is most sunny.
3. Use a high protection sunscreen of at least
SPF 30, which also has high UVA protection.
Make sure you apply it generously & frequently
when in the sun and reapply it after swimming.
4. Keep babies and young children out of direct
5. Keep an eye on moles and if you have any
worrisome changes, bring them to the attention
of your doctor. These changes include:
getting bigger
changing shape & particularly getting an
irregular edge
changing colour; becoming darker or patchy
or multi shaded
loss of symmetry; the 2 halves of your mole
not looking the same
itchy or painful
bleeding or becoming crusty
looking infamed
It can be useful to take a photograph of your moles;
especially in sun exposed areas so that you are
able to ascertain or not whether there has been
a change or not. Early diagnosis of change is
important so if you have any concerns, please
make an appointment to have a check at your
surgery. Also of concern is the appearance of
a new mole in an adult aged over 40.
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is transmitted
in 3 wavelengths: UVA, UVB & UVC. UVC does
not penetrate the earths atmosphere but we do
need to protect against UVA. UVA is associated
with skin ageing. It affects the elastin of the skin
and leads to wrinkles & sun induced skin ageing
as well as skin cancer. UVA can penetrate window
glass and also penetrates the skin more deeply
than UVB. So UVA protection and a sunscreen
will help defend the skin against photo aging
and also potentially skin cancer.
UVB is a form of ultraviolet radiation most respo-
nsible for sunburn and has very strong links to
malignant melanoma and basal cell carcinoma
risk which are two types of skin cancer.
A sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protective
Factor) will help block UVB rays and prevent
the skin from burning and displaying damage
which can then go on to cause skin cancer.
Sunscreens in the UK are labelled with SPF.
This stands for sun protective factor.
It primarily shows the level of protection against
UVB. SPFs are rated on a scale of 6 to 50+,
based on the level of protection they offer.
A sunscreen of SPF of 30 is recommended as a
satisfactory form of sun protection in addition to
protective shade and clothing. Water resistance
is tested by the ability of a sunscreen to retain
its sun protective properties following two 20
minute intervals of moderate activity in water.
However it must be remembered that up to 85%
of the product can be removed by towel drying,
so sunscreen should be reapplied after swimming,
sweating or any other vigorous activity.
Heat exhaustion can also occur in warm weather
which is primarily dehydration. For this reason
it is sensible to take extra water when you are
travelling; especially when you are going to be
exposed to the sun. Please also remember when
travelling with dogs that they will fnd it very
diffcult to lower their body temperature, so do
not leave them in cars when you are out & about.
If you have to, then make sure you are parked
in the shade & that they have adequate ventilation.
In summary prevention is the most important way
of dealing with sun overexposure and an aware-
ness of ways to reduce sun damage will make
sure that you have a safe and happy summer.
Dr Angela Hallatt, MBChB
Mundesley Medical Centre
This article aims to supply information of a general
nature & cannot substitute for the advice of a medical
professional. The article is not intended to diagnose
health problems or to take the place of professional
medical care. If you have any concerns, consult your
own doctor. Every effort is made to ensure that the
information provided is accurate and correct at the
date of publication. No liability is accepted for any
omission or inaccuracy.
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
17 - 19 West Street, Cromer.
With our additional provisions for the Community,
we are able to take on more new clients.
This includes new NHS customers of any age.
We welcome all enquiries
Contact the Reception on
01263 515 229
Care UK are holding IMMEDIATE LOCAL
INTERVIEWS for Community Care Workers.
We are eager to speak to people who can work
in Cromer and all surrounding areas.
We require daytime, evening and weekend care
workers that can drive and have their own vehicle.
We have Full and Part-time vacancies available
for those WITH or WITHOUT previous care
There are many benefts of working for one of the
largest care providers in the UK including:
Up to 28 days paid holiday (inc. bank holidays)
Weekly pay and paid mileage
Childcare vouchers
Full, free ongoing training
Free uniform
Excellent career development opportunities
To apply:
Call the recruitment team on: 0333 321 8854 or
you can meet Jo Kendrick at The Fishing Boat
every Monday between 11am and 12pm.
Chiropodist / Podiatrist
Emma L. Vincent Mssch MBcha
Registered with the Health Professions Council CH25616
Call 07500 467 308
are a common experience of modern life.
may be able to help
Call Patricia Goodwin,
qualifed therapist
for more details
on 07503 156 204
Affordable prices.
Podiatric Medicine MChS
Registered with Health Professions Council
*Callus and Corns
*Ingrown toenails and nail surgery
*Footwear advice
*Specializing in Insoles (orthoses)
foot/ankle braces
*Childrens foothealth
*Diabetic Footcare
Clinic In the Woods
The Canadas, Roman Camp, West Runton,
Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9ND
Tel: 01263 838 734
(Answerphone available)
Helping People
Stay Independent
Central Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Groups
& Norfolk County Council are running a joint
public survey via the Your Voice membership
scheme to fnd out how to help older people
stay independent for longer.
The survey focuses on Falls & Bone Health and
aims to learn more about what causes people to
fall. It is also designed to get feedback on how
and when people access health services after
they have fallen.
Dr James Gair, Nth Norfolk GP & Falls Lead said:
We want to hear from older people and their
families about what we can do to help people
live independently for as long as possible.
We want to fnd out more about what is going on
in peoples lives around the time they fall and
where they turn to immediately afterwards.
We also need to know what type of on-going
support they need until they return to good
health and full mobility.
Falls can have a major effect on an older persons
quality of life & can mean the difference between
being able to live independently and needing
residential care. However this is not just an
older persons issue. Dr Gair continues:
Some of the factors that put people at risk of
falling can start many years before, such as
poor bone health from an early menopause
or from treatment for prostate cancer.
We also want to see how aware people are
of this and hope to get people as young as
40 to take part in the survey.
Your Voice is a membership scheme run by
NCC for anyone interested in sharing their views
and experiences to help develop and improve
a wide range of services in Norfolk.
Members are invited to have their say on a
number of services provided by other public
sector organisations including county,
city and district councils and clinical
commissioning groups.
To fnd out more visit:
To request a paper copy of the Falls and Bone
Health survey telephone the Your Voice
team on: 01603 679 343
TIDES For Cromer 17th - 31st July
For Mundesley Add 15 minutes
Visit for current Weather & Tides
20 High Street
Norfolk NR27 9HG
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
Bridge Club 7pm Fri 7.15pm t: 761 308
Broadland Junior Chess 8.30am term-time
Sat. t: 735 740
Country Market each Friday 8.50-noon
Cricket Club indoor Sun 3-5pm t: 510 102
Evening WI 7.30pm 1st Thurs Town Hall.
Extend Over 60s Exercise Fridays Jubilee
Family Centre t: 01692 407 851
Farmers Market 9am-1pm 1st & 3rd Sat
Market Place
F.I.T. group 2nd & 4th Weds t: 731 177
Flower Club 2nd Wed 7.30pm Town Hall
Fitness Yoga/Pilates Tues & Thurs
Friendship Hall t: 01692 538 569
Gym Club Fri 5pm. High School t: 576 609
Inspired Gardeners group. 2nd Thurs 10.30
- noon. Methodist Church Hall. t:733 535.
Lammas KC Lodge ROAB Tues 8.15pm
Sutton School Of Dance, Mill Row.
Monday Stall Parish Church 8.30-noon
N. N. Mental Health Users & Carers Forum
2nd Weds Jubilee Centre 1- 3.30pm.
RBL (Womens) 1st Mon Salvation Army Hall
t: 734 091
N.N. Speakers Club 7pm alt.Wed High School
t: 01692 402 662
Scalextric Club Presto Park Weds 7.15pm.
t: 01603 754 319
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Peggs Yard
Yoga Tues 7.30pm Peggs Yard. t: 732 426
Age Concern Fri 10am The Cottage.
Aqua Therapy Classes Mon 11am-12pm
Wed 7- 8pm Country Club t: 501 914
Air Training Corps 7pm Mon & Thurs,
High School t: 515 452
Baptist Church 1st & 3rd Sat Coffee
morning t: 576 524
Bridge (Duplicate) Mon 7pm t: 822 778
C.A.B. Appointments: t : 01692 405 847
Chesterfield Hall Mon 10am Parent & Toddlers.
Sun 11.45am Family Service & Childrens Club
Christian Fellowship Sun 10.30am former
Gospel Hall t: 838 180
Cromer Orchestra meets 7-9pm The Belfry
Arts Centre. Overstrand. t: 511 600
Cromer Forum 1st Tues 7.30pm Methodist
Church New Hall t: 515138
Diabetes UK 4thThurs 7.30pm Methodist
Church Hall. t: 01692 405 492
Elderberries Badminton 3-5pm Mon & Fri
Cromer sports hall. t: 761 142
Elderberries Short Mat Bowls 3-5pm Mon
& Fri Cromer sports hall. t: 511 246
1st Suffield Park Guides 7pm.Weds. info:
Flower Club 7.30pm 3rd Mon Junior School.
t: 513 408
Folk Dance Club 7.30pm Tues Community
Hall t: 578 224
Garden Society 7.30pm 2nd Weds
Community Hall t: 514 399
Hockey Club Mon under16s & under13s
6.30pm Adults 7.15pm Sports Centre
Korean Martial Arts t: 07765 282 981
Lip reading classes Thurs 10 - 12noon
Methodist Church Rooms t: 0344 800 8002.
NHS Retirement Fellowship 3rd Weds
2.30-4pm Cromer Hospital. t: 510 002
N & N Assoc.for Blind 9.30-1pm Tues
Merchants Place.
N.N. Mencap Society Thurs 1pm Merchants
Place. t: 578 116
Parkinsons Disease Society 10.30am 2nd
Wed of month St. John Hall, Bond St.
R.E.M.E. 2pm. 1st Wed Halsey Hse t: 512 450
RBL 2pm 1st Wed. The Cottage t:510 146
RBL Womens Section 2.30pm 1st Thurs
Royal Naval Assoc. t:720 107 or email: for info
ROAB Wed 8.15pm The Cottage.
Sing for Joy Singing Group Thurs 10am.
Community Centre. t: 570 117
St John Ambulance Adults Tues 7.30pm
Cadets Tues 5.45pm St John Hall, Bond St.
Sea Scouts Overstrand Rd info t: 514 562
Tabletop/Craft Sale 9am-3pm St.John Hall,
Bond St. Last Fri.of month t: 649 441
Taekwondo Sports Centre. t: 711 824
Tennis Club Sun, Weds & Fri t:513 741
The One Oclock Club over 60s.1-2pm
Thurs. Barkers Herne.
W.I. 2nd Thurs 2 pm, Garden St.
Acorns Parent & Toddler Group 1.30 -3pm
Thurs (term-time) Belfry School. t: 579 275.
Gardening Club 2.30pm 1st Tues Parish
Hall t: 576 437
Carpet Bowls 2.30pm Thurs. Parish Hall t:
833 369
Railway Quilters & Craft Group 2nd & 4th
Tues.10-12 Parish Hall t: 576 986
Strand Club 2nd Wed of month (except Aug)
2.30pm Methodist Church t: 578 250
W.I. 3rd Wed 7.30pm Parish Hall t: 834 242
Badminton Tues & Fri am: Coronation Hall.
Tel: 722 835
Bowls Pavilion Bingo: Sun 7.30pm, Whist
Drive: Tues, Wed & Fri 1.45pm t: 721 815
Bounce & Rhyme for under 5s & parents/
carers Tues 2.15-3.15pm Library t:720 702
Cafe Church 1st Weds 10.30am Church Rooms.
Carpet Bowls Mon 1.30pm Coronation Hall
t: 722 054
Community Choir Tues 7.30pm Methodist
Church t: 722 022
Creative Writing Group 1st Fri 2.15-4.15pm
Mundesley Library t:720 702
Free Church Sunday Services11am, 6.30pm
Knit & Natter Tues 4-5pm Library t:720 702
Library Mon & Sat:10-1pm,Tues 2-5.30pm
Fri 10-1pm & 2-6.30pm. t: 720 702
Ladies Keep Fit (gentle) Thurs. 8- 9 pm.
Church Rooms
Luncheon Club for over 60s & disabled.
Mon &Thurs 12-2pm Free Church t :721 984
MADRA t: 07734 689 978
Methodist Church Sun worship 10.30am
RBL 4th Weds Haig Club. t: 722 238
RBL Womens 3rd Weds 1.45pm Coronation
Hall t:721 021
Scrabble Club Fridays t: 720 659
Table Tennis Club Weds 7pm Coronation Hall.
We welcome members from 8yrs any standard.
t: 722 930 or 07828 175 493
Village Cinema 7.30pm Coronation Hall 2nd
Tues Info:
W.I. 2nd Mon 7pm Church Rooms t: 720 744
North Walsham
AgeUK 4th Thurs 10 - noon Drop in for info &
advice. Library t: 01692 402 482
Animal Magic Dog Club t: Kathy 720 730
Bipolar Self Help Group 3rd Thurs 2pm
Saddlers Shop t: 0854 434 9872
Charity Bingo Weds 8pm Community Centre. t:
01692 407 214
Chess Club 7.30 Mon. Orchard Garden Pub.
All abilities. t: 01692 404 649
Extend Over 60s Exercise Mon. Methodist
Church Hall t: 01692 407 851
Hockey Club Under 11s. Fri 5-6pm Sports
Centre t: 01692 404 624
Lions Club 7.30pm 1st Mon. Community
Centre. t: 01692 400 702
N.N. Speakers Club 7pm alt. Weds. High
School t: Gillian :01692 650 250
Parkinson Support Group 2nd Tues 10:30am
Sacred Heart Church Hall. t:01692 406 486
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Meeting
House, Mundesley Rd. near Swafield.
RAFA 7.30pm First Tues. Bluebell Inn
Reading 4 U 3rd Wed 9.45am St.Johns Hall
t: 768 164
Short & Sweet book group 1-2pm Tues
every 3 weeks in Library. t: 01692 402 482
Spiritualist Centre Sun: 6.30-8pm
St Johns Ambulance Hall.
The Wheel of Light 1st Thurs 7.30pm
Orchard Gardens Pub. t: 721 484
Walsham Writers Group :
Weavers Morris Dancers Wed 7.45pm
St Nicholas Room t: 01692 404 447
Beetle Drive 3rd Tues.7.30pm St.Josephs Church
Bridge The Morley. Duplicates Thurs 7pm
Beginners Fri 2pm t: 822 087
Bounce & Rhyme under 5s & parents/carers.
Tues 10.15-10.45am : Library. t: 822 874
CAB. YESU,Thurs 10-2pm t: 01692 402 570
Chess All ages & abilities t: 01692 404 649
English Country Dancing Mons 7.30pm
Methodist Church Hall t: 01692 404 447
Evening W.I. 2nd Mon. St. Josephs Church
Hall t: 823 889
Flower Club 1st Thurs 7pm St.Andrews
Church t: 825 059
Gingerbread Fri pm. Friends Meeting Hse
t: 0785 9364 702
Harry Upcher Lodge ROAB Mon 8.15pm
Tyneside Club.
Hearing Aid Clinic 10-12pm 1st Mon.
Age Concern.
Ladies Fellowship 7.30pm 2nd Tues
Salvation Army.
Lip reading classes Thurs 1.30 - 3.30pm
Health Centre t: 0344 800 8002
MS meetings 7-9pm 1st & 3rd Wed. Robin
Hood Pub, t: 823 392
Morris Dancing. Oddfellows Hall. Weds
7.30pm t: 837 693
Old Shannocks 2.15pm last Wed of month
Community Rooms.
Quaker Meetings Sun 10.30am Cremer St.
R.A.F.A. 4th Tues of month. t: 837 229
Saturday Super Sale First Sat 9-11am.
Salvation Army Hall.
Sheringham & Cromer Lions Club 2nd &
4th Tues.The Morley Club. t: 821 276
Sheringham Singers Ladies Choir Tues 2-4pm
Lighthouse Community Church t: 768 126
Sheringham Voyager 2pm 1st & 3rd Thurs
Community Centre t: 01692 500 550
Sheringham Youth Choir 11-18yrs.Weds
7pm (term time) Baptist Church
The Fellowship Choir 10-11.30am Mon St.
Andrews Church. t:761 482
The Runtons
Bingo Sun & Wed 7.30pm Bernies Social
Club East Runton
N.N. Chess Club Fri 7.30pm. W. Runton
Social Club t: 823 814
Philatelic Society 2nd Mon 7.30pm
West Runton Church Hall.
Coffee Mornings Thurs 10am.(22nd May
-25th Sept) Methodist Church,East Runton.
Cromer & Sheringham Probus Club
12.30pm 1st Tues, Links Hotel t:824 306
Rotary Club Weds 6pm except 5th Weds
Dormy House W.Runton, t: 578 194
Sequence Dancing Mon 7.30-10pm
E. Runton Village Hall.t:01692 403 071
West Runton Scouts info : 712 288
West Runton Social Club :t: 838 866
W.I. 2.15pm 2nd Wed. W. Runton Church Hall
Pilgrim Shelter -
Coffee Morning 3rd Weds 10.30am.
Poppyland Club (Ladies) 2nd Weds 2.30pm.
Pilgrim Shelter - Trimingham continued
Slimming Club Tues 1.45pm t: 579 797.
Table Top Sale 1st Sun 8.30am t: 834 965.
Whist 1.45pm Mon & Thurs. All levels
welcome.t: Liz 834 965
1st Suffield Park Guides Weds evenings
Antingham & Southrepps Playgroup t: 834 148
Badminton Thurs. Gresham Village Hall
t: 07917 596 797
Beachcombers Dining Club 1st Mon 7pm:
The Feathers Hotel, Holt. t: Hazel 838 566
Cash Bingo Tues 8pm Aldborough
community centre.
Cantamus Choir 7.30pm Thurs. Southrepps
Church. t: 07785 782 498.
Crazee Kidz Club 7pm 2nd & 4th Fri. term time.
Roughton Village Hall 7-16yrs. t:768 138
Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band 7.45pm
Thurs Upper Sheringham Village Hall t:733 638
Cromer Air Rifle Club 9am -noon Sundays
Near Sheringham. t: 570 223
Extend exercise for over 60s Mon 2.30pm
Northrepps Village Hall t:768 159
Farmers Market 1st Sun 9.30am - 12.30pm
Aldborough Community Hall t: 768 766
Fit Together Health Walks t: 07766 259 999
Fit Together Tea Dance Tues 2-4pm Briston
Copeman Centre - 2 Info: 07766 259 999
Greenfingers Gardening Club 7.30pm 1st
Thurs Jubilee Hall, Banningham t: 761 620
Gym Club Thurs 5-8pm Northrepps Village
Hall t: 576 609
Knapton Ladies Club 3rd Mon 7.30pm
Village Hall t:720 908. 1st Tues Womens
Own Methodist Church t: 721 439
MS Group Mon 10-2pm Southrepps Village
Hall t: 823 392
Nordic Walking Tues & Thurs 11am
t: 07825 773 368
Norfolk Dixieland Jazz Band at Goat Inn,
Skeyton. 1st Sun of month. 1.30 p.m. Free.
To book table for lunch T: 01692 538 600.
Norfolk Submariners 1st Wed 12noon
Kings Head, Horsham St Faith t: 511 758
N. Walsham Cage Bird Club 8pm 3rd Tues
Felmingham Village Hall. t: 01692 404 750
Northrepps Pre-School Mon-Fri Term-time
t:579 396
Northrepps R.B.L. 1st Mon. 2nd.Mon. BHs.
7.30pm. Northrepps Cottage t: 579 633.
NN Amateur Radio Group Wed & Thur 10-4
Muckleburgh t: 821 936
Nth Norfolk Model Engineering Club
1st Fri 7.30pm High Kelling Social Centre
Prize Bingo 7.30pm 1st & 3rd Fri
Gimingham Village Hall
Roughton & District WI. 2nd weds of month.
7.30pm Roughton Village Hall t: 768 106.
Roughton Under 5s Playgroup t:07553 456 083
Rubys Prize Bingo. 1st Sat of month
7.30pm. Lower Southrepps Social Club
Seniors Swimming Mon & Weds am., Fri pm.
Greshams Swimming Pool, Holt. t: 711 123
Suffield Park Bowls Club. Whist Drives
Tues 2.15pm. Fri twice monthly 7.30pm.
Traditional Catholic Latin Mass 4th. Sun
5.30pm Mission Rooms Horsham St. Faiths
(opp. Parish Church) t: 01603 788 873
Trunch Bumbles Pre-school t: 720 931
Trunch Friends 2nd Tues 2pm Trunch
Village Hall t:721 570
Trunch Methodist Church 1st Sat 10am - noon.
Coffee Morning. Stalls Cakes t: 720 145
Weybourne Folk Club 3rd Sun 3-6pm
Maltings Hotel, Weybourne.t:588 781
High Quality Work, Friendly Professional Service
All Aspects of internal & external plastering
& rendering, new builds, renovations
and period restoration work.
Tel: 01263 834 572 Mob: 07867 777 938
Home Mobile
01263 588 488 07747 444 976
All plumbing work, bathroom and kitchen installations undertaken,
tap repairs, blocked drains, blocked toilets, overfowing cisterns,
overfows, burst pipes, showers, immersion heaters, radiators,
wall and foor tiling, guttering, new installations. Free quotations.
What, When & Where All Phone tel nos. are code 01263, unless otherwise stated.
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
Special Events
Friday 18th July
2- 4pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Craft Afternoon ~ 1.50 includes refreshments, bring
along your craft project or just come along and talk
craft ideas with like minded people Tel June 833 382
2.30 - 4.30pm Beaconswood, Roman Camp,
West Runton. NR27 9ND
Cream Tea In The Garden ~ with music! In aid of
St John the Baptist Church Aylmerton choir fund.
Tea & scone 2. Stalls & raffle. Under cover if wet.
Tel. Jane Idiens 01263 837 779
Saturday 19th July
10am-1pm: Cromer Parish Hall
Roughton & District WI Coffee Morning ~
Tombola, cakes, bric-a-brac, various stalls, tea &
coffee. All welcome, free entrance.
11am : The Atrium, Nth Walsham
Film show ~ Disneys blockbuster Frozen.
All tickets 3. free admission for accompanying adults
Colouring-in & other film-related activities for the
youngsters. Box office 01692 400 080 open Wed- or book from OR the
Showcase Gallery & Newsagents in Market Place.
1pm - 4pm: Cromer Hospital
Cromer & District Hospital Fete ~ Fun to be had
by Everyone. Childrens Competitions, Burgers &
sausages, Tombola, Raffle, Games, Bric a Brac,
Books, cakes, Craft stalls, Emergency services
& much more. Free Parking.
7.30pm: Lower Southrepps Social Club
Christines World Famous Quiz Night ~ Entry on
the night 4 per person to include a Cheese & Pate
Supper. There is also a raffle. BYOB.
Saturday 19th - Monday 21st July
10 am - 4 pm : Felbrigg Church
Flower Festival ~ Poetry Theme. Refreshments.
Dogs welcome. 6.30pm Sunday: Songs of Praise.
Sunday 20th July
7 for 7.30pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Quiz ~ Cost 1 p.p. up to four in a team, prizes for
1st 2nd and supporting teams Tel Liz 834 965
7.30pm: Pavilion Theatre, Cromer
Jackson Live in Concert ~ Starring BEN & his Live
Band & Dancers who recreate the Michael Jackson
experience with a performance that captures the
essence & magic of the King of Pop live on stage.
Tickets: 19 Book from: 01263 512 945
Monday 21st July
1.30 for 1.45pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Whist Afternoon ~ 1.50 includes refreshments
raffle prizes & play prizes Tel Liz 834 965
Wednesday 23rd July
12 - 5pm: New Hall Field, next to Woodlands
Late start Car Boot ~ 5 a pitch sorry no caterers
tel: Liz 834 965
Thursday 24th July
12:30: Saint Nicholas Church, N. Walsham
Organ Recital ~ David Ballard & Joe Annison
(N Walsham) (Tenor + Organ) A selection of drinks
available. Bring your own lunch. No admission
charge, retiring collection.
1.30 for 1.45pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Whist Afternoon ~ 1.50 includes refreshments
raffle prizes & play prizes Tel Liz 834 965
Painting & Decorating / Tiling / Woodwork / Assembling Flat Packs
Odd Jobs etc / Putting Up Shelves / Curtain Poles & Pictures
Small Electrical / Changing Light Switches, Sockets & Fittings
Clearing & Repairing Gutters / Small Plumbing Work
Fencing & Gatework & Lots More.
Call Brian Anytime : 01263 512 644
Mob 07789 634 817
Brians Handyman Services
We CANNOT accept details or corrections
over the phone. Please post CONCISE copy
to LIS KEDDELL at 30 West Street. Cromer.
NR27 9DS or e-mail :
or via our contact form on:
by NOON Wednesday 23rd JULY
Call Mike at Clean Tech
01328 779 134
The Best Pub in Town
Stylish En-Suite rooms available.
Free Wi. Lovely home-cooked meals
Available Tuesday - Sunday
Saturday 26th July: 9pm
Music by Frankly My Dear
Sunday 27th July : 8pm
Grumpys World Famous FREE Quiz
Friday 8th August: 7.30pm
Paul Hurn Memorial Darts
Sunday Lunches ~ 12noon - 4pm
Voted one of the Best Lunches
in Cromer . Booking advisable
Lunchtime Specials
Tuesdays - Fridays ~ 12 - 2.30pm
BT Sport Now Available
24 West Street
01263 512 275
Car Boot Sales
From 8am - Wednesdays Until Sept 3rd
Gold Park, Mundesley
Pitches : 6. tel: 722 103 Please NO food stalls.
9am - noon Saturdays Until 6th Sept
Bodham Playing Field
Set up 7 30am. tel: 588 228 to book pitch at 5.
Sorry no dogs.
1st Sunday of Month - from 10am Until Sept 7th
Gresham Village Park
Set up from 8.30am Pitches 5. Beverages on sale.
Info from Hayley on: 07765 633 549
9am - 1pm: From 6th July alternate weeks.
Walcott Village Hall
5 per table. Book on: 07771 431 939
Charity Garage Sale
Saturdays 9am-3pm (weather permitting)
Canaan Christian Centre 21 Holt Rd, Sheringham
Supporting womens refuge rebuilding project
in Hungary.Tel: 478 372
Events Continued on Page 18
Friday 25th July
2- 4pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Craft Afternoon ~ 1.50 includes refreshments,
bring along your craft project or and talk craft ideas
with like minded people Tel June 833 382
7.30pm: Hoveton St John Church
Concert Of Remembrance ~ To commemorate the
centenary of the start of the First World War. Norwich
City Concert Band with music & songs of the time.
Roll-Call of names of people who gave their lives for
their country from Hoveton-Wroxham-Belaugh area.
Tickets incl. Light Refreshments 8, children 4.
from: 01692 630 892 or mob: 07889 534 432.
Friday 25th & Saturday 26th July
10am - 5pm : East Runton Village Hall
Art Exhibition ~ Paintings by East Runton Art
Group. Entry free.
Saturday 26th July
9.30am -1pm: Cromer Methodist Church, West St.
Sponsored Reading of the Psalms ~ Includes cof-
fee morning & Stalls. No Admission Charge.
In aid of Church Funds
10am 2pm: Bacton Village Hall
Table Top Sale ~ Free Blood Pressure Testing.
Refreshments: Tea/coffee, homebakes, ices &
freshly made juice available. Raffle includes prize
donated by QD Stores. In Aid of The Stroke As-
sociation. To book table ~ small: 4.50 (2 for 8).
6.50: large. please call :721 350.
12-3pm: Northrepps Hall
Garden Fete ~ Lunches, Cakes, Bric a Brac and all
the usual stalls & games.
1.30 - 11.30pm : Bodham Playing field
Rock Bodham local music festival ~ 12 local bands,
highlights include pop punk veterans SPOT, local
favourites The Yow Yows & headline act The Naked
Lights. Beer tent, BBQ & selection of stalls. Tickets
on the gate : 3 adults, 1 under 12s, 3yrs & under
free. Compere ~ SPOT drummer & professional
wrestler Mike Waters.
7:30pm: St Peter & St Pauls Church Knapton
Together Lets Raise the Roof! ~ To Save Knaptons
Angels Rocking Bishop: Jonathan Meyrick with
songs from the 60s & The Ukes of Hazzard.
Tickets 8. Book from: 722 271 or 721 723 Tickets
include a glass of wine or soft drink. Further glasses
of wine, fruit juice & water available to purchase.
Saturday 26th July - August 3rd
Stiffkey Visitor Centre off Greenway NR23 1QF
School holidays Sat, Sun & Weds: 10am - 4pm
Term time Sat & Sun: 10am - 4pm
Jack Cox Exhibition ~ The life & work of the Wells
fisherman & artist who would have been 100 this year
Sunday 27th July
Gimingham Village
Fun Dog Show ~ Various categories. Stalls, Raffle,
Refreshments, Bar-b-Que. Info : Zoe Bloomfield on:
720 993 or
Bodham Red Hart Inn
Rock Bodham music & mini beer festival. Acoustic
& folk acts, some rock bands. Highlights: acoustic
singer songwriter JackDaniel, ceilidh band Compass
moon & folk rock headline act, Brother Pit.
details on twitter @RockBodham or
Monday 28th July
1.30 for 1.45pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Whist Afternoon ~ 1.50 includes refreshments
raffle prizes & play prizes Tel Liz 834 965
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
Sunday 3rd August
10am - 4pm: Cromer Beach & Pier Boathouse
Cromer Lifeboat Day ~ Various Stalls. Falconry &
Owl Flying Display, Treasure Hunt, Sea Safety Talks,
Childrens Activities, Demos by Lifeguards, North
Norfolk Surfers Club & Stormy Stan Appearance
11am: Launching of All Weather Boat Lester &
Inshore Boat George & Muriel
3pm: Lifeboat Service in Boathouse. Concert by
Sheringham Shantymen
Thursday 7th August
12:30: Saint Nicholas Church, N. Walsham
Organ Recital ~ John Farmer (Gt Yarmouth) Organ
& Piano. Selection of drinks available. BYO lunch.
No admission charge, retiring collection.
Friday 8th August
7.30pm: St Michaels Church, Aylsham.
Film Showing ~ War Horse, from Steven Spielberg.
Refreshments from 6.45pm. Free entry. Donations
to church fund. No booking required. Suitable for
over 12s. Shown by Aylsham Local History Society
with Creative Arts East.
Saturday 9th August
10am-2pm: The Lighthouse, Cromer Rd. Sheringham
Stamp & Craft Fair ~ Sheringham & District Philatelic
Society, Craft stalls, Tombola, Bric a Brac, Charity &
Cake Stalls. Free Entry.
10am- 4pm: The Atrium, North Walsham
Open Day ~ free tasters & have-a-go activities, a 2
week film club for teenagers & the popular summer
club for 8-14yrs who will be exploring a werewolf-
ridden retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. Full details
in our Whats On brochure. For info or to book call
01692 400 080 or visit:
Thursday 14th August
12:30: Saint Nicholas Church, N. Walsham
Organ Recital ~ Laurence Caldecote (All Saints,
Nuneaton) A selection of drinks available. BYO
lunch. No admission charge, retiring collection.
Friday15th - Weds 20th August
10am-4pm : Thorpe Market Church
Nth Walsham Artists Exhibition ~ Paintings, prints,
photographs, collage, textiles, driftwood art, papier
mache bowls & sculpture. Also large selection of
cards & refreshments on sale.
Saturday 16th - Monday 25th August
10am - 7pm: Red Lion Hotel, Brook St, Cromer
Grand Summer Exhibition - Samuel Thomas Limited
Edition Prints & Original Paintings. Influences range
from a combination of Pop-art, art deco and psych-
edelic patterns. For more information on Samuels
artwork visit
Special Events
Wednesday 30th July
12 - 5pm: New Hall Field, next to Woodlands
Late start Car Boot ~ 5 a pitch sorry no caterers
tel: Liz 834 965
2.15 - 4pm : The Railway Institute Hall, Holt Station.
The Poppy Line Education Group ~ Tea Party with
Music Hall Variety Entertainment. Tickets 6 include
homemade cakes, tea & ample free parking. Raffle
& prize for Best Decorated Hat Competition. Tickets
strictly advance only. Further info: 01263 820 800.
Thursday 31st July
12:30pm: Saint Nicholas Church, N. Walsham
Organ Recital ~ Mike Webb (Langley School) A
selection of drinks available. Bring your own lunch.
No admission charge, retiring collection.
1.30 for 1.45pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Whist Afternoon ~ 1.50 includes refreshments
raffle prizes & play prizes Tel Liz 834 965
Friday 1st August
2- 4pm: Pilgrim Shelter, Trimingham
Craft Afternoon ~ 1.50 includes refreshments, bring
along your craft project or just come along and talk
craft ideas with like minded people Tel June 833 382
Saturday 2nd August
7.30 pm: St. Botolphs Church, Trunch
Kenneth ONeill (Piano) ~ Schubert: Wanderer
Fantasie, Liszt: 2nd Ballade S171
7.30pm -12am: North Walsham Community Centre
Feel Tha Funk ~ 70s/80s Disco Boogie. Fancy Dress
optional 7 per ticket from Sarah on 07917 627 424
Or on the door. In aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care
Sat 2nd - Thurs 7th August
10.30am - 5pm: All Saints Church Mundesley
Art & Craft Exhibition ~ art for sale and craft
demonstrations. Refreshments available.
Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd August
10am-4 pm: Knapton
Knapton Heritage Weekend ~
Church: Sat & Sun Open Tower see how bells are
rung & have a go: Historical Photographic Displays
- WWI: Militaria Display: Flowers. To participate in
flower displays t: 720 040. If you can lend old photos
of Knapton to Historical Society t:722 271.
The Methodist Church: Refreshments & Raffle -
Sat from 10am, Sun from 11am.
Church Hall: Sat 10am- 4pm: Cakes, Crafts. Craft
& Table Top Sale. to book Tables 5. t: 722 271.
Knapton Garage Sale: Sat: 10am - 4 pm: Maps
from Church Hall.
Millennium Field: Sat - Display of Vintage Tractors.
Proceeds to Restoration Fund.
Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd August
10.30am - 4.30pm: St Andrews Church, Felmingham
WW1 Commemoration Weekend ~ Church decorated
with flowers themed by the poetry, song, people &
times of the period. Rfreshments- Light lunches, home-
made cakes etc.
Sat 7.30pm: Concert by Idunno - music & songs
from the period (admission 5)
Sun 10.30am: Special Service with Bishop of Thetford.
Sunday 3rd August
10am - 4pm: Sheringham Park
Norfolk Smallholders ~ 8th Annual Show & Market.
Join us for a taste of The Good Life. Everything
smallholding, self sufficiency & traditional crafts.
Home produced Norfolk food & goods, exhibitions,
demonstrations, sheep shearing, Birds of Prey
display, fun dog show, livestock & members poultry
exhibition, smallholders question time , music and
much more! A great day out for the whole family.
Admission: 5, under 16s free, includes parking &
access to park Further info:
Weavers Morris
Ever Thought of Morris Dancing?
We are looking for new dancers.
Weavers Morris are a mixed group of dancers
who meet and practice for an hour at 7.45pm
every Wednesday at St Nicholas Room
(behind the Church), North Walsham
from September through to May.
From May through to early September we
dance out at various local hostelries and
events in aid of charity .
For 2014 our chosen charity is the
Nancy Oldfeld Trust based at Neatishead.
We welcome new musicians and especially
new dancers so if youd like to come along
and join in a practice session, please do -
wed love to see you!
For further information
E mail :
Tel: Mick Wade 01692 404 447
If you are reading this, so too
are your future clients.
To advertise in the Crab Tales
phone Philip
on: 01263 726 831
Crab Tales: e-mail - - telephone: 01263 726 831
Anyone who saw their fantastic circus at North
Walsham infants and junior school during the
recent term will know what a wonderful
learning experience it was for the children.
And if you want something special for your own
school then this could be it. Circus Ferrel will
bring their full big top to a school, where the
kids can have assembly, plus 10 hours of free
workshops, at no cost to the school.
The Circus Comes
To Mundesley
At the beginning of August the big top will
go up on Mundesleys Gold Park and its
Laugh at the clowns, marvel at the amazing feats
of the jugglers, tightrope walkers and trapeze
artists plus there are always a few surprises.
This is the fantastic live and colourful show
of Circus Ferrel.
This year Circus Ferrel will not only be doing
their spectacular two-hour show in Mundesley
every day, but also hosting the Lifeboats Boat
Day in their big top.
They will also offer the children of Mundesley
School the chance to learn circus skills in their
free workshops during their stay.
You are never too old to enjoy a live circus.
And this is a totally LIVE all human show.
This is a brilliant chance to see a great show right
on your doorstep. Take your children and grand-
children or just simply go on your own.
You will always get a warm welcome and see
a brilliant circus in the middle of the village.
31st Mundesley Festival
August 4th - August 8th 2014
Book Now on 01263 721 189
The children can also join in with the live shows
and they will remember this longer than their
normal lessons.
Just get in touch with them by visiting their
web-site: and they
will try to ft your school into their busy
schedule before next year gets fully booked.
They are in Mundesley from Monday 4th
to Thursday the 14th August.
Circus Ferrel is renowned for its friendly
presentation and sparkling acts so this is
a show not to be missed.
and win a Family Swim voucher from
SPLASH in Sheringham ( 2 Adults & 2 kids)
If you are under 12, tell us your name,
age and address, also in which advert
the Crab is hidden and the page number.
Please Note : Entries should be written by
the child themselves, at least their name.
OR - If you are a pensioner,
SPOT THE COD and win
now at Huckleberries
43 Church Street, Cromer
Hand in your Entry, with your name & where you
found the cod and the page number please,
to: K. Hardware in Cromer, or post it to:
Crab Tales, 30 West St, Cromer NR27 DS
before the next issue comes out.
The first entry out of the hat wins !
Congratulations to S. Fryett, from Mundesley,
who found the cod in the HG & Sons advert on the
Back Page & to Ethany, aged 5, from Leicester
who spotted the Crab on the Front Page in the
Norfolk Cleaning Group advert.
Crab Tales: 30 West Street, Cromer, Norfolk. NR27 9DS
HG & Sons
Redecoration to Restoration
07980 528 027
01263 510 978
5 million commercial and public liability
Waste registration (upper tier carrier)
painting and decorating
tiling and wallpapering
bricklaying and pointing
cherry picker hire
waste removal
loose shingle and sand delivery
full bathroom and kitchen installations
total renovations
ground work including digger
roof and gutter repairs
property maintenance and servicing
All Trades Covered

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