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What is technical communication?

the process of making & sharing information and ideas in the workplace or set
applications (docs you create). Finding and using information and sharing meanin
e.g. proffesional communicates with others about a technical subject. they use 4
to create, design and transmit tech info so people can use (Safetly,
Effectively & Effieicntly.)
Skills of best tech communicators.
Audience analysis- create and find info on subject most suited to audienc,
skillfully arrange in meet their needs and preferences, select the appropriate
medium to deliver the msg most
applications of technical information- blogs, reports, websites, texbooks
audience- probably peers, ppl outside company.
purpose- motivate ppl to take action, reinforce change attitudes about subject
help ppl do their own tasks
What are your roles as a communicator?
Writer- you will create documents and oral presentations
member of a project team= work collaboratively with others to produce
docs for various audiences.
information resource for other in comp- org today need info and u are
required to help provide it e.g communicate with co workers who want
advice and info. communicate with vendors, supplies & customers to help
em understand your industry and your org products and services.
What are the characteristics of a technical document?
Addresses particular readers. analyze his skills, what details and amount he int
erested in
& attitude to ideas to choose which document type, structure, details to include
, vocab &
style. make profile for unknown, exclude what would embarass if reach
unexpected audience i.e. press. reactions to design, sturcture, vocab, language
& style
different in other cultures.
Produced collaboratively- teams make complex docs cause no one has all
skill, time, info to make it. e.g. colleage/ peer review or dozens professionals
on 100pg doc. social media convient where ppl ask tech Qs internally and externa
helps readers solve problems - learn something new, carryout task. watch
vid on employee health benefits so you can analyze situation
and solve problem (of choice).
Reflects and organizations goals and culture. further goals. appointed
overseer of edu program submits reports to boss & informs public throu
t.v., flyers, brochures, radio, pamplets, course materials to secure funds
and reach audience. employee blogs help establish reputation based on values.
Design to increase readability - make doc look professional and attractive
good impression helps accomplish task.
Navigate of document e.g. colors, heading and highlights so readers eeasy find
what they need. Help readers understand e.g. different colors and size for warni
to emphasize importance.
Consists of words/ pics or both 5 funcions -generate interest and appeal to read
ers &
Communicate hard concepts, instructions and descriptions of objects and
process, large quantifiable data, non-native speakers.
Excellence measueres
Honesty- right thing for making smart decisions, lies hurt readers, lying can le
ad to legal action,
, Clarity - avoid danger and expensive.
Accessibility - easy to find what u need quick to avoid unnecessary part.
, Conciseness - short for busy ppl to get needed. economical structure, grammar,
words size.
, Comprehensiveness - background to understand, details so easy to follow and pe
rfom tasks,
supporting materials (attached?). Completeness needed for Safe,Effecient,Effecti
ve use
.doc is project record from beg to end
Correctness- or confuse readers, make inaccuracies & unprofessional apperance =
conclusion b/c info gatherer, analyzer & presenter suspect skill level.
Accuracy- opposite annoying and ethically u must be unbiased and objective or r
will doubt you
Professional Appereance- +ve impression, good design, neatness, follow format s

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