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Minutes of Annual General Meeting

held in
Fairmilehead Parish Church Halls Monday 16
June 2014

Present: Malcolm Alford (Chairman) Sandy Myles (Treasurer), Margaret
Wotherspoon (Grounds) Brian Dennistoun (Buildings)
Janet Pearse (Secretary) and sixteen residents.
Kyle Bryne, Lisa McDonald (Hacking and Paterson)

Apologies: Mr and Mrs McOwan, Tony Flynn, Jane Meckie, Ian
Wotherspoon, Diane Robertson

Minutes: The Minutes of last years meeting had been circulated in July
last and were unanimously agreed.

Chairman Report:
Malcolm thanked residents for attending and stated that last
year had been a quiet year with little activity or concerns apart
from the discrepancy over common ground which he would
address later.

Grounds: Margaret updated us on the progress and replanting etc around
various areas in the estate and thanked all for their support
during the last three years. She would liaise closely with
whoever took over her role.

Buildings: Brian advised that the dampness problems at 1MRA have now
been resolved and only replanting and grassing remained to be
The annual stair carpet steam clean is due but given the state of
wear, owners will be asked whether carpet renewal is more
appropriate. At the same time they will be asked if redecoration
is deemed necessary.
15-23 MRD (former Nurses Home) had suffered storm damage
but Reid Roofing carried out this repair very promptly and to a
very high standard. Smoke vents had caused problems on
Christmas Day but these are now resolved. Finally, he thanked
the flats representatives, Innes McOwan, Sandra Jeffrey, Sunit
Rane and Janet Pearse.

Treasurer s
Report: The audited accounts previously circulated with the Agenda
were unanimously agreed. Sandy thanked J Hunter for auditing.

Subscription: Majority agreed that this should remain at 5.00 per owner.

Factors report:
Kyle advised that H &P were presently reviewing the buildings
insurance for the flats which were covered under a Policy
underwritten by L & V and brokered by OKD, to look at the
possibility of reducing premiums by changing to another broker
and company.

He also updated us on the debts situation and apparently there
are two possible bad debts but they are attempting recovery and
hopefully matters will be resolved.

Any resident who has a credit balance with H & P (probably
because of overpayment by Bankers Order) is welcome to
request a rebate.

Amendments to Constitution:
No amendments for the coming year.

General Business:
Common Ground: Malcolm explained the problems with the
common ground as set out in the letter sent to all residents in
May. The result of the vote taken was that we had 51
responses, 3 of whom wanted to buy the land on our own
account, 9 wished to pressurise Taylor Wimpey to rectify their
mistake, 39 wanted to do nothing and continue to maintain the
disputed area.
No further action will therefore be taken meantime but a request
made some time ago to the Council regarding the bus bays has
not yet been answered and this may throw more light on the

Clearance: A query was raised about the one visit made by Kerax in
February and Margaret has agreed to check this out of them.
It was agreed that Kerax will only do snow-clearing as necessary
in this coming year. (no gritting).

Election of Office Bearers:
Malcolm will continue as Chairman for a further year.
Sandy will look after our accounts this year again.
Brian will continue to be our Buildings representative.
Janet will continue as secretary for the forthcoming year.
These positions were all voted onand agreed.
Margaret has served 3 years as Grounds Co-ordinator is not
eligible for re-election.
Mrs Anne Patrick of 13 MRA was proposed and seconded as
her replacement and this was unanimously agreed.

Lindsay Robertson, 15/2 MRD was proposed and seconded to
become a member of the Committee and this too was agreed.

Malcolm thanked Margaret and Tony for their work over the last
three years and welcomed our two new members to the

AOCB Three trees were taken down last year at 15/23 MRD and a
resident requested that these be replaced by shrubs. No one
had any objections to this and the Grounds Convenor will take

Parking at the foot of MR Drive/Frogston Road has been
causing some problems and Malcolm will ask the Council to
consider painting lines to allow better visibility.

Sale boards are not permitted on common ground but a resident
at the Old Nurses Home has pointed out the difficulty in finding
access to the property for sale. After discussion, it was agreed
that provided there were no objections from other neighbours, a
sale board could be placed on the north side of the building.

Pathwood to the woods. This is causing the residents of 5
MRD some concerns over security and safety and they asked if
it could be moved. In addition people are walking over a corner
of their garden. However, the chairman pointed out that this was
a well used access to the woods and would not be closed off.

Meeting closed 7.45pm


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