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High frequency analysis

For a simple railgun with no containment structure, the inductance gradient is typically calculated from 2-D
geometry. Kerrisk [5] has shown that in the high-frequency approximation (equivalently for perfect conductors),
the inductance gradient is a constant. In reality, however, is a nonlinear function of , because the magnetic field
diffuses into the conductors with time. However, we shall show from computational results that for a simple
railgun, the propulsive force on the armature is well approximated by the high-frequency. This is because the
propulsive force on the armature is provided by the axial gradient of the in-bore magnetic energy, which does not
vary with magnetic field diffusion. It is easy to show this in two dimensions. Consider that the rail and armature are
infinite in height. The in-bore magnetic field is, where is current per unit height. Therefore, for the high-frequency
case or for perfect conductors, the inductance gradient is given by the gradient of magnetic flux inside the bore,
i.e., where is rail-to-rail separation. Now consider a steady-state condition in real rail conductors, where the
magnetic field has diffused through the rail and current density is uniform throughout the rail thickness. For a
linearly decreasing magnetic field in the rail, , where is depth into the rail from the outside. This results in an
additional flux of for each rail (per unit length in the axial direction) that links fraction of the current. Integrating
the weighted flux over the rail thickness and adding the in-bore flux, total inductance gradient for the fully diffused
case is obtained as, which is larger than the high-frequency inductance gradient. However, for both cases, the
propulsive force is given by the same in-bore magnetic field Fig. 3. Computational boundary conditions, as given to
EMAP3D. Fig. 4. Eddy current pattern for the periodic boundary assumption consists of many loops that run mainly
along the front and back surfaces of the laminate. , integration of which over the in-bore cross section yields . This
is the same as the high-frequency inductance gradient value. Therefore, it appears to be sufficient to calculate the
inductance gradient of the rail geometry alone to compute the propulsive force on the armature. Any increase in
overall inductance gradient due to current diffusion must result in a force on the gun structure, as we shall
demonstrate from the computational results. From the above discussion, it appears that for a simple railgun, the
propulsive force can be calculated from the rail geometry alone. While this may be a good approximation for a pair
of rails driving an armature, the presence of a containment structure presents additional complications. The eddy
current generated in the laminates is now not only a function of the geometry but also of the rate of change offlux
linking them, which depends on armature speed. Therefore, a full 3-D computation is necessary. Unfortunately, 3-
D computations with motion require excessive processor resources. Therefore, we used a simple model with
periodic boundary conditions first,in order to simulate the inductance gradient far from the armature in order to
evaluate geometric sensitivity. Subsequently, we performed selected 3-D computations with motion to explain the
complex eddy current distribution and its effect on propulsive force reduction.
A containment structure is required to counteract the magnetic force pushing the rails apart during a launch event.
Most contemporary railguns use metallic containment. Even though the containment is insulated from the rail
conductors, eddy currents are induced in them, resulting in reduction of the in-bore magnetic field and propulsive
force. To minimize the dominant axial eddy currents, the metallic containment structure is often laminated. One
problem with using a laminated structure is that it reduces the ability to support transverse shear stress; thus, an
alternate arrangement must be made to support the gun barrel and manage the axial droop. On the other hand,
clever schemes may be devised if lamination thickness can be increased sufficiently to mechanically couple
adjacent laminates, enabling transverse shear transfer. The question arises: How small must the laminate thickness
be to avoid significant in-bore field degradation? A study by Parker and Levinson [1] found that separation of the
containment from the laminate is an important parameter affecting the propulsive force on the launch package. It
is also pertinent to understanding how other geometric parameters of the containment will affect the propulsive
force. On the other hand, it is not well understood whether the propulsive force is adequately represented by the
high-frequency inductance gradient in the presence of a laminated structure and with armature motion.
Therefore, it is important to study the sensitivity of the propulsive force with various geometric and kinetic
parameters to facilitate appropriate containment design. The reduction in the propulsive force is mainly caused by
eddy currents induced in the metallic structure. These currents counter magnetic flux generated by current in the
rails and armature and reduce the net in-bore magnetic field. Magnetic field and eddy current distribution in the
presence of metallic containment is very complex. A simple way to quantify this effect has traditionally been to
compute the high-frequency inductance gradient for the railgun. Numerical computation is necessary to carry out
this calculation in all but simple cases. We employed this method in chapter 6 Transient analysis to carry out the
high frequency analysis.
the calculations of rail gun key parameters are difficult. In order to make the calculation tractable, a number of
simplifying assumptions are made. First, the rail gun is a 3-D device, but assuming that its barrel is infinitely long,
the electromagnetic behavior can be analyzed with the 2-D finite element models for the cross section of the
barrel normal to the longitudinal direction. Second, the calculation of rail gun key parameters for uniformly
distributed current can be easily calculated, but in a real case a very high magnitude and short duration of current
pulse is applied to the rail gun.
The current is not uniform over the cross section of rails and it is distributed in a very thin layer near the surface of
each conductor. This makes the electromagnetic analysis for a given rail gun geometry extremely complex. To
simulate the rail gun in this case, transient time analysis or A.C method in the high frequency limit are used. In
these two methods, the current is distributed
nearer to the surface of the conductor (Asghar Keshtkar 2005). In this work, A.C method, in the high frequency
limit, is used to calculate rail gun key parameters. Since, the current has the same distribution as the transient
when it is high frequency, time harmonic analysis is used in the finite element method. In this work, finite element
software package, called ANSYS MAXWELL field simulator, is employed to calculate the rail gun key parameters
using A.C method in high frequency limit. MAXWELL enables us to designate wide range of materials with varied
physical property, assign time dependent or constant source to the model. In this work, eddy current field solver is
chosen to carry out this investigation. Eddy current field solver is used to perform the electromagnetic analysis of
rail gun. Eddy current field solver gives the electromagnetic losses that occur in rails. These electromagnetic losses
are then coupled with thermal field solver and temperature distribution in the rails is calculated.
Moreover, the current density distribution over a rail cross section is varied as the supply frequency varied due to
skin effect.

In 3-D simulations, with keeping constant the armature (usually in the middle of structure), they tried to
calculate the applied force because of the current stimulation. Because of the movement of the
armature along the rail length, the current path will be increased gradually. Therefore, the applied force
to the armature in the beginning of movement will be different when the armature is in the middle of
the structure or it is near the muzzle. Thus, inductance gradient is varying when the armature is moving
from the breech to the muzzle, and when the armature is in the middle of structure.

In the electromagnetic launcher function, there is an interference of several phenomena that are
simultaneous and coupled with each other. The electromagnetic analysis of the railgun is complex and
its simulation needs more time. The differential equation for the potential of the magnetic vector in the
transient state is [4]

B is the magnetic flux density, is the permeability, is the electrical conductivity, and J is the applied
current density. The interaction between the magnetic field density produced by the rails current in the
place of the armature and the passing current of the armature causes its acceleration in the rail length.
This force is obtained from the Lorentz law

By assuming that the applied force to the armature in the projectile axis is known, the inductance
gradient of the structure is found from (4) as


In the electromagnetic projectiles, the stimulated current is very high, and this occurs usually with a
capacitor discharging in two sides of the rail, and its shape will be the same as a pulse. Therefore, we
consider a stimulated current using the simulation in Fig. 2. Whereas in 0.3 ms it reaches from 0 to 80 KA
maximum, and it remains in the maximum amount about 0.2 ms, and then it reduces exponentially
tillt=2ms, then it approaches to zero.

First of all, the armature is fixed 6 cm from the breech, and we assume that it is at rest to calculate the
inductance gradient of the structure in the rail length. We divided the input current to a number of
elements then by applying every part of input current, we calculate the applied force on the armature in
the movement length. Thus, the inductance gradient can be obtained from (4). Therefore, by
considering the applied force on the armature, the amount of its acceleration, velocity and displacement
is obtained. The armature is fixed in the new position for applying the other part of current stimulation.
The flow chart of method is shown in Fig. 3. Thus, for applying every part of input current, we have to
construct the structure and solve it again.
The current density distribution in the railgun when the input stimulation amplitude is 62 KA is shown in
Fig. 4 (in the time oft=0.7ms). It is believed that the current density on the edge of the rail and the
armature is concentrated. In the armature, the current density in the root area is very high, but the
maximum current density is in the end edge of the rail connection. The applied force on the railgun is in
thex, y, and z-axes and is shown in Fig. 5. A force in the opposite of the rails is applied to the armature in
the projectile axis (x-axis).
The repulsive force acting on the rails is not exactly calculated as short acceleration pulse current
produces nonlinear effect and uneven current distribution. The rail gun is supplied with large current
which rise very quickly and drives the armature down the rails. As a result, thermal energy is generated
which changes the electrical and thermal properties of the rail materials. Hence, in order to gain a
quantitative understanding of these parameters, it is desirable to calculate them well in advance. In
general, these values are affected by number of parameters such as velocity of the moving armature,
armature and rail geometry, rail dimensions, armature and rail materials (Bok-ki kim et al 1999). Asghar
Keshtkar (2005) has calculated the inductance gradient value of rails with respect to rail dimensions
using transient analysis finite element method. Jerry Kerrisk (1984) has calculated the inductance
gradient values, current density distribution in the rails, and temperature distribution in the rails with
respect to the rail dimensions. He has used, A.C in the high frequency limit, finite difference method to
carry out this investigation. Honjo et al (1986) have calculated the force acting on rail conductors using
BUS 3-D program. Azzerboni et al (1993) have developed numerical code, called FEMM, to calculate the
force acting on the rails. Huerta et al (1991) have calculated the inductance gradient of the rails using
conformal mapping method. Ellies et al (1995) have studied the influence of bore and rail geometry by
using 2-D, A.C finite element method with high frequency limit. Patch et al (1984) have analyzed the rail
barrel design using A.C analysis. From the above literature review, it is observed that for the past several
years, various numerical and analytical methods were developed to compute the rail gun key
parameters. These parameters can be calculated either by transient analysis or A.C method in the high
frequency limit. In this case, all the current is distributed on the surface of the conductor. This is a good
approximation for rail guns with good conductor (Asghar Keshtkar, 2005). In this work, finite element
analysis software package, named Maxwell Electro Magnetic Field Solver, is employed to calculate the
rail gun parameters using 2-D, A.C method in the high frequency limit. The study is made to explore a
range of bore and rail geometry and look at their effect on key rail gun system parameters.
Key Accelerator Parameters
Important accelerator design parameters of rail gun includes

1. Inductance gradient of the rails
2. Current density distribution over a rail cross sections
3. Magnetic flux density distribution between the rails
4. Rail separation force acting on the rails
Current Density Distribution in a Rail
As a very high value of current and short duration pulse is applied to the rail gun the current distribution
is not uniform over the cross section. In this case, current is distributed in a very thin layer near the
surface of each conductor that is called skin depth. Moreover, the current density is higher at the rails
inner edges. This phenomenon produces a hot spot that fuses the rail edges (Asghar Keshtkar 2005). The
accelerating time, the escape velocity and the accelerating pressure are influenced by the current
density in the rails (Azzerboni et al 1992).In order to prevent rails damage due to ohmic heating and
internal forces, it is necessary to understand the current density distribution within the conducting

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