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Diet is an important part of everybodys life, because this is the way to interact

with the surroundings and nature. We never allow anything that easily, inside
our body, as easily we allow the food materials; rather we welcome these to
our body. This is the main reason that, foods alias our diet leaves a deep
impact on our lives. Here we are giving you guidelines to manage your diet and
to stay healthy. We have divided these all in the following parts-

You and Your Diet
Theme of your foods
Tastes for you
Balancing Doshas through Diet
Seasonal Changes and Your Diet
Personalized Details
Remember before you eat

Scrolling down the pages will be bringing new heights of health in your life!
Please follow the Guidelines below and you will be surely benefited.
We are the results of the food what we eat. Our body and mind both are
nourished by the food we take Charaka Samhita

Your Doshas vs. Your Diet

Dear Vata Friend!
Amazingly, you are reading this!? Generally you gather the information and leave
it for next time. Next time, generally not possible in your case! Anyhow,
welcome to the world of Ayurveda or the best to say is- welcome to the world of
Wellness....complete wellness!
Vata is a dry, moving and uneasy trait of the body, which needs some changes
every now and then, so we wont tell you some commandments to follow- which
you cannot. You need change and we offer the changes. These changes are
directed, so these changes will never leave you lost, we are here to hold hands
with you and to move towards the complete health.
You move a lot, so the first and foremost thing for you is to understand that you
need the same level of energy loaded fuel (the Quality food, not Kwality Walls)
on regular intervals to support the movements of your body and to direct the
things in a right direction. Second is the dryness, you are already having a lot of
dryness with in you, so you should not go for dry foods every now and then! Try
to bring some warmth and unctuousness to your diet.
These are three main principles of your Diet Guidelines, we will be discussing in
detail below here step by step.

Theme for your Foods

Your Mobile, Your Computer, Your home, Your Office, Your Country, Your
special Party- everything has a theme, then why not a theme for your Diet. Here is
the theme of your diet; this theme will make your cells feel happy. Your cells do
so much for you, so let them party with the best opted food for them.
Not Too Dry: Dryness is already there so dont add more
Moderately Spicy: Your Dosha Type is lucky to be allowed for most of the spices (To know the
complete list upgrade your account @
Add some oil/good Fats: Fats are good for you, to save your cells, skin, joints and nerves.
It should be hot: Hotness is good to pacify the Vata within you.
Sip Hot Water: aerated drinks/Cold drinks can ruin the party inside your body for your cells
Not too much fiber: knowing that you suffer from constipation- you need not to take too much fiber
food, because that is not a solution for you
Easy to Digest: Your food should be easy to digest-kind food otherwise your abdomen will be bloating
like a soccer ball.
Follow this theme for your diet and you will be amazed that your cells party and
you got happiness!

Taste for Your Dosha

Sweet Acidic/Citrus Salty

These are the three tastes for you which can make your body to feel easy and
happy. These are the three Doshas, which brings balance for Vata Dosha.
This never means that you should not take other tastes; you need to balance your
diet proportionately. You see the beauty of Ayurveda; your preferred tastes are
these and best are you need to understand the difference between
Bulk and Small. Bulk should be these three tastes and small parts are spices-
which cannot be Sweet/Sour/Salty!!
So here what we are talking about is the- Balanced and Wholesome Diet!

Balancing Doshas through Diet

Doshas have their own characters and properties and these can be combated with
the opposite properties and characters of the foods, this is the only way to
maintain the balance of the Doshas in the body. Here are the properties of the
Doshas and their opposite properties
Properties of Vata Properties of Foods
Dry Unctuous/Greasy (optimum)
Rough Smooth
Light Heavy
Subtle Gross
Easy to unease Easy to digest
Gaseous Problems No Aerated Foods/Drinks

You can select your food stuff according to these properties and this is the easiest
way to balance your aggravated Dosha or to control the Doshas.
We provide the complete list of food stuff according to your food habits (your
climate/country/region) when we do Personalized Diet Plans under Premium and
Executive Plans. As we understand change is not that good as is-
Alteration/Tailoring of the foods and habits. Join us with an enriched plan.

Seasonal Changes & Your Diet

Seasons are differently maintained by nature in different parts of the globe
according to longitude/altitude so we cannot give you specific idea about this
here. Please upgrade your account to avail this feature!
Login and Upgrade your Account!
It is never wise to misguide when you dont know how to guide!!
We have a tagline for understanding the right foods for you and this is-
We regard the nature and eternal wisdom that is the reason we are the best in our
category and only one to talk about COMPLETE WELLNESS

Personalized Details

To get access of the Personalized Guidances by our team of Vaidyas
(Physicians) upgrade your account.
Login and Upgrade your Account!
It is never wise to misguide when you dont know how to guide!!
Here are the benefits of the up-gradation and details what you will get-
Tells you about your body and its requirements
Guides you to what to do and what not to, for healthy life
Helps to access and know your body very well
You can choose your food which will lead you to health
Tells how you can slow down aging process
Helps to cure the present diseases with herbs and yoga
You can maintain your lifestyle according to the requirements of your body
To prevent diseases by foods and diet, when you know all about needs of your
To avoid seasonal and age related disorders
Will tell you, how to control anxiety, depression
If you are healthy, it will be good for personal, family and professional life
It will help you to cut the expenses on your health

Remember before you Eat

There are few things what you should keep in your mind before you start
taking food-
1. Food should be hot!
2. There shouldnt be porous food stuff like some algae
3. Eat Moderately
4. There shouldnt be excessive salad in your plate
5. You should have a variety of the food with you
6. Carry something hot/plain drinking water- no cold drinks at all try Vata
Tea from eVaidyaJi Wellness
7. Spices never mean to have the red/black chilies know more about spices
and their role on the health
8. Eat properly- why to be in hurry for always?
9. The preferred tastes told above- Sweet/Sour/Salty should be visible
properly in your plate
10. Try to eat hot, not hot like burning your tongue.
These are the Diet guidelines for your Mr. Vata! Please follow these and enjoy
complete health. You can avoid some deadly diseases like- Alzheimers/Colon
Cancer/Dementia or some disabling problems like- Osteoporosis, joint pain or
Stay Tuned with and Stay Healthy......Complete Wellness is your
future. Please keep on checking your profile page; we will be updating it

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