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Brainbitz ,Vettikat Tower ,Plarivattom, Opp.Petrol PumpErnakulam, PH:8606090523, www.brainbitz.



1) A semantic architecture for artificial conversations

Artificial conversations have many applications in chatter bot-based customer service including
website navigation tools and guided online shopping. Existing approaches to generating conversations
leverage linguistic and stochastic principles, where lower level grammatical and structural artifacts are
modeled. These approaches perform well in pairwise utterance exchanges, but not so well in longer
conversational contexts. We simulate more meaningful chatter bot conversations using an architecture
that can leverage content and context. Grice's cooperative maxims, which form the central idea in the
theory of pragmatics, is our framework for evaluation. The domain of our research is customer service
situations, and we compare our artificial conversations with actual conversations of existing chatter bots
deployed in the same domain.

2) On the Development of an Interactive Talking Head System

In this work we propose a talking head system for animating facial expressions using a template
face generated from partial differential equations (PDE). It uses a set of pre configured curves to
calculate an internal template surface face. This surface is then used to associate various facial features
with a given 3D face object. Motion retargeting is then used to transfer the deformations in these areas
from the template to the target object. The procedure is continued until all the expressions in the
database are calculated and transferred to the target 3D human face object. Additionally the system
interacts with the user using an artificial intelligence (AI) chatter bot to generate response from a given
Brainbitz ,Vettikat Tower ,Plarivattom, Opp.Petrol PumpErnakulam, PH:8606090523,

text. Speech and facial animation are synchronized using the Microsoft Speech API, where the response
from the AI bot is converted to speech.
3) CHARLIE: An AIML-based chatterbot which works as an interface among INES and humans

INES (INtelligent Educational System) is a functional prototype of an online learning platform,
which combines three essential capabilities related to e-learning activities. These capabilities are those
concerning to a LMS (learning management system), a LCMS (learning content management system),
and an ITS (intelligent tutoring system). To carry out all this functionalities, our system, as a whole,
comprises a set different tools and technologies, as follows: semantic managing users (administrators,
teachers, students...) and contents tools, an intelligent chatterbot able to communicate with students in
natural language, an intelligent agent based on BDI (believes, desires, intentions) technology that acts as
the brain of the system, an inference engine based on JESS (a rule engine for the Java platform) and
ontologies (to modelled the user, his/her activities, and the learning contents) that contribute with the
semantics of the system, etc. At the present paper we will focus on the chatterbot, CHARLIE (CHAtteR
Learning Interface Entity), developed and used in the platform, which is an AIML-based (artificial
intelligence markup language) bot. We will specifically address its performance and its contribution to
4) Developing virtual teaching assistants for open e-learning

Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques within Learning Management Systems (LMS)
represent a little explored field of research. We use this paper to show how these techniques can help
students as well as tutors across the learning process within an open source e-learning platform.
Especially, we present T-BOT and Q-BOT, a couple of chatter bots capable of tutoring and evaluating
students using open platforms as Moodle or Claroline. These bots are developed in Program E, a PHP-
base interpreter, and can interoperate with the students through natural language thanks to an AIML
5) Rule Based Reordering and Morphological Processing for English-Malayalam
Statistical Machine Translation

In this paper, we mention our work on incorporating rule based reordering and morphological
information for English to Malayalam statistical machine translation. The main ideas which have proven
very effective are (i) reordering the English source sentence according to Malayalam syntax, and (ii)
Brainbitz ,Vettikat Tower ,Plarivattom, Opp.Petrol PumpErnakulam, PH:8606090523,

using the root suffix separation on both English and Malayalam words. The first one is done by applying
simple modified transformation rules on the English parse tree, which is given by the Stanford
Dependency Parser. The second one is developed by using a morph analyzer. This approach achieves
good performance and better results over the phrase-based system. Our approach avoids the use of
parsing for the target language (Malayalam), making it suitable for statistical machine translation from
English to Malayalam, since parsing tools for Malayalam are currently not available.

6) Extension Schemes for the Alignment Model of English-Malayalam Statistical
Machine Translator

In Statistical Machine Translation from English to Malayalam, an unseen English sentence is
translated into its equivalent Malayalam sentence using statistical models. A parallel corpus of English-
Malayalam is used in the training phase. Word to word alignments has to be set among the sentence
pairs of the source and target language before subjecting them for training. This paper deals with certain
techniques which can be adopted for improving the alignment model of SMT. Methods to incorporate
the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus has resulted in eliminating many of the
insignificant alignments. Also identifying the name entities and cognates present in the sentence pairs
has proved to be advantageous while setting up the alignments. Presence of Malayalam words with
predictable translations has also contributed in reducing the insignificant alignments. Moreover,
reduction of the unwanted alignments has brought in better training results. Experiments conducted on
a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified
with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics.

7) Development of Malayalam Text Generator for translation from

The paper presents a strategy for developing Malayalam Text Generator for English Malayalam
Machine Aided Translation System using AnglaBharati technology. AnglaBharati uses the Interlingua
approach for translation. The Interlingua is a language independent, unambiguous representation of the
input text. The text generator converts this intermediate representation into the target language
(Malayalam) text. In this paper we examine the major tasks involved in the development of Malayalam
Text Generator for translation from English.
Brainbitz ,Vettikat Tower ,Plarivattom, Opp.Petrol PumpErnakulam, PH:8606090523,

8) Implementation of malayalam text to speech using concatenative based TTS
for android platform

The recent development in text to speech has been switched to concatenative synthesis, either
using original speech segments or parametric synthesis. The former TTS system gives a better quality
output since they use the original speech segment for concatenation. There are a number of different
other techniques for speech generation like PSOLA, TDPSOLA, EMBROLA etc. This paper describes the
development and implementation of concatenative based system based on Epoch Synchronous Non
Overlap and Add (ESNOLA) technique for Malayalam in android platform. The TTS uses diphone like
segments (partneme) as the basic units for concatenation. The database contain 1500 partnemes, which
are used for generating speech for unlimited domain text. The paper also briefs about the
implementation of Malayalam TTS, the database generation, the modification done for android
platform, the database access and handling Malayalam character display in android platform, the
support provided in the TTS app for displaying characters with proper rendering. The app support
android latest versions upto android 4.2. The design for Newsreader, an application using android is also
discussed in this paper. The TTS gives a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of 3.2 in the perceptual test..

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