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Government of Maharashtra

Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, Maharashtra State, Mumbai - 1

Admission to Government Industrial Training Institute !road !ased !asic Training under "enter of E#cellence
G$IEVA%"E A&&'I"ATI(% )($M

Registration Number: _______________________
Name of Candidate: ________________________ ________________________ _______________________________
First Name Last Name (Surname) Middle Name (Father Name)

Candidates should enter only those fields which have to be corrected. Kindly do not write/enter in those fields which are
already correctly registered.
l 4ll l lldl d 4lll 94d l 4lldl lldl d 4"ld ll. 4lld l lldl
l l l 4ll l lldl 4 .

S*%* &articulars Entered Actual S*%* &articulars Entered Actual
01 $eligion (BuddhistChristian!indu
0& "ategor+ (SCS'("N')BN')C

0, Gender (Male Female) 0- Dra,ing Grade E#am (.esNo)
0/ SS" Technical (.esNo) 00 -S" Vocational (.esNo)
01 S.orts &erson (.esNo) 02 E#-Service Man (.es No)
Name of S3ort Ser4i5e 6ing (7ir For5e 7rm8Na48)
6inning $osition $ost (Commissioned %ffi5erNon
Commissioned %ffi5erLo9er Ran#)

S3ort Le4el: National State*istri5t Ser4i5e $eriod (in months)
0: &ro/ect Affected (.esNo) 10 Earth0ua1e Affected (.esNo)
11 %on-"ream+ 'a+er (.esNo) 1& !olster School (.esNo)
1, Defense "ategor+ 23es%o4
+;)Ser4i5eman 9ith / 8ears e;3erien5e 6ard of <n)Ser4i5eman
6ard of *efense %ffi5er 6ard of 6ar *eath 6ar !andi5a33ed
6ard of +;)Ser4i5eman
1- &erson ,ith Disabilit+ .+S N% *isabilit8 $er5entage
T+.e of Disabilit+
Blind Blindness
*efe5ti4e Sight
Lo9 (ision
*eaf and *um3
*eaf and *um3
*efe5ti4e !earing
Negati4e Le3ros8
Res3irator8 *isable
%rtho3edi5s: Both 7rms
Both 7rms = Legs 7ffe5ted
Both Legs affe5ted but not arms
Le3ros8 Cured
Limb <n>ur8 $olio $aral8sis
Mentall8 Retarded
%ne 7rm 7ffe5ted
%ne Leg 7ffe5ted
%ther %rtho3edi5 *isabilit8
%ther *isabilit8

Sub/ect 15
Standard %ational (.en Schooling-andica. School
Entered Actual Sub/ect Entered Actual
MarathiRegional Lang Sub>e5t 1
+nglish Sub>e5t &
!indiSans#rit Sub>e5t ,
Maths Sub>e5t -
S5ien5e Sub>e5t /
So5ial S5ien5e Sub>e5t 0 (0?1?so on)

*ate: ___ 01 &01- Signature of Candidate
)or (ffice 6se7
1@ *o5uments 4erified: .es No
&@ Arie4an5e: 755e3ted Not a55e3ted
,@ <f Arie4an5e a55e3ted then: B3dated Not B3dated Form

*ate: ___ 01&01, Name of %ffi5er:_______________________ *esignation: _____________________________

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