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jnnurm --jawaharlal nehru urbal renewal missionn noon meal

scheme. Kerala has many succesful scheme-healthcare and

eduacation.... Tamil nadu - rural area scheme . NREGSn EAMA
!roject ---related to ministry for cor!orate affairs - E
re"istration of cor!orates . Each com!any "i#en a user id and
!assword. Automatic re"istration !roof due to user id and
!assword. $Ata for indian economy strai"ht a#ailable. %t was a
user !ay model. N%SG- National institute for smart
"o#ernance& connected to GG' GG and N%SG are !romoted both by
state and central "o#ernment . 7s for governance -- System,
structure, skill, staff( As is what is ha!!enin" ---
constituents ha#e to "o to the "o#ernment((( translucent(
"o#ernment centric( transaction oriented& transactoin means
corru!tion'.. Not inclusi#e& re)uires middle man !layers'. T* be
-- is "ood "o#ernance( within that E "o#ernance is based on
ta+in" ad#anta"e on reach of %T. Good "o#ernane is citi,en
centric( !ower shifted to citi,en. Trans!arent. Transformational(
%Nclusi#e. Good E "o#ernance re)uires ca!ital( wor+
sim!lification reduce com!le-ity. doin" thin"s differently to
ma+e it more effecti#e. $ifference between out!ut and outcome .
*utcome is the )uality of the out!ut. $*in" the ri"ht thin"s
efficiently is effecti#eness. .cs - ca!ital( citi,en centrc
/0120 12( content(
com!etence( cyber laws and connecti#ity.
G3ossary of terms and Acronyms --- has to be !ut in the re!ort .
3oo+ at from all sta+e holder interest. Ser#ice le#el
Re)uirement& slr' and outcomes. $efine what will be the outcome
of the !roject and what will be the ser#ice le#el& e". res!onse
time( mean time between brea+ down'. * and M -- o!eration and
maintanence & has to be !ro#ided for in !roject cost' . in
im!lementation the .cs ha#e to be ta+en care of and who will run
the system and who will !ro#ide the ca!ital.
Networ+ ris+ -- e#ery ocm!onent may wor+( to"ether the system may
not wor+ . 4A- cost benefit analysis. ERR- economic rate of
return. %RR is mar+et based rate or return. ERR is based on the
o!!urtunity cost also( it ta+es consideration from the economic
#iew !oint. K5%6 +ey !erformance indicatior(( KR% - +ey ris+
indicator for monitorin" and e#aluation. Most of GG !rojects
are urban reform oriented.
All biddin" is for two co#ers - technical bid.... Those who !ass
the technical bid( there financial bid is o!en. *nly those
!roject who are com!etent( there financial bid is re#iewed.
MAna"ement section of 5ro!osal is to ma+e it actionable. 789
wei"hta"e is "i#en to )uality and rest /89 based on financal
bid---:orld ban+ criteria. Microeconomics of de#elo!ment. onc

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