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1. Corporation A. Wealthy businessmen of the Age of.


2. Stocks B. The right of a union to represent all its
workers in labor negotiations.

3. Collective Bargaining C. Money used to expand businesses.

4. Capital D. Certificates of partial ownership in a

5. Tycoons

E. Business owned by the public through
the sale of stock.

6. Which of the following was a reason for the creation of corporations after the Civil War? A.
Great improvements in transportation, communication, and industrial technology. B. A pro-
business attitude by government called laissez-faire. C. Ruthless and unfair business practices
by corporation owners. D. all the above.

7. Which of the following people is correctly linked with the industry he influenced?
A. Carnegie - meat packing. B. Edison - telephone. C. Rockefeller - oil.
D. Bell -steel

8. TRUE / FALSE Tenements were quarterly payments to stockholders by a corporation.

9. Which of the following statements best expresses The Gospel of Wealth?: A. Only the strong
survive. B. Government should stay out of business. C. Neither a borrower nor lender be. D.
Great wealth is a sacred trust that must be used to help the poor.

10. TRUE / FALSE Following the Civil War, the US economy grew dramatically.

11. Andrew Carnegie created a vertical integration of the steel industry by: A. refusing to cut
prices. B. controlling all the steps of steel production. C. locating all his factories in one
place. D. all the above.

12. Monopoly A. Only union members may work there.

13. Dividends B. Total control of one critical stage in the
production of a product.

14. Social Darwinism C. Belief that as in nature, only the
strongest will survive in business.

15. Closed Shop D. Total control of an entire industry.

16. Horizontal Integration E. Payments to stockholders based on the
number of shares they own.


17. With the coming of mass production and factories, the demand for skilled labor increased.

18. Children below 14 were not allowed to work during the Gilded Age.

19. A corporation is a business owned by the public.

20. Very few Americans shared in the wealth of the Gilded Age and while the numbers of
millionaires increased so did the millions of poor immigrants.

21. Gross National Product A. Prejudice against immigrants.

22. Nativism B. The sum of all the goods and services
produced in a country in a year.

23. Rags to Riches C. Section of a ship where many
immigrants were placed for their journey
to America.

24. Steerage D. Dime Novels that spread the belief that
anyone who worked hard could get rich.

25. Assimilation E. Blending into the dominant culture.

26. "Old Immigrants": A. arrived in the US. prior to the Civil War. B. came from Northern
and Western Europe. C. were more easily assimilated into US. society than "New
Immigrants". D. all the above.

27. TRUE / FALSE New Immigrants were often the victim of nativism.

28. TRUE / FALSE To better fit into the American way of life, "New Immigrants" spread out
and moved into areas populated with native born Americans.

29. TRUE/FALSE The reason Savannah Sherbourne and Bella Williamson talk too much to
each other during class, is because neither of them has the looks or personality to make real

30. "Greece was poor - I had no future there. It was better to go to New York, which was in those
days the richest country in the world, with more chances, more future." The motive that
brought this immigrant to America was: A. social. B. political.
C. religious. D. economic.

31. Political Machines: A. were made up of corrupt politicians B. controlled city governments.
C. helped immigrants find jobs and housing D. all of the above

32. Which of the following plagued cities in the late 1800's? A. diseases. B. pollution.
C. over-crowding. D. all the above.

33. Which of the following was not a result of the Age of Industry?
A. The US Gross National Product increased dramatically. B. Marxism became the type of
economy practiced in the US. C. The standard of living for most people increased.
D. Urbanization resulted as cites grew at great rate of speed.

34. The American Federation of Labor: A. supported an eight hour work day.
B. demanded collective bargaining. C. believed strikes were an appropriate tactic to gain their
demands. D. became the largest labor union in the country. E. all the above.

35. TRUE /FALSE The term blacklisted means to be kicked out of a union.

36. TRUE / FALSE In a capitalist system, products and prices are determined by supply and
demand, whereas in a communist system, the government mandates price and production.

37. In a mixed economy: A. unions are illegal. B. private property is permitted. C. income taxes
are used to fund social programs. D. both B and C. E. none of the above.

38. Which of the following was part of the Age of Industry?
A. dangerous working conditions B. child labor C. minimum wage laws.
D. both A and B.

39. Which of the following was a result of the Age of Industry?
A. Americas middle class grew greatly. B. most peoples standard of living improved.
C. unregulated business practices allowed monopolies to form. D. all the above.

40. TRUE / FALSE Although today unions are commonplace, during the Gilded Age
they were distrusted by many Americans.

41. The term the "Gilded Age": A. was coined by Mark Twain. B. described life in America
From about 1870 - 1900. C. referred to both the beautiful lifestyles of the rich tycoons and the
wretched poverty of the poor immigrants. D. all the above.

42. Jane Addams A. Considered by many to be the greatest
American inventor.

43. Samuel Gompers B. Responsible for Americas public library

44. Thomas Edison C. Promoted the theory that the working
class should rise up and overthrow the
business owners.

45. Andrew Carnegie D. Portrayed the struggles of the poor in his
book, How the Other Half Lives.

46. Jacob Riis

E. First leader of the A.F.L.

47. Karl Marx

AB. Opened Hull House as a refuge for
poor immigrant children.

48. The Social Gospel: A. rejected the survival of the fittest attitude of the Social Darwinists.
B. supported the belief that society should advance through the practice of biblical ideas. C.
neither of the above. D. both of the above.

49. During the Age of Industry: A. Public education became mandatory. B. cities grew so rapidly
that living conditions there were crowded and dirty. C. Business owners got away with business
practices that today would be illegal. D. all the above.

50. TRUE / FALSE Today, China is the leading economic power in the world.

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