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Assignment Week 4

For this assignment, the null hypothesis is as below.

H0: There is no significant difference in the mean scores on quiz 4 according to ethnic group.
H: There is significant difference in the mean scores on quiz 4 according to ethnic group.
For the gi!en data set, Grades.sav, Following results "see table 1# were obtained using
one way $%&'$ procedure in ()(( "*eorge, +arren, -allery, )aul, .0#. For .0 participants
of $sian ethnicity, the mean score on quiz 4 is /.01 "SD 2 /.01# with minimum score of 3 and
ma4imum score of 0.for blac5 ethnic group mean score on quiz 4 is 6.61 "SD 2 ..0., n 2 .4#
with ma4imum score of 0 and minimum score of 4. For white ethnic group, the mean score on
quiz 4 is /.04 "SD 2 ...13, n 2 41# with minimum score of . and ma4imum score of 0. For
Hispanic ethnic group, mean score on quiz 4 is 3..6 "SD 2 0.07, n 2 # with a minimum score
of . and ma4imum score of 0.
Table :
Descriptive Statistics for Quiz 4 score according to ethnicity.
% M SD SE Mean
718 9: for -ean
-in -a4
<ower =ound >pper =ound
$sian .0 /.01 .10 .04. 6.30 7.06 3 0
=lac5 .4 6.61 ..0. .401 3./1 /.31 4 0
?hite 41 /.04 ...13 .003 6.06 /.6. . 0
Hispanic 3..6 0.07 .00 4.04 /.10 . 0
Total 00 6./4 .../3 ...7 6.07 /..7 . 0
The effect of ethnic group on quiz 4 scores was determined using an analysis of !ariance
procedure. The o!erall $%&'$ re!ealed a statistically no significant difference by ethnic group,
"F "0, 73# 2 ...6., p @.01, r
2 0.06# indicating that at 71 8 confidence le!el, there are no
significant differences in performance in quiz 4 depending ethnic group, and that the effect size
is too small "r
2 0.06#. The $%&'$ summary table is pro!ided in Table . A*eorge, +arren,
Table .:
!"# Su$$ary %able for Ethnic group and Quiz 4 &erfor$ance.
SS df MS F r
=etween *roups 04..76 0 .40. ...6. .06
?ithin *roups 4/0.40 73 1.000
Total 16.440 77
B p @ 0.01
$fter a test of o!erall $%&'$, )&(T H&9 test is conducted for comparison between indi!idual
groups Asee table 0C. For this purpose, <(+ and Tuc5eyDs )&(T H&9 test is used AEaccard, E,
7/4C. the result of <(+ shows that, the mean score on quiz 4 is significantly different in ethnic
groups $sian and Hispanic. The mean difference in the score on quiz 4 between $sian and
Hispanic ethnic group is ..066 " SEM 2 0./4., p 2 0.01#
$ccording to Tuc5eyDs )&(T H&9 test, there is no significant difference in the mean scores on
quiz 4 of any two pairs of ethnic groups ") @ 0.01# A+usic5, +. ,.00C
Table 0:
&ost 'oc %ests(
(I) ethnic (J) ethnic
Mean Difference
(I-J) Std. Error Sig.
95% Confidence Interval
Lower o!nd "##er o!nd
$!%e& 'SD ()ian lac% .*++ .*,9 .-./ -...- 0./-
1hite ./+* .*+/ .95, -..0, ..--
'i)#anic 0.+,, .-20 .+,0 -..0 2.0-
lac% ()ian -.*++ .*,9 .-./ -0./- ...-
1hite -.092 .5*, .952 -..,- ...9
'i)#anic ..2,, .-., .0,* -.** /.*.
1hite ()ian -./+* .*+/ .95, -..-- ..0,
lac% .092 .5*, .952 -...9 ..,-
'i)#anic ..,,0 .,55 .+92 -.0+ /.,2
'i)#anic ()ian -0.+,, .-20 .+,0 -2.0- ..0
lac% -..2,, .-., .0,* -/.*. .**
1hite -..,,0 .,55 .+92 -/.,2 .0+
LSD ()ian lac% .*++ .*,9 ./,9 -.,5 ..95
1hite ./+* .*+/ .*./ -.-9 ..5+
'i)#anic 0.+,,
.-20 .+.5 .2. /.,5
lac% ()ian -.*++ .*,9 ./,9 -..95 .,5
1hite -.092 .5*, .*+5 -..20 .-/
'i)#anic ..2,, .-., .+,2 -..2 /..+
1hite ()ian -./+* .*+/ .*./ -..5+ .-9
lac% .092 .5*, .*+5 -.-/ ..20
'i)#anic ..,,0
.,55 .+0. .0, /.0,
'i)#anic ()ian -0.+,,
.-20 .+.5 -/.,5 -.2.
lac% -..2,, .-., .+,2 -/..+ ..2
1hite -..,,0
.,55 .+0. -/.0, -.0,
9hart :
Means &lot(
Eaccard, E., =ec5er, -. $., ?ood, *. "7/4#. F)airwise multiple comparison procedures: $
re!iewF. &sychological )ulletin 96 "0#: 1/7.
*eorge, +arren, -allery, )aul ".0GG3#. :=- ()(( (tatistics 7 (tep by (tep: $ (imple
*uide and Heference ".th ;dition# ")age 30#. )earson. Iindle ;dition.
+usic5, +. ".00#. *ntroduction to inferential statistics. Hetrie!ed from http:JJboldG

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