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Question: Is the graduation rate higher at HBCUs or Non-HBCUs for women

compared to men?
H0: There is no significant difference in the Graduation Success Rate among Men and Women.
HA: There is a significant difference in the Graduation Success Rate among Men and Women.
H0: There is no significant difference in the Graduation Success Rate among HBCUs and Non
H!: There is a significant difference in the Graduation Success Rate among HBCUs and Non
H0: There is no significant interaction "et#een factors Gender and SC$%HBCU
H!: There is a significant interaction "et#een factors Gender and SC$%HBCU
Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: Graduation Success Rate
Historically Black
College or
University Mean Std. Deviation
Male on!HBCU "#.#" $%.%&$ '$$(
HBCU )$.%& '&.*&* $*'
+otal ").'$ '(.("' ''&'
,e-ale on!HBCU %..'* $'.%** '&*.
HBCU #..)% '&.#$( $#.
+otal %"..# $&."$' '#(%
+otal on!HBCU %*.&( $".(.' &)&.
HBCU #$.%( ')...& *($
+otal %'.(# $%.)'( &%)(
The mean graduation rate of Ma&es at NonHBCU is '(.(' )n * +!!0, S-*!...!/0, #here as the
mean graduation rate of Men at HBCU is 1!../ )n * !2+, S- * +/.2/20.
The mean graduation rate of 3ema&es at NonHBCU is .4.+2 )n * +/24, S-*!'.04+0, #here as
the mean graduation rate of 3ema&es at HBCU is (4.1. )n * !(4, S- * +/.(!00. These resu&ts
#ere 5resented in the fo&&o#ing means 5&ot.
T#o Wa6 Ana&6sis of 7ariance is used to test the significance of difference in graduation due to
gender and SC$%HBCU. The resu&ts #ere 5resented in the ta"&e "e&o#.
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Graduation Success Rate
+ype /// Su- o0
S1uares d0 Mean S1uare , Sig.
Corrected Model ***#'#.'.*
* $$$'(%."#& &().*)& .(((
/ntercept )"&'(($.")* $ )"&'(($.")* '(.'..)$* .(((
Gender #*%#"."'# $ #*%#"."'# '*'."." .(((
SC23HBCU $*").)..#. $ $*").)..#. )($.)*) .(((
Gender 4 SC23HBCU $%#*.*"$ $ $%#*.*"$ #.".' .((.
5rror $*'.&.".""" &%&# '"&.*)(
+otal *.&*'5" &%)(
Corrected +otal $##*$'&.("( &%&.
a. R S1uared 6 .'($ 78d9usted R S1uared 6 .'((:
The above results indicates that
1. There is a signifcant diference in the mean graduation rate of males and
females (F = 232.797 ! " #.#1$.
2. There is signifcant diference in the mean graduation rate among %&'(s and
)on*%&'(s (F=+#1.+3+ ! " #.#1$.
3. There is signifcant interaction bet,een factors -ender and .'/0%&'( (F =
1.792 ! " #.#1$
Box Plot:

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