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1. .
2. Answer Sheet, , .
3. .

23 ___ ___.

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[ : 12]

[PART 1] 1-10

1. A: Why did you decide to drop out of this class?
B: The professor only ________ some students and
does not have balanced view.
(a) praise
(b) praises
(c) is praising
(d) has praised

2. A: What do you think about this movie?
B: It was _______ touching that I cried really much.
(a) so
(b) too
(c) such
(d) many

3. A: I forgot to bring the keys from my apartment.
B: Here. ________ them for you.
(a) I get
(b) Ive got
(c) I was getting
(d) Ill be getting

4. A: I think Emmas family is fool of geniuses.
B: Emma can speak 9 languages and ___________
her sister.
(a) so
(b) so can
(c) so speaks
(d) so can speak

5. A: __________ that I dont have enough money, I
didnt buy a new bag.
B: Good for you.
(a) I know
(b) Knowing
(c) Have known
(d) To be known

6. A: I have seen you since you were a kid.
B: I __________ to this bookstore for 10 years.
(a) was coming
(b) would come
(c) would be coming
(d) have been coming

7. A: I think grandmother has been in the hospital for
quite a while.
B: The older one is, ____________________.
(a) the longest to recover it takes
(b) to recover it takes the longer
(c) it takes the longer to recover
(d) the longer it takes to recover

8. A:What happened with your leg?
B: _______________ the door than I fell on the stairs.
(a) I had opened no sooner
(b) No sooner had I opened
(c) I had not opened sooner
(d) No sooner I had opened


9. A : Why are you wearing heels today?
B : _______ I have to give a presentation to my
clients, I got dressed up.
(a) If
(b) Once
(c) For
(d) Because

10. A : I never expected Ben to stay in the party.
B : I thought he _________________ by the time we
(a) will go
(b) have gone
(c) will have gone
(d) would have gone

[PART 2] 11-20

11. There were many fans in front of celebritys
house _________________ were adolescents.
(a) about three quarters of whom
(b) whom about three quarters of them
(c) about them three quarters of whom
(d) whom about those three quarters

12. Not brushing the teeth after drinking juice may
increase risk of cavity __________ 50%.
(a) by
(b) for
(c) through
(d) between

13. _______________ who do not want to expose their
children in second hand smoking.
(a) Must quit the smokers
(b) Quitting the smokers must
(c) Must is for smokers to quit
(d) Quitting is a must for smokers

14. Rice, _______ may be cooked in various ways is
what Koreans eat most.
(a) that
(b) which
(c) what
(d) for which

15. The new system offers a way into the solar boom,
__________ they seek to contribute to the spread of
clean energy or to reap the potential cost savings.
(a) if
(b) whether
(c) at which
(d) which

16. __________ he cheated on his girlfriend was a
shock to everyone.
(a) Once
(b) That
(c) As
(d) What

17. This is a method _____________ we can now
access customer information on computer.
(a) in what
(b) by what
(c) for which
(d) through which

18. Most people are not accustomed to using
___________, which is quite difficult to understand to
(a) every jargon
(b) each jargon
(c) a jargon
(d) the jargon


19. My friend was sent to a temple __________ there
was no electricity so that she could concentrate on
(a) that
(b) what
(c) which
(d) where

20. This professor is staying in Korean for only today
so his lecture is _______________.
(a) not to be missed
(b) to be not missed
(c) to be missing not
(d) not to be missing

[PART 3 & 4] 22-25

21. (a) A : My boss scolded me for working too hard.
(b) B : Was that why you had a long conversation
with the boss last week? What did he say?
(c) A : He said that if I work too much, he may be
compared with me, so he required me to not do my
(d) B : That is such a nonsense that I have ever
heard in my life.

22. (a)A: Did you start on Mr. Lacs essay
(b)B: No, I even forgot what book we need to read.
(c)A: Well we have to analyze one of the texts by
Edgar Ellen Poe!
(d)B: Now that I know that I looked for, all I need to
do is go to the library!

23. (a)A: Honey, are you coming back from work?
(b)B: Yes. Do you want me to do anything?
(c)A: Would you mind to pick some groceries on
your way?
(d)B: No, not at all. Text me what I should buy.

24. (a) People can easily see flyers saying they can
get free samples of cosmetic products if they clip
the coupon.
(b) A lot of people thanklessly trim the coupon and
go to the department store to get those samples.
(c) However, one should remember that free samples
offering by companies may require personal
(d) It may range from just the name to ones address
and even the phone number.

25. (a) Neither skiing nor snowboarding have suited
my interest (b) Although it is easier to control myself
when I ski, I am afraid of bumping into someone. (c)
I cannot even change the direction when I ride the
board and keep falling. (d) In both cases, I hate
shivering in cold, so I gave up both sports.


[READING _1] [: 1]

Friends matter a lot during adolescence. Unlike most
adults, who often try to improve many of
teenagers behaviors and skills, friends offer easier
and more immediate acceptance and thus ease the
uncertainty and insecurity of the adolescent years.
They also offer reassurance, understanding, advice,
and emotional and social support in stressful
situations. The opportunity to share inner feelings of
disappointment as well as happiness with close
friends enables the adolescent to better deal with her
emotional ups and downs. Furthermore, a capacity
to form close, intimate friendships during
adolescence is related to overall social and
emotional adjustment and competence.

Q. What is the main point of this passage?
(a) The role of friendship during adolescent
(b) The importance of human relationship
(c) The role of social support for children
(d) The effect of friendship on misfits and

[READING _2] [: 1]
There appear to be two basic types of memorizing
information through mental rehearsal: maintenance
and elaborative. Maintenance rehearsal involves
simply repeating an item over and over. This method
can be effective for remembering information for a
short time. If you need to remember something for
hours or months or years, elaborative rehearsal,
which involves thinking about how new material
relates to information already stored in memory, is
far more effective. __________, instead of trying to
remember a new persons name by simply repeating
it to yourself, try thinking about how the name is
related to something you already know.

Q. What is the correct according to the passage?
(a) To illustrate
(b) For this reason
(c) However
(d) In other words


[VOCA] 1-23 [: 7]

[PART 1] 1-12

1. A: Mom where is the pink shirt with a ribbon on it?
B: Its in the left side of your ______________ next to
the bags.

2. A: What would be the ______________ of Seoul?
B: Namsan tower is what people think of when they
hear the word, Seoul.

3. .A: I am so ____________ that I dont pass a day
without spilling anything on my clothes.
B: Dont get too stressed about it.

4. A: Did you eat something in this room? It smells
B: Lets open the window and ___________.
(a)clear out
(b)wind up
(c)free up
(d)air out

5. A: How did your mother know that youre going to
the concert?
B: She _____________ through my drawer to find my
passport and found the ticket.

6. .A: This aloe pack is really _____________.
B: I always apply it whenever my skin feels burned.

7. A: I feel really nervous about driving test tomorrow.
B: Dont ________________. Youll pass easily.
(a)push it
(b)ditch it
(c)blow it
(d)sweat it

8. A: I shouldnt have changed the answer to B.
B: Stop ______________ about what you cant change
and start studying for next exam.


9. A: Even though I didnt get to know her for a long
time, I think Dora sometimes shows behaviors, totally
not understandable.
B: Yeah. She has her ______________.

10. A: I wanted to buy a new camera but it was too
B: Start saving some money from your allowance and
buy it later.

11. A: What happened to the previous coach of that
soccer team?
B: He was caught ______________ scores and
receiving money for it.

12. A: Did you know that penalty points we get in the
dorm are ______________ and dont disappear until
end of the semester?
B: What? Thats so unfair!

[PART 2] 13-23

13. What made democracy in ancient Greece
_______________ was the sacrifice of slaves.

14. ______________ plastic bags were once accused
of polluting the environment and it became an
obligation to pay money for plastic bags.

15. Major _____________ for the ancient remains is to
be carried out in the area where a construction
company had planned to build an apartment.

16. Since Im short of money, I decided to become
_____________ and buy stuffs when its only on


17. In the time of enlightenment, the number of
people who lived their life based on religion
decreased significantly and it became more
______________ society.

18. I was told that _______________ price in traditional
china market is a must and I persisted half the
original price that the seller offered.

19. There is a rumor that a teacher was caught trying
to ______________ one students grades from C to A-.

20. What he said to me when fighting gave me a(n)
____________________ emotional damage so I
decided to break up with him.

21. The society was __________________ by violent
protest against pleading of a top celebrity requesting
law of adultery to be abolished.
(a) ratified
(b) avouched
(c) convulsed
(d) repudiated

22. We can easily see someone __________________
from undereducated person by deceiving them with
fake contracts or wrong information and taking their
money away..

23. ______________ often burst up in minds of some
soldiers who came back from war and it causes
mental trauma.



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