Sims Jonathan 1989 Japan

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CAJ Report
And (he things vou have heard me say in (he presence ufmany witnesses entrusted to reliable
men who will also bequalified to teach others. II Timothy 2:2
January FIRST QUARTER 1989
had previous
I can not reracnibGr being as on the go as I was for Christraas. Because the new
lainiBtry at the "Joel Home" had just been under way for a few months and the people
had Drevious commitments anyway* we did not have a special Christmas meeting here. I
and always seemed to forget something needed for ray part in a program in one place#
because I was thinking about ray part in the programs elsewhere.
Action began full swing with a trip to a hospital for elderly patients to perform some
Christmas Carols# special numbers and a skit. I was one of the designated drivers#
photographer and "gopher." (go for this# that and the others) The dear people were
very grateful for the presentation with a few shedding tears of joy and mouthing the
words of the Carols that they knew. Many of the patients have been deserted by their
own families# left to fare for themselves with other people as lonely and helpless as
themselves. The hospital wasn't going to be left out of it by a congregation coming
to put on a program# so made provision for other "parties" throughout the facility. 1
have no doubt that a Christian group singing Carols had much more lasting impact than
some Buddhist priests dressed up like Santa Claus# passing out things and clowning
Dad was able to borrow a real live sheep for part of a dramatic type event. For all
the details of "the sheep story" you will need to hear from Harold Sims himself of how
it was possible to locate a sheep to borrow for two days and the hilarious scenes
presenting themselves with the creature escaping and getting lost and being found. It
made top story in the "grapevines" of Hachioji# being better than any possible gossip
which could be imagined. The Church members will always remember the event as the
climactic Christmas of the SHOWA*era. (more about "SHOHA" later)
Christmas at Yokosuka saw me taking pictures of the orphanage program. The children
had been practicing a wide selection of songs and skit performed entirely by rote
memory. The program was perforraed at a public meeting hall and saw quite a number of
friends in the audience. Support of the orphanage comes from various groups including
the Navy Chapel. Kensei# Ms Ibe and I have been devoting every other Saturday to
spend time teaching the children Bible and songs of praise. At the Church we
conducted a Can^leHqht Service on ChriBtnas Eve where I enceed and on the Day saw
Kensei preaching for the Horning Worship# with fellowship following. Attendance was
quite a bit better for the 24th than the 25th# but all in all the hours of preparation
made for smoothness and atmosphere appropriate for the occasion.
After a long bout with one of the varieties of internal cancers# emperor Hirohito
died. The reign has been the longest of any emperor in Japanese history# the word
used to designate his reign was 'SHOWA* (glorious peace). Christians were all anxious
that he might die on Christmas Day and all services would have been canceled if the
present government has its way. The Lord kept the man alive into the new calendar
year throwing a lot of fortune tellers a curve. On February 24 great expenses was
made to have an elaborate funeral for the sake of the public. Taxpayers bore the
burden financially# but only a select ten thousand loyal patriots in the upper echelon
of society were allowed to attend the ceremony which the government had declared to be
"Nonreligious** but which was permeated with the sounds and sights of the Shinto
religion. All businesses were closed down for the day# there were no vehicles allowed
on "the loop" (main toll road through central Tokyo) or on the route from downtown to
the grave site of Hachioji. Thirty-two thousand police officers and twenty thousand
guardsmen were activated as well as lines of self-defense force soldiers to prevent
leftist groups from disturbing the proceedings. Thirty cars made the procession
(protected by sixty police motorbikes) from the ceremony site to the grave site. It
was a cold dreary rainy day and manly Japanese shed tears as the reality that their
god had passed from this life was in clear evidence. Mourning will not be fully
complete for at least another year and a half. Then in some hidden shrine next year
the man Akihito# the son of the deceased# will take part in a secret ritual which will
grant him full divinity according to the Japanese Shinto religion. The name for his
era of "reign" is HEISBI (hay say-meaning peace achieved). National Television
broadcasts were focused on the events of the day including the visits of the
dignitaries from countries around the world. Host of the private stations broadcast
reports about the ceremonies# but also aired a few minutes of demonstrations against
the emperor system by a group of Christians in Okinawa and more time of demonstrations
by the communist supported group which always is against everything thereby
gradually losing attention every time they demonstrate. It was interesting to note
that a number of young people weren't concerned about what was taking place. If
anything they were all out of kilter when arriving at movie theaters which were
closed# suddenly at a loss of what to say or do. There are a number of Japanese who
don't consider the emperor as "god" but yet revere the man highly because of what he
represents a sort of "father" image. When the system can be overcome Christianity
will be able to make impact# but until then we can pray and live as our Lord Jesus
Christ would have us.
It will be almost four years since I visited with many of you# so I am planning this
year to see many of you again. I do not have space to include a detailed itinerary
this time# so in my next newsletter will include the information. I hear so much of
trouble all over the U.S. and there is also trouble here# but much doesn't get into
broadcasts reaching the U.S. There is trouble all around us# yet if we set our sights
on spiritual things those troubles will not seem so terrible. The Lord cares for all
of us and provides us with spiritual blessings and times of comfort as well as seasons
of distress. The Lord will carry our burdens if we will just let Him. Thank you all
for your prayers and I have good things to rep>ort about this four years of service. I
look forward to seeing you shortly.
1126 Laurel Avenue
Chesapeake# Virginia 23325
Forwarding Agent for:
P.O. Box 13277
Chesapeake# Virginia 23325
4-17-12 Rokkakubashi
Yokohama-Shi 221 Japan
Non-Prof it Org.
U.S. Postage
Chesapeake# Va.
Permit No. 48
Missions Services Association
Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901
CAJ Report
And Ihe things you have heard me say in the presence ofmany witnesses entrusted to reliable
men who will also be qualified to teach others. U Timothy 2:2
Furlough Preparation
The Lord is blessing the work in Japan even as I travel through the U.S. He is
providing for ministry to be continued in Japan in His special way. Kensei is
preaching and teaching at Yokosuka, and the congregation is active in outreach
and making it their task to see that the outreach to the children at the orphan
age in the city near Yokosuka is being continued. During March a few of the
members went to the orphanage to see the ministry that Kensei, Mrs. Ibe and I
were doingteaching the children Bible lessons and Gospel songs. V/ith people
involved in a project of one kind or another it is certain that the Church in
Japan will grow, even though slowly as at the present. The meetings started at
the Joel Home in Yokohama are not being continued while I am here in the U.S.,
but will be resumed and additional meetings begun when I return to Japan. At
the Joel Home a couple in language study are maintaining the facility. After I
return they will be moving on to another area. Pray that the congregation in
Yokosuka will continue to grow under Kensei's leadership. Pray that the Joel
Home will be an effective outreach to the Japanese with the Gospel of Jesus
Furlough in progress
With my arrival in the U.S. in April came the shock of climate and culture
differences, but what is really bothering me is the prevalence of drug related
crime and the open expression of Satanism. It is sad that the entire globe is
being infected with evil with people in Japan and third world countries looking
at TV and imitating the behaviour seen there. It seems that the Church of Jesus
Christ is not having much of an impact on society as I think it should. I am
encouraged however, when I see Christians who are continuing to Worship and pray
with concern for the multitudes of people who need the Gospel. I appreciate
highly the warm hospitality that is being shown me as I travel throughout the
States. I thank the people who have kept me in their homes and those who have
been very gracious through providing meals. Conversation about various topics
has been interesting and informative. Thank you all for your concern for me and
your prayers.
Two of the most strenuous, yet most rewarding weeks was experienced as I took
responsibility as an "intern" at "Sunshine Camp" at Camp Rudolph, Yale Virginia.
I was given the task of caring for several handicapped people each week. There
were a number of "interns" at camp, the majority having experience with this type
of camp, but the seventy-three campers of the first week and almost fifty of the
second week kept us on our toes all of the time. The energy expended was more than
adequately compensated for by the lessons learned in human relationships and by
the grigititMde exprejsfd by the Cflfnpers for our time spent with them, it was an
1npifat1dn te see hew everyone at camp treated each other as If they were part
of one big happy family and freely showing love to each other. I can not help
but respect those who devote their time and energy in working with these lovely
people. It demands great effort, but the return*; are far greater.
Furlough Itinerary
April 17 Tokyo to Portland, Oregon
17-24 visit with Summers family, Lebanon, OR
23 Southside Church of Christ, Lebanon
24-1 visit with Smith family. West DesMoines,.Iowa
30 Christ's Church, DesMoines
May 1 DesMoines to Norfolk, Virginia visiting Myrtle Dozier
7 Laurel Avenue Church of Christ, Chesapeake, VA
10 Fairview Church of Christ
14 Colonial Place Church of Christ
Portsmouth Christian Church
16 Tuesday AM Bible Study, Northside
17 Northside Church of Christ
21 Bethany Christian Church, Bumpass, VA
22-26 Sunshine Camp, first week
25 Denbigh Christian Church _
29-2 Sunshine Camp, second week
June 2,3 Cavalier Men's Retreat
4 Old Ford Church of Christ, Washington, N.C.
11 First Christian Church, Big Run, PA
12-16 V.B.S. First Christian
18 Warwood Christian Church, Wheeling, W.VA.
19-23 V.B.S, First Christian, Turtle Creek,PA
25 Bryn Mawr Church of Christ, McKeesport
July 2 First Christian Church, Turtle Creek
2-8 Camp Christian
9 Norwin Christian Church
16 Plymouth Church of Christ, Plymouth, N.C.
18- : Sims family
23 Kenwood Church of Christ, Livonia, MI
30 Markle Church of Christ, Markle, IN
August 2 First Christian Church, Frederick, MD
8 Creswell Church of Christ,Bel Air, MD
to Lebanon, Oregon
Oncp aaain I want to thank those who have been so hospitable to me. 1 look forward
manrSthe?s ari continue in my travels. The lord has been very gracious
to me p!!^vilMni~sTfety du yo" for your prayers-^nd
enthusiasm in The Lord's Work.
1126 Laurel Avenue parn
Chesapeake. Virginia 23325 Chesapeake, Va.
Forwarding Agent for:
P.O. Box 13277 Misciinn o
Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 : Bar2427 Association
FIELD ADDRESS fno,, vin e, TN 3790.1
4-17-12 Rokkakubashi
Yokoharaa-Shi 221 Japan
CAJ Report
And the things you have heard me say in the presence ofmany witnesses entrusted to reliable
men who will also be qualified to teach others. II Timothy 2:2
With almost every weekend filled with a speaking appointment or two, four months
seemed to speed by at a remarkably rapid pace. Three weeks of camp, two weeks of
D.V.B.S. and three weeks of visiting family made for some fatigue. One of the members
of my living link congregation in Chesapeake, Virginia provided an AMC Matador for my
use during my furlough. In three months, six thousand miles or so was driven without
accident because The Lord was keeping me safe in answer to prayer. There were days
between the various activities when I did not feel guilty at all about acting like a
couch potato.
Sunshine camp stood out as a highlight in learning how to minister to people. I was
taught more about basic human relationships than I imagined possible in two weeks. It
is amazing what can be learned about acceptance of one another from people classified
as "handicapped," but yet having warmth and happiness so lacking in people who
consider themselves "normal." It is an inspiration to have to rethink a lot of
foundational attitudes we have toward each other.
Another highlight of the "furlough" was a reunion of the Sims family after at least
eighteen years of being scattered about the globe. We were together for Worship at
Markle Church of Christ in Indiana on July 30. Actually we have been very close
through letters or telephone calls, but not at the same place at the same time for
quite a while. During this trip I saw two nieces and a nephew for the first time and
it has been four years since I have seen most of the others. Separation from family
is one of the sacrifices of missionary life, although when we are all in Christ the
burden is not much at all.
My travels in the U.S. began with a stop in Oregon for a week to meet a special person
I had been writing to for a year and several months. It is difficult to develop any
sort of friendship from a distance and my wishes were not to be met. Her heart was
set on another during my trek in the Eastern U.S. At the end of a wonderful,
uplifting week back in Oregon at the Week of Missions at Winema Christian Camp she
arrived wearing his engagement ring. She will remain a friend and sister in Christ,
but I can only pray God's blessing on her and her decision. As for me, I must set my
heart to the work for which I am being sent-to introduce Japanese people to my Lord
Jesus Christ.
I want to express my gratitude to the many brothers and sisters in Christ who have
been so very hospitable to me during the four month visit to the U.S. I enjoyed tasty
American food, becoming spoiled somwhat by all the good home cooking as well as the
generous portions served even in restaurants. Living out of a suitcase gets to be
tiring, but even so I appreciated all of the efforts to make me feel at home wherever
I went. An absence of four years saw some changes with faces I did not see because of
moves to different cities and few faces I need to remember together with names. It is
always good to be reminded of those who are praying for me and for the proclamation of
the Gospel here in Japan. I am encouraged. Also I am motivated to pray for
Christians in the U.S. as the front lines of the Gospel seem to be at every front door
no matter where one lives.
September will see activity resumed here at the "Joel Home" with Saturday meetings
for people without any background in Christianity, English Bible classes and plans are
being made for Sunday morning Worship Services in October. There is a lot of footwork
to be done as well as renewed study for preaching and teaching in Japanese. Pray that
seeds can be sown and contacts made in reaching out with the Gospel of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ.
1126 Laurel Avenue
Chesapeake, Virginia 23325
Forwarding Agent for:
P.O. Box 13277
Chesapeake, Virginia 23325
4-17-12 Rokkakubashi
Yokohama-Shi 221 Japan
Non-profit Org,
U.S. Postage
Chesapeake, Va,
Permit No. 48
Box'2427 Association
Knoxville, TN 37901
CAJ Report
And the things you have heard me say in the presence ofmany witnessesentrusted to reliable
men who willalso be qualified to teach others. II Timothy2:2
The first meetings to be resumed at the "Joel Home" were Sat. evening services for
introducing people to Jesus Christ and His Gospel. However, because of inadequate
publicity no one came. Prayer, gathering of ideas into some sort of order and
consultation with Mr. "Joel" Oka the owner of this evangelistic outpost saw a plan
take shape for a new beginning of services. There were a' good number of color
brochures about the "Joel Home" which Mr. Oka had provided, but black and white flyers
were needed for distribution throughout the neighborhood. Three thousand to announce
the start of an English Bible Class and the same number to announce the start of
several different meetings were printed. I chose an area reaching one half mile
North, East, South and one mile West in which I planned to insert one flyer and a
color brochure in every mailbox. I could have had the flyers and brochures inserted
in newspapers, but most people simply throw away the piles of accumulated
advertisements in the newspapers without even taking a good look at them. Mailboxes
are now the target of advertisement campaigns with major store chains inserting flyers
in targeted areas. In some apartment complexes there is a tight guard to keep
salesmen and flyer distributors from door to door insertions in mail slots. There are
mailboxes near the entrance of the apartment buildings which constantly are filled
with publicity of various kinds in addition to junk and good mail. It gives one a
sinking feeling to see large garbage cans strategically placed near the mailboxes into
which junk mail and advertisements can be conveniently disposed of. At one apartment
building a lady was just about to toss a "Joel Home" brochure behind my back (I could
see her out of the corner of my eye while inserting the flyers in rows of mailboxes)
when I turned around and in a friendly way greeted her. She just about dropped all of
her mail to hear a "foreigner" speaking to her fluently in Japanese. She didn't say
anything clearly, but gathered her wits and whatever mail was scattered all over the
place in hqr astonishment and took it into the guarded halls to dispose of her junk
mail in the privacy of her own apartment, after forcing a smile in return to my
greeting. In the area I aimed to saturate, five thousand, three hundred flyers were
distributed by myself during slightly more than six full eight hour days of walking
and inserting flyers in mailboxes. Whenever possible I greeted the people while doing
my outreach. There has been a lot of negative response spurred on by the Mormons and
those obnoxious Jehovah Witnesses, not to mention efforts by zealous Buddhist sects to
discourage Japanese from developing an interest in that "alien religion practiced by
foreigners." One lady was very vociferous in her opposition to my efforts and there
were a lot of icy hostile stares, but there were also people who were rather friendly
and returned my greetings with some additional conversation as well. The vast
majority of Japanese are not interested in "religion" although there are more and more
discovering the emptiness of reliance on materialism. The Lord is doing work on the
hearts of people. Through His strength I have been able to keep on, knowing that He
that is within me is greater than the forces of this world which are constantly
making their evil presence seem more powerful than the real victory we already have
in Jesus Christ.
In addition to our missionary prayer meetings (one which was held right here at the
Joel Home), preacher meetings and an occasional camp meeting, there came an
opportunity to participate in a band concert performed at my high school alma mater
"Christian Academy in Japan." I have been doing a little practice on my clarinet
irregularly during the past four years. When the invitation for alumni and community
people to participate along with the high school band, I jumped at the opportunity and
signed up for the part of first clarinet. One week prior to the concert the music
arrived, which tested my ability to the fullest. It was wonderful to take part, even
though I was pushed to play faster and higher than I am used to. Playing in various
ensemble groupings can be a very good way for talented Japanese and Americans to
fellowship. There are a surprising large number of Japanese Christian young people
who can play some musical instrument. It can be a good opportunity for building
friendships and closeness.
When flyers are distributed throughout a typical community, it has been normal for one
response to be had per ten thousand. It shows that something special is happening when
the response is much higher. A Saturday evening English Bible Class began on November
third. Five people are coming regularly to ask questions which force me to stay alert
not only in Japanese but in proper English. They don't mind using Bible as the main
text, because I charge almost nothing for teaching Bible and I am confident that there
will be seeds sown simply through the study of various passages. One person is coming,
to a Bible study in Japanese. She is a Christian from a denominational Church and
simply wants to get deeper into the Word and the Joel Home is near her house, so is
convenient for her to come. The first Worship Service on Sunday AM November 26 saw
Mr. Oka bringing family and friends, plus five people coming out of curiosity in
response to distributed flyers. Decker 3 saw only one come in addition to Mr. and
Mrs. Oka. Mr, "Joel" Oka and I will be taking turns preaching and presiding at the
-Services. -Pray that the-work here can see full potential realized, with The Lord
providing strength for His commission to be carried out. Thank The Lord for what He
has provided and what stupendous blessings He will soon be showering upon His faithful
people. Thank The Lord for Mr. Oka, who has donated the "Joel Home" to The Lord for
His sake. Pray for multitudes of dear people here in Japan who so desperately need
the Gospel, but have their attention elsevirfiere. Pray that I can be an effective
servant of The Lord Jesus Christ in all of my life and ministry opportunities.
May you all have a glorious Christmas season,
support of the work here in Japan.
Thank you all for your prayers
1126 Laurel Avenue
Chesapeake, Virginia 23325
Forwarding Agent for:
P.O. Box 13277
Chesapeake, Virginia 23325
4-17-12 Rokkakubashi
Yokohama-Shi 221 Japan
Non-profit Org,
U.S. Postage
Chesapeake, Va
Permit No. 48
Missions Services Association
Bay. 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901

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