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Bucks lockout beaten
Escalate action to win
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hIS Week Weve embarked
on the most sustained period
of action so far in our dispute
with limited strikes planned every
day up to 21 July.
The FBU leadership were right to
call more action.
We have sought a negotiated
settlement for years but instead of
being treated reasonably Brandon
Lewis and his Tory mates have
continued their attacks on our
Thats why the union needed to
escalate the dispute.
But we have to remember it took
pressure from below to get the
escalation to happen.
The Tories responded to the
massive strikes on 10 July by
threatening more anti-union laws.
Weve also seen sections of the
national employers trying to escalate
the attack on the FBU as well.
Disgracefully, Hertfordshire Fire
and Rescue have sacked frefghter
Ashley Brown for simply discussing
industrial action on social media.
In Buckinghamshire, the chief fre
offcer planned to lock out frefghters
for the whole eight days in an attempt
to brake our members resolve and
weaken the union nationally.
But now hes backed off.
This is a big result for us.
The climb down is in the face of
growing solidarity for Bucks FBU
and a growing argument that national
strikes should be stepped up if the
lockout continued.
In the face of eight days of strikes
fre authorities are feeling the
pressure. Sustained, extended strikes
are the way to win.
Its also good that the employers
and the government know that we
will not allow FBU members to be
picked off and that were prepared to
respond blow for blow.
Despite the bluster coming from
Brandon Lewis it is clear that our
action is having an effect.
Though it is a derisory offer that
has already been rejected, it should
be noted that following the 10 July
strike the government put the 19 June
offer of last year back on the table.
We also know that several fre
authorities are starting to feel the
fnancial pressure of having to run
scabbing operation.
We should not let up on them now,
we should keep up the momentum.
We should all support the campaign
building around the call to reinstate
Ashley Brown.
But we should also learn the
lessons of the last few days.
Where we stand together we can
We need to step up the action and
as quickly as possible name more
strikes and of a longer duration to
follow the present round.
Sign the petition for Ashley
Browns reinstatement: https://
Reinstate Ashley Brown lobby

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