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Teacher's Resource Book

Word formation: nouns and adjectives

Word formation: nouns and adjectives 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words from the box.
We can make adjectives from nouns with the
suffixes -ous, -ic and -al.
fame > famous, ambition > ambitious mystery artist practice
photography > photographic, drama > dramatic adventure nerve grammar
music > musical, maths > mathematical
The actor felt nervous before he went on
Be careful! Sometimes the spelling changes stage. It was his first performance.
when you add a suffix. If necessary, use a
dictionary to help you find the correct spelling. 1 Sarah is very ……………… . Last weekend
she went bungee jumping with some friends.
1 Write the related adjectives. 2 I always find that ……………… mistakes are
1 logic ……………… very difficult to correct.
2 fury ……………… 3 Mark is very ……………… . He can sing,
3 person ……………… dance and play a musical instrument.
4 apology ………………
4 You need a lot of ……………… experience
5 rebel ………………
if you want to be a primary school teacher.
6 technology ………………
7 optimism ……………… 5 Karen looked out of the window and saw a
8 caution ……………… ……………… green light in the sky.
9 nation ………………
10 advantage ……………… 4 Complete the texts with the correct form of
11 theory ……………… the words.
12 pessimism ………………

2 Complete the sentences with the correct A 1……………… (drama) rescue took place
off the coast of Cornwall yesterday.
form of the words.
Coastguards received an SOS signal from
Jackie is very ambitious. She wants to be a a yacht which was in difficulty in
actress. (ambition) ……………… (mountain) eight-metre-high
waves. 3……………… (courage) air and sea
1 The holiday was ……………… . There was
rescue services saved the captain and two
nothing to do and it rained all the time.
crew members.
2 Brenda was very ……………… when she
heard that I’d split up with Pete. (sympathy) Last night a woman was robbed and
3 You have to be fit and extremely attacked in Hyde Park in London. The police
……………… to take part in this sport. say the thief is extremely 4………………
(energy) (danger). They are looking for witnesses
who noticed anything 5………………
4 The ……………… party promised to cut (suspicion) at Hyde Park Corner last night.
taxation when it was elected. (politics)

According to a experts, global warming is

having a 6……………… (critic) effect on the
environment. Recent 7……………… (climate)
changes have had dramatic results, and
have caused 8……………… (nature)
disasters in Latin America and Asia.

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